bokkiedoke · 10 days
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bokkiedoke · 17 days
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My paleo pride series to date! All the pride stuff with prehistoric fauna I’ve come across was exclusively dinosaurs, so I wanted to include some less popular taxa.
(Check image captions for the text since the white-on-white is awful to read)
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bokkiedoke · 20 days
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bokkiedoke · 3 months
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undeniably some sort of
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bokkiedoke · 4 months
The BokkieDoke Unofficial Unbanned List
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Is this whole list just an excuse for me to play Johnny, Combo Player? No, I promise.
Okay, we’re gonna keep this first part short and sweet. This is an article and list you can show to a playgroup to hopefully get them to allow you to play a small selection of Un-cards in formats like Commander. My criteria for whether a card should be banned.
1. Will some players not able to use the card easily?
2. Is it disruptive or annoying to your playgroup or surrounding people?
3. Will it cause the game to grind to a halt when resolving it?
If the answer to ANY of the three was yes, it was banned. Also if you just want to get straight to the Unbanned list, here you go. Yes this is the list of Unbanned Un-cards, because there is about as many cards that are banned as there are “legal” under my rules. And I found it is easier to look through a list of permitted cards and add the ones you like when the ban list is that big.
Some cards that might seem otherwise fine, like cards that reference art or expansion symbols, aren’t included. They can lead to bickering and confusion, which wastes time and frustrates players.
If you are the person reading this because someone else wanted to play some Un-cards in your pod, feel free to stop reading now. I hope you enjoy your game. The rest of the article is for people curious about the process of making the list itself and some of my choices that they may disagree with. Why is [X] Legal?
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That's right Timmy, B.F.M. AND Infinity Elemental are allowed.
“Cast a copy of [Named Spell]” Cards – There is already a tournament legal card that does this (Garth One-Eye). Yes some of the Un-cards with this effect are more mentally taxing but I don’t think it is a significant enough difference to ban them here.
Some Weird Counter Cards – These cards require you to put special counters on them or place counters on specific parts of the card. I let some of them be legal, but only if they could easily be tracked in some other way and they don’t want you putting non-counter objects on the table. For example Baron von Count could easily be tracked with a D6 and doesn’t call for you to put your shoes on the table.
Some Word and Letters Matter Cards – The ones that are quick and easy to resolve are included, the ones that aren’t are banned in my list. I realize this is partially subjective, but my yardstick was “Would a group be annoyed if you resolved this multiple times in a game?” and “Who has to do all the processing to resolve it?”. Some more complex word and letters matter cards made it on the list of legal cards if the person playing them could calculate it all ahead of time or easily keep track of it mentally.
It Came From Planet Glurg – This really feels like an effect that would already be in the non-acorn pool if it didn’t have a couple rules wrinkles involved. I believe in most circumstances Glurg will be about as complex as other clone/copy cards. Doppelgang and Experiment Kraj existing led to me giving this a pass.
Clocknapper – The effect is definitely weird, and may lead to some awkward rulings, but since it is a single phase stolen once I think in most situations it will be pretty easy to resolve.
“Why is [X] NOT legal?”
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"Aww shucks, I was gonna play all of those..."
Animate Graveyard – The potential mental overload from this card is absurd. Similar cards are legal on this list or legal normally but this is on average way more complex, and for just 5 Mana. Nobody but you is going to enjoy the aftermath of you playing this. And for the people that tend to avoid Un-cards, let's just ban this one so they don't get a bad first impression.
Topsy Turvy – Look, I love the idea of playing this card in Commander. But it is such a headache to deal with and I doubt many playgroups are gonna be down for figuring it out.
Everythingamajig, Ineffable Blessing, Garbage Elemental, Sly Spy, Very Cryptic Command, Knight of the Kitchen Sink. – Some of the versions of these cards work within my parameters, some don’t. To avoid confusion, I’m saying all of them aren’t allowed.
The Grand Calcutron – I think this card is very borderline, what pushes it over the edge for me is the amount of time it will take in the average game of Commander. At any table there is more than likely at least one person who takes a while to set up their “program” and goes into the tank with every single card they have to add to it. That's fine, I am that kind of person, but I'm banning it for that reason.
Oddly Uneven – I know a lot of “count the number of words/vowels/lines of text” cards are included in my list, but this one is going to slow the game down a LOT. Counting the number of words in the name of every creature will take a while, especially if you have token copies of named creatures.
Season’s Beatings – Once again, there are tournament legal cards that take this long to resolve but the bar for inclusion in this list is a bit higher because of the general wariness towards Un-cards.
Staying Power & Grand Marshal Macie – This is a rules headache waiting to happen but also just keeping track of it is a nightmare. You might think it can’t slow down the game that much but when the Macie player is spending most of their brain power keeping track of the affected cards and is also trying to keep track of all the repercussions of those effects, it’s gonna slow things down.
Frazzled Editor – Honestly the text box is such a mess on the card itself than I’m disqualifying it just for that.
Claire D’Loon – How do you do this without basically cheating if the cards end up in your deck? You sleeve up tokens in the same sleeves as your deck. Then you have to remove them all at the end of each game. Way too time-consuming even without all the rules headaches.
Vazal, the Compleat – This card effectively reads “When this card enters the battlefield, read Gatherer for 10 minutes. Then, you probably win the game.” in most games of Commander. No thanks. Rules Lawyer – As odd as it may seem, I think this one is also very borderline for me. But something that changes this many fundamental rules of Magic all at once just feels like it’ll lead to a lot of random blowouts because people forgot that X or Y is also a state-based action.
“Why Not Just Errata [Insert card here]?”
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Pictured, Me, going through ~400 cards to errata them all.
I’m writing this article because I love Un-cards and I agree you should be able to play with some of them in Commander or other casual formats. Most of the players who refuse to play with them have some image in their head of dancing, bugging random people at your LGS, and headache inducing rules nightmares. And I know that is NOT the case for a good amount of Un-cards. (And you can thank Unhinged for most of the ones people hate!) But if you are already asking players to do something they are iffy about, adding a bunch of errata onto ~50% of the cards is going to annihilate your chances of getting them to agree. And I want you to be able to enjoy Un-cards with more people!
The Point Of This Article
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Oh this? It's for just Maro, if he somehow ends up reading this. Hi!
If you can show your group a short article or video that gives a list of Un-cards that aren’t super annoying or wonky that you want to play they might be more likely to let you play with those cards. This list might not be a perfect resource but I hope it helps a couple more playgroups or game stores embrace the fun side of Un-sets. And it’s a lot quicker than laying 20 cards on the table and debating with your entire group which ones should be allowed every week.
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bokkiedoke · 6 months
I had an interview with a local paper this week about this rock snake I started on the longest street of a nearby city (where I work) because it's bringing people so much joy:
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I said something during the interview that the interviewer seemed really shocked by, so in case it's important for anyone else to hear: When asked about the rock snake and some scavenger hunts that I've hosted for adults, I said -
"We don't stop enjoying the things we liked as kids; they just stop being offered to us. And when you're a kid, fun things like art projects and scavenger hunts are always brought to you, so you're not taught to make a habit of seeking them out as and adult."
She said "Wow yeah... life is so stressful... and you don't think to... wow."
So if anyone else needs direct permission to be a whimsical adult child today, I hereby grant it to everyone. ❤️
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bokkiedoke · 8 months
Cards of Alara - Elder Dragon House-Ruler
Very weak wordplay I know. If you can even really call it wordplay. In this edition of Elder Dragon House-Ruler, the series about cards people should really just let you use as your Commander already, we’re going to go over the Mythic Creatures from Alara. Not all of them though, just the 7 (or 8 including my honorable mention) creatures I actually find interesting enough to build a deck around. Sorry if you’re a big Sphinx of the Steel Wind fan, I also think the card is neat and historically interesting but a keyword soup Commander doesn’t really get my motor runnin’.
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"Think of all the things you could do! Like play Voltron and...well…”
Now directly after insulting a beloved card let me put in my honorable mention.
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Honorable Mention (Aka #8) - Thornling
This entry is less for Thornling itself, which is a fine card I really like. This entry is really about the whole cycle started by Morphling, which I’m just gonna call the Superman Cycle to be both a dweeb and confusing.
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And it only took 20 years to finish the cycle! Also only took ‘em 20 years to figure out that they could just make the two power-swapping abilities one single ability. I know there is probably some weird rules reason for one being technically different and better. I really want all the Morphlings to get their own special Commander. We actually did get a really interesting “activated abilities matter” legendary creature recently in Tazri, Stalwart Survivor but I need that art of all the members of the Superman Cycle on one card and just an absolute mess of weird color specific activated abilities. Anyways, onto the list that will actually be about the creatures themselves and not a weird brainworm I’ve had for years about a cycle most people probably didn’t even know existed or was finished recently. NUMBER 7 – Apocalypse Hydra
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I’m putting Hydra in the lowest slot because while making a very big dude and having the ability to ping down everything is interesting, there is also a play pattern I see coming from a mile away. “So my Commander has X in the cost, and an activated ability that both costs mana and is really good if I can spam it. Well, time for infinite mana!” And while I am a combo enjoyer, if I see your ass untapping and tapping the same handful of permanents more than like, twice in a single turn I am pulling out a nightcap and going full-on 1930’s comic strip character taking a well-earned nap. I will honk, shoo, and even mi-mi-mi-mi-mi. Just wake me up when you have lethal.
NUMBER 6 – Dragon Broodmother
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“You can’t have dessert until you finish your goblins!”
She ain’t too fancy, and she might be way under-statted for her mana value in 2024, but she is a nice little engine for getting some big boys on the board.
So what do you do with a repeatable way to make a pretty chunky little dragon? Well we just have to find a benefit to having big creatures enter the battlefield in Green and Red, if that exists. Let me just put in a quick Scryfall search for cards with the text “when” “enters the battlefield” and “power” in Gruul...
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Which brings me to our Number 5 pick. NUMBER 5 – Godsire
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"Just a hungry little guy."
So I will NOT make the same mistake twice. Now I know making a big token with a Green and Red commander is pretty good! Also the tokens this big fella makes are always at least 8/8, and you can do it for free if you just had some way of untapping him. Now if only there was a way to do so in these colors. Oh and perhaps some way of giving the creatures haste as well, or even an extra combat step. Oh yeah, we’re in Red. Just order every card that says “untap” and “extra combat”. Or perhaps don’t, you’d be blowing $100+ on a house-rule deck that’d probably get annihilated by a single piece of removal or any Ghostly Prison effect. Just order a couple of the cheaper ones. They’re fun to have around. NUMBER 4 – Defiler of Souls
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While writing this very article, I got to Defiler of Souls on my rough list and went “This dude is super simple and most of the time they won’t even do anything. And the rest of that time the person with the really good mono-color creature will just hyper-focus you out of the game for making them sacrifice it. Why is that all the way up at Number 4?” Then I looked at the art again.
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Have we had a Muppet's Universes Beyond yet? Why not?!
NUMBER 3 – Maelstrom Angel
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Now if you have played Commander for awhile you may have been in the midst of a discussion about using this card already. Back when we had like, 6 five color legendary creatures and two of them were freakin’ Atogatog and Cromat, any five color creature would have just about everyone begging for them to be usable as Commanders. And this one even more so because that ability is so interesting and potentially powerful. That ability’s potential power does make it a bit harder to argue for it’s inclusion as a Commander though. People are gonna read that and go “Absolutely not!”. I would ask them to consider a couple things though. One, it has to hit a player in combat to use it. Two, it has no built in protection. Three, you have to have something powerful in your hand. And Four, well my friend it is 2024 and you are worried that a five mana value commander might do something really powerful with a bit of set-up? The ship has sailed so far away that it has looped back around the globe and hit you in the back of the head.
NUMBER 2 – Prince of Thralls
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“Maaaaa, don’t come in when I’m crushing my thralls. It’s embarassing.”
Now I know I was just saying “Hey with that much mana you can do much stronger stuff!” and this guy costs functionally a billion but wow, the potential ceiling of that ability is bonkers. Put some protection on this Prince of Maine and play one of the many cards in his colors that blow up most if not all permanents. Proceed to make your opponents either pay 20+ life or give you the most ridiculous boardstate you've ever seen. Though to calm down a bit and not be alarmist about an 8 Mana Value creature from 15 years ago (yes I know we ARE very old), I think if you spend the nearly 20 mana to do something that powerful, you deserve it. And honestly any reasonable person would just concede at that point unless they had a clear way to claw a win back. And 20 mana I win the game is like, more than fine by my measure. And at least it’s flashy without also taking 20 minutes off of my life.
NUMBER 1 – Empyrial Archangel
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Am I honestly saying that a creature with Flying, Shroud, and a built-in Pariah is more interesting that all these other creatures? Yes. Why?
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Now since they do have Shroud it is a bit harder to set up the “You will never touch this.” situation you can get with other Pariah-style effects, but it isn’t monumentally difficult to give a creature Indestructible without targeting it in Bant colors. And while the Shroud makes it harder for you to buff ‘em up, it also makes it much harder for your opponents to do something about the Archangel after you get them set-up. Indestructible, Shroud, throw in a way for them to not be sacrificed and you have basically made yourself immune to damage. Is there easier ways to do so? I’m sure. Are those ways as cool as setting up this big Angel that’ll help you end the game instead of just stalling forever? Absolutely not.
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Aaaand that’s the list. Once again any recommendations for future cycles or just groups of cards I should cover here are welcome. I’ve got quite a few knocking around in my head currently, but a fresh perspective is always nice. If you would also be excited by a Morphling Cycle legend, let me know. Or if you’d like another “[Random Cycle] Matters” Commander reply below with your favorite cycles and what you think a good leader for their deck would be. And let Wizards of the Coast know too, since they can actually make the cards. I suppose I could too but I doubt anything I make will ever be tournament legal.
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bokkiedoke · 8 months
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it’s for you!
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bokkiedoke · 8 months
2024, the Year of the Mono-Color
This year I'm going to pick a color and only make new Commander decks in that color. As someone who "makes" about 20 decks for every 1 I actually put together I think this might slow me down a bit and perhaps lead to me actually playing more Magic. I'm going with Blue, and I say "this year" because I plan on doing this every year from now on, assuming I'm still interested in Magic: The Gathering before I run out of colors. And I've been actively playing this game for almost 13 years now so odds are I will be. Another big reason for this challenge is I find building new decks a bit overwhelming when making 2+ color decks nowadays. This is due to the absolute deluge of new cards. So restricting myself to one color makes the process way more streamlined, for better and for worse. Before anyone gets it twisted though, I like a lot of the new cards. But also way too many new cards come out at the moment. I kind of wish Aftermath didn't flop so we could have had more tiny sets like that while having the same amount of releases. A weird take, I know. I'll make an article about it. Technically I will be cheating on this for the "Elder Dragon House-Ruler" articles but looking up synergies for that isn't nearly as in-depth as I'll go when building a deck for myself. I'll typically just look for the most obvious card to include or some remembered spell off the top of my head. When I'm building a deck for myself I'll look through literally thousands of cards just to find one cool little synergy that will probably come up once over the course of 30 games. I do enjoy that, but it does take a lot of time. For example, if I wanted to look up all the cards with "proliferate" or the text "whenever one" let's look up how many cards I'd have to sift through. Blue - 46 cards Blue and Green - 94 cards Blue, Green, Red - 122 cards Blue, Green, Red, White - 175 cards Five Color - 231 cards And that is for a single search. I'd also want to search up all the cards with counters specific to them (shout out to Brick Counters), and as you could expect this is when the amount of search results will spike hard. Blue - 355 cards Blue, Green, Red - 676 Five Color - 1,125 So if we look at the difference in just those two searches, making a Blue deck leads to be looking through 401 cards. And if I was playing a Five Color deck, it'd be 1,356 cards. Over three times the amount of cards. And I know I don't haaave to look through all of them. And I've gotten pretty good at remember which cards are completely worthless draft chaff that I can just skip over when looking at these search results. It's still a lot though. I think I'll enjoy the restriction. Honestly, if it stops me from making a new deck every time someone mentions a card or a mechanic that'd be helpful. Or at least when I do so I'll finish the dang thing in like 20 minutes instead of spending a couple hours on a deck I will never play OR show to a single other human being. I challenge all of you to try this as well. But maybe for a week or at most a month. I think I'm going to actually hate this idea at the end of the year, as much as it'll feel like a breath of fresh air at first. So, don't torture yourselves because a weirdo writing articles on the internet challenged you to do so. See you soon(ish) for the next Elder Dragon House-Ruler. I'm currently stunlocked on electronic instruments, so it might be a bit. Just like with Magic, I'm super into really expensive hobbies even though I'm pretty low income.
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bokkiedoke · 8 months
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Morrowind ingredients palettes!
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bokkiedoke · 9 months
Watch Me Flip - Elder Dragon House-Ruler #1
Welcome to Elder Dragon House-ruler, where we discuss the cards people should totally let you run as Commanders. For the first edition I’m gonna keep it pretty tame, we’re going to be talking about the Kamigawa flip cards that flip into Legends. Cards that makes me pause for a moment every time I realize I can’t run them as my Commanders. I understand why if the Legendary Creature was on the back.. But the typeline is riiight there, c’mon. And this will be one of those cycles that I believe would be pretty easy to house rule because you don’t need to make any exceptions. I’d bet a booster pack that most of what I’ll cover in this series falls along these lines. If you’re gonna let one in you might as well let ‘em all be used. Not planeswalkers though. Definitely not. Shout out to every planeswalker with an ultimate which wins you the game on the spot. Though I will admit there are legends that are more powerful than that at every LGS and kitchen table right now. My card got flipped, turn upside down Now when I say that this cycle would be easy to house rule, I meant it. Out of the 15 cards I’ll be talking about, I think two of them might get a bit of push back. You guessed it, it’s the one that counters spells for “free” and the one that steals creatures for “free”. And we all know it would really be Jaraku getting the complaints. Though I would point out to your local “Blue is EVIL!” player that if your deck folds to a 5 mana Quench after you have multiple chances to kill the 2/2 it was attached to, you were gonna lose to anything more powerful than my Homarid Matters deck.
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“Before you know it my 3 mana 1/1 will be a 3 mana 3/3!” Moving on from power level, which of these 15 legends-to-be are interesting enough to warrant you grabbing a copy and spending an afternoon sipping on your favorite beverage and brewing up a deck? I’d say about 8 of them. Over half! For original Kamigawa cards, over half of them being interesting to a modern player is a miracle. At least none of them have Sweep. Nothing more exciting than putting yourself multiple lands drops back to get a spell that is almost worth the mana you spent on it! As for the seven little stinkers I wouldn’t be caught making a deck for, let’s go over them all real quick. Budoka Gardener / Dokai, Weaver of Life – Early ramp, flips into a guy that can drop a fairly big vanilla creature every turn. Alright at lower power level tables, but boring. Budoka Pupil / Ichiga, Who Topples Oaks – The first Ki counter creature I’ll be talking about here. They get Ki counters when you cast Arcane or Spirit spells, then you can choose to flip them when you get to 2 or more counters. This guy, the green one in the cycle, becomes an Instant speed +2/+2 on a stick. Yeehaw. Bushi Tenderfoot / Kenzo the Hardhearted – Now I will admit this card is a bit interesting. It gets my brain goin’. But my brain is goin’ “Wow, this guys seems nearly impossible to flip, and his flipped side isn’t good enough for me to bother.” He was in the first Magic product I ever got though, so I love the little guy.
Faithful Squire / Kaiso, Memory of Loyalty – Ki counters again, so not too hard to flip. Especially in White. But this is from the period where the White card in a cycle was either obnoxious and Stax-y or so boring and weak you forgot they exist. This one is the latter. That effect on the Legend side is so weak Wizards has printed it at 1 and at Instant speed and people refuse to even think about playing it.
Hired Muscle / Scarmaker – Remember Fear? Yeah, me too buddy. Remember how it definitely wasn’t good enough to spend at least 5 mana on? Yeah, me too buddy.
Initiate of Blood / Goka the Unjust – Ping a creature to death after it took damage, in Red? Simple enough. But nobody is gonna let you flip this thing, and if they do it’s going to die after one activation. So you get to spend 4 mana and jump through hoops to kill maybe a single creature. That’s a no-go(ka).
Nezumi Shortfang / Stabwhisker the Odious – A 1/1 that taps for repeatable discard? This little feller is deader than a door nail the second anyone actually reads what they do. I doubt it would ever flip and if it does it has the hidden effect of making you the first player to die at your table. Don’t believe me, trying making a random player at your table discard their whole hand with the payoff being “I will ping you for 3 next turn” and see for yourself. And now your main event!
The eight cards you may actually want to try out for yourself. I’m gonna make a little Top 8 list of which ones I plan on making a deck for. Yes, #1 is one of the cards I thought might make people reject this particular house rule. Turns out a lot of the cards I find fun also rub people the wrong way. So I like playing Stax and Control sometimes, does that make me evil? Yes? Uh oh.
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“Pictured, me. Having ‘fun’ with my ‘friends’”
Number 8 – Akki Lavarunner / Tok-Tok, Volcano Born
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“You just have to hit someone once in a 4-player game, how hard can it be? Oh, it’s a 4 mana 1/1. Wow.” That being said, the Legend effect is good. And if you wanted to make a creature-focused deck that wants all of those damage multiplying effects you’d probably throw in some way to protect the little guys. Or more likely some way to get value out of them dying, as is the Red way.
Number 7 – Orochi Eggwatcher / Shidako, Broodmistress
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Now it is a bit difficult to flip this one, but she makes the list because her Legend side has an effect only one other Monogreen commander provides. She becomes a sacrifice engine. And unlike Zopandrel, using her sacrifice effect multiple times actually does something for you. So you can get those death triggers while growing your army and swinging in for even more damage.
Number 6 – Student of Elements / Tobita, Master of Winds
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I love a good, clean card design. You make this guy fly, everyone else gets to fly. I wish I could have the clarity and conciseness of words that this card has. But alas, I have to blabber on and use antiquated words.
Number 5 – Kitsune Mystic / Autumn-Tail, Kitsune Sage
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Another one that will be a pain to flip. Not so much because the hoops you have to jump through, it’s just that your opponents will see it coming from a mile away. And with the kind of shenanigans you can get up to with their Legend side ability, they’ll be blowing them up the second you attempt anything cool. If they can get through all the protective auras you have stacked on them, that is.
Number 4 – Jushi Apprentice / Tomoya the Revealer
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That’s right, this card is this high up even though BOTH sides just read “Draw cards”. Drawing cards is fun. Doubling the amount of cards in your hand is the MOST fun. I suppose you could let someone else draw some cards too. Wait you can even do some absurd combo and deck people out with this thing. This card is so cool. Still number 4 though.
Number 3 – Nezumi Graverobber / Nighteyes the Desecrator
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Graveyard hate and reanimation on the same card? In 1v1 this card is a pretty self-defeating but in multiplayer? Just take that one fetchland out of Richie Rich’s graveyard and then proceed to steal all of the other things from all of the other graveyards. Maybe even mill Richie Rich after you flip this guy and see what you can get. You know that deck is loaded with Eternal format Reanimator staples even though they said their deck was a “soft 6”.
Number 2 – Cunning Bandit / Azamuki, Treachery Incarnate
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That’s right bozos! BOTH cards I said would annoy your friends are at the very top of the list. This will be pretty easy to flip (heck one of the Arcane cards in Red is a Ritual!) but I’d be a bit greedy and see if you could really pile up those Ki Counters before you flip this bad boy over. Steal a couple of creatures or try to steal them all! Remember that this doesn’t give them Haste though, so you’ll have to provide that if you want to attack with them. Or you could just sacrifice them all with Goblin Bombardment. That’s what I’d do. I am also surprised anyone will play Magic with me anymore.
Number 1 – Callow Jushi / Jaraku the Interloper
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Okay before you click away, I’m not telling you to do a “make my Commander playgroup hate me” speedrun. You won’t be countering everything, or even most things. I think the best way to build this deck, at least the best way that won’t get your mugshot posted in every LGS in the tri-state area, is a combat heavy Spirit deck. You won’t be using Jaraku to bring the game to a screeching halt, you will use the counters judiciously to keep your army of spirits alive. I mean most counterspell heavy decks don’t counter every single spell anyway, at least if they are trying to win. It just feels like that because you don’t remember the decent spells you got to cast against the control player, you remember the handful of great stuff that got stuffed. To actually spell out my recommendations though it’s this. Throw in some Spirits Matter, a couple of cards that benefit from having lots of counters (the little glass stone ones, not counterspells), and some Proliferate cards. I’m not going to list anything specifically here because I won’t be giving specific card recommendations (other than the Commanders themselves) in these articles.
A brief aside to explain my reasons for not recommending you buy certain cards 1.) I like to recommend cheap jank when I do recommend cards, and if by some random chance an article of mine pops off I don’t want a neat card to spike up to CEDH staple prices because I told people to get it. 2.) I’m not really great at evaluating cards (and I’d posit that like 95% of all Magic players aren’t) so I don’t want you even spending $5 on some cards I thought were good just to be disappointed. I’ve had times where my monthly Magic budget was about $10. And I had many times where I spent half or more of that on some crap an internet stranger told me was awesome just to be bummed out as I chucked it into my “chaff for filling out ultra budget decks” pile. 3.) I’m a huge fan of deckbuilding and I want more people to give it a try. And if you personally aren’t, the tools exist to help you build a deck without too much time spent sifting through thousands of cards on Scryfall. Between online communities, EDHREC, and decklists you can find online you can throw something together without spending an entire afternoon researching jank from 2011 Standard.
Now back to the article
And there it is. The first article in what I hope will be a long, fun series. If you’ve got any recommendations let me know. My next article will either be about the Alara mythics or the Lorwyn/Shadowmoor Avatars. And one of the Avatars is a repeatable source of land destruction. Heck if you gave them Double Strike you can blow up at least two lands a turn. Oh and if you threw in some extra combat step cards you could blow up four or more a turn. I sure do know how to have fun!
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bokkiedoke · 10 months
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"The Dentist" - Fountain pen. Description: Content Warning, gore. Ghoulish figure rips at their gums and lips with long, bony fingers.
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bokkiedoke · 11 months
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bokkiedoke · 11 months
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bokkiedoke · 11 months
hi bestie,
quick questoin
would ?
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bokkiedoke · 1 year
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bokkiedoke · 1 year
In which I attempt to be mostly positive but I still trash on three different mechanics. Whoops. They deserved it though.
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