bob-plays-games · 19 days
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Posting for the first time in forever just to show off a family from a hood I haven't even played yet lmao
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bob-plays-games · 2 months
New Pleasantview
It's finally here!!
(forgot the graphic shhh)
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Avatar creation credit: @microscotch
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...well at least part of it. Let me explain...I had a dream that I could create scripted events easily, sadly as it is with anything, it's not always easy. I am rolling out the Empty version of New Pleasantview so you can add whoever you want and do whatever you want with it. The thumbnail picture for this one was taken by @plumbtales .
Speaking of Plumbtales, I want to give my sincerest thanks to Plumbtales for not only helping me with the lots for this big project, but for the support, kind words, teaching me new things, making the hood safe for download, handling the tedious task of taking charge of the language files and for just being an overall a great person to work with. I just want to put that out there because thanks are just not enough. I could not have done this by myself so thank you for being part of this with me.
Here is New Pleasantview!!
Download [SFS]
Alternate [Simblr.CC]
Then there is the N001 version which it is the same hood and buildings, but with all the original characters that came with the game. I used @meetmetotheriver clean Pleasantview with townies. I used @microscotch Pleasantview Image as the thumbnail. After tweaking the neighborhood with SimPE and Mootilda Hood Replace, as well as a few mods that keep other characters from generating. (Thank you PT!) I was able to maintain the character's integrity and internal stories. They are all in the families bin in addition to their deceased (tombstones) being in the inventories of the living members. With this also came some sacrifices. The only thing I could not save were the scripted events because the properties no longer exist.
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Lastly, I have also created a little realty catalog of all the properties in Oldtown. some have cute back stories and others you can put 2 and 2 together to determine where everyone in the families bin belongs.
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This is only part 1. I plan to come back with a part 2 that will live the dream I am hoping to come to fruition where some characters from the past will be back and scripted events will make a comeback as well. I just need more time for that. I thought in the mean while I would give you guys this. This also helps me so if any of you notice anything amiss, you can let me know and I can fix it.
Credit for the SC4 Terrain goes to @philosimy for their version of TS2 Old Town. Please check out their Tumblr for other cool stuff.
Also, if you want the cool bridges that are supposed to appear in the game you can find the links in @philosimy 's Post. Here is a picture of the files needed.
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And now, without further a due here are the links :) Please enjoy, share some pictures and gameplay. I will be back with part 2 soon. Thank you all!!
Download [SFS] - N001
Download [SFS] - MLS Listing
Alternate [Simblr.CC]
Alternate [Simblr.CC]
Just so you know the version of The Sims 2 that was used to create this neighborhood build was The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection.
And last but not least please make sure that you back up your stuff before you put anything that anyone has created (including me) into your folders.
***Please note: there is a known issues that tends to happen with apartment lots when you move in a sim, the entire lot appears to sink, don't panic. Return to the neighborhood and pick up and immediately place down again the lot. Do not move it to the lots bin. This should fix the issue. This is a well-known bug dealing with apartment lots built on not entirely flat lots. This is a snippet provided from one of Phaenoh's uploads on MTS. Thank you PD for answering my previous post.
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bob-plays-games · 3 months
oh fuck this is a really good hill i gotta die on this
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bob-plays-games · 3 months
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Recently @kayleigh-83​ shared her functional sleeping bag cloned from the original by Raynuss and reminded me this thing existed. I considered cloning another one but eventualy I decided to edit the original mesh. I made it look more like what it actually is: a sleeping pad or beach matress. 
My recolours are also compatible with the old version.
RDN’s Functional Sleeping Bag
Edit & Recolours
Download: Box | or SFS
Update 08.03.24: ACR-compatible mesh edit is now available, you can download it HERE (SFS) - just the mesh
Polycount: 1120. File name has been edited. Animation is exactly the same as when Sims collapse and fall asleep on the floor. Some clipping will occur.
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Credit for making it ACR-compatible goes to @episims​  who instructed me how to do it. Turns out removing the last (5) line in BHAV ‘Function - init’ does the trick. Sims will not use the edited sleeping bag autonomously tho.
* This is for The Sims 2
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bob-plays-games · 3 months
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New Crow Time 🐦‍⬛🦊🌟
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bob-plays-games · 3 months
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My polygamist household got a little out of control. Because I have the trips and quads mod, this man has 15 kids (his oldest lives with his first wife somewhere else) and 2 wives. His 3rd wife died after her last kids were born RIP
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bob-plays-games · 3 months
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i tried to adopt a baby and i got THIS
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bob-plays-games · 3 months
4T2 Functional Treehouse!
Sul Sul!
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Not the biggest set for you, but some of the hardest work! Thank you @lamare-sims for sorting out the routing and clipping issues (twice because I broke the first one trying to do it myself)
Thanks to @tvickiesims who made this tree seasonal! - not sure if its seasonal in TS4, it wasn't when it first came out!
How to assemble pictures after the cut and included in the download file!
The set includes;
1 seasonal tree
1 tree house
1 new ladder - thank you marvine for having the initial ladder for me to clone!
5 different decorations, 1 empty!
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bob-plays-games · 7 months
wheres seasons greasons
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bob-plays-games · 1 year
And Now for Something Completely Different…
After coming back into contact with Stas, Sunni's widower, the plans for the Keep have changed. Disregard most of what was posted above.
We WILL be remaining open for the foreseeable future, accepting both new members and new content. The site will remain a historical- and fantasy-focused Sims 2 forum.
Going forward, the Keep will be managed by a "Regency Council" instead of just one Regent. This will consist of PBK moderators CelestialSpider, Davina Ojeda, and rugrat0ne, as well as Discord moderators Fire_flower and Sonikku3.
Fractured Moonlight will be stepping back into something of a "silent partner" role so she can focus on creating. We thank her for her years of service running the Keep all by herself, especially out of the blue. We know it was not easy.
We are already establishing better lines of communication with Stas in hopes of avoiding the annual early March panic, and reminders have been set for February fundraising.
There will be annual fundraisers on GoFundMe or similar sites to offset the cost, and to provide more transparency than we've been able to provide in the past.
Meanwhile, archiving efforts will continue until the site is fully backed up, as a failsafe. We will also periodically archive new content in the future.
Many, many thanks to those who pitched in on the archiving project, to those who donated, in this year and previous ones, and to everyone who supported and continues to support Plumb Bob Keep.
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bob-plays-games · 2 years
actually never mind it was covid :)))
and there's an outbreak at work so i get to keep working i guess
guess who’s sick for the first time since lockdown started 🙄
weird since working in healthcare around a bunch of *redacted* positive patients you think I’d catch it again at some point? but I’m pretty sure this is just a dumb cold
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bob-plays-games · 2 years
guess who’s sick for the first time since lockdown started 🙄
weird since working in healthcare around a bunch of *redacted* positive patients you think I'd catch it again at some point? but I'm pretty sure this is just a dumb cold
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bob-plays-games · 2 years
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🎃🎃 They're creepy and they're kooky Mysterious and spooky 🎃🎃
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bob-plays-games · 2 years
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Wanna test something?
I was thinking, how cool it would be if we could move ANY object up and down and decorate without OMSPs, like in the Sims 4?
Try it. [Test] Shiftable Everything
⚠ Requires Apartment Life
Adjust height with [ and ] keys, add to it some moveObjects on and snapObjectsToGrid false -- and go crazy.
The caveat is that it applies to newly bought objects. Objects that were placed before this mod was installed will remain the way they were.
Most shifted objects even remain usable :)
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bob-plays-games · 2 years
My dick fell off
that's too bad, have you tried hoodchecker?
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bob-plays-games · 2 years
“you support gay rights so you must be gay”
i support animal rights do i look like a fucking alpaca to you
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bob-plays-games · 2 years
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This statue is missing from my game?? Like its still in the Goth house so it exists somehow but it’s not in the catalogue and cloning it brings up a stair railing from build mode. It still has custom recolors and can be recolored but it shows up as thumbnails of the railing 😂
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