bonusholeboy · 2 years
for the love of fucking god.
jewish women and holocaust survivors are not your fucking arguement pawns. disabled women are not your fucking arguement pawns. black and brown women are not misled little children who need you to speak for us or "help us" understand that we're being "misled" by the big, bad radfems.
you may think there's some trans genocide (pretty insensitive fucking word to use btw) but your shit will never fucking be on par with the plights of the people you use for shields against arguments that defy your shit.
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
lmao elon posted that crying anime woman meme and the mangaka behind it demanded he pay them a billion dollars for the licensing
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
what is a flock of failsons called
legacy students
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
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Absolutely no fucking hope for women
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
At the high school level, homework has shown some benefit, but not enough to justify the drawbacks of assigning it. Before the high school level, homework has shown absolutely no benefit.
This isn't even mentioning all the problems with grading, tests, competition, and authority in schools.
College is wild because it really isn’t about intelligence or the ability to understand the material at all. It’s literally just a test of executive function and abled-ness. I had good attendance. I participated in class discussions…possibly to an annoying extent, I got A’s on my tests. When we did group work in classes, it was usually me knowing the answers and everyone else just writing them down from my paper.
But I watched those same people who copied my in-class work and who barely passed tests and who only understood the material enough to regurgitate it, not to expand on it, graduate while I flunked out. Why? Because I didn’t have the executive function to do homework outside of class. That’s it.
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
You've clearly never met the entitled creepy guy who tries to pull the "How about everyone else calls you he/him but I get to call you she/her?" and somehow thinks it's not misogynistic or transphobic.
Also, it being a fetish thing isn't necessarily innocent, either.
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let me outttttt. LET ME OUTTTTTT.
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
White people being comically racist regardless of what community they're in? Color me shocked.
@menalez is pretty much a terf tradwife, she is the daughter of a rich family that lives in a gated community with pool and servants in Barain while she appropriares the struggles of those fighting the dictators. People that she wouldn't invite in her home. She's not just well off but she's 30 with her father paying her bills he had her returned home after she got in shit beating her GF, she also used to e-beg while going to an expensive English college she'll never pay for.
oh my god if this is true ill lose my mind
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
tr00nbashing bcoming leik the center of radfem ideology lately is so so backwardss. leik jst speaking within th framework f the radfem worldview. its literally centering all ur attention arnd (biological) males.. like its socompletely the oposite f whts supposed 2 b a female oriented ideolgy.
leik if anything the more radfem thing2 do wld be 2 leik, have sympathy fr transgender women who r also victims f a kind of male violence w/ leik rly strongly misogynistic underpinnings even if they arent the focus f the movement. n theleik hate directed towards transmasc ppl regardless of identity is leik disgustingly anti radfem leik.
being cruel 2 biologically female people fr their presentation is genuinely nothing bt misogynistic n honestly liek lesbophobic in a sense considring alot of ftm people r seen as essentialy butch/masc lesbians by alot of society.
u guys dont care abt women ur just looking fr a moraly righteous excuse to be really mean lol
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
“Nobody wants to work” yet im over here filling out 3945867483293064359469 applications on 500 different job hunting sites, each application demanding i take a 30 minute-test to PROVE that me and my paltry resume are worth a multi-million company giving me 16 whole dollars an hour. Nobody wants to work yet 97 of the 100 applications you fill out just ghost you (because when a Boss does it, that’s just how it is. But if you ghost? Unprofessional.) or give you some pointless runaround for 3 weeks until telling you you’re not a good fit because you only have 3 years of dick-sucking experience and they want 5. Nobody wants to work? Nobody wants to invest in employees. Nobody wants to hire, nobody wants to train, nobody wants to teach anyone new skills. Nobody wants to accept that YES, some people DO work to collect a paycheck and thats FINE, not all of us are born with a passion to be a Starbucks Manager. We’re all passionate about living and supporting ourselves and I wish bosses would stop being so lazy and rude and give my friends jobs for $20000 an hour
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
"But though rape and the fear of rape are a daily part of every woman’s consciousness, the subject is so rarely discussed by that unofficial staff of male intellectuals (who write the books which study seemingly every other form of male activity) that one begins to suspect a conspiracy of silence. And indeed, the obscurity of rape in print exists in marked contrast to the frequency of rape in reality, for forcible rape is the most frequently committed violent crime in America today."
Rape by Susan Griffin
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
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@emilyisliving on Instagram
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
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men are so fragile it’s hilarious 😭 all she said was that the church was dominated by males.
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bonusholeboy · 2 years
Complete detransition isn't always possible, not that anyone is obligated to detransition in the first place. Being trans isn't an ideology.
why the fuck is terfectly getting recommended to me
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