~°Relationships between Ana and the Whitebeards°~
-Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate-
"He was a Father figure to all the Whitebeard pirates, I met him at 24...only for a few months before Marineford, I was on the brink of Death and he had brought me in..and I Wont forget that"
-Marco the Phoenix-
"Marco is my brother, he will always be that to me, he helped me whenever I got hurt and would always worry, he....is like the older brother I wish to have had years ago"
-Oden and Thatch-
"I wished I met them but i would have met Oden but during him being alive I was probably around 2 or 3 years old and for thatch...it would've been nice to meet him, Marco said his food was great"
-Jozu and Haruta-
"I've met them for a while back 2 years ago"
"I met him again after the year after Marineford, he helped me learn about swordsmanship, I haven't seen since then, I hope he is okay"
"......he wasn't a criminal at all, when I first met him...he told me to leave my old crew after learning what my captain had done...Ace was Pure hearted, a little stupid but...smart enough to give good advice.....I miss him, he would've been a great brother to me..."
"He taught me how to use a gun, incase I don't have my Sword. Izo taught me About Wano's culture and bits and pieces of makeup, He was always always like a older brother, that loves his little siblings alot"
-○Asks open and Allowed to be in character○~
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"Hello!, I'm Basil Anne-Marie ,I was part of the Whitebeard Pirates 2 years ago, now I'm an Archeologicist and tailor, i currently travel alone because my older brother who's my adoptive brother Technically, Marco is back in Sphinx." The young woman smiled brightly and waved "I won't mind any questions and. I'll say if I'm uncomfortable {or the Mun will answer for me }, BUT FOR NOW ITS A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU ALL!"
~°Character Info°~
Last Name: Basil
Age:24 (pre timeskip) , 26 (Post timeskip)
Occupation: Archaeologist and tailor
Birthday: September 15th
~{Additional info will be answered via the mun and asks}~
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