bojandordevic · 1 year
On iOS, Apple’s Shortcuts app has additional abilities to integrate with Notes that are not available directly to third party apps…including creating notes in specific folders, appending to notes, and doing these things without any additional interaction. Drafts can trigger Shortcuts using the Run Shortcut 261 action step. For a simple example: Install the Create note in Notes 840 example shortcut. It is configured to create a note with the content input to the shortcut. Install edit Create note in Notes 557 example Drafts action, which calls the above shortcut. Create a draft, and run the action. Go to Notes, and find your new note!
Using Apple Notes with Drafts
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bojandordevic · 1 year
An influencer’s recommendations are more trustworthy when they genuinely use the product over a long period of time.
The ROI of Influencer Marketing: How to Measure | Shopify
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bojandordevic · 1 year
Influencers offer a cost-efficient way to produce high-quality content,” says Cristy Garcia, vice-president of marketing at Impact, a technology platform that allows merchants to manage and optimize all of their enterprise’s partnerships through every stage of the life cycle. “It filled a gap when production studios were closed due to COVID-19 restrictions. It allowed brands to continue posting during a time when users were spending more time on social media.”
The ROI of Influencer Marketing: How to Measure | Shopify
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bojandordevic · 1 year
It’s also a solid investment. According to research conducted by Mediakix, 89% of marketers say that the ROI on influencer marketing is comparable or better than other marketing channels.
The ROI of Influencer Marketing: How to Measure | Shopify
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bojandordevic · 1 year
Yet, despite the continued importance of influencer marketing, only 67% of brands measure the return on investment (ROI) from their influencer campaigns. Regardless of whether you’re considering starting your first influencer marketing campaign or if you fall into the 33% who aren’t measuring ROI—or don’t know how to—here’s what you need to know to get started.
The ROI of Influencer Marketing: How to Measure | Shopify
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bojandordevic · 1 year
According to the 2021 State of Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report, the industry is set to increase by approximately $13.8 billion in the next year.
The ROI of Influencer Marketing: How to Measure | Shopify
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bojandordevic · 1 year
For most creative domains, the goals and ways of achieving success are constantly changing, and consistently replicable behaviors are in fact detrimental to success.
The Deliberate Creative - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
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bojandordevic · 1 year
63% of marketers intend to increase their influencer marketing budget in the next year
30+ Influencer Marketing Statistics You Should Know (2023)
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bojandordevic · 1 year
Social algorithm changes is a problem for 49% of marketers
30+ Influencer Marketing Statistics You Should Know (2023)
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bojandordevic · 1 year
7 in 10 users would unfollow an influencer for disingenuous endorsements.
30+ Influencer Marketing Statistics You Should Know (2023)
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bojandordevic · 1 year
48% of consumers are starting to distrust influencers
30+ Influencer Marketing Statistics You Should Know (2023)
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bojandordevic · 1 year
Brands will get will get $4.87 of earned media value for each $1 spent on Instagram influencer marketing
30+ Influencer Marketing Statistics You Should Know (2023)
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bojandordevic · 1 year
Despite its declining popularity, Facebook still appears at the top of the list of influencer marketing platforms. Because despite its declining performance, it's still the largest social network in the world.
30+ Influencer Marketing Statistics You Should Know (2023)
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bojandordevic · 1 year
40% of Twitter users made a purchase based on an influencer recommendation
30+ Influencer Marketing Statistics You Should Know (2023)
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bojandordevic · 1 year
Data from HypeAuditor found that nano-influencers with fewer than 5,000 followers have the highest engagement rates (5%). This seems to decrease as the follower count skyrockets, until reaching celebrity level (1.6%).
30+ Influencer Marketing Statistics You Should Know (2023)
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bojandordevic · 1 year
Sponsored content on Instagram received less engagement, on average, than organic content. Sponsoring content can be an effective part of a marketing strategy, but there are a few key things to keep in mind when choosing an influencer: Make sure your product is relevant to the influencer’s audience. Look at the average engagement for an influencer’s sponsored posts, not just their organic posts. Sponsored posts related to Pets, Fashion, and Sports receive the most likes per sponsored post.
Organic vs. Sponsored Instagram Posts – Fractl
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bojandordevic · 1 year
In September 2016, we scraped 1.2 million Instagram posts that included the tags #spon, #sponsored, #sponsoredby, #sponsoredpost, or #ad. We then scraped the 99 most recent posts (both organic and sponsored) created by: Quality influencers: The 1,000 influencers who received the most likes for their sponsored content. Quantity influencers: The 1,000 influencers who posted sponsored content the most frequently.
Organic vs. Sponsored Instagram Posts – Fractl
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