book-of-fire ¡ 2 years
Ways to honor Hestia this holiday season:
First of all, I firmly believe that Hestia wants you to put your health and happiness first. If any of these don’t fit with your life/are things that will make you unhappy, simply don’t do them! For example, not all of us were born into loving families, or have time/money to donate. I just hope this will inspire you to find your own ways to feel more connected to Hestia if you so chose this holiday season <3
Friends/Family (the loved ones in your life):
Bake together. 
Have a potluck/feast where everyone brings what they have and you create a meal together.
Have a harvest feast filled with local goods and produce. Support local businesses and your loved ones at the same time!
Spend a day crafting together.
Gift homemade/handcrafted items instead of store bought. 
Do a gift exchange - add limitations/themes that feel good and genuine!
Give gifts to the people you love not because of social obligations but because you were thinking of them!
Day-to-day life when you’re out and about:
Pay for someone else’s coffee.
Find someplace cozy and sit there, enjoying the moment. 
Leave bigger tips than usual - especially during the holiday rush.
Hold the door open for somebody.
Buy some flowers and give them to people who look like they could use a smile (yourself included!)
Help people with their groceries/bags (but be safe about it and use common sense).
Practice kindness and patience while driving. 
Compliment others.
Day-to-day life at home + what to do on your own:
Go to bed earlier than usual.
Make yourself a cuppa and take the time to savor it.
Make a hearth fire or light a candle.
Bake yourself something yummy.
Take advantage of the seasonal decor and use it to decorate your altar.
Cuddle up under some blankets and enjoy some cheesy, heart-warming movies.
Take up knitting or crocheting. 
Tidy up your home/living space.
Turn of all the lights before bed and spend some time in candle light. 
Ways to help others (not already listed):
Donate toys or other gift-able items.
Participate in a food drive. 
Offer to sponsor a kid for their holiday (small gifts and maybe a bigger one).
Send cards/post cards to seniors or sick children.
Write thank you notes and leave baked goods/sweets for trash collectors, mail carriers, and other people who’s work you often take for granted.
Ask homeless people if they need any food or layers as the weather gets colder.
Volunteer at a soup kitchen or somewhere similar.
I’ve found that the spirit of this season (thankfulness and caring) makes me feel closer to Her and I enjoy devoting acts to Her, creating Her altar and praying to Her during the cold winter months.
But, most importantly, do whatever makes you feel content, kind, happy, and closer to Her <3 I’d love to hear your ideas!
Similar posts:
Small devotional acts to Hestia
Bedridden devotion to Hestia
Resources for Hestia devotees
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book-of-fire ¡ 5 years
The Evolution of the Grey Grimoire
When I first started my Grimoire, my Sigil making system was still in its infancy. The script that I now commonly use as well as the language hadn’t even been thought of yet. Don’t sweat it, if you’re just starting and feel like you have to be perfect. This spell might not look pretty, but I still use it from time to time.
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Then I started messing with Spell Circles. A concept that would later permeate a large amount of my Grimoire. Several month after I had made this spell, I had learned a lot about my magic. So I went back and added notes that I thought were important to know- that would later be adopted into my new formatting.
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Then Sigil Chains were starting to come together. I figured that my sigils are best used in tandem with eachother. I also started test driving my new script and started building the language.
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It was when my language and sigils found a rhythm together that my work really started to kick off. Spells felt powerful and writing them became less of a chore.
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My craft had taken on a life of its own. Spells were practically creating themselves and I was just the scribe. They started feeling like ART. I kept falling in love with each one.
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Now that the Grey Grimoire is complete in essence, I have started my next Grimoire, The Golden Grimoire. I took all that I had learned from it’s older brother and built even further upon it before even touching the new book. I’ve finally created a system that’ll allow my to write out extremely complex magic on only a few pages.
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So, my darlings, when ever you see a Grimoire like mine and you think, “Wow, I wish I had something like that.” know that you can.
Mine evolved over years of working on myself and my magic. Talking with others and giving and receiving inspiration really helps to build a foundation.
Remember that it’s okay to start small. You should start small. Work up to it or it won’t feel right or preform right.
If you reblog this, feel free to share the evolution of your own books/magic. Maybe it will inspire others. ♥️
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book-of-fire ¡ 5 years
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Moon Spell Cookies Ingredients: • 1 cup of finely grated almonds (optional) • 1 ¼ cups of flour • ¼ cup of confectioner’s sugar • ¼ cup of butter • 1 egg yolk Directions: 1. Combine almonds, flour, and sugar. 2. Work in butter and egg yolk until well blended. 3. Set it in the fridge until chilled. 4. Roll into crescent moon shapes or use a cookie cutter. 5. Place on greased cookie sheet and bake at 320 degrees Fahrenheit (160 degrees Celsius) for 20 minutes. Spells for: Love - Add a few pinches of rosemary, sweet basil, cinnamon, and honey. Prosperity - Add cinnamon, nutmeg, basil, and grated lemon peel. Protection - Add cloves, rosemary, anise, and cinnamon. Psychic Ability - Add star anise, nutmeg, orange, and thyme.
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book-of-fire ¡ 5 years
Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started Practicing
Chakras are part of closed practices. Find a different theory on energy centres and how they work. I have my own here but there are many more that exist.
Do your research. Question everything. Don’t follow Tumblr posts blindly. Do your research, make sure that research is credible. Some authors out there are shitty (Edred Thorsson for example). Some Etsy shop owners appropriate. Do your research.
Support minority businesses! Support local businesses!
The best basic herbs to have on hand are: sage, rosemary, cinnamon, thyme, lavender, sea salt. 
For the love of the gods, please ward. The first time you ward, you will most likely sleep upwards of 10+ hours because it is draining as hell but WARD. Wards will keep you safe from entities that seek to harm you.
ALWAYS have a good banishing spell and a good return to sender spell on hand if you need it. Here is Part 1 of a good masterpost on protections and warding.
Always be a skeptic. Don’t just believe things blindly. Is a god telling you they’re an actual god? Question them. Do your research on that god. Always question.
DO NOT INGEST ESSENTIAL OILS. They’re meant to be applied topically with a carrier oil. Don’t ingest them.
Some herbs will interact with your medication if you’re on them. If you’re on medication and want to try herbal remedies, talk to your doctor to make sure that your herbal remedy won’t negatively interact with your medication.
Tarot cards don’t need to be gifted or stolen in order to work. That’s a myth. However, if you feel like you’d like your tarot decks to be gifted to you, do that. Whatever you’re comfortable with.
Your first tarot deck doesn’t have to be explicitly Raider Waite Smith. My first deck was a variation on the traditional RWS style and it allowed me to read tarot more intuitively.
There’s no shame in using a tarot guidebook. There’s 78 cards that’s a LOT to memorize. I haven’t memorized them all and I’ve been reading tarot for two years now. Take your time and don’t be embarrassed to read tarot from a guidebook. I do paid tarot readings and still use my guidebooks.
If you’re worried about wasting food as an offering, it’s okay to eat them. I do it. Many others do it. If you’re still wary about eating the food, if you have plant friends, you can just bury the offerings (especially relevant for chthonic worshippers).
The Theoi website is one of the best for information on Hellenism. Every thing written on that website is cited back to an Ancient Greek text, or even several.
PLEASE PRACTICE FIRE SAFETY. If you’re burning an object in a metal bowl, don’t touch the bowl afterwards. You may burn yourself. Have something to put out a fire on hand should something happen. Don’t burn hair. Crack a window so you don’t inhale smoke. Be safe with fire.
Personalize your spells! If you find a spell on tumblr that you wanna try but don’t have an ingredient, go with your instinct and research what it could be replaced with! Tumblr spells are guidelines and you can modify that shit to your heart’s content.
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
Witchy Aesthetics
green witch: freshly pressed flowers, walking through a field of wildflowers, talking to the trees, terrariums, plants sitting on the windowsill, forest sounds
kitchen witch: cookbooks, stirring tea with intent, lots and lots of jars, herbs and more herbs, the smells of baking, tea blends swirling in jars 
storm witch: lightning crackling, calling up a storm, dancing in the rain, getting excited when you feel a storm coming, checking the weather activity
dream witch: sleepy eyes, soft blankets, meditating in the mornings to remember your dreams, reality checks, sleeping with crystals under your pillow
divination witch: wearing your pendulum as a necklace, sleeping with your tarot deck, shaky hands, too many tarot decks, meditating with your tools
sea witch: jars of seawater, walking barefooted on the sand, sitting on the beach at night, missing the seashore, balmy sea breeze, seashell collection
lunar witch: setting alarms for moon phases, talking to the moon, making moon water, getting ready for the next lunar eclipse, quiet moonlit nights
spirit witch: bonding with spirit companions, feeling the presences in a room, setting out offerings, seeing shadows out of the corner of your eyes, amethyst
fire witch: a whole bunch of scented candles, the smell of incense, cosy warmth, dancing flames, jars of ashes, almost burning the whole house down
crystal witch: keeping crystals in your pockets, crystals sitting on your windowsill under the moonlight, crystalline light reflections
water witch: way too many jars, running out in the middle of a storm to collect water, carrying a jar everywhere, shower cleansing and grounding rituals
tech witch: embedding sigils in code, stereoscopic light of a phone screen, ambient soundtracks, witchy phone apps, emoji spells, digital grimoires
music witch: jamming to your tracks over a spell, shufflemancy, headphones on earbuds in, charging tools with your speakers, playlist for every occasion
urban witch: dollar stores, carrying around their magickal tools, sigils for not missing the bus or train, finding that one witch book in local bookstores
glamour witch: sigils on the mirror, rose quartz in random places, makeup bags, looking fly, youtube channels on makeup, on-the-spot glamours
closeted witch: hiding grimoires in drawers, sigils for invisibility, waiting for everyone else to go out, performing spells behind locked doors at night
art witches: moon water in your paint cup, paint-stained fingers, charmed drawing tablet, colour corresponding your art supplies, local bookshops
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
Yule Resource Masterpost
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A collection of categorized links for your Yule needs! What is Yule? [X] Yule is celebrated on slightly different days depending on who you ask, but the broad spectrum is: December 20th to January 1st.
 The basics:
Elements, foods, crystals and more! / Yule correspondences
Celebrating Yule
Yule: A very merry sabbat
Yule - ‘tis the season
Yule practices
50 Yuleisms
Yule Crafts:
Yule potpourri recipe
Witch balls / more witch balls
A twelve-herb sachet for Yule
Mini herb wreaths
Yule log
Yule craft ideas
Pine protection balm
Dried orange slices
Yule Recipes:
Herbal shortbread
Bread dipping oil
Chocolate yule log
Yuletide muesli
Yule tea
Yule Punch
Non-alcoholic mulled wine
Winter sabbat wine
Yule Spells:
Merry Yule jar spell / Let it snow! jar spell
Yule bath spell
Blessed Yule - For a positive holiday season
Spell for a happy family gathering
Happiness sachet for winter
Holiday home blessings
Bringing in the season
Yule Tarot Spreads:
Yule spread (3 card)
Tarot spread for Yule (3 card)
Winter solstice spread (3 card)
Yule reflection + advice spread (5 card)
A Yuletime tarot spread (6 card)
Music ideas / Yule playlist / Winter witch playlist
Altar/celebration ideas / Yule altar guide
Yule plants / Mistletoe Lore
Yule oils/incense / Yule incense
Emoji spell for a merry Yule
Spell ideas for the holidays
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
Single Word Spells
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Because I’m lazy and don’t like to monologue while I’m doing a spell, here’s a couple of the single word spells I use in my personal practice.
absum - to make something be concealed from sight
     ↳ def. to be away, be missing
advoco - summoning spell
     ↳ def. to summon
casso - destruction spell
     ↳ def. to destroy, make void
bellus - glamour spell
     ↳ def. beautiful, charming, handsome
explico - reveal information
     ↳ def. explanation, to unfold
mutare - transmutation
     ↳ def. to change
cessabit - calming spell
     ↳ def. to rest, be free of
uro - burning
     ↳ def. to burn, inflame
conturbo - invoke confusion
     ↳ def. confound, to throw into confusion
taceo - to silence
     ↳ def. shut up
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
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~This giveaway is in no way affiliated with Tumblr.~
Please read thoroughly before entering!
Hello lovely Tumblr folk! It’s that time again- I have a giveaway for you all. We really want to give back to you guys after all the support you’ve shown during a dificult time for us. THANK YOU! 
All these items came from my shop.
What you get:
$50 credit that can be applied to anything in my shop.
soapstone mortar and pestle
double pointed rose quartz wand
ammonite fossil
rough smoky citrine
amethyst cluster
amethyst cluster with calcite
elestial amethyst
labradorite freeform
river tumbled malachite
amethyst moon carving
fluorite octahedron
petrified wood slice
2 pieces of rough black tourmaline
tumbled stones
This has a retail value of $225 in addition to the $50 shop credit!
You must be 16 or older. (If under 18 you MUST have parent’s permission)
You don’t have to live in the US to join!
You must be following me, so you can get updates if anything about the giveaway changes.
Please check out my shop and if you’re interested, you can sign up for my email newsletter here. (Totally not necessary or required, it’s just an option!)
DO NOT tag this post as giveaway. That will risk the notes getting messed up, and this will be ruined for everyone.
Reblog this post to enter. Likes count, too. No giveaway or spam blogs. If you reblog on a side blog, let me know in the tags what the name of your blog is that you’re following me with.
Please don’t spam people with reblogs- limit 2 reblogs per blog per day.  
Each entry will be assigned a number and the winner will be chosen by a random number generator.
The giveaway ends Saturday, August 25th at 6 pm Pacific time.
The winner will be messaged and must respond with their full name and address within 24 hours, or a new winner will be chosen.
Please respect me and my rules, and have fun!
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
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A wave engulfs the statue of Neptune on Melenara Beach, Gran Canaria
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
Moonlight Academy’s Witchcraft Book PDF Links
Note: I have not been able to read through all of these yet, I am slowly making my way down the list. If there is a book that is offensive or incorrect please send me a message and I will review it and remove it from the list if necessary. 
Modern Magick Second Edition; Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts by Donald Michael Kraig 
The Witch’s Magical Handbook by Gavin Frost and Yvonne Frost
The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft, and Wicca by Rosemary Ellen Guiley 
Nocturnal Witchcraft; Witchcraft After Dark By Konstantinos 
Call of the Horned Piper by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson 
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
Encyclopedia of Spells by Michael Johnstone 
The Mystical World of Ancient Witchcraft; An easy Insider Guide To the life changing Power of your Magick Energy by Rose Ariadne 
Old World Witchcraft; Ancient Ways for Modern Days by Raven Grimassi  
The Study of Witchcraft; A Guidebook to Advanced Wicca by Deborah Lipp
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland 
The Witch’s Master Grimoire; An Encyclopedia of Charms, Spells, Formulas, and Magical Rites by Lady Sabrina
Witchcraft in Tudor and Stuart England; A regional and comparative study guide by Alan Macfarlane 
The Pagan Federation; Witchcraft Information Package
Herbal Magick; A Witch’s Guide to Herbal Enchantments, Folklore, and Divination by Gerina Dunwich
The basics of Magick by K.Amber
The Book of Night Magick by Phillip D. Williams
The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore By Patricia Monaghan 
Celtic Mythology A-Z By Gienna Matson & Jeremy Roberts
Storytelling; An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore 
Norse Mythology; Legends of Gods and Heroes by Peter Andreas Munch
Constellation Legends By Norm McCarter
Encyclopedia of Greek and Roman Mythology By Luke Roman and Monica Roman
Mysteries, Legends, and Unexplained Phenomena; Mythical Creatures By Linda S. Godfrey
A Guide to Astrology By Fredrick White
How to Use Astrology; How and Why it Works By Michael Erlewine 
A Manual of Astrology
Astrology for Dummies by Rae Orion
The Astrology Book; The Encyclopedia of Heavenly Influences By James R. Lewis
Astrology Course
The Cyber Spellbook; Magick in the Virtual World By Sirona Knight and Patricia Telesco 
Herbs in Magick and Alchemy; Techniques from  Ancient Herbal Lore By C.L. Zalewski
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs By Scott Cunningham 
The Magical Household; Spells & Rituals for the Home By Scott Cunningham & David Harrington 
Herbs Magickal and Otherwise 
The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, & Brews By Scott Cunningham 
Plant Powers, Poisons, and Herb Craft By Dale Pendell **
**This book contains information on Poisons and is for informational purposes only, read at your own risk. 
The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs By Richard Alan Miller
Cunnigham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic By Scott Cunningham
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs; Their Medicinal and Culinary Uses
Spiritual Alchemy; The Inner Path
Practical Handbook of Plant Alchemy By Manfred M.Junius 
Real Alchemy; A Primer of Practical Alchemy By Robert Allen Bartlett
An Illustrated History of Alchemy and Early Chemistry 
Alchemy Unveiled By Johannes Helmond 
Medicinal Plants in Folk Tradition; An Ethnobotany of Britain & Ireland By David E. Allen & Gabrielle Hatfield
Slavic Pagan World
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen By Scott Cunningham
Cunningham’s Book of Shadows By Scott Cunningham
Learning Tarot
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot By A.E Waite
Tarot Symbolism & Divination 
Tarot; Mirror of the Soul By Gerd Ziegler 
Tarot Keys By Andrea Green 
The Symbolism of the Tarot by P. D. Ouspensky
Healing Crystals; The A-Z Guide to 430 gemstones By Michael Geinger 
Dooney’s Crystal Database
An Introduction Guide to Crystals and Healing Stones By Ron & Sue Windred
The Healing Crystal First Aid Manuel By Michael Geinger
Practical Crystal Healing By Nicole Lanning 
Divination Systems by Nicole Yalsovac
How Divination Systems Work
The Path of the witch
The Weiser Field Guide to Witches
Practicing the Witch’s Craft By Douglas Ezzy
Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard by Oberon Zell-Ravenheart
Hope you enjoy! Please feel free to add to the list!
Moonlight Academy
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
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The Greek goddess Hestia.
Enjoying my new inks! I might have gone overboard with the gold effect..
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
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Portrait of Hestia by -MirelleOrtega
As request by royalreyna, the winner of my first art giveaway. :)
Goddess of hearth and home. I kind of wanted to make her to look ‘warm’ and ‘strong’. I don’t know, I guess since she’s the goddess of all things related to 'domesticity’, I felt she should not only evoke innocence (which she should also posses since she’s a virgin goddess), but also order and strength. Ruling a home isn’t easy! It takes true grit.
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
This is not news, but it is an important read, especially for people who were previously unaware of the trend of neo-Nazis stealing pagan symbols for their own.
If you are an anti-racist, anti-fascist pagan, keep doing what you are doing, you are keeping the fight alive
If you are an anti-racist, anti-fascist person who is not a pagan, help us spread the word of this, stand in solidarity with us as we kick the fascists out of our communities
If you are a fascist pagan, fuck off, this faith is a peaceful one
No platforms for fascists.
~ Max
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
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Crystal Geode Candles, by Amethyst Amber Candle Company on Etsy
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book-of-fire ¡ 6 years
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