What form should my Visual Diary take?
At the beginning of this module, I was set on doing a box of paper aeroplanes as my visual diary form. I liked the idea that the entries would not be sequenced, and would be accessible via a random draw-out-of-a-hat kind of method, which I liked as it links to my generative method. I think in a book form, the entries kind of influence each other as they are read in sequence, whereas separating the papers would allow each entry to be its own ‘blob’ of inspiration. Another benefit to separating them is that I’m not restricted to paper size and type etc, each thing could be on all kinds of materials. I suppose the only restriction is that the material would have to be able to be folded into an aeroplane shape. The aeroplanes are just a way to unify everything into a shape and make the diary coherent, but they also conceal what the image is, so they have to be interacted with and unfolded to reveal the diary entry. I was going to debate in this entry whether or not I should do a book, as my work is likely to be quite illustrative and Dali-esque looking at the example sentences generated so far, and illustration is always nice presented in an ordered way, but actually I think the aeroplanes have more going for them in terms of concept linking to my rules, and in terms of being more fun to interact with.
0 notes
Tumblr media
Here is an example of some of the sentences the code generates (in blue)! I ran it several times just to provide this example, but, from now, I will only run it ONCE per day. I have to react/respond to the sentence I am given for my visual diary entry, even if the sentence makes no sense! I cannot run it again hoping to get a better one.
0 notes
My code (very long post!):
from random import randint
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"wrap.", "yesterday."]
print("%s%s%s" % (noun[randint(0, 1524)].capitalize(), joining_word[randint(0, 20)], descriptive[randint(0, 1524)]))
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So I am writing the code that will generate the sentence for me to respond to for diary entry. This will be the structure (or “rules”) that I will create work within. I am doing this sentence in 3 parts: A location or noun; a connecting word; and then another descriptive word. For example “Time into photograph.”, “Storytelling and Space.” etc. It is a very LAZY way to work, but I think it will be successful, especially in avoiding any kind of creative block and also in perhaps forcing me to work in new ways. I am also linking this way of working into artists who use chance a lot in their methodology (John Cage etc). I will include context in more depth later in this blog. So far, I have just written words relating to my own practice. The code generates really well, but I’m finding that I already have preconceptions and ideas on how to respond to the words, as that’s what I do work about anyway! Plus, the words are limited, no more than 20 or 30 of each. SO, instead, I am going to look for ‘top lists’ of words generally used. I have found the supposed top 1500 nouns used in the English language, so I will spend time adding all of them and look for similar lists for my connecting words and my descriptive words. 
Top nouns: http://www.talkenglish.com/vocabulary/top-1500-nouns.aspx  Here is my code (with only limited words for now, but I will add to it today!):
Tumblr media
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Visual Diary session notes. 20/02/2018
Materials: Paper. Pencil. Print, relief. Fabric. Ink. Takeaway. Found photography. Blutack. Film camera.
Visual diary homework: use an unfamiliar medium, material or form of recording as much as possible. If you don’t use colour: use it, etc.
Materials The thing something is made from!
Materiality Quality of being relevant or significant to the subject or for you.
Alan Shearer - Textiles/fisherman!
Kurt Schwitters – found/tickets
Judith Scott – using what was around her. Not able to communicate but knowing what she wanted to achieve and knowing when she was finished! Nicholas Hloho – drawing using ribbon and paper. Lynette Yadom-Boakye – human figure. Diaristic. Figures with ambiguous titles.
David Hockney – sketchbook. Drawing what is around him. It is ok to just do whatever! Not thinking!
Simon Lewty – drawing. Colour. Maps, land, motifs.
John Stazaker – collage. Teaches at the royal college.
Simon Fujiwara – patchwork fur, shaved. Tactile. Work doesn’t have to be flat. Scratch and sniff!
Jini Kolar – collage, repetition. Folding, crumpling.
Julie Cockburn – small scale. Embroidery over found imagery. (Mexican dressed fleas!)
Brian Eno – oblique strategies. Solution for a creative block.
Cecil Beaton – fashion, designer, photographer, designed, scrap book, photographed the queen on coronation, designed My Fair Lady sets. His sketchbook filled with figures of inspiration to him.
Joseph Cornell – surrealist, boxes, visual diary (painting, sticking, cutting through). Circle box of cut out circles. Collecting/archiving everything!
Magaret Huber – tube tickets, combines. Look at her blog – black floaters on her eye, medals, cat fur, drawing, crochet.
International Folk Art museum, in St Tropez?
Hannah Hoch – collage, scale
Matisse – sketchbook, drawing and pattern, colour
Dorothea Tanning – Simple, found image collage. Painter, sculptor, upholstery.
Frida Khalo – amazing sktchbooks, lots of writing, free drawings/paintings
Cultural difference is the prime motivator in the production of creativity.
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How can I create a visual diary and what rules should be imposed?
I have been thinking about how to begin my work in the Visual Diary module, linking back to my Studio Practice. I am currently working with drawing and stop frame animation, sound, and using coding (programming language) to elicit ‘random’ generation. My imagery is space themed (as in outer space/planetary) and fictional, with personal elements such as imagery from family photos and familiar places drawn from memory etc. I think it might be a good idea to write a code/program that imposes rules on my daily visual diary entry for me to perhaps respond to visually (perhaps through drawing, writing, photography, whatever feel appropriate). I could maybe do something as simple as a sentence being generated from a long list of variables (that I would have to input myself) and see what happens. This would include a list of descriptive words, perhaps locations, perhaps things linked to history and memory. It should help me to develop my studio practice visually, through perhaps having to respond to some of these sentences/prompts in unexpected ways. Context! I can’t think of another practitioner who works in this way in terms of generation, but I am heavily influences by Andrew Kotting, who does a lot of writing and thinking before making film works, and Katie Paterson, who kind of works through collecting physical objects. My responses may include working in the vein of these artists.
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