bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Somebody I used to know? I'm not sure if I have forgotten anyone, and I know I wouldn't have sang about them. Don't be silly, Gray, give me a real question! /lobs a peanut/ Would you like me to sing to you though? I just â™Ș know â™Ș  you would love it if I sang! I could serenade the whole bar~
Goodmorning Sunshine~
/blinks as a peanut bounces off face/ Oho, it is on now! I’ll beat you at this, and show you that I know some city stuff too. /flicks leftover omelet bits/ Test me, I bet I can get some of them, and beat you at this food fight as well! In all the time you’ve lived here, you should know how this might end. /grins/
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Blacksmith in Training
/grins/ Hah. Not one to back down. I dare you to
 put on a sheet like a cape then be a villain and steal yourself a fair maiden.
A fair maiden? /thinks/ How would you feel if I stole away your girl friend? Oh, and I have a gift for you. /cake laced with potent booze/ A cake! You have been working hard lately, so make sure you eat it all up!
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Speeeecial. Cow manure. Poison Mushroom. Spicy chili peppers. Alcohol! Sugar, spice, and everything nice. Chemical x. Improvise. You decide.
Wow, that is quite a, um, thorough list. I get what you mean! I will bake a cake for my friend, Gray. He needs some excitement in his life, plus he wants me to kidnap someone, so he deserves it~
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Truth: When was the last time you cried? Dare: Bake something with a 'special' ingredient in it and give it to someone.
Ann frowned at the truth question, she had only cried just a few days ago because she did something completely rash. Which wasn't unusual for her, but this time was different, it was worse.
"Well, I guess I'll take the dare then. But what do you mean by special? If it is love, then you should know that all of my cooking is made with love," she said and gave a wink.
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Truth or Dare, Ann?
Oh, hi Gray! I'll take a dare!
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Ann's mind felt strangely numb when she told him that she had pushed him away. That he was going to stay, for her basically. That this was all of her fault. What in the world did I do? She could feel her eyes starting to water again, and she couldn't help but feel ashamed for herself, in the end, this was her fault. No blame could be put on Cliff, no matter if she tried to. No, no more tears, she told herself, they wouldn't help anything now. They would probably just hurt Cliff, and Goddess knows she has done enough of that.
Still, just about all of her rational thinking was gone when he told her that she was important to him. That was honestly all that she wanted to hear months ago. That she was important enough for him to stick around. She never felt very important to anyone. She was never was good enough for anyone. Most of the time, people complained because of how much of a tomboy she was, that she should change. But here Cliff was, telling her that she was important to him just the way she was, no changing needed. Or at least, in the past she was important.
She could loosened the grip on Cliff's hand, but didn't let go. Her gaze was soft this time while looking at Cliff, "so, I honestly did mean something to you?" She asked, quietly as she felt herself lean closer to Cliff, "do you think I could still mean something to you?" She could barely whisper that one to Cliff, exposing all of her feelings to him, past and the confusing present ones. And, many words and months too late, she decided to take action. Ann cupped her free hand, pressing on Cliff's neck and cheek. She could feel his hair on the tips of her fingers as she pressed her lips against Cliff's. 
As her tone softened, Cliff couldn’t help but become more and more tense.  What was this leading to?  What was going to happen?  Why were all these feelings swirling around and bothering him again after all this time?  No, this wasn’t right.  This wasn’t right at all.  Nothing was right.  Was his heart still beating?  Oh, right, yes it was.  It was that loud drumming in his ear he couldn’t get rid of.  Everything was wrong. 
The lump in his throat just wouldn’t go away as he tried to speak.  His voice sounded wrong, he didn’t sound like himself at all.  The sensation stung at his jaw as he tried to force out what little air he could.  
“No, Ann!  You jumped the gun, I was trying to tell you that I
” he paused, trying to find the words after so long.  ”I was trying to tell you that I was going to stay if you wanted me to.  You didn’t let me finish!” 
Cliff had always assumed that she was telling him she didn’t want him to stay. That was the proper reaction of course; he was homeless with no job and no family.  He would only have been nothing but a lump on a log with no purpose other than sitting there.  What was he, other than useless? Nothing.  Why did anyone ever want anything to do with him?
While he ignored her first question, he couldn’t avoid the second one.  Not after being the one to bring it up.  Stumbling on his words, Cliff barely mustered the strength to speak.  ”You were
” he sighed, frustrated with his own mind and feelings.  What was he getting himself into?  ”You were really important to me, Ann
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Ann could see him raise his hand close to her face through her tears. When he ended up not reaching out to her she couldn't help but feel relieved and a little disappointed too. She knew that if he had touched her, there would have been a piece of her that would have wanted to shove Cliff away hard. But there was a smaller part, that was growing louder as she clinched his hand, that wanted him to reach out to her. It make amends for the past. But the damage was done. After all, what she had said in the past can't be erased now.
She controlled her crying as she answered Cliff, "I said all of those things because you were going to leave town!" She remembered that day very clearly, she had intentions of saying something very differently to him, but their conversation went down a completely wrong path.
Then her face softened a little when he told her that he wasn't good enough for her. She always felt bad when Cliff would talk down on himself, it bothered her. "Why would you say something like that? You know it isn't true." At this point, Ann didn't feel too highly of herself. Her eyes were red, her cheeks had tear streaks running down them, she wasn't better than anyone.
Then she paused, why didn't he finish his sentence? Ann, you... What? "I'm what, Cliff? For once, tell me what you are thinking."
“Of course I thought that
” Cliff muttered, dropping her hand as his own fell to his side. “Any human would think that.  ”After all, I ‘had no job, didn’t care about anyone’ and you didn’t need me, either.” He wanted to wince as his teeth ground together so hard, but he couldn’t.  No amount of pain could deter him from what was happening before him.  
Without thinking, he lifted a hand to help wipe away her tears; stopping himself short of her face before dropping his arms back down.  That wasn’t his place, it never was.  He wasn’t supposed to be her comfort, he wasn’t supposed to be anything to her.  
“If you wanted me to stay, why did you say those things
?” Cliff asked, his voice stained from hurt feelings and ego.  Hadn’t he done her a favor?  Was the black eye not a sign that he was nothing? All those fights before he couldn’t take it?  How was that wanting him to stay?
Cliff shifted uncomfortably, scratching the back of his hairline.  No
 no, more like he wasn’t enough for anyone.  All he could do was hurt others, and it was a wonder that Raven had even wanted anything to do with him.  It was a wonder that Ann stood here before him, saying that she wanted everything to do with him.  He looked away, the anger and sadness causing his jaw to ache.  
” he started, clearing his throat at the sound of his own voice.  That wasn’t his, it couldn’t be.  ”I wasn’t good enough for you was the problem.  Ann, you
Should he even finish the sentence?  What good would that do at this point? None, that’s what.  It could only make things worse and even more confusing. Seething in silence, he hated himself for even bringing it up.
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Ann glanced down when Cliff grabbed her hand, she could feel her cheeks turning red when he did, it didn't help her anger or other feelings and it only flustered her more, stirring up old feelings. She could feel herself growing tense under Cliff's stare, she knew he could tell that she was about to cry. It wasn't the first time he had made her flustered to the point of crying. Still, she couldn't break Cliff's stare. It had been a long time seen she last saw him, and his eyes were one of his best features. They were different than her own, a darker color of blue, a much more beautiful shade that her own.
Still, the mental compartment that she put Cliff in, to be tucked away safely and never opened again about suddenly been ripped open and placed in front of the world for everyone to see. When he told her that he felt like she told him to left here, that felt like a punch to the gut. She couldn't control her tears anymore as the were falling down her face.
"You thought that I wanted you gone?" She asked quietly, gripping his hand very tightly, "how could you think that? I wanted you to stay!"
Keep yourself together, Ann. She now felt herself on the edge of sobbing. "I- I wanted you to stay here. To stay here with me." She sobbed a little bit, still gripping Cliff's hand, but trying to wipe away tears with the other one. "I thought- thought that I meant enough to you for you to stay. But-" her voice was now broken and she crying heavily, "but I wasn't enough for you."
I'm not keeping myself together well at all.
Backing away slightly, Cliff could feel Ann’s anger becoming his own as he clenched his teeth in frustration.  Run away?  Isn’t that what she wanted?  For him to leave?  It wasn’t his fault that they met again!  Lately Gray had been calling him out for help, otherwise he wouldn’t be in Mineral Town again. 
The hot-headed ginger’s next barrage of questions came at him, Cliff couldn’t really find an answer, leaving him standing there looking like a fool.  With each jab of her finger, his chest became sorer and sorer until he finally grabbed her hand and held it out.  The traveler could see the tears forming in her bright, blue eyes; eyes that he knew he had recognized once before.  Raven had those same
As much as he hated to admit it, was Ann the reason he had been drawn to such vibrant, blue eyes?
“Ann, I was under the impression you wanted me gone. What else was I going to do?” He questioned, his voice threatening to break any moment as it quivered against the silent air.  To be honest, he still didn’t know how he felt towards her.  To Cliff, his own feelings never mattered much, considering every time they met up there was generally an argument; sometimes leaving him with a nice shiner.  What was there to think? Knowing Ann had no idea how she felt
 It certainly didn’t make things easier.
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Ann smirked at Cliff when he turned her question back around. She took a step towards and jabbed a finger at his chest, "you really want to know that? Or are you sure that you wouldn't just run away from the truth again?"
She couldn't figure out what he was to her actually. It had been a while since she had last seen and at the time she wouldn't have been able to answer the question then. What was he? She mentally shook her head, no, the past doesn't matter. What is he now to me? She exhaled loudly, "I just don't-" She paused, clinching her teeth tightly together before speaking again, "I don't know, okay! What do you want to be to me? What am I to you? Why are you back in my life again?" She asked all of these things in one long sentence. Each question was asked louder than the last and the whole time she kept jabbing her index finger into his chest. Ann felt close to breaking down into tears after her stream, but the more she felt like crying, the angrier she got.
Ann watched Cliff carefully, she was measuring his reactions as he spoke. She stared directing in his eyes, not flinching, arms still across her chest. “You don’t even know what you guys are?” She said back to him, trying to understand what that meant. “And what am I to you? Or do you not know that one either?” She asked sharply to him.
Ann really couldn’t even explain what she was feeling right now. Hurt? A little. Betrayed? Mostly. There was a bunch of other feelings thrown in there too, but outwardly she just came off as cold.
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Ann watched Cliff carefully, she was measuring his reactions as he spoke. She stared directing in his eyes, not flinching, arms still across her chest. "You don't even know what you guys are?" She said back to him, trying to understand what that meant. "And what am I to you? Or do you not know that one either?" She asked sharply to him.
Ann really couldn't even explain what she was feeling right now. Hurt? A little. Betrayed? Mostly. There was a bunch of other feelings thrown in there too, but outwardly she just came off as cold.
Her tone hit Cliff right in the gut, shutting his eyes and furrowing his brows.  It had been a long time since he’d heard her sound like that
 the last time they ever spoke, for that matter.  He still felt guilty about not saying anything before leave, but what else was he to do while she was like that?
 I don’t know what I’m gonna do yet
” he stammered, his blue eyes meeting hers, begging for the forgiveness she’d never offer.  ”I don’t even know what we are.” Cliff flinched; that was probably the worst thing to admit to her.  Ann sounded hurt, and for good reason. 
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Ann blinked a few times when he dropped the g-word on her. She was quite surprised, given the fact of the last time she saw Cliff it was different situation. "Oh, have you now?" She sniffed and jutted her chin up. Her feelings were a little bruised, but she had a lot more pride to make up for the fact, "and is she okay with you wondering in and out of her life? Or have you completely dropped traveling too?"
Oh Goddess, that was probably too mean. She thought to herself, but at this point, she was almost going for broke. Ann folded her arms across her chest and glared at Cliff. Her blue eyes looked unforgiving. She couldn't believe this was happening. It was such a nice day outside too! Until now, of course.
ncerning or not, Cliff shifted on his feet.  ”Kinda,” he said, scratching the hairline on his neck,  ”I still camp out and live in inns, but I don’t really move around as much
 I end up coming back.”
Part of him was nearly afraid to give her the reason.  Cliff had no idea how she felt after he left, or even now.  What if she came to terms about anything?  Did she still like him?  Did she hate him?  He was quite afraid of the prior
 especially given certain developments in his personal life.  It wasn’t like they could go on forever without her knowing, but
 the situation became more and more uncomfortable as time went.  
“I kind of have a girlfriend, now.” 
The words sounded weird coming out of his mouth, and he could tell by the look on Ann’s face.  As much as he hated to admit it, the “kind of” was quite accurate in his situation.
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
/blinks as a peanut bounces off face/ Oho, it is on now! I'll beat you at this, and show you that I know some city stuff too. /flicks leftover omelet bits/ Test me, I bet I can get some of them, and beat you at this food fight as well! In all the time you've lived here, you should know how this might end. /grins/
Goodmorning Sunshine~
That’s hardly a question. Of course I can keep up. But this is my breakfast so knock it off.
Whatever, whatever, how am I supposed to know girl’s hair? You all have a million names for everything. /smirks/ Oh, do you now? I’m skeptical. 
/finishes up his omelette and reaches over to the bowl of peanuts on the counter. He picks up a few and flicks them at her/ You asked for it.
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Mail Call! Delivery for Ann! Hello my name is Annette~ Nice to meet you~
Oh, hello Annette! I am glad you were able to find me! I have been waiting for some mail for a while now. I hope it isn't junk mail. But, I am glad to meet you too!
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
/chucks another piece of food/ I can stop anytime, but the thing is, can you keep up? /tosses another piece/ Care to try?
/shows braid to Gray/ Not pigtails, a braid! And don't you see my bow? And I might be able to get pop culture references! We hear stuff out here in the sticks as well!
Goodmorning Sunshine~
Yeah yeah, it is good. /food lands near him - he looks at it then at her/ Don’t start something you can’t stop.
/dead pans/ You’re wearing overalls and have a pig tail. Country. Yep, you can’t deny it./shrugs/ Maybe to you. Tch, I guess it’s when you stop being able to recognize pop culture references.
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Ann blinked a few times when she heard that Cliff, she almost wasn't sure she heard him right. "Wait, you have, like a place you are actually living at now?" She was honestly surprised, and curious. What had brought this one? She had always hoped that he would stay, but it never did happen, until now? She couldn't help herself, but for some reason, she had a feeling that she need the reason, "why did you do that?" Her voice was blunt and flat when she asked the question.
“That’s good,” he said, trying his best not to sound forced. He really had been wondering about Ann, and while he wouldn’t admit it he missed talking to her.  Still, it was hard to tell if she was just putting up a front

Crossing his arms, Cliff nodded.  ”I’ve been okay
 recently settled in a place called Sharance
” Before he could think about it, he’d said it.  How would she react to him actually settling down?  Maybe she would think he meant it was where he was staying for the moment.  Sometimes he regretted never acting on his feelings, but it worked out for him in the end
 She had never been clear with how she felt, so he couldn’t even begin to imagine how she did now.
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bows-and-overalls-blog · 12 years
Yeah! I haven't worn my swimsuit in forever! I will meet you there /waves/
((Ann's swim suit, because I don't want to draw one xD ))
Good! Ehe~ I hope so! I’m going to go get changed into my bathing suit, shall we meet at the beach? /smiles/
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