borinaga-jessa · 3 months
Unlocking Life Lessons - Exploring Must-Watch Kdramas
Hi, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Jessa, and I am 20 years old. I want to share some must-watch Kdramas and the lessons I have learned that have helped me in my self-improvement, growth, realization, and insights. Most of you might wonder, 'Does it really help her?' Definitely yes, Kdrama is just like reality, but with a twist that brings valuable life lessons to light and expresses unsaid feelings. It's a journey worth taking, and I'm excited to share my experiences and insights with you.
So here is the list of four Kdramas that I have prepared, which are really memorable to me:
1. Reply 1988
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I've watched this Kdrama countless times because each family portrayed in the series experiences situations and challenges that many viewers can relate to. Whether it's dealing with love and relationships, facing hardships, or experiencing moments of joy and triumph, the characters' journeys resonate deeply with the audience, making the drama highly engaging and impactful. This movie emphasizes the importance of family bonds, especially during hard times. We should provide support to them not only in their happy times but also in their challenging times. While it's early, we must make them feel the love they deserve because we don't know when they will be there for us. Treat them nicely and try to understand each other because family is our foundation, and their love and support are invaluable. For instance, there are times when we do something without being mindful of our actions, and even if it is small, we must not invalidate it because every action, no matter how seemingly insignificant, can have an impact on our family members. It's important to be considerate and thoughtful in our interactions with them, showing kindness and empathy in both words and deeds.
2. My Liberation Notes
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I only watched this once and already forgot the rest, but the most memorable one really resonated with me because I could relate to their situation. One thing is being an introverted person, and there are other lines that I relate to;
"I didn't do anything but I'm already exhausted" - This line is what I always feel every day in my life. I just don't understand why sometimes I want to isolate myself in one place. I feel tired of dealing with other people and myself, and I don't want someone to talk to. I just want to be alone, always alone.
"Let's keep going, I don't know why I have to live, but let's have a descent life while I'm alive." - It totally expresses how I fee....I have this sense of determination to keep living, even though I don't know the purpose or reason for my existence. I feel stuck doing the same things every day, with no hope of anything new or exciting.
"It feels like I'm stuck, but I don't know how to get out." - Similar to the second line. I always feel like I'm stuck, and I don't know how to figure out why because it is really hard to understand myself deeply. Maybe I'm the problem. Or maybe there are things that I didn't realize I'm still holding on to, but I just didn't notice because I was too focused on the pain I felt and the situations I experienced (trauma). I became numb until I forgot about them. Also, I don't know how to express it through words.
"I'm not unhappy, but at the same time I'm not happy either." - I'm in a state where I'm not unhappy, but at the same time, I'm not exactly happy either. It's like I'm in between, and it's a complex feeling that's hard to put into words.
These thoughts teach me that sometimes I feel tired and stuck, not sure why. I want to be alone and figure things out, but it's hard to understand my feelings. I keep going, even though I'm not always happy. It's about finding a way to live meaningfully, even when life feels confusing and uncertain.
3. Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha
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"Life may seem long, but it really isn't. Throw away unnecessary thoughts and be honest with yourself"
This perspective is crucial for me because it reminds me that life is short, and I shouldn't waste time on unnecessary thoughts or burdens that weigh me down. It's important to prioritize what truly matters to me and let go of distractions or negative thoughts that hold me back from living authentically. Being honest with myself means taking time for self-reflection, acknowledging my strengths and weaknesses, and making choices that align with my values and goals. This mindset encourages me to live mindfully and authentically, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Letting go of unnecessary thoughts allows space for personal growth and new experiences. Sometimes, we dwell on "what ifs" even though we're not actively pursuing those possibilities. This fixation on thoughts that aren't being actualized can create a sense of being stuck and hinder our progress.
4. Uncontrollably Fond
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Lastly, this drama/series can really break your heart and make you burst into tears. This drama teaches us that life is valuable, so enjoy each moment and love your family and friends. Be thankful, forgive others, and show love to those who matter to you. Let's avoid pushing people away because we might regret it later on. Instead, let's cherish our relationships and try to understand each other's feelings and perspectives. It's important to communicate openly and resolve conflicts peacefully to avoid any future regrets or misunderstandings.
Discovering the beauty of life through unforgettable Kdramas. Unlocking lessons that touch the heart and inspire growth. Join me on this journey of exploration and self-discovery! Feel free to share your favorite Kdramas or suggest ones for me to watch...or share your insights and experiences If you need recommendations, don't hesitate to ask!😊❤
- Exploring kdrama life's lessons together, Jessa:)
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