botanybotches-blog · 12 years
Mediterranean Terroir in a 4" Pot
Customer: Do you have a lemon veranda?
Employee: Lemon verbena?
Customer: Maybe? It tastes like lemons...
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botanybotches-blog · 12 years
Do you accept other people's coupons?
The Shopping Virgin
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botanybotches-blog · 12 years
Buggles, Puggles, Muggles...You Know.
Customer: I'm looking for a plant...I think it's called buggle-something?
Me: Bugle? Like bugleweed?
C: No, I don't think so. It has chocolate in the name. It has dark leaves.
M: Bugleweed has purplish leaves and there's a variety called 'Chocolate Chip.' It's a groundcover.
C: No, this is really big. It has lots of leaves shaped like this (makes the shape of a hosta with his hands), and then it has a flower spike of lavender flowers.
M: I can't think of anything with hosta leaves that--
C: --It doesn't look anything like a hosta! It has lacy leaves.
M: Oh. Right. Sounds more like an Actea to me.
C: No, it's definitely starts with buggle-something.
M: How about you google it with your iPhone?
C: ...Oh my god, that's it. ...BUGBANE!
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botanybotches-blog · 12 years
It smells glorious in here! Are those dafeens?
Customer with a nose and a British subconscious.
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botanybotches-blog · 12 years
The Birds and the Bees and the Tulips
Employee: Daffodils are another great option for spring color.
Customer: They sure are. Do you have anything else?
E: Well, you could always do tulips.
C: Yeah, but tulips tend to blow their wad kind of quickly, though, don't they?
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botanybotches-blog · 12 years
Is that Sarahcocka? No thanks. I already have a lot of that at home.
Customer looking for shade shrubberies.
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botanybotches-blog · 12 years
LuhVAHtuhruh! I love Luhvahtuhruh!
Lady customer in the perennials.
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botanybotches-blog · 12 years
Is that a Beluga Relative?
Customer: I'm looking for this plant.
(Holds out piece of paper, upon which is written "PHLGA")
Me: Uh, that's a lot of consonants.
C: It's pronounced "FLOO-GAH," I think.
M: I've never heard of it. Is it a shrub?
C: Sort of. I call it the Cousin It plant, cause it looks like Cousin It.
M: Okayyy... (Espies fellow employee.) Hey ____, can you think of a shrub that looks like Cousin It?
C: I have the name written down here.
Employee: Ful...guh?
C: It's also called a whipcord.
E: Oh. A Thuja. It's called a Thuja.
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botanybotches-blog · 12 years
Shoot, I forgot my black pussy!
A customer walking toward the cashier. #BlackPussyWillow #SalixGracilistyla
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botanybotches-blog · 12 years
Perv Alert
Customer: Do you have chlamydia?
Employee: What?
C: Chlamydia? I think it's a vine.
E: Clematis?
C: Yes!
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botanybotches-blog · 12 years
Witch Hunt
Customer: Do you have warts?
Me: (not sure whether to be offended) ...uh...
C: I think my landscaper said St. John's?
M: Oh, worts!
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