bradleyofc · 11 years
So, interesting day. I got hit on by a sixty-seven year old man. I mean, I'm guessing. I don't really know his age. But he was super well-dressed and actually pretty attractive for his age, so pretty cool.
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bradleyofc · 11 years
Pretty sure I broke my nose or something at the party, because Godfuckingdamn, does it hurt. And I definitely didn't drink any water before passing out, because my head is blowing the fuck up.
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bradleyofc · 11 years
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bradleyofc · 11 years
That kid is a sass master. I can tell just by his face.
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bradleyofc · 11 years
i believe someone was like how does it feel to be a sex symbol for teenagers or smth and ya man he was pissed
i want to cradle him and whisper kind words into his ear and tell him how much of a non sex symbol he is IS THERE A VIDEO
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bradleyofc · 11 years
he looks annoyed. they both do. haha.
omg right i'm shocked at the kid though bc he's JSUT LITERALLY NOT PHASED AT ALL BY HARRY'S PRESENCE???? LIKE???
i think a paparazzi said something to him about being a heartthrob and he got rly annoyed but idk??
omg that def explains it i wonder if there's a video i wanna watch it or if there's a video of harry getting pissed oh god i bet he'd be hot all pissed
omg the kid yanks his hand off him like he’s the celebrity i’m screechinf
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bradleyofc · 11 years
is it just me or does harry looked pissed af in this gif
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like 'dis bitch'
does he literally do that whenever taking pics
does he just shove his face beside yours then hes like 'fuk ye' or is he mad at that kid
also that kid is like wow i'm bored who cares about this curly-haired assface i don't lol *smiles sarcastically*
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bradleyofc · 11 years
It's going to suck without you, loser. What'd you even do?
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Well, shit. You guys probably won’t see me at the party tonight. Have fun.
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bradleyofc · 11 years
It wasn't shit, you fucking liar. Shut the fuck up, Rory. Don't call me scum. I'll fuck off when I want to fuck off, and I don't. Let's fucking try this again, okay? Do you want to come over? Or are you going to be a persistent bitch and keep fucking yelling at me until I make you shut up?
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Yeah, it did happen, and it was shit. But it isn’t happening anymore and for you to assume that I might take you back is quite frankly an insult. You’re fucking scum, and I don’t want you. I’m not being pathetic at all—if anyone is, it’s the guy who wanted back in my pants two seconds ago. So you can fuck right off, honestly.
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bradleyofc · 11 years
Shut the fuck up. I'm not delusional. You dated me. Stop trying to fucking deny it, because it happened. You're ridiculous and you're pathetic and you're blowing the whole thing out of proportion. You know what I'm talking about. Don't fucking try it.
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What relationship? You’re fucking delusional, Bradley, that trainwreck is over. Maybe if you hadn’t been so shitty to me, I could leave it in the past. What the fuck am I doing? What are you talking about?
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bradleyofc · 11 years
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A 67 year old woman just asked me if I was from Iraq because she wanted to see me Baghdad ass up. What a time to be alive.
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bradleyofc · 11 years
I do when it comes down to our Goddamn fucking relationship. I'm serious when I tell you to leave it in the past and to fucking stop doing whatever the fuck you're doing.
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I was. Don’t pretend like you understand everything, alright? It’s fucking annoying. You’ve called me worse than crazy, you know.
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bradleyofc · 11 years
If you were, you'd totally win. Look at your adorable face and your advanced social skills. I'd vote for you, too. Y'know, you should definitely run. Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to seeing your face, too -- it's pretty great. But you have a fantastic ass. And personality, obviously.
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Haven’t you heard? I’m running for class president this year; speaking for the people is one of my many obligations. If I didn’t know you, I’d be a little offended because you’re looking forward to seeing my ass more than you are about seeing my face, but — you’re Bradley, so it makes sense. 
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bradleyofc · 11 years
Right, got it. Thought you meant... eh, whatever. You gonna throw one?
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That’s what I meant. For the most part.
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bradleyofc · 11 years
Fine. Whatever. It's cool. You were not fucking scared of me, shut the fuck up. What the fuck are you talking about? You're crazy, I swear to God.
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You’re not going to get me. I’m not some prize you win at a carnival, I’m a goddamn person. Oh my god, you know bullshit about abuse statistics, don’t you? I stayed with you because I was scared of you. But I’m not anymore.
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bradleyofc · 11 years
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bradleyofc · 11 years
Nope. Sorry to disappoint -- or not. Just don't know what a Harry Potter is.
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Have you been living under a rock your whole life?
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