bobette-virtual-pets · 4 months
Newspapers: YS: たいへん!ごっちだいおうのたまごがわれそうだってわれるとなにかおきるっていわれてるけどなにかおきるのかな〜
Ciao: たまごっちせりのおやにあいにいくと、おやからしおくりがもらえるんだって!おやにかんしゃしようね! SC: きんきゅうニュース!きのうのよるにどろぼうがはいて,300Gとられちゃったよ〜!これからはとじまりにちゅういだね! Letters: YS: たまごっちスクースからのてがみだよ〜!!テストけっかが、100てんだったんだって!さすが〜!
Ciao: きみのしごとさきからたまてがみだよ〜!みんなとケンカをしないで、かよくできるようになかよしかいをひらくんだって!かいひ200Gはらったよ。
SC: Same as YS
Entama newspaper/letter log
Just a self indulgent thing. I've been writing the down in a physical vpet log I have for a while now, but thought I'd leave them here as well bcos why not :)
Newspaper, Yellow Sweater: きょうのたまごっちせいのてんきは,あめだって. かさがひつようだね!
Newspaper, Ciao: きょうは、ごっちだいおうがおしのびでおでかけしてるんだって. もしかすると、ちきゅうにきてるかもよ!
Newspaper, Silver Chocolate: たまごっちせいでは,めずらしいアイテムをにゅうしゅしたり、りょこうすることができるんだって! Letter, Yellow Sweater: いつもがんばっているきみにごほうびです,だって!500Gプラスされたよ!やったね!
(Ciao got the same)
Letter, Silver Chocolate: ごっちだいおうが,さいきんのきみは,あんまりべんきょっをがんばってないってかなしんでいるんだって!もうちょっと,がんばろうね! (how rude of gotchi king to say that to my tama >:( his intellect is at 226!)
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bobette-virtual-pets · 4 months
Entama newspaper/letter log
Just a self indulgent thing. I've been writing the down in a physical vpet log I have for a while now, but thought I'd leave them here as well bcos why not :)
Newspaper, Yellow Sweater: きょうのたまごっちせいのてんきは,あめだって. かさがひつようだね!
Newspaper, Ciao: きょうは、ごっちだいおうがおしのびでおでかけしてるんだって. もしかすると、ちきゅうにきてるかもよ!
Newspaper, Silver Chocolate: たまごっちせいでは,めずらしいアイテムをにゅうしゅしたり、りょこうすることができるんだって! Letter, Yellow Sweater: いつもがんばっているきみにごほうびです,だって!500Gプラスされたよ!やったね!
(Ciao got the same)
Letter, Silver Chocolate: ごっちだいおうが,さいきんのきみは,あんまりべんきょっをがんばってないってかなしんでいるんだって!もうちょっと,がんばろうね! (how rude of gotchi king to say that to my tama >:( his intellect is at 226!)
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bobette-virtual-pets · 9 months
Man its kind of a pain trying to organise this stuff on tumblr lol. Im working on the other stages depletion rates + for keitai as well, but if im not bothered to update on tumblr too you can just find it all at
Idk its just easier and less stressful to use blogs for me lol. Social media stresses me out :,))
Tamagotchi akai hunger/happiness depletion rates (Adult+ stage)
All info taken from https://web.archive.org/web/20050809235817/http://tamago.cool.ne.jp/tamagotch/sannrannki_red.html, I merely organised it into english here for convenience.
Ribotchi- Hunger -1 every 80 minutes, Happy -1 every 100 minutes
Mametchi- Hunger -1 every 80 minutes, Happy -1 every 100 minutes
Memetchi- Hunger -1 every 75 minutes, Happy -1 every 90 minutes
Kuchipatchi- Hunger -1 every 75 minutes, Happy -1 every 90 minutes
Debatchi- Hunger -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 75 minutes
Tengutchi- Hunger -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 75 minutes
Gozarutchi- Hungry -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 50 minutes
Kurokotchi- Hungry -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 50 minutes
Wooltchi- Hungry -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 50 minutes
Oyajitchi- Hungry -1 every 75 minutes, Happy -1 every 45 minutes
Paparatchi- Hungry -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 45 minutes
Ojitchi- Hungry -1 every 80 minutes, Happy -1 every 110 minutes. Dies after 5 cms
Otokitchi- Hungry -1 every 80 minutes, Happy -1 every 100 minutes. Dies after 5 cms
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bobette-virtual-pets · 9 months
Tamagotchi akai hunger/happiness depletion rates (Adult+ stage)
All info taken from https://web.archive.org/web/20050809235817/http://tamago.cool.ne.jp/tamagotch/sannrannki_red.html, I merely organised it into english here for convenience.
Ribotchi- Hunger -1 every 80 minutes, Happy -1 every 100 minutes
Mametchi- Hunger -1 every 80 minutes, Happy -1 every 100 minutes
Memetchi- Hunger -1 every 75 minutes, Happy -1 every 90 minutes
Kuchipatchi- Hunger -1 every 75 minutes, Happy -1 every 90 minutes
Debatchi- Hunger -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 75 minutes
Tengutchi- Hunger -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 75 minutes
Gozarutchi- Hungry -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 50 minutes
Kurokotchi- Hungry -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 50 minutes
Wooltchi- Hungry -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 50 minutes
Oyajitchi- Hungry -1 every 75 minutes, Happy -1 every 45 minutes
Paparatchi- Hungry -1 every 60 minutes, Happy -1 every 45 minutes
Ojitchi- Hungry -1 every 80 minutes, Happy -1 every 110 minutes. Dies after 5 cms
Otokitchi- Hungry -1 every 80 minutes, Happy -1 every 100 minutes. Dies after 5 cms
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bobette-virtual-pets · 9 months
I also found the history behind the limited distribution grape pink akai that no one seemed to know where it came from or why it was limited- turns out it was only sold at e-COMPASS(?) according to this exchange:
Tamagotchi akai parent money codes
Found the akai codes- afaik no one really had this documented on the eng side so im leaving it here
Characters mentioned refer to the parent (eg, ribotchi means your parent was ribotchi)
Just copied and pasted from the site with minor fixes to character names
Ribotchi Part 1 1st time: 2310132237 2nd time: 0811387251 3rd time: 3173170732 Part 2 1st time: 5430173915 2nd time: 8310237037 3rd time: 3173170732 Part 3 1st time: 7530171217 2nd time: 8430270813 3rd time: 4771033357 Part 4 1st time: 3103100716 2nd time: 0811387251 3rd time: 6530370015 Part 5 1st time: 7530173518 2nd time: 0811387251 3rd time: 3173170732
Mametchi Part 1 1st time: 2670039135 2nd time: 0840927220 3rd time: 3049010737 Part 2 1st time: 6490173404 2nd time: 6300238897 3rd time: 6300328897 Part 3 1st time: 3590173800 2nd time: 0840927220 3rd time: 3049010737 Part 4 1st time: 0872967120 2nd time: 6300238897 3rd time: 6300328897
Memetchi Part 1 1st time: 0771025196 2nd time: 3210216557 3rd time: 4671035378 Part 2 1st time: 5310114157 2nd time: 3210216557 3rd time: 4671035378 Part 3 1st time: 4671015161 2nd time: 8550270517 3rd time: 3771015336 Part 4 1st time: 3105170715 2nd time: 0310235457 3rd time: 0025170735
Kuchipatchi Part 1 1st time: 5400171011 2nd time: 2080110721 3rd time: 5310329807 Part 2 1st time: 3210113807 2nd time: 3400272718 3rd time: 5310329807 Part 3 1st time: 3500173111 2nd time: 2080110721 3rd time: 0110180731
Debatchi Part 1 1st time: 6310100117 2nd time: 2210208317 3rd time: 1671021365 Part 2 1st time: 1141120718 2nd time: 5210214517 3rd time: 3011170733 Part 3 1st time: 5671021196 2nd time: 0410270015 3rd time: 0181140735
Tengutchi Part 1 1st time: 3310121047 2nd time: 0841447271 3rd time: 1671004308 Part 2 1st time: 0821417171 2nd time: 6771014257 3rd time: 2440372815 Part 3 1st time: 3184170712 2nd time: 6771014257 3rd time: 2671004330
Gozarutchi Part 1 1st time: 0310125387 2nd time: 2671028235 3rd time: 0310318587 Part 2 1st time: 2088140711 2nd time: 0078140729 3rd time: 1008130733 Part 3 1st time: 6580173615 2nd time: 1771028202 3rd time: 3671018323
Kurokotchi Part 1 1st time: 0142180714 2nd time: 7310233827 3rd time: 2210319127 Part 2 1st time: 0831297161 2nd time: 0002120724 3rd time: 7420373417 Part 3 1st time: 2162140714 2nd time: 2520272615 3rd time: 1210306027
Wooltchi Part 1 1st time: 3771037190 2nd time: 0117120721 3rd time: 0842757331 Part 2 1st time: 2167150710 2nd time: 5470273112 3rd time: 5671037320
Oyajitchi Part 1 1st time: 1009120711 2nd time: 2079140722 3rd time: 6771019328 Part 2 1st time: 3019170719 2nd time: 1210238397 3rd time: 4671019365
Paparatchi Part 1 1st time: 2671016195 2nd time: 1156140727 3rd time: 2086100737 Part 2 1st time: 7460171811 2nd time: 8210202667 3rd time: 4671036377 Part 3 1st time: 0840697121 2nd time: 2076110726 3rd time: 3210322867
Ojitchi Part 1 1st time: 3672010155 2nd time: 2672020210 3rd time: 0500371123 Part 2 1st time: 0672030190 2nd time: 2030240720 3rd time: 1160250735
Otokitchi Part 1 1st time: 0813137102 2nd time: 2011210726 3rd time: 5410373328 Part 2 1st time: 5672021117 2nd time: 0001280720 3rd time: 3410373926
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bobette-virtual-pets · 9 months
Tamagotchi akai parent money codes
ALE HAS ALREADY COMPILED THEM !! i had no idea. Do check out their site, its much neater and more organised: https://curlour.neocities.org/en/tmgc/ktama/listapw#Parent
Found the akai codes- afaik no one really had this documented on the eng side so im leaving it here
Characters mentioned refer to the parent (eg, ribotchi means your parent was ribotchi)
Just copied and pasted from the site with minor fixes to character names
Ribotchi Part 1 1st time: 2310132237 2nd time: 0811387251 3rd time: 3173170732 Part 2 1st time: 5430173915 2nd time: 8310237037 3rd time: 3173170732 Part 3 1st time: 7530171217 2nd time: 8430270813 3rd time: 4771033357 Part 4 1st time: 3103100716 2nd time: 0811387251 3rd time: 6530370015 Part 5 1st time: 7530173518 2nd time: 0811387251 3rd time: 3173170732
Mametchi Part 1 1st time: 2670039135 2nd time: 0840927220 3rd time: 3049010737 Part 2 1st time: 6490173404 2nd time: 6300238897 3rd time: 6300328897 Part 3 1st time: 3590173800 2nd time: 0840927220 3rd time: 3049010737 Part 4 1st time: 0872967120 2nd time: 6300238897 3rd time: 6300328897
Memetchi Part 1 1st time: 0771025196 2nd time: 3210216557 3rd time: 4671035378 Part 2 1st time: 5310114157 2nd time: 3210216557 3rd time: 4671035378 Part 3 1st time: 4671015161 2nd time: 8550270517 3rd time: 3771015336 Part 4 1st time: 3105170715 2nd time: 0310235457 3rd time: 0025170735
Kuchipatchi Part 1 1st time: 5400171011 2nd time: 2080110721 3rd time: 5310329807 Part 2 1st time: 3210113807 2nd time: 3400272718 3rd time: 5310329807 Part 3 1st time: 3500173111 2nd time: 2080110721 3rd time: 0110180731
Debatchi Part 1 1st time: 6310100117 2nd time: 2210208317 3rd time: 1671021365 Part 2 1st time: 1141120718 2nd time: 5210214517 3rd time: 3011170733 Part 3 1st time: 5671021196 2nd time: 0410270015 3rd time: 0181140735
Tengutchi Part 1 1st time: 3310121047 2nd time: 0841447271 3rd time: 1671004308 Part 2 1st time: 0821417171 2nd time: 6771014257 3rd time: 2440372815 Part 3 1st time: 3184170712 2nd time: 6771014257 3rd time: 2671004330
Gozarutchi Part 1 1st time: 0310125387 2nd time: 2671028235 3rd time: 0310318587 Part 2 1st time: 2088140711 2nd time: 0078140729 3rd time: 1008130733 Part 3 1st time: 6580173615 2nd time: 1771028202 3rd time: 3671018323
Kurokotchi Part 1 1st time: 0142180714 2nd time: 7310233827 3rd time: 2210319127 Part 2 1st time: 0831297161 2nd time: 0002120724 3rd time: 7420373417 Part 3 1st time: 2162140714 2nd time: 2520272615 3rd time: 1210306027
Wooltchi Part 1 1st time: 3771037190 2nd time: 0117120721 3rd time: 0842757331 Part 2 1st time: 2167150710 2nd time: 5470273112 3rd time: 5671037320
Oyajitchi Part 1 1st time: 1009120711 2nd time: 2079140722 3rd time: 6771019328 Part 2 1st time: 3019170719 2nd time: 1210238397 3rd time: 4671019365
Paparatchi Part 1 1st time: 2671016195 2nd time: 1156140727 3rd time: 2086100737 Part 2 1st time: 7460171811 2nd time: 8210202667 3rd time: 4671036377 Part 3 1st time: 0840697121 2nd time: 2076110726 3rd time: 3210322867
Ojitchi Part 1 1st time: 3672010155 2nd time: 2672020210 3rd time: 0500371123 Part 2 1st time: 0672030190 2nd time: 2030240720 3rd time: 1160250735
Otokitchi Part 1 1st time: 0813137102 2nd time: 2011210726 3rd time: 5410373328 Part 2 1st time: 5672021117 2nd time: 0001280720 3rd time: 3410373926
Added an image in case it helps with visibility
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bobette-virtual-pets · 9 months
Places to find me
Insta: bobette.vpet
Blog: bobette.bearblog.dev
^ (this is where all my major findings are. The only thing not there is the tourabutchi guide, which is on my tumblr. That might change in the future once ive completed testing), but otherwise there's more in there than there is on my tumblr overall
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bobette-virtual-pets · 10 months
Wont be able to work on this for a while but I'll just attach the most recent version for now:
Tourabutchi/Touken Ranbu tamagotchi evolution requirements
Not a complete guide but hopefully helpful. There's almost nothing on the eng side of this but thankfully the jp side has done a lot of testing and multiple people have managed to get every character in the device. Hopefully this helps.
Initially i tried to test everything myself but having no leads was really hard- huge thanks to the jp side for all this testing.
Was waiting to test all of them at first and attempt at a finished guide but that'll never happen at this rate, so just uploading this for now.
I'll try to keep testing in between uni breaks and update every now and then.
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Tourabutchi/Touken Ranbu tamagotchi evolution requirements
Not a complete guide but hopefully helpful. There's almost nothing on the eng side of this but thankfully the jp side has done a lot of testing and multiple people have managed to get every character in the device. Hopefully this helps.
Initially i tried to test everything myself but having no leads was really hard- huge thanks to the jp side for all this testing.
Was waiting to test all of them at first and attempt at a finished guide but that'll never happen at this rate, so just uploading this for now.
I'll try to keep testing in between uni breaks and update every now and then.
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'Design your own giga pets' contest entries
There were actually more entries than this, these are just the ones that were shared on insta*
Haven't seen any compilation of all the entries apart from the official topsecrettoys insta acc, so I thought I'd make a list. I reallyyy wish the pigeon one won, I love pigeons so much. I think about that contest entry all the time lol :,D
Speaking of birds, its a shame there's not many bird vpets apart from chickens and ducks. At least digimon has some really good bird themed mons, altho im yet to see any pigeon or ibis ones 😔
The final winners of this contest were starcat/compukitty 2 in 1, pixie and bigfoot (recently revealed to have 3 cryptids; bigfoot, mothman and nessie)
I have the starcat despite not being too big on the gigapets style of vpet (and also importing to Australia is a lot) but I love cats and its nice to see more vpets in the market that isnt just bandai
Hope we can see a dragon gigapet someday 👀
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Distal (Crystal Fighters) 2nd Gen Guide
Thought it'd be easier to compile random oddpet stuff on tumblr instead of insta
I dont own any other distal vpets (didnt interest me enough) so unfortunately no guides for the others, but they should play pretty much the same without the extra connectivity and download features the 2nd gen has.
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