boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
                    CRIME  BASED  SENTENCE   PROMPTS  .
 i.       murder.
❛     what  have  you  done?     ❜
❛     what  did  you  do?   ❜
❛     you’re   going  to  prison  for  murder.    ❜
❛     how  do  you  plan  to  get  away  with  this  one?   ❜
❛    i’m  not  helping  you  do  anything!   ❜
❛     i  can’t  believe  we  just  killed   someone.      ❜
❛    why  did  you  tell  me  you  did   this!    ❜
❛     do  you  really  think  you  can  outrun  this?     ❜
❛     we  just  committed  a  murder,  don’t  tell  me  to  calm  down!     ❜
❛     i’m  not  going  down  for  this.      ❜
❛     what–   is  that  what  it  looks  like  ..  please  tell  me  it’s  not.    ❜
❛     you  really  did  this,  didn’t  you?    ❜
❛     you  really  think  i’m  going  to  help  you  move  a  dead  body?   ❜
❛     you’re  telling  me  you  didn’t  do  this?   ❜
❛     i’m  going  to  be  sick,  oh  my–  i  can’t.    ❜
❛     why  did  you  do  this?   ❜
❛     you   can’t  get  away  with  murder!   ❜
❛     you  said  we  were  going  to   scare   him/her/them,  not  kill  him/her/them!   ❜
 ii.       theft.
❛     hey,   did  you  steal  that  from  me?   looks  familiar.     ❜
❛     you  want  me  to  help  you  rob  someone?   ❜
❛     i  am  not  going  to  help  you  rob  someone.    ❜
❛     i’m  pretty  sure  that’s  stealing.   ❜
❛     you  stole  from  me!   ❜
❛     the  only  thing  i  steal  is  hearts.      ❜
❛     give  it  back!    ❜
❛     are  we  seriously  stealing  right  now?     ❜
❛     you  have  a  serious  sticky  finger  problem.    ❜
❛     you  can’t  just  go  around  and  steal  from  people.      ❜
❛     why  did  you  take  it?     ❜
❛     you  know  you’re  going  to  get  caught,  right?    ❜
❛     you  want  me  steal?   why  can’t  you  do  it?   ❜
❛     i’m  not  going  to  steal  for  you.     ❜
❛     you   are   a   thief!     ❜
❛     why  are  you  robbing  these  people?   ❜
❛     you  tried  to  steal  from  me!   ❜
❛     i   didn’t   steal   it!  ❜
 iii.       arson.
❛     you   didn’t  have  anything  to  do  with  that  arson.     ❜
❛      arson  is  a  crime.     ❜
❛     they’ll  know  it   was  an  arson.    ❜
❛     you  didn’t  have  anything  to  do  with  that  arson,  did  you?   ❜
❛    you  set  it  on  fire!   ❜
❛     i  can’t  believe  you  want  to  burn  it  down.      ❜
❛    put  the  matches  down!    ❜
❛     why  you  would  you  tell  me  you  committed  arson?     ❜
❛     i  didn’t  have  anything  to  do  with  that  arson.    ❜
❛     i’m  not  going  to  help  you  commit  arson.      ❜
❛     you  didn’t  really  burn  it  down,  did  you?     ❜
❛     what  if  there  would  have  been  people  inside?    ❜
❛     you  didn’t  think,  you  just  did  it?   ❜
❛     you  can’t  just  burn  the  place  down.     ❜
❛     please  don’t  do  this! ❜
❛     why  do  you  want  to  burn  it  for?   ❜
❛     you  really  did  it?   i  didn’t  think  you’d  really  do  it!    ❜
❛     you  aren’t  being  serious,  right?   they’ll   know   we  did   it.    ❜
 iv.       fraud.
❛     you  stole  my  identity?     ❜
❛      you   stole   someone’s   identity?   ❜
❛      i’m   pretty  sure  that’s  fraud.    ❜
❛      you  can’t  just  forge  a  signature.     ❜
❛      i’m  just  going  to  forge  their  signature.   ❜
❛      you  aren’t  allowed  to  sign   someone   else’s  name.      ❜
❛     you  signed  my  name  for  me?   ❜
❛     why  would  you  sign  my  name?     ❜
❛     that’s  illegal,  you  can’t  sign  for  anyone’s  name.    ❜
❛     you’re  using  someone’s  social  security.      ❜
❛     you  stole  someone’s  social  security?     ❜
❛     how  are  you  not  in  jail  for   fraud?    ❜
❛     you  do   know  that’s  fraud,  right?   ❜
❛     it’s  not  okay  to  forge  my  signature  without  asking  me.     ❜
❛     you  lied  about  you  are! ❜
❛     you  gave  the  police  a  wrong  name?   ❜
❛     i  didn’t  mean  to  sign  your  name.   ❜
❛     do  you  think  they  have  finally  caught  on  to  you?     ❜
 v.       truancy.
❛     you   really   need  to  go  to  school.     ❜
❛      why  don’t  you  want  to  go  to  school?     ❜
❛      you  can’t  keep  missing  school.    ❜
❛      we  got  a  truancy  letter  in  the  mail  today.   ❜
❛     you  have  a  court  date  for  missing  school!   ❜
❛      please,  just  go  to  school,  before  you  end  up   in  jail.      ❜
❛     you  will  go  jail  if  you  keep  missing!    ❜
❛     why  aren’t   you  ever  at   school?     ❜
❛     it’s  either  school   or   jail.    ❜
❛     i’m  being  convicted  of  truancy.      ❜
❛     they  are  trying  to  lock  you  up  for  missing  school?     ❜
❛     why  should  i  go  to  school?    ❜
❛     you  want  to  go  to  jail?   ❜
❛     come  on,  just  a  few  more  years  and  it’s  history.   ❜
❛     get  to  school  now! ❜
❛     what  does  being   truant  ever  mean?   ❜
❛     i’m  sorry,  you’re  what,  a  truant?   ❜
vi.       vandalism.
❛     pretty  sure  this  is  vandalism.     ❜
❛      can  you  even  really  get  into  trouble  for  painting  a  wall?     ❜
❛      it’s  just  a  little  graffiti.  ❜
❛      you  broke  someone’s  property,  that’s  okay.    ❜
❛     you  can’t  go  onto  someones  property  and  break  things!   ❜
❛      i  don’t  want  to  do  this  anymore!      ❜
❛      don’t  tell  me  to  calm  down!  we  just  got  caught  on  camera!    ❜
❛     you  took  a  baseball  bat  to  someone’s  home?     ❜
❛     i’m  not   going  to  ruin  someone’s  property.   ❜
❛     they  know  it   was  you.      ❜
❛     you  spray  painted  the  side  of  that  building?   ❜
❛     you  want  to  graffiti  with  me  later?    ❜
❛     did  you  ever  get  in  trouble  for  vandalism?   ❜
❛     i’m  not  going  to  vandalize  someone’s  house.  ❜
❛     hurry!   someone’s  coming!   ❜
❛    you  know  there  are  camera’s  up  everywhere?   ❜
❛     are  you  crazy?  they  have  camera’s!   ❜
vii.       trespassing.
❛     hey,  i’m  pretty  sure  this  is  trespassing.     ❜
❛      you  want  to  go  over  there?     ❜
❛     you  want  to  climb  the  fence  and  go  over  there? ❜
❛      what  are  we  doing  here  anyway.    ❜
❛      you’re  trespassing!   ❜
❛     i  am  not  trespassing  and  breaking  and  entering.    ❜
❛      that’s  breaking  and  entering!    ❜
❛     first,  trespassing.  now  breaking  and  entering?     ❜
❛     i  am  not  going  to  trespass.  ❜
❛     stop  right  there!   what  are  you  doing  trespassing  onto  my  property!     ❜
❛     you  think  someone  is  trespassing?  ❜
❛     you  are  trespassing!   ❜
❛     i’m  not  getting  in  trouble  for  trespassing.   ❜
❛     i’m  not  trespassing,  i   live  here.   ❜
❛     what  are  you  doing  trespassing?   ❜
❛    you  can’t  go  around  and  trespass.  ❜
❛     trust  me,  i’m  not  going  to  get  caught.   ❜
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
hi, I spent too much time on this and I misspelled sarcophagus. enjoy.
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
goals for 2019: 
sharper teeth 
less sadness 
total destruction of capitalism 
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
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[I actually think Jack is *really* hot, the whole homeless biker-look doesn’t even bother me.]
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
Polar Opposites: Arguments
Relationships are nice, but not always perfect. Fights and arguments can break out at anytime.
Jeanette x Tremere/Toreadore/Venture
Jeanettes flirting is the main problem when it comes to your fights.
When she’s doing to them she’s fine; with other people? Nah
At first they ask to please not do that, they can get/buy blood for her at any time if that’s the case, but Jeanette being… Jeanette, she mostly blows it off with an “okay” or “whatever”. She’ll even try to butter you up when you insist on the topic.
The second time is when things get a little in tense, there’s shouting(mostly jeanette) and I’m sure something gets knocked off a shelf and breaks. One of you ends up storming out.
Do not get Therese involved
Not only will this cause a bit of stress between the two but Jeanette will feel insulted and hurt; because you had to get another adult, because you nagged her, because she feels like your treating her like a child.
Talk calmly about it, sit her down and just chat but not like a child, like an adult. Tell her how it’s making you feel, she’ll listen because she cares about you.
Therese x Nosferatu/Malkavian/Brujah/Gangrel
Therese loves them for them, lets understand that first.
She loves their rough personality, the soft side they only show to her, and their eagerness to protect her.
But after a bar fight, in her club, in front of important business man that would give the club MORE money, that they caused
Pissed is an understatement.
They don’t even have to time speak with how loud and fast she’s scolding them, if they do she doesn’t want to here it.
But don’t storm out when she’s talking or after, this will just make her more mad and cause her not to allow them in the club for weeks
Apologise, promise it’ll never happen again and that it was something the other guy said or did.
She’ll still be mad but, less.
In the end you both love each other, no matter what.
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
…..and then i remembered i still have jack.
what am i going to do with jack? as of right now, i think he would be fine if i left him here. and taking my main rp priority has freed me up on threads, so i could probably write jack comfortably without getting overwhelmed. (which is why i haven’t been on his blog in a while; at least, before i got super busy at work.)
hm, idk. i may wait until after christmas and then go back to him. idk at the moment.
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is on sale rn for $4.99 on Steam!!! Sale ends Nov 1 10:00 AM PDT/PST (So 1 PM EDT/EST)
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
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Don’t go bringin’ the movement into a grudge match, cuz’ if you do motherfucker, every goddamn boot in the place is going straight up your ass.
                    ind. sel. priv. Nines Rodriguez of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines                            loved and cared for by bubbles, found at bringswars                                    potentially triggering & nsfw, so 21+ only                                                             psd / template cred.
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
lacroix is a little bitch pass it on
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
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I made a couple shitty clan wallpapers just to try my hand at doing them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Feel free to use, I might make more if y’all like them.
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
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Smiling Jack’s Trick--
For those who don’t know, there is one trick of Jack’s that is rather legendary, and involves him appearing to “switch places” with another vampire. This makes it easy for him to get out of sticky situations: and, more importantly, its how he has gotten vampires to turn on one another, with one party usually ending up as ash.
The “trick” is a combination of the Dominate (forces victims to think or act according to the vampire's will) and Obfuscate (allows vampires to conceal themselves, deceive the mind of others, or make them ignore what the user does not want to be seen) Disciplines.
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
@bringswars: [ cont. from x ]
“I’m fine, considering.“ He’d taken one hell of a fall and fought off a Crinos form werewolf in the process, which was no easy feat by any means, so dancing around with a few Sabbat newbies weren’t much of an issue for him. It was his benevolence that got him in that situation, anyway. He made the mistake of only putting down the one that had attacked him, leaving himself open for his friends to counter. Admittedly a mistake, but Nines had energies that had to go into other fights.
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After he was patched up by the older Brujah, he smiled. “I just gotta get a quick drink and I’ll think I’ll be good, thanks man. You got any word on why they were-” Words were cut off by the familiar sound of the youngest Brujah losing her absolute shit and Skelter trying to defuse the situation. “Our club being Elysium,” there was a shake of his head, “I’m pretty sure is the one thing that’s stoping that place from becoming a murder scene. C’mon,” a nudge of his shoulder, “let’s go see what’s got her upset.”
Jack had begun putting the gauze and the alcohol pads back into the first aid kit, his hand coming down to snap it shut -- he’d never remember to mention it to her, but the former pirate supposed Damsel insisting on keeping several on hand had been a good idea -- a hand already going up to wave off the thanks while he grunted and grinned, mouth open on a, “yeah, well”, before all hell broke loose in the form of their decided den mother’s yelling filling his ears,his brows knitting together slowly. “I told ya, man, this is what happens when you throw a war vet and a new-aged hippie together. It’s like the Odd Couple on steroids.”
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The first aid kit had been put away before Jack got to his feet, allowing Nines to take the lead. He liked Damsel and got along with her just fine, but he knew that of all of them, Skelter was the one she seemed to butt heads with the most-- and he got why. That was why there’d been the briefest flickers of shock that registered on his face once they’d made their way to where the other Anarchs were and found Skelter standing between Damsel and a fledgling, the Gangrel practically having to hold the female Brujah back by now. “Right on time, eh?”
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
The Unwilling Clan Poster Child‌:
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He recognised the other vampire from a few nights prior, but now after getting a real good look at him he knew that he knew him from somewhere. He actively avoided Isaac and all that clan and politics crap, but he recognised the pirate looking motherfucker as an Anarch. Whatever the fuck that meant.
“If you’re looking for the old man, he’s out.“ Said the Toreador while sitting at his sire’s office desk in the jewellery store. “Didn’t give any indication to what time he’d grace me with his presence again.”
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Aw, fuck it up the ass with a crucifix, this was the vampire he’d nearly squared off with the other night, wasn’t it? Jack had blown into the jewelry store a lot more confidently than he’d felt once he got a good look at the vampire sitting behind the desk, obviously having expected to see Issac, rather than his Childe. His mouth had opened to ask where the Toreador in question might be, but once Ash answered it before he’d gotten the chance to speak, he felt himself left at a loss. Balls.
“Then what’re you doin’ here? He leave you to look after the shop?” He was going to have to sit down and wait, wasn’t he? He could only imagine strolling back into the Last Round with no word from the other to give to Nines-- guy wouldn’t be mad, but he’d probably get all sour-faced and surly, and it’d be a fuckin’ hassle just to hold a conversation with the younger vampire until Jack got the information they needed: that was why the Brujah had parked himself in one of the chairs in front of the desk, bringing an unlit cigar to his mouth so he could chew on it. “Or is this some makin’ you clock in the hours thing like some barons do?”
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
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Jack’s sarcasm brought a small grin to Dark’s face, something he had been in need of.
He had lit a cigarette to calm himself; he took a short drag of it as he pondered over Jack’s question.
Weird? He thought and shook his head. Still, he paused briefly before answering. “Nothing more than usual,” he responded through a small cloud of smoke. “I’ve been sleeping like shit, though. It’s like…something won’t let me rest. But, I don’t know what it is. Think that’s weird?” // @boomlovejack
“I think it’s somethin’. I’m gonna assume we’re talkin’ Big and Bad level, and not some personal demons ya been wrestlin’ with,” He’d reached up to give his beard a thoughtful tug, shrugging slowly, “Ya ever tried tappin’ into it? Y’know, followin’ the source back to wherever it’s comin’ from?”
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It seemed like a fair question, though Jack also had to consider-- “Unless that sorta shit is what you wanna stay away from, in which case all I can recommend are narcotics. Just block all it all out.”
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
Her Majesty:
{text} there’s this dive biker bar just on the outskirts. they know me pretty well out there. {text} you’d probably love the place, actually.  {text} meet me out by that bronze statue at the end of the pier.  {text} i hope you’re not fussy about riding bitch on a bike because i’m not walking to this place.
[ text: Her Majesty ] i do love a good biker bar. [ text: Her Majesty ] all right, will do. [ text: Her Majesty ] I’m a big fan of unconventionality. [ text: Her Majesty ] see ya in 10.
Jack hadn’t exactly been able to rush, not when he’d lent out the car he’d been “borrowing” to his ghoul so she could get around town without trouble. He’d been about three minutes late from the time he’d given, but the pirate had never really been the punctual sort, anyway. Once he’d strolled to a stop near the statue, he started to smirk. “Ya gotta name for your bike, too?”
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boomlovejack-blog · 6 years
@boomlovejack for KENZI !
“now KENZ, the  C A M A R I L L A  are nothing to joke about . these are matters even I have been warned about being careful around. that means   d o n ‘ t   touch anything . don’t make eye contact . don’t do anything…YOU would do, okay ? “
the succubus named BO was giving her  h u m a n   best friend KENZI the safety talk for about the hundredth time . and once again kenzi chose not to listen . nodding her head as her best friend talked , the only thing the giddy human girl could think about was that there were REAL ACTUAL VAMPIRES inside the bar they normally hung out in ! she remembered her first encounter with BO and how she had asked her if she was a vampire when she watched her drain her attacker’s chi from his body . that , of course , was NOT the case and even then she remembered being slightly disappointed . 
walking inside of the DAL without BO right next to her , the human girl was ultimately defenseless even though the DAL was supposed to be a safe haven and neutral ground for any member of the fae or supernatural kind . taking a seat at the bar she smiled up at the old bartender that was BO’s grandfather and then back towards the crowd of darkly dressed new bar patrons . her heart was racing away at the thought of just   w h a t   they could be . would they be all  TWILIGHT and do something dumb like sparkle or were they actual, honest to god vampires that turned extra fucking crispy in the sun ? her eyes fixated upon one of the guys inside the bar , never leaving him . she couldn’t help it - she was too excited at the chance to talk to a vampire after the time she had become aware of the FAE’S existence . 
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“not guessin’ that’s red  w i n e  in those glasses , am i right ? “  there she was . breaking RULE NUMBER ONE of not talking to any of the new bar patrons . 
Jack didn’t understand the first thing about the Fae. Light, Dark-- none of it made any sense to him. It was sort of understandable, he guessed, seeing as the Camarilla made sure to put so much distance between the vampires and the rest. Add onto that a stream of clan histories and the like, and the elder vampire hadn’t had much time to study the Fae. That was part of what this whole shebang was meant to be, some “meeting of the minds” between the Camarilla and what Jack could only assume was the Light Fae. Or maybe Dark, he didn’t know. Was it rude to ask which side someone was on?
Jesus Christ hopped up on an eight ball! What if they expected him to pick? How would he even begin to explain the Anarchs and the Anarch Free State, where they refused to be lumped into anything that might control them?
The Brujah had agreed to travel with the historian-- Beckett-- and some of the other Anarchs to the tavern, not seeming the least bit surprised when Beckett had wandered off to do his own research. Jack had turned to the Brujah next to him, ultimately groaning under his breath once Damsel started prattling on about sides. Opening his mouth to convince the female vampire that their only tie to the Camarilla wouldn’t betray them the chance they saw an opening to in this whole negotiation process, Jack paused and cut himself off once the human questioned his choice in beverage.
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“Sure don’t taste like it,” The former pirate chortled, sliding his wine glass towards her, “Wanna take a whiff?” Clearly he hadn’t expected her to actually take up his offer, as he laughed and picked up the glass to take a hearty sip, trying not to pull a face when he found it was room temperature. “So how’s a breather end up in a bar full of otherworldies?”
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