God gives problems to give us miracles. If you aren’t given miracles, He wants to make you one.
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TRUTH is not about doing, but the love in it. It means you can do anything if there is love, but at the same time all you must do is love, or else it is evil. Because if it's not love then it's hate
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2017-06-03 Standard of the mind & poems Just because someone do something you think bad, doesn’t mean he thinks the negativity that you think. Why think bad? . Everythings came from Him. Are you dare to oppose what He do? every misfortune and accident is coming from Him. To tell you to perish evilness of the mind, or to test your mind so you can lose your standard. But people doesn’t always do bad things because they are evil. You can tell them nicely, with love.
Nonsense wisdom, Nonsense knowledge. Nonsense standard of the mind that limits people’s freedom, and try to limit God’s work. Nonsense worldly thought, that only think about survival of his life, that is following this world way of thinking. Nonsense sins.
This is the desire of my heart: To bring truth to all mind. To put maturity to infants, and to put heavenly knowledge to the mature.
Meaningless pride, Meaningless greed, Meaningless ego, Meaningless madness, . Meaningless happiness Meaningless dream Meaningless work, Meaningless desire. . Meaningless life. There is nothing better than to just do good and to enjoy everything, our best work, our goodness in life. There is nothing better than to just do His simple will in this simple life. Everything will ends, meaninglessly pass away.
———- 25-02-2017 Bringing Heaven on Earth
Intro: I know this by feeling it in my worship and prayer. By connecting my spirit to God, I can feel a really great love. I’m not talking about Jesus or His cruxifion yet, but this is the unseen thing that I really believe for sure. By my faith I know this fact! . I really say this with my heart touched by the Father. God loves us so much, it’s like if our mind want to accept it we can’t help but want to change all our badness. He don’t tell us to change, but we can’t help to change and try to please Him. I really feel this intense, so purifying love! . This book is about pleasing Him back! And because of His love, He only care about us, not himself. The way of pleasing Him is cleaning ourself, because God would really love to have us close to Him! Remember: we love God and try to pleasure Him, because He never ask and just keep loving us first! . We could get the power of Holy Spirit, but it doesnt mean we are close to God if our mind and heart keep broken in daily life, whichbmakebus can’t love others. Our pleasure to God is just only in church, in worship. . . About Love if you know love, you will never want to hide God in yoyr life! How real and great God is! It is a part of You . Forget about religion, ideology, and teaching. Forget about church, temple, mosque. This is God the creator of the universe that I’m talking about. This is the God that we can only find when we find ourself, in our knowledge and discovery of wisdom. “When I searched for myself I found only God, when I searched God I found only myself”, Rumi says. . My church life is just a part of discovery of God, and my bible word is just one way of the many. No one should make their religion like it’s the only way to meet God, because that way, we will never will meet Him. If we really meet Him, we would never hate others religion, because a religion is so small compared to God. No one can meet their God by having arrogance in his heart So let’s talk as one!
Structure -Worry, the fear of not surviving -freedom:#Respond of the mind & its interpretation #end the mind full of love(1. The problem in this world is not the environment that gives us pressure, not also the people. It’s your mind. The standard you put to others, your negativity by being judgmental, your rule in your mind that limits people. It’s all the source of pressure. Its fro ourself. Why dont we start changing all our mind with giving, caring. When it happens, your life will change everything. Your prospect career, relationship, leadership. All is about caring people and everyting else) -Love: #1Act(Honesty) -Love: #2 your love holes(business, marrital vs porn, faMily, service, work. When do yo do it without love) -#3 Love others: 1 fatherness, 2 childlikeness, 3 love purifies -#4 Love Yourself:1 like you are the others 2 gratefulness, -Ending of Love: Perfect Love(1 by loving others we will understand God’s Love, that we are being like Him! 2 We will realize God’s Love through Spirit 2 We would realize also that God is in us, we are part of God. 3 His Love (to others) made complete in us 4 His love to us made complete by loving others!)(1 knowing Gods love, that everything we do, He loves us so much 2 Being like Him, being the love in this world) -#1 God’s Plan: 1 in our mistake 2 what we take as matter instead of knowing that your badness is Gods plan #2 A personal God. A personal Father. (1 follow only God 2 follow no one. Leave the broken that tries or can break you we are all the top, no one should be under someone else.) #3 God’s Eyes: evolving the mind means evolving the eyes, and vise versa. -Prince of heaven, son of the most High: #1 The purpose of Living(to enjoy the world, to do Gods will) #2 Living in Godliness. To live as God(1 Confidence of God, a that your mistake is planned, and b badness is planned, and c your action is Gods wisdom)
——— Pattern of this world: Being like God but not by overcoming anything and become high, But we already high thats why we have power to overcome. This concept is the same like God already love you, that’s why you do something good. Not doing someth8ng to become good in God eyes. . You need to leave everything and be pure and free. Thats what it means. Even doing the “leave” as do and having desire, is still doing. . Because of this knowledge, you know that you can do anything! There is no limit in what you do. you just do good thing and leaving all the bad away because its simply just bad. Thats why its said that Kingdom of God is not about eating or drinking! But the peace and Joy of the Holy Spirit by knowing that God loves us so much! ——– 23-02-2017 pure heart: you dont need to respond evilness. Just give smilee and fatherness in heart. Responding will poison you, it invites you to be one. . . The Spirit speaks in our desire. The desire of what we want to do, or what we want to speak. To speak to others, or to speak to self. . Some people translate these desire as a message from someone else other than themselves, and the speech as a voice from a mind other than ours. But I want to treat it as none other than me. Because God is in me. I am a part of God. I am Him. I am also one with His Spirit. His Spirit is my friend, whose mind is the same as mine. Whose desire is the same as my desire. . So it means He is giving His voice to me is the same as I search for His knowledge by my own! . . (The first) Wisdom: robin k sonny, “udh mulai ga sopan nih son skrg.” Tapi dia kritik terus semua hal waktu lg ngbrl, padahal itu jg ga sopan . . you will see me like I have do all the biBle, but I just do love, and it fulfills all. . . Topic of God: The inside:1 is it God about possession, that we ask for Him everyday? We are in this world to be like Him, to do Gods will. But how do you realize that will and plans? Living in loveeeee. 2 living in love will make you realize that God is in youuu. . . topic of love: exporation of wisdom, all wisdom will lead you to do something, but oNly the one that have love in it that is powerful wisdom. And quoting from right and wrong, by having love to all ideas in openness, you will have the best ideas because you are be8ng able to choose the best decision without hating anything! So everything that has love in it is good wisdom! love is the one and only greatest wisdom. So lets say, love is everything! . . Topic of free your mind: right and wrong. So when there is an ideas that is contrary to ours, always keep the first action to think about the rightness in that. Always figure out how to th8nk right-right not right-wrong. Train your openness. If you can see that everything is right, In the end you will realize that all things meant for one thing: questioning the benefit. . topic of free your mind: It’s about what is beneficial or not., everything is not beneficial if its extreme. (Then explain extreme or balance, because I dont knowwhere this should be placed)
Pureness of God
God is pure. He is not the man who tells something that is wrong. But doesnt mean He don’t know what is wrong. Because we know that darkness is the state when there is no light, We know something is wrong when there is no goodness. And so is God.
He is not the man who tells that something is not in His plan. For everything happens in this world, happens by His plan. In our flesh and worldly desire is His plan. But in our holiness and Godliness His plan is made perfect. It’s because we are one with Him, we could know His secret and knowledge, that is only given to the one who is pure in heart and free in mind. (Because it’s a responsibilites)
If He is not pure, we would live in confusion. Because if he is not pure, the fact will be, he is in us, but he join with the world and its darkness. Our freedom will be taken because He will start to say what is wrong, we will use our flesh to limit ourself. His characteristic will change from inviting us to live in love, to something else worse, like living in rule, culture. He will start blending with the world. We can’t start living in heavenliness-the godliness and holiness.
God’s pureness is like a light. It fades the darkness away by it’s shine. It proves the true way of thinking. It purify the heart, judges the mind, and most importantly, invite us to live in love. ——- His Secret
God’s secret, or the heaven secret, given to the people who is pure in heart, free in mind, and to those who is full of love. The pure heart can’t be easily angered. the free mind able to think without limiting himself And those who full of love choose the greatest solution and resolve. —— Kingdom of God is not about what is wrong or right. It’s about only what is right! This is what it means: purity.Without purity, in the end we are confused.
24-02-2017 God is love. If you follow christianity, but you dont know love, it's wasted. You read your bible like a book of rules without any reason. You just follow religion because of your family also follows it. What is the difference between you and other religion? You will only read your bible like book of rules, that you won't ever understand any of it. You think following God is abot following what's written in your bible, don't know that if you do it, you are just following your mind, your understanding, which will mostly go wrong if you don't know love. . 
You wont even know the reason why Christianity is not religion. . 
But if you know what love really is, that you understand it by purifying your heart and freeing all badness in your mind, you will understand it all at a sight without even have any research for it. I'm talking about this by thinking, we need to understand what love really is, 
. . . 
Always suspicious. always using Conscience. always wanting to discover bad intention. We must know that for evilness we must be like a child, but for wisdom and way of thinking we must be mature. So for things others do that we think its evil for us, dont think the same to them. Dont conclude rightaway before knwing their mind in it, because that mind poison you. But instead, find their reason of doing. For what is evil or good is proven in only one thing: the benefit of it. 
++++++++ Love of a father: understand the reason of their hate you, age doesnt define maturity, so don't panic if someone older will hate or try to shoot you down, you need to find the reason to activate your maturity. 
++++++ Intro: we all fall short from the glory of God. Praying about anything as human, not godly, like gods plan, but we are praying for posession like abstractly, repentance of them. But that is as jesus. . We pray as human form but never as God form. God use our perspective that there is bad, enough, and great indicator, then make someone great. God is perfrct in our wickednees. +++++ 26-02-2017 Expectation God calls inthedesre of human heart Who can against it? Even the person has no conscience to be against it. Why be against it? Why do you force what must people do, that will only impure your heart? Realizing life's meaning -Seeking wisdom will only meet us with 1 thing: How meaningless this life is. What is the purpose of seeking endless wealth, purpose, dream, when after years of the death of your followers no one will remember you? So why living in addiction? Addiction to judge people, to have endless standard of behaviour, greed of the world's possession, to live in impure hearts, to live in madness, foolishness, or even too much wisdom, anger, pride of yourself, blame, negativity, habit of doing non beneficial things. Why destroy yourself? Why seek death before it's time? We live only to enjoy the world, that's why we do the best. That's why we love others and do goods. -Love: #1 Wisdom (1 The greatest wisdom 2 Wisdom: realizing life's meaning, none other than to enjoy.) This book is more than just making us have strong faith. More than seeking the greatest life. More than giving worship. This book is over human life, like leadership, ibfluence. ++++
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This book is meant to bring the truth of God, to destroy impure heart and worldly mind in every person, and make them live back to the true love again. the one who lives in truth should rejoice with my word, because it is the truth. But if you read this book just as an idea to agree and be matched with your value, change yourself, your heart is evil and full of pretense. You don’t worship God but worship value. Just like what phariseean did when Jesus came to this world.
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I tried cheering myself with wine, and embracing folly—my mind still guiding me with wisdom. I wanted to see what was good for people to do under the heavens during the few days of their lives.
Ecclesiastes 2:3
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Jesus told us to follow Him because He’s the example for life. He modeled what we were created for. He modeled what we could look like—Christ in us. So He’s not just a good idea; He’s the Way.
(via koinohnia)
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Who can understand the Bible without willingness to understand God?
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Religion vs God
Religion teaching is always about we being low and God being High, never giving love to ourself but only God. The truth is we are a part of Him, we are a children of God. But the matter is we still think it's an arrogance. We think it means we are equal as Him. Arrogance is really a worldly thought! Realize the distance we made by our thought and make us far from His glory!
John 17 "I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."
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Give me your fatherness towards these older people who tries to put their flesh desire against me
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God's plan: Something uninterruptable
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Hell and destruction are never full.
Proverbs 27:20
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We may not understand God, ignore, or hate Him. But the thing is, nothing can separate us from The Lord. No one ever be able to prove that He doesn't exist.
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To enjoy the world: you can't hold back being who you really are, you can't find yourself in others
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A sight glimpse of death through their sin, So they could repent.
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The problem of love is this: We don't know that love is about God, and we don't understand how to relate it. But this is the key: When we know love, God is in us and we becoming like Jesus. Perfect your love, by purifying your heart and freeing your mind, and you will see God flows inside you. ------------- Pure from confusion: Of the world In us is "the world" and it's flesh behaviour. It lays until the core of us. It's in our mind, in the form of human logic that in the ends leads to negativity or wrong tolerance. You tolerate people with a judgment or saying okay to their weakness. You say, "that's okay if they do that, it's their weakness" When you say, "it's their weakness" is the moment you keep it negative in your mind. But I tell you, say, "There must be reason they do that. All people have their own time to be great. We are all still learning." Everything that push us forward to better things. But the key is this: it is worldly if you don't have love. When you do it with your perfect love, you are separating yourself from this world, and you should stop thinking that you are a part of this world. This is when love takes part so big in our life and leads to God. Live your life with perfect love in your heart and mind, and you will start seeing God. If you are pure now, know that act in flesh or in holiness of love is the same at the start ( the first act), but the mind and heart decide where it leads in the end. If it's not love in mind and heart, then you are still being with this world. ----- Pureness of God God is pure. He is not the man who tells something that is wrong. But doesnt mean He don't know what is wrong. Because we know that darkness is the state when there is no light, We know something is wrong when there is no goodness. And so is God. He is not the man who tells that something is not in His plan. For everything happens in this world, happens by His plan. In our flesh and worldly desire is His plan. But in our holiness and Godliness His plan is made perfect. It's because we are one with Him, we could know His secret and knowledge, that is only given to the one who is pure in heart and free in mind. (Because it's a responsibilites) If He is not pure, we would live in confusion. Because if he is not pure, the fact will be, he is in us, but he join with the world and its darkness. Our freedom will be taken because He will start to say what is wrong, we will use our flesh to limit ourself. His characteristic will change from inviting us to live in love, to something else worse, like living in rule, culture. He will start blending with the world. We can't start living in heavenliness-the godliness and holiness. God's pureness is like a light. It fades the darkness away by it's shine. It proves the true way of thinking. It purify the heart, judges the mind, and most importantly, invite us to live in love. ------- His Secret God's secret, or the heaven secret, given to the people who is pure in heart, free in mind, and to those who is full of love. The pure heart can't be easily angered. the free mind able to think without limiting himself And those who full of love choose the greatest solution and resolve. ------ Kingdom of God is not about what is wrong or right. It's about only what is right! This is what it means: purity.Without purity, in the end we are confused.
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