bookdomreigns · 6 years
Everyone you all need to go watch this because it’s so bloody good!!!
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
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#and he is back to ruining my life.
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
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James Valdez + 
The White Sweater Appreciation Post
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
jasper: *tries to bite bella, again*
esme and carlisle: 
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
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Thank you to @hello-imwithstupid for the idea!!!
-Admin Ziggy
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
minecraft hunger games is minimalist fortnite
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
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*sigh* i had so many good aaron burr arthur fist memes I couldn’t choose just one
this meme just fits burr so well tbh
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
some of you have never struggled not to look at a book or series’ tag on tumblr before finishing it and it shows
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
I figured it out
Good book series come in odd numbers. Harry Potter- 7 books, Percy Jackson- 5 books, The Hunger Games- 3 books, The Lord of the Rings- 3 books, Twiglight- 4 books…. oh wait.
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
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How am I supposed to survive an entire year until the Queen of Nothing is released, after the most tortuous cliffhanger ever?
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
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the biggest mood
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
Jurdan after the wicked king:
*Jude sitting at home eating ice cream and watching tv, being pissed at Cardan for kicking her out and plotting her revenge.*
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*Meanwhile Cardan in his bedroom*
“How has she not figured out that she is queen of fairy and can pardon herself.”
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
Book: *gets stressful*
Me: Oh gosh. *puts down book*
*two minutes later*
Me: *picks book up*
Book: *is still stressful*
Me: Oh gOSH.
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
The significance of Cardan returning Jude’s ring during their wedding vows
1. So my first thought was that it’s super cute that Cardan knew about the human tradition of exchanging rings and thought to incorporate that into marrying his human wife, especially since the book explicitly states it’s not a faerie custom.  
2. Then, I started thinking that this gesture might be a little more significant. Cardan stole Jude’s ring near the very beginning of the book. He might have been planning on marrying her back then and possibly already planned on banishing her. (But it’s also Cardan so he might have just taken the ring to mess with Jude.) 
3. But then I started thinking about how it’s strange that Cardan isn’t giving Jude a ring—he’s returning it. He’s High King. He could easily get a ring made for Jude.
Although it’s never explicitly stated in the book or the extras, I wouldn’t be surprised if Jude’s ring became important to him, especially when she was imprisoned in Undersea. It’s the only possession he had of the woman he loved.
When Cardan returns the ring to Jude, he may be accepting her as his wife. But he is simultaneously giving up a piece of her that he has carried with him, By extension, he is giving up her—which foreshadows Jude’s banishment.
4. This also made me think a bit about one of the major themes in this book and many of Holly Black’s other books—the balance of power in relationships. Cardan returning the ring (and the marriage as a whole), tried to resolve the difference of power in their relationship. With their agreement, Jude releases Cardan from his vow to obey her and she becomes queen. Hypothetically, this makes their relationship equal. But in the end Cardan banishes Jude so it’s not an equal relationship, at least not yet.
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bookdomreigns · 6 years
Jurdan’s child headcanon
Jude and Cardan have a child
He is 3 years old and is the sweetest little gumball and the wickedest lil trickster at the same time
He has Cardan’s black eyes and pale skin
And owns a miniature version of his tail
And his hair is a mixture of Jude’s auburn and Cardan’s black, which is a shade of dark brown with a hint of reddish shine in it
He cannot lie, but sometimes he comes up with crazy stories
He is an expert at exaggerating
He is an even bigger drama queen than his father
Which, to be honest, says something
He has the habit of making a big deal out of everything
“Mommy, dose pepole tried to kidnap mey!”
AKA the time when the Gentry kids tried to make friends with the little Prince
“Mommy, tha ugley man is looking at mey!”
AKA the time when Locke smiled at the little Prince
“Mommy, why are dese pepole taching mey?”
AKA the time when a group of pixies gave the little Prince a flower crown
He is obsessed with Jude
He follows her   e v e r y w h e r e
And therefore he listens to all her conversations
And therefore he knows pretty much all her secrets
Every time something remotely unpleasant happens, he makes everyone believe that a major disaster struck him
Which gives him a good excuse to cuddle with Jude
But he is actually really shy
Especially around strangers
Or people he doesn’t trust or like
He refuses to talk every time he feels uncomfortable or threatened
Like one time, when both Jude and Cardan were away, and Taryn took care of him
And he had to spend a whole day with TaRyn and LOckE
He spent the whole day without saying a single word
He basically just sat on a chair and glared at Locke with apparent hatred
At the end when Cardan came to pick him up, he ran into his arms
And told him how badly they treated him
The story included different kind of torturing machines, a lot of screaming, and the dead body of a duckling
So yeah he doesn’t like Locke
Not really
But he likes to play with Cardan’s tail
It kind of calms him down whenever he feels upset
Sometimes he compares his own with Cardan’s
And they make up bedtime stories with their tails as main characters
Talking of bed time
Eventhough he has his own room, he usually sneaks into his parents’ bedroom
And crawls into their bed to sleep with them
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