bookblogthingy · 3 years
I miss the passion before the medication. I miss writing poetry. I miss feeling like I could do anything. Now the words are clumsy and all I am is human. I don't feel euphoric at his touch, I don't find excitement in the smallest things, music doesn't send shivers down my spine the way it used to. I didn't know what euphoria even was until it was gone.
I know it's better this way, but it's still a major bummer.
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bookblogthingy · 3 years
Neurodivergent culture is feeling like you constantly have too much free time that it’s driving you insane and yet also feeling like you never have free time because you’re so exhausted from overcoming executive dysfunction to do even simple tasks that seem so easy for everyone else
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bookblogthingy · 3 years
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Useful tips for sleeping
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