bolinismybaby · 11 years
is bolin gay yet
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
If Bolin ever gets facial hair, it'll be the thing that kills me. Agree?
mmmmmmmmm gimmie dat scruff
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
Day 1
Day 1
  Tahno sat alongside a small river that ran through the arena, looking at his reflection in the clear, swift water.  What a disaster.  He hadn’t killed a single tribute yet.  He had had it all planned out.  At the Cornucopia he would battle with the fiercest of fighters, water-whipping his way to supplies and eliminating the biggest threats.  His fans at home would swoon at his mastery and sponsor him with a shower of gifts.  Instead, he had tripped over his own shoelaces right out of the gate and had a majestic faceplant into some dirt.  When he looked up there was such carnage at the Cornucopia that he had tucked tail and ran.
Truth be told, he was a star, not a soldier.
He knew how to battle, but it was mostly for show.  He was a performer, a mediocre athlete with a gorgeous face.  And now that face was smudged!  He had tried rubbing the dirt off but just ended up spreading it around.  Ugh, he would never get sponsors looking like this.  He bent towards the river to splash some water on his face and caught the reflection of somebody standing behind him.
“Who’s there?” he asked, spinning away from the water and looking into the dense foliage.  There was silence.
“Come on, I know you’re out there.”  He felt the pull of the water behind him and clenched his fist, readying himself if he needed to bend.  “Why don’t you come out and fight like a real man?”
“Psh.  Like you know anything about that,” a voice dripping with sarcasm replied.  From the woods, Mai stepped forward, her arms crossed.
Tahno released the water behind him and put his hands on his hips.  “Well, well, well.  What do we have here?  A damsel in distress?”
“I know you can’t bend, pretty lady, so how did you make it out of the Cornucopia alive?”
Mai remained expressionless.  “A man.  Yes, a man swooped in to save me.  A man on a white hippohorse.  He saved me and now I am his.”
Tahno made an exaggerated look to the right, then to the left.  “A man?  I don’t see any man around here.”
“Neither do I,” Mai mumbled to herself, glaring at Tahno.
“If your man is gone, perhaps I can fill the vacancy,” Tahno said, smiling devilishly.  He could picture it all.  Two strangers, tossed into a battle royale, find love in the midst of chaos.  The ratings would soar, the sponsors would roll in and his fan club would be bigger than ever!
“Ugh, shut up,” Mai said before flicking her wrist so quickly it was a blur to Tahno.
He felt a pinch in his throat, followed by a gush of warmth cascading down his chest.  He tried to speak, but it came out a gurgle.  He fell to his knees, and watched as his blood stained the rocks underneath him.  His vision blurred and in his dying moments he couldn’t help but be thankful that she missed his face.
Katara was so hopelessly lost.  She had no idea where she was in the arena, of course, but it was more than that.  She had lost herself, and it had only taken less than a couple of minutes.  Going into this she had the noble idea of sacrificing herself early on to spare her the pain of inflicting injury, or worse, death, on her friends.  She wanted to make sure that Sokka was alive before wading harmlessly into the battle, ready to be struck down.
Instead, she had murdered one of her friends.  It was instinct, really.  Zuko had attacked first.  So was he really a friend at all?  If he was willing to kill both herself and Sokka within the first minute maybe he wasn’t the person she thought he was.  She certainly knew that she wasn’t the person she thought she was.  She was supposed to be a healer, not a killer.
What was she supposed to do now?  She knew she was capable of killing, even killing those close to her, but she still had no desire to do so.  But she knew that when push came to shove, her instincts would kick in and she would fight for her life.
Wait, no.  Not for her life.  For someone else’s!  That’s it!  That is what she would do with her last few days.  She might die in battle, but she would do so protecting the ones she loved!
She needed to find Sokka.  She lost him at some point after the Cornucopia, but she knew he was still alive.  If she wouldn’t win this thing, she would make sure that Sokka did.  He was a good fighter, but he wasn’t a bender so he was at a disadvantage.  Plus, she was a healer and could patch up his wounds in no time.  She and her brother would take on the rest together!
If only she could find him.
She had been walking in this direction for a couple of hours with no sign of him.  With no sign of anybody, for that matter.  Maybe she should head back.  She was about to turn around and retrace her steps to the Cornucopia when she heard the sharp snap of a twig.  Somebody was close by.  She took a few quick steps off the trail and hid behind the nearest tree.
Was it Sokka?  No, not it couldn’t be.  Sokka was much more careless in his stride and had a tendency to talk to himself when he was alone.  She peeked around the trunk of the tree and looked at the trail she was just on.  Nothing.  Nobody.  She tucked her head back behind the tree.  Maybe it was a false alarm.  There was wildlife in this arena, after all.  Still, she’d rather be safe than sorry.  Quietly, she craned her neck and took another look back towards the trail.
Her heart stopped dead in her chest as she saw him, no more than two feet away.  His wide, wild eyes stared unrelentingly down at her, his mouth curved in an extravagantly creepy open mouthed smile.  From the back of his throat a rush of white, velvety foam burst forth, spilling over his mouth and dripping down his chin, hitting the ground with a soft splat.
Katara screamed.
There was a loud bang overhead as one of the ceremonial cannons erupted, signaling the death of another tribute.
“You don’t… you don’t think that was for Mako… do you?” Bolin asked, looking up into the sky.
“We won’t find out until tonight,” Asami replied, striking a rock against her flint.  Bolin looked upset by that answer.  “…but I doubt it.  Mako’s pretty tough,” she added comfortingly.
“Yeah, you’re right.  We’ll meet up with him sooner or later, right?” Bolin asked, his face regaining some of his usual cheer.
“Sure.  I hope so,” Asami replied, striking the flint again.  There were a couple of sparks, but a flame didn’t catch.  Asami huffed in frustration.
“So what else did you get in that bag?” Bolin asked, sitting down beside Asami and crossing his legs. “Anything good?”
“Well, we have this flint, which is pretty useless until I can get it to work.  A tin bottle for boiling water, a little bit of food and… that’s about it.”
Bolin pouted.  “That’s not a lot, is it.”
“We’ll manage,” she replied.
“Here, why don’t you let me give it a try?” Bolin said, reaching for the flint.  Asami sighed in relief and handed it over, stretching out the cramp in her hand.  Bolin began striking the flint, little sparks igniting into life, but dying a few moments later.  “You know… back at the Cornucopia.  I don’t know what happened.  I just kind of froze up.  I was looking for Mako, but then the horn rang and everybody started fighting… I didn’t know what to do.”
“It’s okay, Bolin.  It was a lot to take in,” Asami said.
“No, no, you don’t get it.  I saw Unalaq coming my way but I was too scared to move.  If you hadn’t come my way and told me to get moving I think I would be dead by now.  You saved my life!”
Asami smiled and rested a hand on Bolin’s knee.  “You would have done the same for me.”
Bolin smiled back, a touch of pink rising in his cheeks.  He held her gaze for a few extra moments before turning back to the flint.  “We should, uh… we should try to get this fire started…”
“Perhaps I can be of assistance with that.”
Bolin and Asami jerked their heads up and examined the man who emerged from the trees.  He was older, had a bit of a belly and a kind looking face.  Bolin recognized him.
“You- you’re Iroh!” he exclaimed, pointing dramatically at the newcomer.
“I am.  And if I am not mistaken you are Bolin, and you are Asami,” he replied, nodding to each of them in turn.  “Would you like me to help you with your fire?”
“That would be great!” Bolin said, smile wide.  “To be honest, my hands were starting to cramp.”
Iroh chuckled good-naturedly and bent to a knee.  He produced a small flame at the tip of his finger and lit the kindling.
“I don’t mean to sound rude,” Asami said, tossing a twig onto the small fire, “but how in the world did you survive the Cornucopia?  I know you’re a firebender, but, if you don’t mind me saying, you’re a little bit… old.”
“Yeah, how’d you do that?” Bolin interjected.
Iroh laughed quietly.  “Your eyes are keen, Miss Asami.  I am indeed old.  I survived the Cornucopia by both blending into the background and sticking out amongst everyone else.  While everybody else dashed for the Cornucopia or ran for safety, I simply walked.  I was in no hurry.  The others were too busy in their pursuit of survival that they did not notice an old man strolling a few feet away from them. It is the folly of many.  After much bloodshed I found myself in the woods.  I walked for many hours before I came across you two.  But I am tired now.  You don’t happen to have any tea?”
Asami shook her head.  “No.  But we can boil some water.  If you give me a few minutes I can find some leaves to toss in.  It might not be the best tea you’ve ever had.”
“I would be very indebted to you if you would do me such a kindness.”
“Well, since you managed to start our fire, it’s the least I can do,” Asami said, rising to her feet and disappearing into the woods.
“I can’t believe you just walked right by everybody!” Bolin exclaimed once Asami had left.  “Is that how you plan to win?”
“I do not plan to win at all,” Iroh replied.  “I am an old man, Bolin.  Stealing years from people so much younger than myself would be selfish.  I do not know how I will meet my demise, but my life in this world will end shortly.”
“Don’t say that!  You can’t just give up!”
Iroh examined Bolin with twinkling, amused eyes.  “In order for me to survive, you must be one of many to perish.  Is that what you wish for, Bolin?”
“Well, no.  I mean… it’s just that…”
Iroh chucked heartily and patted Bolin on the knee.  “You have a very pure spirit, Bolin, to wish for an old man like myself to maintain hope.  I hope you do not lose this spirit as your days here progress.  I am ready to enter the spirit world and embark on my next journey.”
Before Bolin could respond, Asami returned from the woods with a few leaves in her hand.  “It’s not much, but here we go”.  She tossed the leaves into the tin bottle full of water and set it over the fire to boil.  “What did you two talk about?”
“Bolin was just telling me what a pretty girl he thought you were!”
“What?  I did not!”  Bolin spun around to face Asami, his face flushed. “I didn’t!”
Iroh and Asami both got a good chuckle out of that and, after a few embarrassed moments, Bolin did as well.
“I think the tea is just about ready,” Asami said, removing the bottle from the fire.
“Great!  Give it here,” Bolin said, extending his hand towards Asami.
“Iroh should drink first.  He’s the one who set the fire, after all,” Asami replied.  She handed to bottle to Iroh.  “Be careful, it’s hot.”
Iroh lifted the bottle to his lips and slurped back the tea.  “Ahh.  It is delicious, Miss Asami.  Thank you.  It is a bit sticky on the tongue, but—oh… well played, young lady.”
Bolin looked confused.  “Well played?”
Iroh’s face began to pale and his eyes rolled backwards.  He swayed for a few moments before tipping back and falling to the ground.
“H-hey!” Bolin exclaimed, crawling over to Iroh’s convulsing body.  “Oh no…  Asami, what should we do?”
“Let him go,” Asami replied, her voice dead.
Bolin looked over to Asami, saw the guilt in her eyes and knew what had happened.  “You… poisoned him?  You poisoned him!”
A cannon fired overhead.
Asami cast her gaze to the ground.  “It had to be done.”
Random.org had me kill FOUR tributes today!  There aren’t that many left!!  But the NEW team Avatar seem to be doing well for themselves… WILL THIS LUCK LAST?  IDK!!!
Here is the spreadsheet of what has happened so far!!
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W0W~!~  Asami got her first kill!  Super posh, imo!
And Mai continues to slay!!  who knew??
Who do u think will win?
I'm excited to find out!!
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
Okay, so there they all are, standing on their platforms.  The timer begins counting down from 30.  There are mixed reactions from the tributes.
Asami takes this brief period of time to scout her surroundings.  She isn't a bender so rushing to the Cornucopia defenseless would be suicide.  Her strategy is to duck and run.  Grab whatever supplies are lying on the outskirts of the Cornucopia and find cover.  Let the fighters of the group kill each other off.
Azula doesn't bother looking at the Cornucopia.  She doesn't need it.  She doesn't need a plan of escape, either.  She's already picked her target.  A waterbending boy with heavy robes and an ugly haircut three platforms away.  He will be her first victim.
Bolin's legs are shaking.  He doesn't like this.  He doesn't like this at all.  He knows how to fight, but it was always a good natured pro-bending match!  Nobody was ever killed!  Maybe if he teamed up with his brother Mako could do some of the fighting for him.  But Mako was ten platforms away.  How would he get to him?
Ty Lee looked to the Cornucopia.  She wasn't a bender so she needed a weapon to defend herself.  She could spot a nifty looking staff near the mouth of the Cornucopia.  That was her play.
The timer counted down from ten... nine... eight...
Katara looked to Sokka.  She would protect him... for now.
Tenzin shook his head in resignation
Mai was out for blood
The opening horn sounded and there was a mad scramble from all directions.
Asami dashed for the woods and passed by Suki, who was headed to the bloodbath.  "She's toast," Asami thought to herself, running along the outskirts of the Cornucopia.  She caught sight of a small bag and sprinted towards it.  She snagged it from the ground without stopping and ran for the woods.
"Lin, get up!" Tenzin called, rushing towards his fallen friend.  Lin writhed on the ground, a throwing knife sticking out of her calf muscle.  He stooped to a knee to help, but Lin pushed him away.
"Tenzin, you fool!  There's no time to worry about me.  Save yourself!"
Tenzin looked down at her with dull eyes.
"Didn't you hear me, you stubborn oaf?  Run!"
Tenzin's face remain expressionless.  It was then Lin noticed the blood on his lips, pooling a little before spilling over and dribbling down his chin.  He slumped forward, dead.  Sticking out of his back was a short throwing knife, similar to the one in her leg.
Lin looked up to see Mai approaching, another knife at the ready.
Bolin froze.  As 23 other tributes bolted this way or that way, Bolin simply stood on his platform for a terrifying moment, watching the carnage in from of him.  Toph was already dead.  She hadn't made it ten feet from her platform before Ty Lee cut her down.  Amon, for what it was worth, got to feel the wrath of a firebender for real this time as Zuko let loose a flurry of attacks.
"Bolin, run!" a fleeting flurry of black hair called to him as it passed his platform.  Wait, that wasn't hair that was talking to him... it was Asami!
"H-hey!  Wait for me!!" Bolin called, dashing into the woods after his friend.  Maybe Asami would know what to do.
The moment the opening horn blew, Aang was up, up and away.  With a powerful burst of airbending he flew over the Cornucopia and surveyed the damage below.  There was so much blood.  Suki was dead.  Toph was gone.  A few others he didn't really recognize were among the dead as well.
A plume of steam coming from the battlefield caught his attention.  When he looked closer he could see a stream of fire and a deluge of water colliding fiercely.  He could see Zuko quite clearly, his form perfect and his face determined.  The waterbender he was battling was equally as talented, but was obscured by the steam.  Who was it?
Aang flew to the side until he saw the all too familiar braid.  It was Katara!  Zuko was attacking Katara!
"Stop!  Stop fighting!  You two are friends!" he called from above
Zuko's attention was caught for a brief moment, but that moment was all Katara needed to send a razor-thin slice of water Zuko's way.  Zuko's throat split open and blood spilled down his shirt.
Aang was too horrified to do anything.  He couldn't watch this anymore.  He couldn't watch his friends slaughter each other!  And he knew, deep down, that he couldn't slaughter his friends either.
Tears welled in his eyes and he blasted away from the bloodbath.
OMG Mai is on a killing spree!!!  This is all so exciting!!!
All in all, Random.org had me kill ELEVEN tributes already!  WOW!!
most posts will run in the same fashion.  Little stupid blurbs about what's happening because i'm bored, yet easily entertained.
Here is a spreadsheet of what has happened so far!!!
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We're already almost half way there!!!!!
a lot of my faves are still around, but most of them will die :'-(
Will Mai continue her killing streak?
With no desire to kill his friends, what will Aang do?
Who is this mystery Foamy Mouth Guy?
Tune in again to see MORE!
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
Sassy had a GREAT idea
In honor of The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Sassy suggested that we host our own little mini-Hunger Games right here on this blog!!! omfg, such a posh idea, RIGHT?
I, Denny, will create an Excel sheet featuring 24 of our fave (and not so fave) heroes, villains and icons from the Avatar universe, encompassing both The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra.
The rules are pretty simple:
1) Bloodbending is banned.  Any tribute who is caught bloodbending will be IMMEDIATELY terminated by the game master.  That's me.
2) The last one left alive wins!
To determine which tribute falls when, and by whose hand, I will use Random.org to ensure that there is no foul play by the bias game master.  That's me.  Whatever Random.org provides me with will be the results, regardless of my feelings towards the characters and their relationships to one another.
Each day I will make a post and regale you with a short synopsis of the days events letting you know who has killed who and how they have died.  Some of ur faves may fall first, some of ur faves may last until the end.  Some of ur faves may show a BLOODTHIRST u didn't know they had.
At the end of each day I will also post a screencap of the excel sheet so you can keep up with what all has been happening.
So, without further adieu, let me introduce the 24 tributes!!!
1) Aang
2) Katara
3) Sokka
4) Toph
5) Suki
6) Zuko
7) Korra
8) Asami
9) Mako
10) Bolin
11) Azula
12) Mai
13) Ty Lee
14) Iroh
15) Tahno
16) Eska
17) Desna
18) Tonraq
19) Unalaq
20) Amon
21) Tarrlok
22) Tenzin
23) Lin
24) Foamy Mouth Guy
who do u think will win?
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
Im not sure if you take request, but the nsfw you post is perfect, only wish there was more at a more constant flow c: thank you sexy
if people draw them we will reblog them
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
Are you a guy/girl, and sexual orientation?
i am male
sassy is a bush
i don't think they have sexual orientations.
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
I dont think you understand how perfect this blog is, I mean, Bolin is the best character ever, and you post his face all over my dash. Thank you
you're welcome!!!
*sassy twists in a stiff breeze*
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
omg i was so turned on when bolin bent those two stacks of earth discs from beneath the arena floor who's with me
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
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fuck yes bolin
127 notes · View notes
bolinismybaby · 11 years
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Bolin appearing out of nowhere: a compilation.
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
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1K notes · View notes
bolinismybaby · 11 years
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252 notes · View notes
bolinismybaby · 11 years
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Work in progress, still need to color it. Bolin lovin’ him some candy. Nomnom.
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
Can we (I) know about it?
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
remember when we cried b/c of bolin i do i'm doing it rn
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bolinismybaby · 11 years
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