bookishtrashcan · 4 years
Thought this could be fun. Send in some asks, and I’ll do my best to answer!
emoji book ask
1) 📚 approximately how many books have you read 
2) 📝 book that everyone has to read 
3) 📕 favourite first book in a series 
4) 📗 favourite second book in a series 
5) 📘 favourite third book in a series 
6) 📖 book you’ve read more than once and how many times 
7) 🛋 book that keep you up all night 
8) 🎁 book that was surprisingly good 
9) 😡 book you expected more of 
10) 💰 most expensive book you’ve bought 
11) 💩 the worst book you’ve read 
12) 🏆 the best book you’ve read 
13) 🎥 favourite book to movie/tv show adaptation 
14) 🎬 book you want to be a movie/tv show 
15)  🏝 summer book recommendation 
16) ⛄️ winter book recommendation 
17) 🌎 favourite fictional world 
18) 🐲 favourite book creature 
19) 👯 favourite female friendship 
20) 👯‍♂️ favourite male friendship 
21) 💋 favourite kiss 
22) 👸 favourite princess/queen 
23) 🤴 favourite prince/king 
24) 😈 favourite villain 
25) ❤️ favourite ship 
26) ⛵️ favourite crack ship 
27) 😱 best plot twist 
28) 🔮 power you’d like to have 
29) 🥊 character you’d punch in the face 
30) 😤 character you loved but now hate 
31) 😻 character you hated but now love 
32) 😭 death that made you cry the most 
33) 😂 the funniest scene 
34) 🤢 the grossest scene 
35) 💔 scene that broke your heart
36) 🏹 favourite fantasy book
37) 🚀 favourite sci fi book
38) 🌹 favourite romance book
39) 👻 favourite horror book
40) 🏰 favourite historical fiction book
41) 🔫 favourite dystopian book
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bookishtrashcan · 4 years
I finished The Crown (The Selection #5)
(spoilers ahead)
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I cannot believe it’s over. I mean, I know I have a few short-stories coming, but they won’t be here for another week or two apparently(yay for international shipping...)
Alright, I cannot believe she ended up with Eikko! I mean, I’m really happy that she did ‘cause they were CUTE together, but still! Good for her! And him! And everyone else! Everyone kinda found the path most fitted to them.
Kile being sent away to build
Hale and Ean being gay for each other(called it with Hale - am really happy for him and Ean!!!!!)
Henri being so gracious and stepping down when he realized what was going on. Hopefully they will hire him for the kitchen and he can stick around! 
A bit sad that Fox had his heart broken and I hope he will find eternal happiness elsewhere.
I was so happy that we got to see a different side of Josie towards the end, and a bit like Celeste she grew on me. It would be interesting to know how she changes in the future and where she ends up! 
Maxon’s confession to having a secret sister was interesting, but thank god, it was someone we liked! She will make a fabulous prime minister, I’m sure of it. Hopefully they will elect her once it counts!
Now, the last character I’d like/hate to mention is Marid Illéa. I had a bad feeling about that one from the get go - while I had liked his father in the previous books, something was weird about him. He was too friendly, and turned out I was right. Good thing Eadlyn outsmarted him and got her happy ending. Too bad that the Illéas’ turned out to be some slightly bad apples(though, if you really had to see everything from their perspective, I understand why they would be a bit bitter...) Oh well! Good riddance :)
Overall I was really satisfied with the end of this series, and I am so sad it’s over. 
While waiting for the short-stories, I should probably get started on some of these assignments I need to turn in in less than a month - I have one that’s to be 25 pages, and still need to write another two that’s around 7 pages each. Wish me luck! 
I’m thinking I might still post some bookish things on this page, even when I’m not reading anything. If you have any bookish-asks, don’t hesitate to forward them! That will give me some nice breaks from studying :) Peace out!
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bookishtrashcan · 4 years
I finished The Heir (The Selection #4)
And boy, oh boy, MY HEART IS SO CONFUSED
(spoilers ahead)
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Alright first of all. Hi to my new followers! If you don’t know yet, this blog is pretty new - my first post was a review of the first book in this very series - so it’s really cool you’re following me! Hopefully you’ll stick around for a while, even when I’m moving on to other books! :D
I just finished this little book called The Heir and maaaaan.
It was a bit of a slow start for me. I think it was weird seeing Kiera Cass’ writing style continue in this universe, but from a very different perspective than the one of America Singer. Compared to America, I didn’t like Eadlyn as quickly as I did her mother, but by the end she had grown on me. It was interesting with the time-jump, and while I love being able to see what Maxon and America has done for the country since the last book, it was weird to experience them this way. Especially America felt a lot different to me, but maybe that is just how people age. Still liked her though!
Now, I loved the twist of seeing this from the Selector’s perspective, as well as her dating the boys she did not know. Though the plot itself is far off from real life, there still were some similarities. For instance, in this modern day with online dating being a thing, you never know if you meet a scumbag from just a picture and a few lines. I was very pleased to see Cass explore this in way where it didn’t get too graphic, but still shined a light on some very heavy issues. Well done.
Besides those two-who-will-not-be-named, I am SO CONFLICTED as to who I’m rooting for. So I will list short reviews on those I like.
Kile: I love him. While I think it might be too obvious to choose him, because of the childhood and fake-first-kiss thing, I still think they have great chemistry, he really cares about her, and the way Cass writes their scenes are a bit alike America’s and Maxon’s. Strong contender.
Henri: What an overall sweet guy. While the language barrier definitely is an issue, you can tell he really wants to be there and wants to do better for Eadlyn. I’m interested to see how their relationship progresses in the next book, and while I think they would be cute together, I do not, ultimately, think she will choose him.
Hale: Seems sweet, but we haven’t gotten enough details about him yet. I would love for him to stick around though and who knows! Cass might do a Sarah J. Maas and make her fall in love with someone else than the obvious choice! If not, I think Hale should find out he’s actually gay and become Eadlyn’s super cool designer-gay-best-friend. That would be dope.
Ean: I do not think they will end up together, but I like him. He is honest about his intentions and I do think they could have a long lasting friendship if she chose him. Go Ean!
Fox: Also someone we don’t know a lot about, but I couldn’t help but feel for the guy, and like with Hale, he could be a hidden wild card! I doubt it though, but keep him around please!
Lastly, I will list someone who is not in the Selection, and that is Erik/Eikko. I. LOVE. HIM! He is so sweet, he really cares for Eadlyn and has already become a great friend to her. He helped her out of the kitchen when the fight broke out, he always seems to lend a friendly ear when she needs it, and while he is there with Henri, towards the end it became obvious that he might be catching some feelings for her. Personally, I will do a little happy dance if Eadlyn decides to marry him in the end. That would be dope.
Now, onto the last few chapters of this book. First of all, Ahren how dare you! I mean, I get it. He loves Camille, and after Eadlyn gave him some “sisterly advice” I get that needed to make a stand of his own, BUT STILL! Eloping is not always the solution dude. And like it wasn’t enough, his actions sent his poor mother straight to the hospital wing! (I know that was unintended...)
I swear, if America dies I will not be okay. She must survive. When I am done writing this, I will pick up the next book, though I should probably sleep. I need to know what happens!!!
Lastly, EADLYN HAS DECIDED TO MARRY SOMEONE! Instead of turning everyone down, she has made the decision to actually marry someone now. I hope she sticks to that decision, ‘cause I’m a sucker for romance, and I cannot wait to see who she chooses! Hopefully it will be one of the guys above! (But maybe someone else who has barely been mentioned?). I am intrigued and excited!
4.5/5 because of that slow beginning. It got good though!
Now, I am sad that the next book will be the last of the series. I have now ordered the ‘Happily Ever After’ shortstory-collection just so I don’t have to say goodbye yet, but still... Not looking forward for this to be over :/
Please, don’t hesitate to contact me or ask me questions! It would be nice connecting with you guys :) Peace out!
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bookishtrashcan · 4 years
I finished The One (The Selection #3)
(spoilers ahead)
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Alrighty mates. I am done with the first three books of this series AND IT DID NOT DISAPPOINT! 
I love that all three of the books were just really straightforward with some nice little twists here and there. They were so easy to read, and I finished this in like, 4 hours last night. 
First order of business... SO HAPPY CELESTE FINALLY DECIDED TO BECOME A DECENT HUMAN BEING! That scene in the library with her and America was just really nice, as well as the scene in America’s bed with the rest of The Elite. AND THEN... (spoiler!!) SHE WAS MURDERED??? Not. okay. No.
Moving on, cause that was too sad!
I loved the rebel story line finally getting revealed! From meeting August and Georgia the first time to their meeting in the hideout, to everything. It was so nice to finally know the difference between the Northern Rebels and Southern rebels, and what they fought for. I was SHOOKETH that America’s dad and Kriss were both rebels, but it was kind of a cool twist! I hope the next book continues to explore the story of some of these characters. Except for sweet dad. He will be missed.
Alright. Cass killed Celeste. She killed the father. She killed that sweet Micah... and then she killed the QUEEN?!?!?! Fine with the king, but not the queen! I loved her! That was not okay :/ The only(1!) good coming of this is Maxon becoming king so he can change things. Also, he got to choose America(finally) without his father being judgy and trying to stop it again. 
Now, last thing I want to mention is that love triangle-thingy finally ending. America should have stopped cutting Aspen off all the time, then maybe she would have realized that he also had moved on, but I was happy that she had made the decision early on in the book to only focus on being with Maxon. But of course, Maxon had to see the scene with he hand-on-the-chest before America could come clean so drama would ensue. At this point I was just reading rapidly to arrive at the end where he would realize that he loved her no matter what and accept her and hear her out. 
This will be a great movie when it comes to it!
5/5. It was just a really nice book, somewhat predictable but still nice. I will definitely tell my friends to give this a read if they want something nice and easy with great characters.
Alright, moving on, I still have two books left from the boxset I bought. As far as I can see, the next one takes place 20 years later and follows the daughter of Maxon and America, in a similar selection-process. I am interested to see how Cass will renew the story, and cannot wait to get started!
If you would like to see my continued reading journey of this series, as well as reviews of future books I read(as well as past books when I’m bored) please don’t hesitate to follow me, and send me messages if you’d like! I’m always open for a good chat :) 
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bookishtrashcan · 4 years
I finished The Elite (The Selection #2)
(spoilers ahead)
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First of all, I’d like to start out by saying HI!!!!!! to my new followers. It warms my heart that seven people already follow this blog, and I hope you will enjoy the content I post. Please don’t hesitate to message me - I’d love to chat!
Now, let’s get down to business! (yes, I did sing that out loud)
It has been three days since I finished The Elite, but as it has been a weirdly busy weekend(it was also my birthday), and so I only had time to post the review now. 
So, in my last post I made the following predictions for this books: 
Celeste being bitch, but turning into somewhat of a decent person at the end
America spending the whole book internally debating who she likes more (am rooting for Prince Maxi here!!)
The rebels fucking shit up
Maxi choosing miss Singer at the end
I will say start out with saying, I am quite pleased with the overall turnout of the book.
No, Celeste did not redeem herself and I still don’t like her, so maybe this will just be one of those series where the main-bitch is just that. We’ll see. Was definitely pissed in the scene with her and Maxon(y’all know which one if you have read it), though I was probably more pissed at him. Oh well.
I hate a love triangle, especially when there is “casual cheating” - meaning that no one is officially dating, but no one is being honest about seeing other people either, and this book definitely had that. Sure, we know that Maxon is seeing other people(as it is the whole plot of the series), but I didn’t like it when he was being dishonest, nor when America was sneaking around with her childhood-boyfriend. This better not go on for another book, though I suspect I might. Sigh... 
I am really interested in the whole storyline with the rebels, and while they definitely fucked shit up, you can’t help but understand where they are coming from. About the whole book-stealing part of it, I think that they definitely just want to prove to the world that the royals and upperclass have been lying to them, and they want justice. Cannot blame them. I look forward to see the end of that journey!
Lastly, I really thought the last chapters were brilliant. While I still love America, Maxon is right that she need to trust him(can’t blame her for not though. He was dating 34 other girls when they met). I am happy he decided to keep her, and I think the story with the king will be intense, so that’s exciting!! I hope the queen will discover what a bastard her husband is though. She deserves better, and so does Maxon.
Btw, loved Marlee’s little storyline in this. She is a precious cinnamon roll, and I hope she and her lovely husband are okay after verything, and will live happily hidden to the end of their days. <3333 (or until the system breaks)
I’ll give this book 4/5, only going down on the rating because of the love-triangle being annoying at times. Would definitely still recommend this book though!
Alright, predictions for The One:
America being The One (obviously - I think????)
The rebels’ story is revealed, and America decides to help them somehow
The Queen finding out her husband is a scumbag
Celeste redeeming herself(I hope!)
If you would like to see my continued reading journey of this series, as well as reviews of future books I read(as well as past books when I’m bored) please don’t hesitate to follow me, and send me messages if you’d like! I’m always open for a good chat :) 
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bookishtrashcan · 4 years
Just finished The Selection (book 1)
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Alrighty ladies and gentlemen. This is my first post on this new, bookish blog.
For a while(ahem, a few years, ahem), I have been wanting to read this series, but I’ve always had something else I wanted to give a shot as well, so naturally, it just didn’t happen. Now, with all the time I have on my hands(I should probably finish my assignments instead) and the announcement of the series being made into a movie, I decided to give it a shot, and order a boxset with the five books. 
And boy oh boy, do I regret waiting for so long to read this!!!
First of all, the plot of the first book was just so seamless! I think I spent less than five hours reading the whole thing, and I was just mesmerized from start to finish. The maingirl, America, is just really likable, as well as relatable at times. There wasn’t any huge plottwists or turns, but sometimes you just want a story that is straightforward, like watching a good movie. The world building in this book was nice and easy, and I didn’t have to overwork my brain, trying to figure what anything looked like. 
5/5 - would definitely recommend! Can’t wait to get started on The Elite tonight!
Predictions and wishes for The Elite:  - Celeste being bitch, but turning into somewhat of a decent person at the end - America spending the whole book internally debating who she likes more (am rooting for Prince Maxi here!!) - The rebels fucking shit up - Maxi choosing miss Singer at the end
Alright, time to finish an assignment for school before heading into the second book!
If you would like to see my continued reading journey of this series, as well as reviews of future books I read(as well as past books when I’m bored) please don’t hesitate to follow me, and send me messages if you’d like! I’m always open for a good chat :) 
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