boomtownkids · 8 years
4-23-17 Lesson
The Book in The Attic Old Testament “I Am Part Of The Story” Lesson 8
Central Truth: God invited me into his family. Now I can tell His big story.

MEMORY VERSE:  1 Peter 2:9 NLT ...you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God...
Count Down
Boomtown THX / Opener  
P&W     -Scream it Welcome – welcome first time guests – Meet and Greet
P&W  -  Made for Worship
Offering and confession
Announcements  - 
Take Home Devotional Challenge for this Unit - explain the take home sheet and opportunity to win up to $20 extra bible bucks.. 
Rules and balloons
Separate Classes here -
Clip 1   Our story find our two friends (Mike and Steve) back again for their work. Today is the big day of the guest speaker so they decide to do their best to finish cleaning the attic. They decide to get busy cleaning the attic and not get to the big Book to find out about what happened to Jesus.
Clip 2 - the boys gets back to work but the big book wants them to read it. So they do and get back to the story of Jesus. They read about Jesus’s crucifixion and His resurrection.
Bible Story -Jesus’ death on the cross paid the price for our sin once and for all.  It repaired our broken friendship with God. It had the power to erase all of the sins of all people for all time.   BUT, to receive that forgiveness, we have to put our faith in Jesus. We have to follow God’s plan just like Jesus did. Even in the darkest scariest moments of Jesus’ life, He still made the choice to follow God’s plan and play His part in God’s story. The last thing Jesus told us before He went to Heaven was to go and tell all people about how they can have a friendship with God because of what Jesus did on the cross. Since then, God’s story has been spreading all over the world as people like us have shared the good news. God is still writing His story! We are now living in the part of the story that begins with the book of Acts. We are the Church. We are the family that God wants to bless the whole world through!
Pick four kids (1 girl for Mary, 1 Guy for Thomas, 1 Guy for Roman Soldier, 1 Girl for Angel) Have the kids dress up in Character for each one, While reading have them act out the story as you read there story.
Mary Magdalene’s Story Hello there. My name is Mary. I’m not Jesus’ mother Mary. I’m not Martha and Lazarus’ sister Mary. It was a pretty common name! I’m from the town of Magdala so they called me Mary Magdalene. I first met Jesus a few years ago. You see I was filled with demon spirits. I was tormented by them day and night. But then I met Jesus. Jesus looked upon me with compassion. I could feel the love in His eyes. Then He spoke and seven demons came out of me. It was like I was alive for the very first time. You know, really alive! Everything seemed so wonderful! I kept growing closer and closer to God every day. But a few days ago everything went wrong. I was there the day they took Him. You cannot believe the things they did to Him. And when He was beaten, bleeding, and bruised so badly you could hardly recognize He was human. They killed Him in worst way they knew. They crucified Him. They nailed Him to a tree and even then I could see love in His eyes, I could hear love in His voice. He cried out one last time and then He died. I never felt so sad, so empty, as at that moment. I kept thinking back to the day I first saw Him, how His love reached out and healed my mind. I know He had the power to save Himself from the horrible things they did to Him; I just don’t understand why this happened! Some of the other ladies that followed Jesus and even His own mother watched as they took Him to the tomb where they laid His body. But we could not even prepare His body for burial.  You see, it was against our laws to touch a dead person on a holy day and that day was Passover, one of our biggest feasts! We cried and prayed all night that night. The next day was the Sabbath which is a holy day too, so we still could not go to the grave.   Early the next morning, on the first day of the week, a group of us women, Salome, Johanna, Mary of Bethany, and some other women who followed Jesus, got up early to go to the tomb. But when I got there, I could not believe my eyes. The stone that had sealed His grave, a huge boulder, had been rolled away! We rushed to look inside the tomb to see what had happened. His body was gone! I thought that they had stolen His body. After all they had done to Jesus, now they had stolen His body! We ran and told the disciples what we had seen and they went to see for themselves. When I got back, they were leaving, going home. I asked them, “What can we do?” But, they had no answer. They left. I stood there, hurting and crying and leaned over to look inside where His body had been. To my amazement, there were two men dressed in white sitting inside the tomb. They asked me why I was crying. I had to explain the story all over again. Suddenly, I heard someone and turned around and saw a man. He also asked why I was crying and who I was looking for. Thinking He may have been the thief or a groundskeeper I pleaded with Him—“Sir, if you took His body, tell me where it is so I can go get it, please.” Then He looked deeply into my eyes and said my name, “Mary.” I looked into His eyes, it was those same eyes that looked past my shame and forgave my sins. It was Jesus! I cried out, “Master.” He was alive. He is alive!
The Roman Guard’s Story Salutations!  My name is Benedict. I am a guard in the army of Caesar. I had always wanted to be a soldier when I was your age, and I became just that. I started out working security for various events but a few years back I was transferred to Judea. This isn’t the greatest place to be assigned. You see, Rome has had all kinds of trouble with all the temple leaders here. It seems like its mostly because of this one man. Some said He was great, some loved Him, but these Temple guys hated Him and everything about Him. I was stationed in the area of the temple to make sure peace was upheld. I hated this position! You see, these religious men called Pharisees and Sadducees, they ran the temple.  You would not believe these guys! They had a law and a tradition for everything. It was all nonsense to me.   It seems that this man, this Jesus, had really made them crazy. But the way these Temple leaders talked He was the most dangerous man to walk the earth. One night, late, I was just getting ready to go home when my troop was called in for a special assignment. We get there and they give us orders to go and capture this Jesus and bring Him before Caiaphas, one of the rulers. So, in the middle of the night we go out following this guy who supposedly was one of His best friends that had betrayed Him. Man, I don’t need any friend like that! We get to this garden and He is there with a few of His friends and this Judas guy gives us the signal. I walk up to Him and He asked me who we were coming for. I say, “Jesus of Nazareth.” I will never forget what happened next. He opened His mouth and said, “I am He.” Now I know that this is hard to believe, but as soon as He said that every one of us fell flat out on our backs. It was like getting hit with a truck. We stood back up and He said, “I am who you are looking for, now let my friends go.” No sooner had He said that then one of his friends comes charging at us like a crazy man with his sword. He screams and cuts off the ear of a servant that was with us! We draw our swords but the guy, Jesus, was already taking care of the situation. He told his friend to stop, put away the sword and leave. Then He did something I will never forget. Now remember, we were here to arrest Him and put Him away. He kneeled down, grabbed the ear and put it back on. Really! I mean it. He put his ear back on his head. I could not believe my eyes. I was so freaked out I could barely remember my job! We tied Him and took Him away as we had been ordered. My shift was over and I was beat so I headed for my house. Now I’ve heard some of the things that happened to Him next. I did not see any of it since I was at home enjoying a couple of days off, but I heard it was horrible—really bad. I’m a pretty tough guy, but from what I hear, you couldn’t even tell He was a human after they were finished with Him. I reported back to my commander and he says I am to go guard this grave. I was like, “What? Guard a dead guy? Are you kidding me? What do you think He is going to do?” He said it was an order direct from Pilate himself—you know the big guy. So I say, “Hey, you want to pay me to sit outside a dead guy’s grave, whatever you say.” My partner and I head out and when we get there we placed a royal seal on the huge rock that covered the
tomb and started chatting to stay awake. Time passed and it got really late. All of a sudden, the earth starts rumbling and shaking. Now I am freaking out! I mean this was a major earthquake. The second one we’d had this week! Then this glowing person suddenly appeared. I think it was an angel. Not some little baby angel. This was an angel man! He looked like lightning and his clothes were so white it hurt my eyes. With no trouble at all, he grabs the huge stone, rolls it away from the door and sits on it! I was so afraid and I have never been afraid of anyone!   Next thing I know the body’s missing! We were going to be in big trouble but we had to report what we saw to our commander. He took us to the priests. After we told them what happened, they brought out this huge sack of money! They told us that if we will lie and tell everyone that we fell asleep and somebody had stolen his body that they would give us all that money. We knew that had not happened! It would have taken ten men to move that rock, but who cares? We took the money, left and told everyone exactly what they had told us to say! I mean, come on! It was a ton of money! But, listen. Come closer. Let me tell you something. Nobody stole His body. We did not fall asleep. You know what I think really happened? He is alive!
Thomas’ Story Greetings! My name is Thomas. I am one of Jesus’ disciples. You know the twelve closest friends of Jesus? Maybe you’ve heard of some of us. Yes, I walked with Him. I talked with Him. I loved Him. Our group had spent almost three incredible years together. I can’t even begin to explain to you the unbelievable miracles I saw with my very own eyes. Jesus was amazing. But then he began to share with us that He was leaving soon and that where He was going we could go also. I didn’t understand and even asked Him one time, “Lord, if we do not know where you are going, how can we go there?” He smiled at me and in His loving way He tried again to explain to me what He had meant. The next few days were horrible. One of our own, Judas, betrayed Jesus. After all that Jesus had done for him, he sold him out for thirty pieces of silver! Well, you may have heard the awful story of how he died. I have to tell you that I thought I would die. I have never felt so empty inside. I didn’t know what to do. All I could think of was His smile, the way He spoke to us in stories so that we would understand. I just left for a while. I just had to get away. Most of us disciples just ran away. Not only could we not believe what was happening, we were afraid they would come after us too! We all kind of laid low for a couple of days. There were soldiers everywhere and lots of strange things had happened! There were earthquakes, darkness in the middle of the day. Spooky stuff! I started to hear strange rumors though. I returned to meet up with the other disciples. They told me the craziest story I had ever heard!  They told me that they had seen Jesus, that He was alive! Oh, how I wanted to believe them, how I wanted for Him to be alive. But how could He be? They crucified Him. He was dead. It had been three days. I told them that I didn’t believe them and could not unless I saw with my own eyes and touched where they had put the nails in His hands. They tried to convince me but I would not listen. Not that I did not want to believe but I am a sound thinker. I cannot just believe what others say. I needed proof, you know?   A while later we were all together preparing to eat. Oh, except Judas, he had killed himself after he heard what all they did to Jesus. So there were only eleven of us now. We had the doors of the house locked because we were still afraid of the soldiers and the religious leaders. As we were talking, Jesus just appeared! Out of nowhere! Just as real as I’m sitting here today! But it was Him, not a Spirit, not an imagination—it was Jesus—in the flesh! He greeted us all, but then He looked straight at me—almost through me. He said, “Thomas, put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”  I did as He said and cried out, “My Lord and my God!” Then He smiled and looked deep into my eyes. He said,
“Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
I’m sure that He meant you—although you have never touched Him like I did, you have believed. I’m so glad that you have. Jesus did lots of other amazing things while He was there that I do not have time to share with you now. I do have time to make sure you know one very important thing, though. Are you listening? Jesus is alive!
The Angel’s Story Fear not, I bring you great news! Actually the greatest news ever! And I’ve heard some pretty great news in my day. I am an angel of the Lord! Yes, it is true. You are in the presence of a real angel of the living God. I hear you want to know how it all happened. Well, get comfortable and I’ll tell you. You see, thousands of years ago, long before my Master created the heavens and the Earth, God created countless angels including me. My life consists of worshipping  God and carrying out an occasional message or mission on His behalf. Greatest job in the universe I think! When Jesus left heaven to come to the earth, I led the heavenly choir in front of the shepherds. We sang “Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace, good will toward men!” What an amazing night.   We observed Jesus throughout His life. I may be prejudiced, but He was the cutest little boy you have ever seen! As He grew we observed how He showed His power when people needed to believe and His loving heart when they needed to change. He was amazing to watch. We knew that he was there on the greatest mission of all times. This was God’s ultimate plan He’d been working on since the beginning. The Father had sent Him, but he willingly went. He chose to go. He did amazing miracles, preached God’s message of love, and fulfilled each and every one of the prophecies we had heard for thousands of years given by the prophets.   But now it was time, time to pay the price for the humans—those who had lived before, those who were living then, and all that would ever live—including you! They did things to Him that you could not believe, horrible things, and then He chose to allow them to hang Him on a cross. They did not make Him, they did not force Him. He chose to give His life! I’ve got to tell you though. It was the hardest thing we had ever had to see! In fact, at one point, when He was on the cross I called together ten thousand warrior angels to be ready for His call. All He had to do was ask. We would have been there. We could have taken Him off the cross and brought Him home. But He chose to stay. He chose to finish the plan, to make a way. I guess it was hardest on God the Father though. When Jesus took on all of the sin of all time, God turned his face away from Jesus. That’s the only time, before or since, that I’ve ever seen God do that! Then, as He had accomplished everything God sent Him to accomplish, He died. Although I felt sorry for His followers, we started to rejoice and praise the Father like we never had before! Now that’s a lot of praising! Remember, worship is a full-time job for an angel! Why were we happy about Him dying? It was finished! Everything was made new! The way had been made! Then I will never forget what happened next. The Father called my name and sent me to open the tomb. With joy and gratitude I called upon all the power of heaven and shook the ground violently! I flew faster than lightning to the tomb and rolled back the stone. He had defeated death. He had made the way for all men to get back to God! He had fulfilled all that was spoken! He was and is alive!
Clip 3- The story of “The Resurrection of Jesus Christ” told a different style!
Memory Verse Run   1 Peter 2:9 NLT   ...you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God...
Clip 4  -  Mike and Steve talk about Jesus about His death and resurrection then the book shuts and they start to clean the attic up , then they get a text that they have to go the the college because the famous guy has made a big donation to the college and they needed to be there ASAP. Central Truth:  God invited me into his family. Now I can tell His big story. Clip 5 -   Mr. Thomas tells us about that we should follow Jesus.  God’s story is still being written and you could be a part of it. The boys get there to the college for the presentation that someone has donated money for the new science building and they introduce the special guest, Mr. Thomas and the boys find out that Mr. Thomas is Dean Sims son and the famous guest.  Mike and Steve are invited to the stage and they get to do the reveal of the new science building.
Prayer- (Remember to also include prayer for salvation)
Quiet seat prizes
Game-Resurrection Race – Items needed rolls of toilet paper  and parking cones. Divide students into pairs. Have pairs line up along one line. Place cones a good distance from the line, directly in front of the pairs. Give each pair two rolls of toilet paper. On, “Go!” the first person from each pair will wrap their partner in toilet paper, using the whole roll. The wrapped person will then break free of the toilet paper, run toward the cone, run around the cone, and then back toward their partner. They will then wrap their partner and the partner will do the same thing. The first pair to have both people wrapped and run around the cone wins.

What did you learn today? - Ask Questions! Start on one side of the room and ask several kids what did you learn today? Teacher spend some time asking kids questions as children are being picked up by parents – then move on to activity sheets.
Questions to ask the kids: How is the story of Mike and Steve like the story of the Bible? (They made a big mistake they couldn’t fix. They needed someone to pay the price for what they did wrong. They could never work hard enough to make up for what they did.)
Could Mike and Steve have ever paid the price for what they did wrong? Were they ever going to be able to get the attic clean? (No, no matter how much they cleaned, the attic just kept getting messier and messier. They couldn’t ever earn enough money to rebuild a whole science lab.)
Did you understand who Mr. Thomas is? (He’s Thomas Simms, Dean Simms son.) How is that like the story of the Bible too? (Jesus was God’s Son all along and had a plan to make things right.)
In the show we saw Mike and Steve do something often called taking Communion. Did you see what it was? What does Communion represent? (Talk about how Jesus used wine and bread to symbolize giving his body and blood for us. Clarify that we usually use grape juice and crackers but that it means the same thing. Some kids may be alarmed to see Mike and Steve drink wine if they are from a family that doesn’t do so, especially since their ages are unknown and they may seem like teenagers.)
What plan did Dean Simms and Mr. Thomas have to fix Steve and Mike’s mistake? (Mr. Thomas paid to have the lab rebuilt. He fixed their problem with their school.)
How do we receive the forgiveness that Jesus made possible for us on the cross? (We have to put our faith in Jesus and choose to follow Him.)
Even when things were the hardest, Jesus still made the choice to follow God’s plan and play His part in God’s story. How can we follow Jesus like that? (By trusting and obeying him, even when it’s really hard.)
What promise did Jesus make as He returned to heaven? (He would return to earth again someday.)
9.  What did Jesus tell His followers to do until He comes back? (Go and tell others the good news about Jesus.) What are some ways you can do that this week?
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boomtownkids · 8 years
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boomtownkids · 8 years
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