bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
oh wow.
Anyway, I've already finished almost two weeks of the new quarter, and as you can probably tell by how inactive I've been since it began, this one's going to be a super busy one. I'll be commuting twenty hours a week instead of twelve like in the past couple quarters. I didn't really feel I should openly share and boast about it, but I got promoted last month in my college newspaper's staff (though I only started work for it last week), so I'm now officially a part of the exec board. Which is SUPER AWESOME, but also means that I'll be really busy helping two editors manage thirty writers in one section alone, some of whom I'll probably have to cover for just so that we have enough articles every week.
It's all good stuff, and I'm really excited for these new opportunities. But it's a really good wake-up call for me. I joke about it all the time, but I really don't have a life at all. I just sit here in front of the computer all day. Last quarter and even now that spring break is over, I can't even keep up with my own queue. I'm hoping that this quarter will be an awesome way for me to get a REAL life, not have this virtual one which is usually lovely and peachy but doesn't match up to what reality could hold.
With that said, I'm taking an indefinite hiatus from Tumblr, aside from participating in the poetry project (which I'm still behind on and I have no idea how I'll ever catch up). I don't know if I'm ever coming back on here, though, to be honest. Maybe I will, but maybe by that time Tumblr is another MySpace and all of you will have decided to abandon your sweet little blogs. If I do come back, the earliest would be this fall (summer will also be insanely busy for me, and I'm planning on focusing on a lot of other things I've unfortunately lost touch with through my "internet life") but I'm not promising to come back so soon. I'm not making any promises to come back at all.
If you got this far reading this rambly post, thank you. I feel bad being so egotistical to ramble so much about me and making my leave of absence such a big deal (I'm not trying to), but heck, having a bit of an ego at all comes with the territory when you have a blog, I guess. Thank you all for reading and replying to my random rants and musings about my boring, daily life. Thank you all for the cute gifs--I'm going to miss 'em, and I'm still keeping my gif folder because who knows when I'll need them, right? Thank you for tagging me to say nice things, dedicating nice things to me. Thank you even for just liking and reblogging the stuff I post on here, because something as small as that would make my day.
One of my closest friends thought it would be better that I do a goodbye post instead of randomly disappearing. I know that there are a few of you whom I've gotten to know a fair bit, and I'm going to miss that a lot. Even if we've hardly ever chatted, feel free to message me if you'd like to still stay in contact with me via email, provided you are not a creepy stalker. ;)
Maybe I'll chat with you all soon. We'll see.
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
#does richard armitage sometimes look like the third stage of daniel radcliffe’s pokemon evolution to anyone else
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
all I want this quarter are good grades, close friends, nice people, no anxiety, and no surprises. is that too much to ask?
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
A little part of me died inside just knowing the fact that MK posted this after the LBD finale......
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How do you pick up the threads of an old life?                                      How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand there is no going back?
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
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Thanks for the adventure...
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
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Alternate universe where Thorin is absolutely rubbish at directions and leads the Company to Mt. Doom instead of Erebor
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
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Heidi the rabbit!
Heidi has arthritis in her knees and hips so to help with the pain, she swims a few times a week!
Sometimes she wears a scrunchie on her ears so that they don’t get wet!
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
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softlyslippingpearls replied to your post: screaming because my spring quarter profs have...
*sends tea and hugs*
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*hops up and down* OOH! Is this chamomile?! ;) Thankee, love! :D You're the sweetest. :) 
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
screaming because my spring quarter profs have already posted their syllabi and this is just a reality break for me that school is back in session in two days.
what is this madness. I have done nothing during break. ugh.
(well, okay, to be fair I've actually done quite a bit BUT I HAD SO MUCH MORE PLANNED WHERE DID THE TIME GO)
(my actual reaction to this by saying nonsense at my computer also makes me think I am SO not ready to be officially a junior on Monday...I KEEP ACTING LIKE A LITTLE KID)
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
The thing that hurts the most about Richard Griffiths passing away is the realization that most of us will probably outlive Jo Rowling and most of the HP cast. We’ll wake up one day, a day like any other, and hear about the death of a person that is practically immortal in our memory. Someone we never even thought was capable of dying because we grew up with them and never once imagined what it would be like when they weren’t alive…..  
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
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colored SEM of the iris with the lens removed to demonstrate the zonular fibers and ciliary processes that adjust lens thickness for accommodation of sight
credit: University of Delaware 
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
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The dark and murky worlds in which you want to stay.
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
Muggles are not able to REBLOG this.
REBLOG this to prove you are not a Muggle.
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my reblog button fucked up and i almost had a heart attack
I did it in the first try.
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bookbutterflyangel · 11 years
Reblog this if you want a LONG anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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