ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 June: 내가 Wolf (2)
I love Hyomin, but lately I keep doing things that hurt her..And for some reason at the time, I never feel sorry. I think that I'm right and she is wrong, but Hyomin always turns out to be right..Why did I let it happen? 
What is wrong with me? If I carry on like this..I am sure she will leave me. She deserves better and I think she's starting to realise that..If I don't change, I will never be deserving of her love. 
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
Dairy Entry circa 2013 June: 내가 Wolf
Lately I have been working on my potion night and day..I want to be rid of it. This thing inside me..I want to be rid of it so we can be happy..I'm doing this for you, my love.
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 June: Sirens Song
I can still hear it from my work desk, the Sirens song. I don't know anymore whether it is in my mind, or whether she still sings to me...It's drawing me towards something, but I do not know what that something is. That beautiful sound...A sound Hyomin claims not to hear. Is it all in my head? Is this song merely a figment of my own imagination and not the work of a mythical creature? I do not know. Was it even the same Siren that saved me which, also sung to me? If she is indeed the same Siren that tried to kill me, then why did she save me in the end? This I do not understand, but for it I am in her debt. I must do what I can to help her, it's the right thing to do. It's the least I can do.  I cannot tell Hyomin this. I fear how she may react. 
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
Dairy Entry circa 2013 June: Diary
How would one go about sneaking a Siren into Hogwarts...without getting expelled...?
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
Dairy Entry circa 2013 June: Diary
Today I saw the most beautiful thing~ Or at least I think I did? I think she was a mermaid? It had to be..she smiled at me.. Will I ever see her again? Or was it just a dream? Perhaps, I'm going crazy. Dreaming of mermaids and heavenly songs. ㅋ Do such things even exist?
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 June: Selca
Today it is my loves birthday ~ I hope to surprise her with a gift. But ~ I wish we weren't stuck on this boat... ㅠㅠ I want to take her on a special date, but such things are limited on a cruise. I must make the most of it. I want her day to be special. ^o^ 
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 June: Selca
Today I want to stay in bed, but I have class... ㅠㅠ Where is my Hyomin-ah?  I want a cuddle. ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 June: Selca
My interview was released! ㅋ ~ Some of the questions I was not expecting for a Quidditch magazine. It seemed less about Quidditch and more about my personal life. Perhaps they over dramatised my reactions and responses a little. ~ ㅋ  Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself Sungmin, where did you grow up? A: I spent most of my childhood in Haworth, a small muggle village with my father, step mother and brother. I moved to the magical world with my birth mother after my father passed away. Now I live in London, but we have a home in Seoul too. My mother travels back and forth from the ministries for her work. Q: It sounds like Sungmin is quite the wealthy Bachelor? Would you consider yourself ideal marriage material? A: Well, I..(The question of his wealth appeared to make him uncomfortable) I suppose my father is 'well' off, if that's what you would call it. We live a comfortable life I suppose, but I don't think that can measure my future abilities to be a good husband. (A small chuckle passed his heart shaped lips. I'm sure the girls will go crazy over those plump lips once this boy makes a name for himself) 
Q: So modest, Sungmin. An endearing characteristic. What type of girls interest you?  A: Sweet, kind and caring girls, ones who have a bright smile~ But was does this have to do with Quidditch? (Sungmin looked puzzled and laughed in a nervous fashion) 
Q: We've heard a rumour that you are already a 'sold out man' is this true? (Upon the question Sungmin appeared to bite his lip, letting out another nervous chuckle and a deep breath before answering)  A: Ah, is that so? (He chuckled, pausing for a second before he continued) It is true that I'm arranged to be married now. (His cheeks turned an embarrassed shade of red)  Q: Such a pity. Breaking your future fangirls hearts already there I see, Sungmin. Are you allowed to disclose to us who the lucky lady will be? An exclusive if you will? A: Future fangirls? (He blinked a few times, puzzled) She is my classmate from Hogwarts, and I love her with all my heart. That is all I can say on the matter for now. (Sungmin bit his lip to mask further chuckling, the topic clearly made him nervous; his words however, were sincere) 
Q: Which position do you prefer?  A: (He seemed a little startled at the sudden change of topic back to Quidditch) Well, I have always wanted to be a Seeker since I was a little boy-(At this point I interrupted him to engage in a quick joke) Q: I wasn't talking about Quidditch.. A: I....(Sungmin's mouth hung open in sheer bewilderment at the comment, truly pranked)  Q: Only joking! This isn't 'that' kind of magazine my dear, I assure you. (He chuckled, showing clear signs of relief and shook his head) So, you grew up wanting to be a seeker, yes? Has your mind changed at all over the years? Or does that dream remain strong? A: After playing as a Beater for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, I have begun to enjoy the position I was assigned more. I seemed to posses more natural talent as a Beater than a seeker. I would like to be captain of a Quidditch team one day, but still maintain my position as a Beater. (A smile crossed his lips as his eyes glimmered with visions of the future)  Q: What does your fiancée think of your future plans in Quidditch? A: My fiancée has always been supportive of my dream. In fact, it is thanks to her and her family that I can now pursue it and make it a reality.  Q: Our readers will be very curious to discover that, despite your innocent face and demeanour, are actually a PlayWitch model. (His eyes widened with confusion and what appeared to be fear) Tell me, what possessed you to sign up?  A: I beg your pardon? (At this point he looked entirely confused) I think..you might have the wrong person. I'm no model. I've never even read..PlayWitch, is it?. (He chuckles, brushing the statement off)
  Q: My apologies, perhaps our sources were mistaken. (He seemed relieved by the statement, but worry still lingered deep within his expression) Although, would modelling be a career path you would consider in the future?  A: What kind of magazine is PlayWitch? As for modelling, I don't know. (He chuckled, scratching his neck again) I don't think I'm attractive enough for that. (A nervous smile crossed his lips) 
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 June: Selca
I did a photo shoot a few days ago for an article on aspiring professional Quidditch players ㅋ They interviewed me and took some photos. But ~ I did no tell Hyomin-ah ㅠㅠ  I want it to be a surprise when it is released soon!  My days as a Beater for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team are coming to an end. ㅠㅠ
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 May: Memory
It's crazy to think the semester is almost over ~ I remember the times when I would sit outside the Slytherin Dungeons after class, waiting for her to come out with flowers and a smile. ㅋ
I'll miss those times. ㅠㅠ
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 May: Selca 
Getting dressed to meet my fiancee for a dance ~ This time we will actually danceㅋ
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 May: Selca 
On the cruise ship to Scotland. ㅋ
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 May: Selca in Hawaii
Happy couple ㅋ
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 May: Hawaiian Date 
Nothing beats a date with my fiancé. ㅋ
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 May: Memory
-Sungmin at the school infirmary sat by Hyomin's bedside after discovering she'd lost her memory. 
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
Dairy Entry circa 2013 May: Thoughts
She can't remember me..
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ravenmindiary2 · 11 years
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Dairy Entry circa 2013 February: Selca
A selca taken after the Spring Dance..My hair was messy, ㅠㅠ  But I'm still cute, right? ㅋ
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