bottomlesscomedian · 2 years
Among the fields and mountains, beautiful rivers and lakes, in the darkness of the sky, I found a few stars. I want to show them to you. I want each to light up your life. Look how beautiful.
I give them all to you, take! I want you to feel only peace, look at the eternal burning stars and be charged with their light.
You will succeed. You will see what you dreamed about and you will definitely be happy.
You're beautiful. You would see yourself as a whole .. Beauty cannot be described in words, but you can point to a star. You are the most beautiful and wonderful star. But what makes you different from other stars - you will shine all life.
I am sure that you will be able to overcome all your difficulties, set yourself goals and achieve them. No one can interfere with you: neither parents nor friends (if they prevent you from living happily and well).
You can do it, star.
Love you.
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bottomlesscomedian · 2 years
I hate it when I sleep for 3-4 hours, I get up early, but I can't fucking fall asleep again!!
Go fuck yourself all.
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bottomlesscomedian · 2 years
I am 14 years, and I'm happy with the new sponges for washing dishes. Seriously, it's so cool to wash dishes with a new sponge) lol
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bottomlesscomedian · 2 years
You know, when you read a book/fanfiction and some place is described there and you imagine where you were, you change the place a bit to fit the description, but still, when you are in this place whether it is a room or a street, it immediately feels strange .. It seems that you walk here every day, but after reading you immediately get that atmosphere, as when reading. Great..
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bottomlesscomedian · 2 years
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protector of oranges 🍊 x
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bottomlesscomedian · 2 years
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Gouache, sketchbook
This is my first time on this site. Decided to share my drawing.
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