bookclubofone · 4 years
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The Secret Garden (1993)
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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The Quantocks Heather, Somerset
Limited Edition prints - Visit Print Shop
Photographed by Freddie Ardley
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bookclubofone · 4 years
wow i really stopped posting the turn of the screw moodboards with only one left..
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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The Turn of the Screw - chapters  eighteen, nineteen, & twenty
“This child, to my memory, really lives in a setting of beauty and misery that no words can translate. . .”
“I’ve done my best, but I’ve lost you. Goodbye.”
“On the removal of the tea things I had blown out the candles and drawn my chair closer: I was conscious of a mortal coldness and felt as if I should never again be warm.”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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The Turn of the Screw - chapters sixteen and seventeen
“I sat for a long time before a blank sheet of paper and listened to the lash of the rain and the batter of the gusts.”
“But I knew in a moment after this that I had gone too far. The answer to my appeal was instantaneous, but it came in the form of an extraordinary blast and chill, a gust of frozen air, and a shake of the room as great as if, in the wild wind, the casement had crashed in. The boy gave a loud, high shriek. . .”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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The Turn of the Screw -  chapter fifteen
“I paused beneath the high east window and listened to the sounds of worship, I was taken with an impulse that might master me. . . I might easily put an end to my predicament by getting away altogether.”
“Dishonored and tragic, she was all before me. . . Dark as midnight in her black dress, her haggard beauty and her unutterable woe. . . I had the extraordinary chill of feeling that it was I who was the intruder.”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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The Turn of the Screw - chapter fourteen
“It was a crisp, clear day, the first of its order for some time; the night had brought a touch of frost, and the autumn air, bright and sharp. made the church bells almost gay.”
“I remember that, to gain time, I tried to laugh, and I seemed to see in the beautiful face with which he watched me how ugly and queer I looked.”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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Continuing on with my moodboards, here are the next few chapters of The Turn of the Screw,
chapters eleven, twelve, & thirteen
“As soon as I appeared in the moonlight on the terrace, he had come to me as straight as possible; on which I had taken his hand without a word and led him, through the dark spaces, up the staircase where Quint had so hungrily hovered for him, along the lobby where I had listened and trembled, and so to his forsaken room.”
“I go on, I know, as if I were crazy; and it’s a wonder I’m not. What I’ve seen would have made YOU so; but it has only made me more lucid, made me get hold of still other things.”
“The summer had turned, the summer had gone; the autumn had dropped upon Bly and had blown out half our lights. The place, with its gray sky and withered garlands, its bared spaces and scattered dead leaves, was like a theater after the performance—all strewn with crumpled playbills.”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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Had to go back to single chapter moodboards bc there was just too much imagery I wanted to include. So, here’s next chapter of The Turn of the Screw,
chapter ten
“Looking down it from the top I once recognized the presence of a woman seated on one of the lower steps. . . her body half-bowed and her head, in an attitude of woe, in her hands. I had been there but an instant, however, when she vanished without looking round at me. I knew, nonetheless, exactly what dreadful face she had to show.”
“The moon made the night extraordinarily penetrable and showed me on the lawn a person, diminished by distance, who stood there motionless and as if fascinated, looking up to where I had appeared. . . The presence on the lawn—I felt sick as I made it out—was poor little Miles himself.”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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Had to go back to single chapter moodboards bc there was just too much imagery I wanted to include. So, here’s next chapter of The Turn of the Screw, 
chapter nine
“He knew me as well as I knew him; and so, in the cold, faint twilight, with a glimmer in the high glass and another on the polish of the oak star below, we faced each other in our common intensity.”
“It was the dead silence of our long gaze at such close quarters that gave the whole horror, huge as it was, its only note of the unnatural. If I had met a murderer in such a place and at such an hour, we at least would have spoken.”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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Can’t believe I’m actually keeping up with these moodboards for The Turn of the Screw. I’m such a sucker for gothic literature, and things are starting to get good:
chapters seven & eight
“Another person—this time; but a figure of quite as unmistakable horror and evil: a woman in black, pale and dreadful—with such an air also, and such a face!”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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The Turn of the Screw moodboards, continued:
chapters five & six
“She seemed fairly to square herself, plant herself more firmly to utter the wonder of it. ‘Yes. Mr. Quint is dead.’”
“We were cut off, really, together; we were united in our danger.”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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The Turn of the Screw moodboards, continued:
chapter four
“Of course I was under the spell, and the wonderful part is that, even at the time, I perfectly knew I was. But I gave myself up to it; it was an antidote to any pain, and I had more pains than one.”
“. . . it was as if I had been looking at him for years and had known him always. . . On the spot there came to me the added shock of a certitude that it was not for me he had come there. He had come for someone else.”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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The Turn of the Screw moodboards, continued:
chapter three
“It was the first time, in a manner, that I had known space and air and freedom, all the music of summer and all the mystery of nature.”
“The rooks stopped cawing in the golden sky, and the friendly hour lost, for a minute, all its voice.”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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Continuing on with my moodboards for The Turn of the Screw:
chapter two
“But our young lady never came back, and at the very moment I was expecting her I heard from the master that she was dead.”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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I started reading The Turn of the Screw yesterday, and I thought it would be fun to create some moodboards to go along with the chapters. The prologue was fun, so here’s:
chapter one
“I have not seen Bly since the day I left it, and I daresay that to my older and more informed eyes it would now appear sufficiently contracted. But as my little conductress, with her hair of gold and her frock of blue, danced before me round corners and pattered down passages, I had the view of a castle of romance inhabited by a rosy sprite, such a place as would. . . take all color out of storybooks and fairytales.”
“Well, I was, strangely, at the helm!”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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bookclubofone · 4 years
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I started reading The Turn of the Screw, and I thought it would be fun to create some moodboards to go along with the chapters. So, I present:
the prologue
“. . . he began to read to our hushed little circle the night of the fourth. The departing ladies who said they would stay didn’t, of course, thank heaven, stay. . . But that only made his little final auditory more compact and select, kept it, round the hearth, subject to a common thrill.”
“But Douglas, without heeding me, had begun to read with a fine clearness that was like a rendering to the ear of the beauty of his author’s hand.”
photo credits (left to right, top to bottom): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
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