netherguard · 7 years
So, dnd post
I dm text adventures, less intense on the dnd rules and dice-rolling, and more intense on the roleplaying and storytelling. We dont usually pay much attention to the actual rules of the tabletop game, but there IS an element of randomness in everything that wont be plot-breaking. 
So the party is gearing up to go from point A to point B, and I roll to see what kind of shenanigans befall them on the road. High roll means something really bad, low roll means something easy to beat. 
And the world crit fails to give the party a hard time. 
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netherguard · 7 years
Made (yet another) a new art blog! Maybe one I’ll actually use this time OTL
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Ugh, I have like, negative motivation to finish any personal pieces, but here, I finished this at last. Inar looks extremely alarmed because Andy is a giant. Well, for a blood elf. He’s massive and ultra done and not even the homicidal warlock wants to fuck with him.
He also spontaneously decided he’d rather be a San’layn and blame the red eyes on undead magic bullshit, definitely not a San’layn, what’re you living fleshbags talking about, you don’t know anything >.>; ((I shouldn’t blame him entirely, I’ve been kicking the idea around for a while and he finally went for it))
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netherguard · 7 years
why did the cake is a lie become the like most quoted portal thing when literally everything glados said was funnier 
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netherguard · 7 years
Demon cat demands attention (wait for it).
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netherguard · 7 years
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netherguard · 7 years
Could you please reblog this if you are a witch who isn’t Wiccan?
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netherguard · 7 years
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Our AC is out so I’m letting him sleep on the bed where the fan is blowing
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netherguard · 7 years
There’s a trend on tumblr that is more than rampant, and since it’s been going on for so fucking long i feel the need to speak on it.
Tumblr hates trans men.
“But thehomosexuals!” you might be screaming. “I see positivity posts every 5 minutes on my dash! They’re always saying trans men are valid!” And to that I’d ask you how many of those were about trans men, and how many of those were about feminine trans men.
If you said that more than 90% of those posts are for feminine trans men, then you are definitey using the same website as I and thousands of other trans men are.
Now, feminine trans men are so fucking valid and they deserve all the love and support, but when every single positivity post is about feminine trans men….. that kind of reaks of something more malicious. While it’s true that feminine trans men would face more discrimination for wanting to adhere to traditionally feminine things while also identifying as a male, there’s something more insidious going on.
It’s not an unknown fact that tumblr has ill will toward every sect of men. It’s went beyond the type of “down with cis” joking attitude to actual malicious will. And in my opinion (and others opinions as well, believe me this isn’t the first time i’ve brought this up to anyone), this is bordering on fetishization and erasure.
there are people on this website who are more than happy to praise feminine trans men for their femininity, but the minute a trans man wants to be more “traditionally masculine” theyre seen as disgusting and horrible and adhering to toxic masculinity. there are people on here who believe that feminine trans men are superior and Braver. there are people on here who think masculine trans men deserve fuck all and could basically be the cisgender people of the transgender community. there are people on here who use feminine trans men as a token that they don’t hate men, when really theyre attracted to the “female” aspects of their identity and erase the fact that they are men from their minds.
you heard me right. there are people on here who use the femininity of some trans men to erase the fact that they are still men. there will be post after post saying that men who look like women are wonderful. not valid as men, not manly as hell, they’re wonderful. and thats true, but theyre still men. theyre not your UwU babbies to love and cherish like little newborns. they are not women. they are not for your eyes. they have their own identity.
again, im gonna end this with the fact that feminine trans men are wonderful and valid and theyre still manly as hell even if they adhere to all “traditionally feminine” things. they are still men. they are still valid.
and using feminine trans men as your scapegoat for “not hating men” while simultaneously only harping on the “female” aspects of their identity is transphobic.
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netherguard · 7 years
...why has it taken me this long to think to cosplay Sebastian
Im a frick frackin idiot
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netherguard · 7 years
7, 8 14, 21
7. The worst thing you’ve ever seen happen to a cartoon that ruined it. Mary Sues/Gary Stues destroy my life.
8. A cancelled/forgotten cartoon you would bring back to television.XAOLIN SHOWDOWN, BITCHES, I DONT KNOW IF IT WAS CANCELED OR NOT BUT I MISS THAT SHOW
14. The best episode of a cartoon you really like.This is harder than it should be.
Going back to Xaolin Showdown bc why not, the episode where we learn like everything about Chase Young, because of reasons.Also every episode of Yu Yu Hakusho where Kurama gets the shit beat out of him (not because I don’t like him, quite the contrary, BECAUSE I like him).Also also the episode of Saint Seiya where Hyoga is a cold, distant asshole to the Hydra dude, and manages to successfully pull it off, bc usually arrogant fucks like him get his ass handed to him, but he managed to not. Good on u, buddy.
21. Something you would like to see more than anything in a cartoon.WELL WRITTEN LGBT+ representation. Like, we’re beginning to move in the right direction, yes, but like, all of the spectrum, bc there’s a lot of it. And it doesn’t need to be in the same show, like sometimes you don’t actually meet people of a particular orientation just bc that’s how life worked, you just haven’t met someone like that, that’s fine, but MORE representation, we need more of that, but only well-written representation, because poorly written representation will only make matters worse and generally be insulting.
But that’s an entirely other rant that I’m sure a lot of people could add onto.
…also, am I allowed to say my own work? Bc that’d be p sweet and also mean that I got my ass in gear and DID something for a change… OTL
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netherguard · 7 years
((cartoon refers to any western animated series, Japanese anime, or animated movie))
A cartoon you remember that nobody else does.
A cartoon you like but nobody else seems to.
A cartoon you don’t like but everybody else seems to. 
A cartoon you wish would be forgotten.
The worst cartoon you’ve ever seen, and why?
The worst moment you’ve ever seen happen in a cartoon.
The worst thing you’ve ever seen happen to a cartoon that ruined it.
A cancelled/forgotten cartoon you would bring back to television.
An animated character you remember but nobody else seems to.
An animated character you hate the most, and why?
A non-animated property you would like to see as a cartoon
A trope or trend in animation that you dislike.
A currently airing cartoon that you know is going to be forgotten about in the future.
The best episode of a cartoon you really like.
The worst episode of a cartoon you really like.
A cartoon you feel deserves more recognition than it gets.
A cartoon you feel deserves less recognition than what it gets.
The worst idea you can think of for an animated series.
At what point did you realize a cartoon, any cartoon was starting to get bad?
An experience with a cartoon you thought you were going to like but turned you away from it.
Something you would like to see more than anything in a cartoon.
What do you feel makes a cartoon forgettable?
Reblog and see what your friends have to say about cartoons!
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netherguard · 7 years
*takes in a deeeeeep breath of nice fresh air*
*lets it out slowly and calmly*
What a lovely day to remember that asexuals and aromantics are included in the LGBT on pure virtue of being asexual or aromantic alone, regardless of their romantic (for aces) or sexual (for aros) orientation in addition to their asexuality/aromanticism. Truly a lovely, marvelous day.
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netherguard · 7 years
*braces for the hate train*
Asexuals are members of the LGBT+ community and deserve avocation and support just like the rest of us, and if you think “there’s something wrong with them,” consider how similar your beliefs and heteronormative beliefs are.
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netherguard · 7 years
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netherguard · 7 years
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Playful Ravens by Mika Honkalinna
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netherguard · 7 years
A Question for My Fellow Polytheists
Do you ever exclaim, “Oh my God!” Just out of habit? I do, and every time, it bugs me.
Do you try to replace it with, “Oh my Gods!” or something similar?
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netherguard · 7 years
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I really underestimated Jojo culture
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