boneless-jellyfish · 2 months
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boneless-jellyfish · 2 months
Imagine if Furina decided to travel the world one day and Neuvillette just starts writing strongly-worded letters to the archons like:
"Dear [insert archon], let it be known, that if anything were to befall Furina de Fontaine while she is travelling on your land, your judgement day shall be rescheduled 200 years earlier."
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boneless-jellyfish · 2 months
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when you’re a sopping wet pathetic dragon and you’re handling your divorce from your twink wife horribly
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boneless-jellyfish · 2 months
Jotaro Kujo is Autistic: an Informal Analysis
So. When I first started sdc, I INSTANTLY noticed a lot of core (and lesser known!) autistic traits when it came to Jotaro. I’d see him do something and I’d be like “oh! I do that!” Or “oh! I understand that!” Because you know. I Am Big Autistic Doofus.
So first thing I wanna start with is sensory. One of the first things we see of Jotaro is him yelling at some female students, correct? I noticed a trend here, and some behaviors I have too. Now, these girls are touching him, and they’re all speaking at once, voices overlapping, and he finally yells at them to shut up, right? Sure, you could play it off as him being edgy or whatnot, but that’s not necessarily accurate. Watching that scene personally, I noticed a few really striking things. he only yells after the onslaught of stimuli begins, and you can see him become more and more agitated as the stimuli continues. He reaches his breaking point when these girls start yelling at each other, and he screams.
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And chalking it up to him being an Angsty teen doesn’t make sense, either, because the same thing happens in part four. Autism doesn’t go away with age, so it makes sense.
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From experience, this is exactly how I experience sensory overload. Distressing stimuli, stimuli continues, your nervous system becomes agitated, and the stress can make you explode if it persists. this can also be why he gets snippy when people touch him unexpectedly. Unwarranted (ESPECIALLY LIGHT) touch can be really scary and even painful. His sensory issues also would tie into why he always wears his gakuran, even in the hot ass desert. It’s familiar, it’s comfortable and it provides deep pressure input. It’s a comforting weight he needs to keep cool, just like his hat is also a comfort item.
now,,, to break out the big guns,,, communication
Throughout each part we see Jotaro in, it becomes very apparent that he’s not the best with words, and not the best at reading people. He communicates, but it’s mostly actions instead of speech, so his intentions are often misunderstood and he’s seen as rude or brash. Again, another core autistic trait. an example I really love to use is the way he knew holly was sick. Despite his bitchiness about her being annoying (yes, that’s probably because’s he’s a fucking edgelord and can’t handle his emotions mostly) he genuinely loves her despite never saying so with speech. he knew something was wrong becuase she didn’t give him a kiss goodbye before he left for school. For a lot of us autistic people, routine is important, especially routines around people we love and cherish. Him getting a hug and a kiss goodbye is an ingrained part in his routine because he loves his mom. not receiving that affection threw him off, and perhaps caused some anxiety because “I’m leaving, why hasn’t she given me a kiss? She ALWAYS gives me a kiss goodbye, something must be wrong”
Along with that, rather than outwardly saying “I’m worried about my mommy” he travels across an entire continent to save her life. this also ties into how we read and understand people a lot of the time, and also a little thing called cognitive empathy and theory of mind. Cognitive empathy is the ability to understand why a person may be feeling a way, “putting yourself in somebody else’s shoes”. Theory of mind is the ability to understand what a person may be thinking or feeling, and understand that people don’t know what you’re thinking or feeling without you explicitly saying so. In jotaro’s character bio, he is said to not be verbally expressive becuase he truly believes people know his motives and feelings with out him explaining, which is A HUGE AUTISTIC TRAIT.
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personally, I do struggle with theory of mind and I also kind of assume people know what I’m talking about because that’s just how my brain works! Jotaro IS empathetic, and emotional, and kind hearted, but he just shows it differently.
Let’s talk emotions and emotional processing. it is common knowledge that Jotaro is an emotionally constipated dumbass. But again, watching him as an autistic person IT LOOKS LIKE SO MUCH MOREEEEEE
We usually don’t see Jotaro express much emotion outwardly, which we previously discussed has to do with theory of mind. But it ALSO seems to do with a little something called alexithymia. That is the ability to identify an emotion or feeling, which I personally believe is something he lacks. Not only that, but because of it anger seems to be the only emotion he can process and react to accordingly. anger is easy. It’s intense, it’s heated, and it is easy to express. Jotaro has a lot of trouble processing his emotions and identifying them. Grief, anxiety, sadness, overwhelm, they all come out as anger. Let me explain a little bit more about alexithymia, becuase again that’s something I deal with. So, if you have alexithymia, you may feel a certain way, but are unable to describe it in the moment. If I’m anxious, it’s squiggly or ragged or ziggzagged and blah, or “it feels like a lily is blooming in my stomach”. If I’m sad and don’t really know I’m sad, “I feel blah, and kind of heavy, and my hands feel funny.” If I’m overwhelmed, an example i used yesterday in voice chat on discord is ”I feel wiggly, my body feels like jelly” it can go on. Emotions can be tangible, physical sensations that can make them hard to describe. As a kid, when I’d dissociate I would say “today was a gray day.” Colors and shapes and sensations came easy, words not so much.
one more thing I’d like to touch on with emotions are meltdowns. Meltdowns are essentially outward expressions of extreme distress. This can range from crying and stimming to destructive things like throwing stuff, (TW) self injury like biting or punching or othering things like getting into fights and snapping at people. Meltdowns are triggered by fight or flight, your nerves are completely haywire, you can’t think everything’s too much and it’s all ??? and you just need to be alone to get though it. Jotaros a big guy, and for a lot of autistic people our traits are seen as threatening or like we’re instigating, Espeically for somebody of his build.
so stimming is something everybody does, it can range from bouncing your leg or tapping your fingers on something, or rocking and flapping and hummin. Despite stimming being a natural human behavior, neurodivergent people are notorious for it because we need to do it more regularly. It helps us regulate our senses and express our emotions. Something I noticed he does quite a lot is fist clenching. Fist clenching offers deep pressure input, and seems to be his body’s expression of anger or fear along with him biting his lip and clenching his jaw. Another very obvious thing he does is tipping his hat, a comforting motion, and also an expression of embarrassment, anxiousness, and I think it’s also to avoid looking at people’s eyes. last ones I wanna talk about are the notorious phrases...
“yare yare daze”. Feels nice to say, first off, and from what I’ve gathered it almost always seems to be used when he doesn’t know what to say or he uses it as an expression of exasperation or confusion.
ora! Something I belive has a lot of credibility is that stands will have the autistic traits their autistic user does, and, since star is jotaro’s authentic self it would make sense that the only thing he says is a vocal stim.
Last thing! So. Perception. How you view the world and interact with it. Autistic people are super well known for our attention to the small details, and what is one of the first things we learn about star platinum?
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stands are a complete manifestation of their user’s authentic self, and, if that user is autistic their stand would be also. Wouldn’t it make sense for their strongest traits to show?
This concludes my essay.
For now...
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boneless-jellyfish · 3 months
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"You really just... Know how to send a message in the shittiest fucking way."
💋Do not reupload💋
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boneless-jellyfish · 4 months
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"I must feed the young ones!!!"
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boneless-jellyfish · 4 months
dealing with the worst case scenario
your condom breaks
you feel a lump on your breast
your friends are ignoring you
you’re stranded on an island 
you got rejected by a crush
you get into a car accident
you got stung by a bee/wasp
you got fired from your job
you’re in an earthquake
your tattoo gets infected
your house is on fire
you’re lost in the woods
you get arrested abroad
you get robbed
your partner cheated on you
you’re on a ship that’s sinking
you fall into ice
you’re stuck in an elevator
you hit a deer with your car
you have food poisoning
your pet passed away
you fall off of a horse
you or your friend has alcohol poisoning
you have toxic shock syndrome
your house has a gas leak
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boneless-jellyfish · 4 months
tw suicidal ideation !!
using sertraline nearly ended my life for the first three weeks of me being on it. I was crying all the time, I was shaking, I was violently anxious, it made my anxiety 100 times worse. I hate hate hate physical contact and I hate being near my parents, but it literally got to the point of my mother having to sleep in my bed with me to reduce my anxiety, and there's never been a moment in my life where I had to have her sleep in my bed. i broke down heavily on my friend, crying for hours on end while he just experienced it and gave me head pat's and hugs. i was in constant pain (more than normal), i was always on edge and i had permanent headaches. it was /horrendous/. absolutely horrific. I genuinely got to the point of wanting to either end the medication or ending my life, it was awful.
however !!!!! three weeks in and I plateaued. I've been on it for almost a year now, I think, and I'm genuinely the best I've ever been. I can do human things. I am constantly calm and I do not remember the last time I felt nervous about anything. my depression is lurking but it does, and it will. but I'm working now, and I'm going into town by myself, going for drinks by myself, I'm so much more...human. friendly. kind. I feel normal for the first time.
I came to tumblr for some information and relief about my side effects during the first three weeks and it was the only thing that made me feel better and made me keep going with it..
basically my point is, people here helped me, and I might be able to help others find a positive side to starting antidepressants. and please !!! keep going through the beginning few weeks of your antidepressants. it's worth it, i promise.
(sincerely, one of the rare success stories of sertraline users)
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boneless-jellyfish · 5 months
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When Mothra talks, nobody talks.
And that's a fact!
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boneless-jellyfish · 6 months
someone tell the booktok gooners that they aren't special for enjoying rape, incest and borderline pedophilia they're as bad as men who grew up on pornhub
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boneless-jellyfish · 6 months
are people so bored these days
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boneless-jellyfish · 6 months
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it’s meme time
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boneless-jellyfish · 8 months
my friend took in a stray and she’s the cutest kitty ever but he named her oil so whenever he sends a picture of her me and my other friends look like we’re roleplaying as the US military
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boneless-jellyfish · 9 months
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a subscorp doodle, feliz navidad!
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boneless-jellyfish · 9 months
The whole Palestine situation is really showing the true side of humanity. People are so addicted to needless overconsumption and simple pleasures that they would deny helping helpless innocent children who don't have the luxuries of even a safe home, a birthday, wondering if they will live the next day or if their bodies will be buried underneath a sea of rubble.
The fact that some people choose to remain ignorant or not act at all to "protect their peace", shows the privilege they have when these children don't even have the option of peace because everyday is war. Do you have to be thrown into a war-filled nation where you are fighting for your life everyday to have empathy? Is that how deep your selfishness goes, how far capitalism and overconsumption has rotted your brain?
People glorify heroes in the media, grow up wishing to be one of them, but when the time comes to save humanity you choose selfishness.
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boneless-jellyfish · 9 months
I ate with the name ivy it's the perfect gender neutral name for me I would have actually picked that name when I transitioned if I didn't choose it when I was having a manic episode
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boneless-jellyfish · 10 months
people warp the idea of good female representation to be a badass strong female character which that isn't the case at all. the true core of good female representation is that they are human and have depth.
female characters do not need to fight or be a badass all the time when they are on screen to be a good character (sometimes it ruins the whole essence of the character) just like how real women don't need to be able to fight or be a badass all the time to be seen as strong.
female characters who learn for love are strong, female characters who are kind and strong, mothers are strong. putting a definition on what makes a strong woman is limiting and goes against feminist values.
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