bobs-burgers · 4 years
What are Phishing calls? How to Protect Yourself from it.
Querying sensitive data ( phishing )
The Federal Network Agency points out that consumers often receive unsolicited calls, in the course of which they use an excuse to provide or confirm personal data - e.g. B. Contact details such as name and address, phone location, account details, PINs and TANs for online banking , credit card numbers or passwords - are requested (“ phishing ”).
In order to encourage the called consumers to disclose or also confirm their data, the callers sometimes promise monetary benefits ( e.g. transferring a fictitious lottery prize to the bank account or participating in competitions, etc.), which they do not redeem.
The callers often use the data provided to debit larger or smaller amounts from the called parties’ accounts. In other cases, the callers pretend to be employees of the cell phone provider of the called party.
They offer the called party an offer to change the contract, a credit note or the provision of a new cell phone and pretend to need the customer password or other customer data in this context.
It is the same in all of these cases that these are not unauthorized advertising calls. In these cases, the perpetrators are not concerned with actually advertising the company whose name they are using to call them.
The calls are not intended to actually promote a particular product or provide an actual service. Rather, attempting phishing , even if this is done by means of a telephone call, is an issue in which there is a possibility of committing a crime (such as a financial crime ).
The Federal Network Agency cannot track calls of this type as unauthorized advertising calls. If there are actually indications of a crime, the responsibility lies rather with the general law enforcement authorities.
The Federal Network Agency is not authorized to receive criminal complaints from people affected by fraudulent phone calls. These should always contact the police and law enforcement agencies directly, also in the interest of speedy criminal investigations.
It is generally advisable to always be careful when handling personal data such as telephone number, address, access password or account details. These should only be passed on to reputable contract partners or companies in a targeted manner and if necessary.
Account movements should also be carefully tracked and checked. The Federal Network Agency advises data subjects not to disclose personal data if a phishing call is suspected or to end such conversations immediately.
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bobs-burgers · 4 years
Reverse IMEI Number Search
If you do not know which caller the IMEI number in the display belongs to, you can find out their name or address using the inverse search from https://bobs-burgers.tumblr.com/
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Inverse search: how is it going?
If you do not know which caller the IMEI number in the display belongs to, you can find out their name, location or address using the inverse search from IMEI tracking software. For this you only enter the landline, mobile or special number with area code in the IMEI number search mask. The following spellings are possible for the IMEI number search : 0123 45 67 89 123456789 0123 - 45 67 89 +49123456789 0123 456789 0123-45 67 89 0123/45 67 89 0049123456789 The use of placeholders such as 0123-45 * is not permitted for the IMEI number search and does not help you for the inverse search either.
What does reverse search mean?
The reverse search helps people who want to know who the caller and his/her IMEI location with a specific IMEI number is. By entering the unknown IMEI number in the search mask of the IMEI number search, the owner and location of this IMEI number can be found out, ie this IMEI number is “traced” back to its owner by searching for the IMEI number based on the IMEInumber search rather than the person’s IMEI number.
Why do you need a IMEI number reverse search?
In everyday life there are always situations in which you want to know who is behind the IMEI number. Here the IMEI number reverse search helps.
Such a situation is, for example, a missed call, in which the IMEI number appears on the display, but there is no associated message on the answering machine.
Call centers call for promotional offers or sweepstakes again and again. And sometimes you find yourself in the situation of finding an old telephone number in your own address book or on a piece of paper, where you no longer know who the number belongs to and why you wrote it down.
In these cases, the IMEI number reverse search turns an unknown number into a classic number. By the way: With the classic IMEI information you only get the IMEI number of one person,
How does the reverse search work and what does it do for me?
The reverse search works like the IMEI number search, only “backwards”.
This means that a name is not entered in the search mask of the directory inquiries from Das Telefonbuch in order to find a corresponding mobile IMEI number or IMEI number, but a number is entered in the search mask for the reverse search in order to find out the associated caller or owner. This particularly helps people who are tormented by telephone terror or overwhelmed by advertising calls and do not know the caller.
How do I find the name and address, location of a IMEI number?
You can find the owner of an unknown IMEI number by name and address using the reverse search from imei-tracker.online. Simply enter the mobile IMEI number or IMEI number in the IMEI number reverse search mask.
Is reverse search and inverse search the same?
The IMEI book reverse search and the inverse search are the same service. Only different terms are used for this: IMEI book reverse search, inverse search or IMEI number reverse search. All are quasi “IMEI number searches”.
How can I object to the reverse search?
Not everyone agrees that they can be found using their IMEI number by searching backwards. One can contradict the phone book reverse search. You can raise this objection via the service number 0800 45 40207 (Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.), stating the customer number. Then someone else will not be able to track your IMEI number back to you using reverse search.
This is how the inverse search works
Who called me If you want to find out who owns a certain IMEI number, the reverse search in the local phone book helps you. Simply enter the IMEI number above and click “Find”. The spelling does not matter as long as you provide the complete IMEI number including area code. We’ll find both landline numbers and mobile and special numbers for you.
You can find more information on reverse searches as well as advice and tips for harassment or fraud on the IMEI in our guide.& Tips for reverse searches
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bobs-burgers · 4 years
Unauthorized telephone advertising  (cold calls)
Annoyance of telephone advertising: Many people feel bothered by calls, which advertise, for example, magazine subscriptions or a new telephone tariff. However, consumers can defend themselves against unauthorized advertising calls by notifying the Federal Network Agency. Here you can find out what needs to be taken into account and how the Federal Network Agency works to ensure effective consumer protection.
What is telephone advertising?
Telephone advertising includes calls with the aim of promoting the sale of goods or the provision of services. Subscriptions and contracts, for example for a new electricity tariff, are often advertised. Frequently, the called parties should be urged to conclude a contract during the conversation.
What is z. B. no telephone advertising?
So-called “ phishing calls” are not telephone advertisements, even if company names or products are mentioned. With “ phishing calls” tricksters try to get sensitive data like passwords or bank details. The call is only used as a means of committing or preparing crime. You can find more information here. Calls to market and opinion research are generally not telephone advertising, but if a (camouflaged) survey is used to promote sales (advertising), it may very well be unauthorized telephone advertising ( see here ).
What are advertisers not allowed to do?
Calling consumers for advertising purposes without their express prior consent is prohibited by law. If there is no such consent, it is an unauthorized advertising call, a so-called cold call .
In addition, callers may not suppress their number when advertising with a telephone call.
Effective advertising consent?
In order to circumvent the ban on unauthorized telephone advertising, some callers rely on an alleged consent that the consumer has not given at all. For example, the callers claim that the called party participated in an online competition and has given their consent. An advertising consent is a concrete declaration by a consumer that he / she agrees to an advertising call. The declaration is only effective if the consumer can see when submitting which company, which service or product group would like to advertise by telephone. The explanation must therefore be transparent and understandable.
Obtaining consent at the start of the call is not permitted. Rather, it must be available before the call
How does the Federal Network Agency take action against unauthorized telephone advertising?
Failure to comply with legal regulations is subject to a fine and can be prosecuted by the Federal Network Agency as an administrative offense.
The authority can impose fines of up to 300,000 euros for violations of the ban on unauthorized telephone advertising. Caller ID suppression for advertising calls can be punished with fines of up to 10,000 euros. A list of all measures taken in the past 12 months can be viewed here .
How do you file a complaint with the Federal Network Agency?
The Bundesnetzagentur relies on your help to effectively track Phone IMEI number. You can find out how to report a violation to us here .
Would you like to find out more about the topic of illegal telephone advertising? Here you will find background knowledge and answers to common questions.
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