boyfrienby · 9 hours
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["mouth to mouth", educational poster, printed in Dresden, Germany, 1911]
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boyfrienby · 2 days
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Im always putting my lunch a little bit away from me on the floor
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boyfrienby · 2 days
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Salt your stink, miss?
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boyfrienby · 3 days
but we must go on
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boyfrienby · 4 days
“[X] should be run more like a business”
No, no it shouldn’t. “Run like a business” is shorthand for “cuts corners, preys on consumers, and rewards those who do the most work with the least compensation.”
Schools should not be run like businesses, they should be run like schools — focused on educating students, not making money for shareholders or forcing employees to become de facto customer service agents
Government should not be run like a business, it should be run like a government — spending every last dime it pulls in for the sake of protecting its citizenry and making society more beneficial for all
Businesses shouldn’t even be run like businesses — they should be focused on providing a useful product or service and compensating those that provide that product or service fairly for the work they put in.
I don’t want jack shit run like a business, I want our society to be run like a fucking society. If you want society run like a business, that just tells me where in the business hierarchy you see yourself — the part that does not belong to a healthy society
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boyfrienby · 4 days
look i get that theyre bad for you and everyone around you but getting preachy on a post about cigarettes isnt gonna do anything for that blogger who youve never talked to before.
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boyfrienby · 5 days
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boyfrienby · 6 days
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boyfrienby · 6 days
I think detaching disgust from morality is one of the keys to Chilling Out. You can find inner peace by being able to go "hm! Gross" and recognize if it's an actual problem or not. Cause if it's not an actual problem... it's not your problem 🙏 god bless
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boyfrienby · 6 days
for juneteenth the innocence project sent out a collection of reading material on their mailing list that i thought i should share with all of you-- a reminder of how the us prison system is a continuation of slavery, and how we must keep fighting for justice and equality. they also are accepting donations if you have a few bucks to send their way: every dollar counts!
How the 13th Amendment Kept Slavery Alive: Perspectives From the Prison Where Slavery Never Ended
On Juneteenth, Here Are 5 Ways to Be a Better Ally
Race and Wrongful Conviction
How a Wrongly Incarcerated Person Became the ‘Most Brilliant Legal Mind’ in ‘America’s Bloodiest Prison’
A Mistaken Identification Sent Him to Prison for 38 Years, But He Never Gave Up Fighting for Freedom
‘The Dungeon Was the Last Place I Wanted to Go’: An Exoneree’s Story of Survival at Angola Prison
Book an Innocence Project Speaker This Month
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boyfrienby · 6 days
btw Yes you should kill invasive species. you should kill pests and parasites (in a way that's environmentally neutral and doesn't decimate every other living thing around). but the average person who willfully kills any bug on sight because it's "just a bug" doesn't know which species are invasive to their areas, they just irrationally hate bugs for no reason other than small-minded fear or an excuse to be mean. and it's honestly ridiculous to me how many people have the mindset that bugs don't deserve to live if they happen to be near you, like Seriously GENUINELY grow the fuck up
i dont trust ppl who just indiscriminately kill bugs. if you have a phobia or allergies or pests im not talking about you. but like if a beetle outside walks by you minding its business and you stomp on it? you're honestly ridiculous bro like you need to grow the fuck up
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boyfrienby · 6 days
i dont trust ppl who just indiscriminately kill bugs. if you have a phobia or allergies or pests im not talking about you. but like if a beetle outside walks by you minding its business and you stomp on it? you're honestly ridiculous bro like you need to grow the fuck up
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boyfrienby · 6 days
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boyfrienby · 6 days
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The Columbia River Gorge, Oregon, USA
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boyfrienby · 6 days
im working late . to make a dinner
mug of coffee full of pot roast thats that meat espresso
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boyfrienby · 6 days
mug of coffee full of pot roast thats that meat espresso
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boyfrienby · 6 days
was reminded of that youtube channel that records footage of that bridge that scalps trucks today. one of the fascinating developments that's happened since i last heard about it is that, in one of their many attempts to stop the trucks from being can-opened, they installed a traffic light that detects when a vehicle that's over the allowed height is coming and turns red so the driver can stop and hopefully notice the signage all around that's screaming "YOUR VEHICLE IS OVERHEIGHT TURN AROUND" and avoid an accident. However as a result sometimes drivers see the light turning yellow and IMMEDIATELY start flooring it to avoid having to stop, ensuring that the roof of their truck just gets fucking annihilated instantly. Really beautiful stuff you should check it out
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