bonnieandstars · 1 year
Hi community i'm in need of a bigggg help. I read this tsukishima domestic/fluff kind of a fanfic and it had "Flightless Bird/ American Mouth" as a recommended song. i LOVED the fanfic and i'm very sure i liked it but i cannot find it AT ALL. i miss it dearly and it was my favourite tsukki fanfic of all time. Pleas eplease pleaseeee help me find it, thank you LOVE YOU!
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bonnieandstars · 1 year
"do you love me?"
tsukishima paused the video he was watching on his phone as he turned to look at you, who was sitting beside him on the couch, with an unamused face.
"there's a kid sleeping in the bedroom right next to us who looks exactly like the two of us," he responds, eyes meeting yours.
"that doesn't answer my question, kei."
he places down his phone on the coffee table in front of both of you, slightly turning his body to the side to face you.
"what did you do this time?" he asks, eyes fixed on you.
"what? i did nothing! why are you answering my question with another question?" you frowned, arms crossed in front of your chest.
"because the last time you tried pulling something like this, you 'accidentally' broke my glasses." his brow quirked up at you, air-quoting the word 'accident' for emphasis as he mirrors your action.
"it was really an accident! and no, i did not do anything nor broke any of your stuff," you gave him a slight glare, lips slightly jutting out into a small pout. "i just want to know if you love me."
"no, i don't," he says, corners of his lips tugging up into a small smirk.
you kept your eyes on him as he turns to lean his back against the couch, picking up his phone again.
as you were about to say something, he cuts you off.
"i don't love you that's why i married you and had a kid with you."
he says, eyes still fixed on the phone screen.
"i don't love you that's why i wake up earlier than what i'm used to so i could prepare your breakfast and pack your lunch for work."
even though he has his phone in his hand, you knew you have his full attention as he was just looking at the home screen instead of opening a random app.
"i really don't love you, that's why i use my free time at work to watch re-runs of your favorite shows so i could respond with something useful whenever you talk about them to me."
the smirk turns into a genuine smile that you know fully well as his eyes were fixed on your family photo that he had set as the home screen background of his phone.
"i don't love you that's why i sit with you here on the couch, at four in the morning even though we both have work in less than four hours, answering your dumb question," he says, finally turning to look back at you.
but it was your turn to look away.
"it was just a question, you don't have to be all serious," you mumbled quietly, "and do you really watch my dramas in your free time?"
kei lets out a small laugh, turning back on his phone again as he scoots closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder.
"i thought the plot would be cliche but it's more fun than what i had expected..." he replies, playing the video that he was watching earlier.
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bonnieandstars · 1 year
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Today's fact is about Alan Turing OBE FRS (!!) Alan Turing was an English cryptanalyst, mathematician, logician, philosopher and also a theoretical biologist! Not only that, he cracked the Enigma during the Second World War in Bletchley Park , a secret headquarter for code workers. Today, I am going to tell you some facts that are much lesser known.
1. He was what nowadays people would call 'a weirdo' (I wouldn't dare to call him one, he's downright a genius) : He apparently wore a gas mask when he used to bike to prevent the allergies. he was also said to have a faulty chain in his bike but instead of fixing it he immediately dismounted off the bike before the chain slipped off. he also chained his mug to a radiator so that it wasn't taken by others.
Turing started running as a schoolboy and continued throughout his life, regularly running the 31 miles between Cambridge and Ely while he was a fellow at King’s College. During World War II, he occasionally ran the 40 miles between London and Bletchley Park for meetings. He almost became an Olympic athlete, too. He came in fifth place at a qualifying marathon for the 1948 Olympics with a 2-hour, 46-minute finish (11 minutes slower than the 1948 Olympic marathon winner). However, a leg injury held back his athletic ambitions that year. Afterward, he continued running for the Walton Athletic Club, though, and served as its vice president. ”I have such a stressful job that the only way I can get it out of my mind is by running hard,” he once told the club’s secretary. “It's the only way I can get some release."
Turing was a homosexual and for that he was prosecuted. The judge gave him two choices, either he would spend 2 years in jail or he would undergo hormonal treatment to "cure" his homosexuality.
In 2009, Prime Minister Brown issued a public apology to Turing .“Alan and the many thousands of other gay men who were convicted as he was convicted under homophobic laws were treated terribly," he said. "This recognition of Alan's status as one of Britain's most famous victims of homophobia is another step towards equality and long overdue." Acknowledging Britain’s debt to Turing for his vital contributions to the war effort, he announced, “on behalf of the British government, and all those who live freely thanks to Alan's work I am very proud to say: we're sorry, you deserved so much better."
In 2013, he received a rare royal pardon from the Queen of England.
Turing was only one of the many men who suffered after being prosecuted for their homosexuality under 19th-century British indecency laws. Homosexuality was decriminalized in the UK in 1967, but the previous convictions were never overturned. Turing’s Law, which went into effect in 2017, posthumously pardoned men who had been convicted for having consensual gay sex before the repeal. One of the activists who campaigned for the mass pardons, around 15,000 of the 65,000 gay men convicted under the outdated law are still alive.
He created the first computer chess ! Now, I wish I knew how it worked but you see I'm not that smart yet. He created an early algorithm with pencil and paper called the Turochamp. The Turochamp was designed to think two moves ahead and choose the best one.
There is an Alan Turing Monopoly! In 2012 Monopoly published an Alan Turing themed edition, but instead of hotels and clubs there are huts and blocks closely resembling Bletchley Park. The design was based on a hand drawn board in 1950 created by William Newman. So apparently only a few copies of this are still available.
A movie about Alan Turing was released in 2014 portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch. The movie has received eight nominations at the 87th Academy Awards, winning for Best Adapted Screenplay, five nominations in the 72nd Golden Globe Awards, and three nominations at the 21st Screen Actors Guild Awards. It also received nine BAFTA nominations and won the People's Choice Award at the 39th Toronto International Film Festival. Massive yes !
It is lowkey sad that I learnt computer science ever since was 9yrs old to 14yrs and never even once did I hear his name. It was way later after watching the movie i came to know about him. He should be given the appreciation he deserves for saving the world by reducing the war by 2 years. Kiera Knightley who plays Joan (Turing's ex fiance and co worker) says that she saw a city that wouldn't have existed if Turing never broke the Enigma and bought train tickets from a man who would likely be dead and trust me I bawled at the words. They hit hard.
So here's to Alan Mathison Turing OBE FRS (23rd June 1912 - 7th June 1954) we owe you an apology for never giving you an opportunity to enjoy life as you wanted to, to snatch the happiness you wanted to experience. Here's to you Sir, you're the greatest man of all and history will remember your name.
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bonnieandstars · 1 year
there are like five rules to life and those rules are
1. eat 3 meals a day
2. always have a non alcoholic drink with you
3. never trust anything you think about your life after 8-9pm
4. do a little something for urself every day
5. interact with a Beast at least once a day (human, feline, canine, lizard, bird, etc)
and the secret 6th rule:
6. if you can't do all of those rules, just do the ones you can
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bonnieandstars · 2 years
"If academia ever makes you feel like you’re not good or smart enough . . . it’s not you, it’s academia"
Love on the brain by Ali Hazelwood
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bonnieandstars · 2 years
People will have u believe feminism has gone too far when it has gone absolutely no fucking where
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bonnieandstars · 2 years
Wow Speculation Returns
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On Aug. 15, 1977 at the Big Ear observatory, a radio telescope was recording data as it scanned the night sky at a bandwidth frequency of 1420.4056 megahertz, which is produced by the element hydrogen.
It's a great place to look for things out of the ordinary, and on that night, they recorded something particularly out of the ordinary, so much so, the astronomer on night duty wrote the now infamous message "WOW!".
Since then, the signal has been debated, explained away, debated again, been attributed to all manner of Earthly objects, but hasn't gone away.
This recent article in Livescience has suggested a candidate for the signal, a star 2MASS 19281982-2640123, 1800 light years away in the constellation of Sagittarius.
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Speculation is always the starting point of all science, but when we're dealing with an event in the past that isn't reproducible, it can only remain speculation, even if it's an educated guess, unless you have a test to prove otherwise.
The amateur scientist who has put this forward knew the location the telescope was pointing at the time, albeit rather a wide area in the constellation of Sagittarius, and went searching for a G type star.
The assumption that only G type stars could have the special circumstances whereby life can evolve has more recently been shown to be wholly inadequate, and born of the low data set naval gazing, where you extrapolate the only data set you have onto everything you cannot quite see. That aside, there are many other reasons to "poo poo" this article.
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There's a reason the Black hole at the centre of our galaxy is called Sagittarius A*, and that's because the Milky Way Galaxy centre stretches right across that constellation, billions of stars create what we call the "Milky Way" cloud like structure which can be see in very dark places (and well worth a look if you can ever get out into a dark place).
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and zoomed in just a little ..
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Putting it more simplistically, the radio telescope was looking at the busiest part of the night sky when it picked up that signal, and there is no way of knowing how far away it came from, it could have been travelling for 20,000 years, or as many telescopes have found in the time since, been something rather closer to home, a hair drying or faulty television in the locality.
While I do not dismiss informed speculation on this matter, I agree with the American Astronomical Society on this, it will never be possible to know, and the likelihood is, it was from something much much closer to home, than extra-terrestrial.
Sorry ET, no cigar today.
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bonnieandstars · 2 years
Hi all, I found out today that a childhood family friend has died by suicide. I really want you to all know how loved she was, and how unbelievably sad this loss is to everyone who knew her. I miss her terribly already. I want everyone reading this to know that if the fog has set in, and you think everyone will be better off without you, that is not true. The person who has died has left a her-shaped whole in our community that can never be filled. The rest of us kids will grow up holding her and the memories of her in our hearts forever, and wishing she was growing up with us. I think grief is a consequence of our connections to other people, and I am happy to have paid this price to know her.
Now I feel left with the difficult questions. I keep fixating on how she died. Were her eyes closed when she hit the water? Why did she pick that bridge? What music did she listen to on the way there? Did she appreciate the view? Did it make her happy? Was she afraid? Was she alone?
I grew up with this person like a little cousin, and now after her death I still feel this instinct to look out for her and look after her. It shocks me how often I think of things and wish I could have told her about them. Or wish I had seen her one more time.
If you are considering suicide, I can sit here and tell you "please, don't" as much as I want. I know that you can only think of how to end your pain. I know how much pain you must be in. I also want to tell you that your life cannot always be like this. You will get through this. Please talk to someone, anyone, and please keep yourself alive for your future self.
The number for Samaritans in the UK is 116 123. If you would rather text, you can send SHOUT to 85258. I love you strangers. You are so loved.
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bonnieandstars · 2 years
“To the ones who still believe in dreams: Chase them. Chase them until you’re out of breath. Then, keep running.”
— Unknown
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bonnieandstars · 2 years
Be the academic you've always dreamt of being. Stay up till 3 a.m. with your paperbacks scattered on the table and a cup of black coffee, write annotations beside the lines you want to remember, consistently scribble down your notes with your favourite black pen. Absorb whatever your professor says, think about it, come up with questions and hang around in the library pouring over thousands of books trying to quench. that. thirst. for. knowledge. Just do it, stop coming up with excuses that studying can't be romanticised. Live that academia life.
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bonnieandstars · 2 years
did you know that a physicist (Boltzmann) has his equation engraved on his tombstone? what is physics, if not poetry? who are physicists, if not poets explaining the working of the universe lyrically?
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bonnieandstars · 3 years
things that somehow scream physicist:
some weird mixture of dark academia chique and i-found-this-in-a-dumpster fashion
being a cat person!!!
black coffee
black ballpoint pens
messy folders
high alcohol tolerance
having a god- and inferiority- complex at the same time
being bad at pure math?
being queer always finds it's way into the mix
daddy issues
not letting go of certain pieces of clothing
also being creative
being a daydreamer and a realist
(lots of specifics about being a female physicist)
feel free to add your own!!
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bonnieandstars · 3 years
Bored of the STEM/humanities distinction, I'd rather separate fields into those that you learn and those that you practice. Of course all fields have some of both. But, broadly speaking,
Things that you learn (sciences):
Things that you practice (arts):
This is clearly the better way to group things.
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bonnieandstars · 3 years
me omw to absolutely wring the song out of its emotions for me to never listen to it again for the next 10 months.
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bonnieandstars · 3 years
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Happy International Women’s Day to this twitter account and only this twitter account
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bonnieandstars · 3 years
happy womens day to all the women who were called "too pink" to be in stem.
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bonnieandstars · 3 years
happy womens day to all the women who were called "too pink" to be in stem.
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