booksandsprite · 3 years
Join My Study Server!!
hiya, i recently made a study server that i want to keep small. The Angel Study Hall is a study group server with a pomodoro bot that encourages studying together, silently or with music! there are seven groups inspired by the archangels that can be toggled!
right now it's just me and the bots!! feel free to join me ♡
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booksandsprite · 4 years
i love when wtnv is all lighthearted and joking and everything but when they say shit like "time is weird. so is space. i hope ours match again someday" or "but here is the truth of nostalgia:  we don’t feel it for who we were, but who we weren’t" or "it is the good and the bad. it is the sound of the world. a world that will kill you, but also a world that will allow you to live" or "sleep heavily and know that I am here with you now. the past is gone, and cannot harm you anymore. and while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first and settles in as the gentle present. this now, this us? we can cope with that. we can do this together, you and i. drowsily, but comfortably" .............yeah.gif
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booksandsprite · 4 years
Can we get a thread going of books that are just absolutely fun reads? Nothing that’s trying to make me think to hard, nothing that’s trying to make me sad. Just fun stories that you can pick up and use to escape for a little while because I think we could all us that. 
My first pick is the Truly Devious serious by Maureen Johnson~
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booksandsprite · 4 years
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What else is there to do ..
“There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” -George Orwell, 1984
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booksandsprite · 4 years
Along the western horizon the lower clouds formed a single purple mass, against which distant trees stood out minute and sharp. The upper edges rose into the light, a far land of wild mountains. Copper-colored, weightless and motionless, they suggested a glassy fragility like that of frost. Surely, when the thunder struck them again they would vibrate, tremble and shatter, till warm shards, sharp as icicles, fell flashing down from the ruins. Racing through the ocher light, Bigwig was impelled by a frenzy of tension and energy. He did not feel the wound in his shoulder. The storm was his own. The storm would defeat Efrafa.
Richard Adams, Watership Down (Chapter 38)
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booksandsprite · 4 years
free online resources from virtual museum tours to online learning
hi! if you’re looking for some ways on how to spend your time and engage with subjects you really love, or learn something new, or just distract yourself with art and literature, i’ve got you!! please share with others if it’s helpful <3
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booksandsprite · 4 years
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cleaned my bookshelf today. there’s more space in it than I thought.
how is the quarantine treating you guys?
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booksandsprite · 4 years
From one introvert to another...hello :)
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booksandsprite · 4 years
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Pictures from public libraries, to secondhand libraries, to my personal library..📚
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booksandsprite · 4 years
so it has come to my attention that buying 27 books at once is not how normal humans behave
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booksandsprite · 4 years
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The beginning of a new part in the Muse of nightmares by Laini Taylor is so aesthetically pleasing!
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booksandsprite · 4 years
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now that we have plenty of time we could read all of those books we saved for later. now it’s time to make a comfortable spot, look outside the window, make some tea or coffee and grab a book. let it travel you to imaginary places and meet some beautiful people through it’s pages. we can go wherever we want if only we have some vivid imagination. 
“the world belongs to those who read”
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booksandsprite · 4 years
this book slaps
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I wonder—if nobody is listening to my voice, am I making any sound at all?
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booksandsprite · 4 years
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When school and entertainment happen to be the same thing. ☕🖋📖
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booksandsprite · 4 years
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Two of my favorites in one picture: art and literature. May this new week bring you peace and serenity.
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booksandsprite · 4 years
“Starting a book is like boarding a train to go on holiday.”
— Antonio Iturbe, The Librarian of Auschwitz  
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booksandsprite · 4 years
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currently reading
dune by frank herbert
page 258/577
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