bradleyxharper · 3 days
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my pookie wookie 🧸🤏🏼
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bradleyxharper · 5 days
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Leave your tits alone, Thomas!
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bradleyxharper · 7 days
Bradley was as impatient as they came sometimes, absolutely dying to just leave with Gareth and get some quality time with him away from the suite. He nodded softly, smiling as Gareth pulled away to go and get changed.
He paced a little until his boyfriend reappeared, grinning at the sight of Gareth dressed up. He looked so fucking good. When the aswang tossed a set of keys at him, Bradley caught them out of pure instinct before looking at the BMW fob in his hand, a soft frown gracing his features as he came to the realisation. "Wait-- my car? No you fucking didn't! You got me a fucking car?" He grinned, practically leaping on Gareth, flinging his arms around his neck and pressing a kiss to his lips before pulling away and rushing out of the door, dragging Gareth along by his hand, eager to see his new car. Once they were outside, Bradley pushed the unlock button on the fob, watching as the most beautiful, green BMW M8 Competition unlocked, the mirrors unfolding as the headlights lit up. "You're fucking kidding me, Gareth. This is.. a lot. Like. A lot. I don't deserve this at all."
"I'm sure that you have been." Gareth grinned, returning the kiss before he let go of Bradley, slapping his boyfriend on the ass. "Just let me get changed real quick and I'll be right back." He absolutely hated dressing up -- jeans and a nice t-shirt were about as 'classy' as Gareth was ever going to get most days -- but this was the faerie's birthday so the aswang sucked up the discomfort for the time being. Besides, with their track record, he wouldn't be wearing the suit for very long, anyway.
On his way back out of the bedroom, Gareth snagged the keys that belonged to Bradley's brand new car. The master knew next to nothing about cars -- anything big and shiny made him happy -- but he was familiar enough with his boyfriend's tastes that he thought this one would be right up the younger man's alley. He tossed the keys to his boyfriend once he reached him, smirking a little bit. "You wanna drive your car there?"
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bradleyxharper · 7 days
The faerie could certainly understand the other's hostility, but that didn't mean he appreciated it. He'd been a slave in the undercroft too, and he remembered just how much he hated people even looking at him the wrong way. Still, Bradley was just trying to do something good. "I think he's out at the moment with one of his other slaves, so.. no. Peace and quiet for now," he answered, gesturing for Noah to follow him as he headed towards the exit. "You been down here long, Noah?"
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"Yeah, cigarettes. Didn't stutter, did I?" The other guy, obviously a claimed slave since Noah hadn't seen him around the Undercroft much, didn't deserve the hostility but Noah wasn't in a good mood. That might change as time went on but they'd have to see. He rolled his eyes at the joke. "Oh well." He responded, wryly, though his eyes lit up a bit at the offer to get out of here. "Damn right I do." He stood up, like he was ready to leave that minute which he pretty much was. "Your master gonna be there?" That was definitely not a dealbreaker for Noah he was just curious. "Noah." The idea of getting out of the Undercroft had lightened his mood a little. "Lead the way."
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bradleyxharper · 7 days
Listening to Silver speak, Bradley crossed his arms over his chest. The way the other slave described things made it sound like it was all rainbows and roses, when the reality of his relationship with Gareth wasn't all that great. Sure, when they were happy, Bradley was really happy, but when things weren't happy, the entire suite would know about it. Maybe Gareth did care for him more than he did Finn or Silver, but his boyfriend's obsession with Finn was always one of the sore spots that came up repeatedly.
"You only see snippets, Silver. I love Gareth, but I doubt he cares for me as much as you think he does. Things aren't perfect, and I still have to compete for his attention," Bradley muttered, knowing that most of the time, the aswang likely did prefer being with Finn, tormenting the familiar and having his fun. "I want to get out of here permanently, but that isn't going to happen."
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Silver listened to Bradley and did feel bad. He had always felt that way since he had been brought in. It was always feeling off. Finn was basically the pain slut, and Bradley.....Silver knew he and Gareth were very close. "You know.....when I came here, I was scared shitless. I had masters come and go, claim me and dump me back. It really fucked with me. I would get so confident and happy and think finally I was going to be safe. But I never was." Looking at the other he could feel what it was like to want attention from someone.
"You got extremely lucky Bradley. Gareth actually cares for you. He's dating you and I've never seen that man treat anyone the way he treats you. Every master I've had I hoped each time, maybe this time they actually want me. They actually want to keep me. Hoping one day I would get to experience love. To experience joy the way I see others doing. If anything I am jealous of you. The way Gareth takes care of you. Fuck me and Finn. Whatever time he spends with us is nothing to the time he spends with you. And I bet you, the love he has for you no one else here will every have. We may get his attention every so often, but every day you wake up, you have his heart. and that is something more valuable than anything in this castle."
Silver really meant it. The way Gareth was so easily calmed with the boy. Took him places, got him things, spent his time so gently. Silver could only hope one day that was something he got to experience. "Gareth only took me cause I'm submissive. I would never think of coming between you two and I know sure as shit Gareth would never allow that to happen either. I'm not here to steal him or rob you of what you have. I am just happy to have a master who won't throw me away. I have a bed, food, and a place to escape from the castle. That's all I ever need from him."
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bradleyxharper · 7 days
Bradley didn't at all mind that Taliesin needed some assistance getting up and out of there, happy to help him walk along. They were going to have to get him fixed up as soon as possible. He supported the other slave, glad that he was stronger than the human so he could at least support the taller male with ease.
He couldn't help but chuckle at the question, not knowing whether to tell Taliesin the truth, but he felt like he owed him the genuine answer. "Uhh, the truth? Yeah, he can be. I promise you'll be fine with me. He's my boyfriend, although I seriously hate that word. Sounds cheesy," he muttered, wrinkling his nose a little as he started walking, helping Taliesin along. "We should be fine anyway, he's not in the suite at the moment. We get peace and quiet."
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Taliesin did not want to think about Hunter being hot, but the thought did flicker through his mind anyway, before he could extinguish it. Hunter was the kind of man Taliesin would be very pleased at having fucked on the club scene - not a long term prospect, but great to have in your rolodex. In here, he would rather that Hunter's name wasn't in it. The thought of Hunter coming back to him had him shaking a little.
He was still frowning, foggy in the eyes, when he took Bradley's hand. It wasn't easy getting himself upright, especially off a futon on the floor, without anything to brace himself against. He let out a groan of pain, had to let Bradley take an embarrassing amount of his weight. The doctor was supposed to be back from whatever business had detained him the last couple of days. Maybe he was feeling amenable to fixing Taliesin's ankle properly, unlike that nurse.
"His Sire? Please tell me he's not like Hunter." Taliesin didn't think he could take that. He didn't want to be dragged upstairs to find someone just as keen on hurting him. He slung an arm across Bradley's shoulders. "Sorry, sorry. I can't stand on this foot."
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bradleyxharper · 7 days
It would be refreshing to spend some time in a quiet suite, which is why he'd let Merek lead the way to his place. There was little chance of interruption there. "No slave yet, huh? Got your eye on anyone?" He asked as they walked. Luckily it didn't take long to get to Merek's place, and Bradley gave a little chuckle as the pyromancer gave him a bow. "Such a gentleman," he purred, smirking as he made his way into the other's suite. "Ah, so much quieter than what I'm used to."
"My place it is, then." Merek kept his arm hooked through Bradley's as they walked, happy for a number of different reasons that the faerie had picked that location. It was mostly because it was quite a bit closer to them than a master's suite would ever be. "Luckily for the both of us, my rooms are significantly less crowded as I've yet to claim someone." And who even knew if he ever would. The pyromancer tended to be picky with the slaves. They reached his room and Merek opened the door, bowing playfully to Bradley. "After you, darling."
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bradleyxharper · 7 days
Not even wanting to pull away from Gareth to move to the sofa, Bradley lingered against the aswang for a moment, enjoying the feeling of their bodies against each other as he came down from his high. Firmly taking hold of Gareth's jaw between his thumb and fingers, Bradley pressed one more kiss to his master's lips. "Don't be gentle with me, yeah? Make me really fuckin' feel it," he murmured before pulling away, moving to lay down on the sofa, gesturing for Gareth to join him.
Gareth swallowed as much as he could, his tongue swiping along his bottom lip once Bradley pulled out of his mouth. The aswang was feeling relaxed and content, so he didn't move off his knees at first, not until his boyfriend pulled him up. He kissed him back eagerly, one hand moving to cup the younger man's jaw, his thumb idly brushing back and forth over the faerie's skin, one arm looping about his waist to pull him closer. Gareth deepened the kiss for just a second and then pulled back, smirking at Bradley. "Better go get yourself comfortable on the couch, then."
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bradleyxharper · 11 days
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thinking about how pretty he looks here.
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bradleyxharper · 11 days
The faerie didn't need to turn around to know exactly who was stood behind him. He sighed, watching with his arms crossed over his chest as the slave high-tailed it the fuck out of there. Bradley turned to face Raiden, looking up at the towering form who was almost a full foot taller than he was. "Pretty much. Not seen you around in a while, Raiden," Bradley pointed out, skipping over the money question entirely. "Your other sex toys keeping you busy?" The fae asked, a soft smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
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Raiden wasn't sure what he was looking for. He never went down to the undercroft with any real purpose other than finding a slave to ruin, but he was never so set on things he couldn't take a detour. His towering form came behind the pint-sized fae and with the least amount of delicately told the thing to fuck off and it seemed to get the hint as it scurried away leaving him with the Harper he preferred.
"What's your plan here Harper? Tryin to save a slave from the likes of me? Where you getting all the money for that?"
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bradleyxharper · 15 days
Hearing Hunter's name didn't shock the faerie in the slightest. He knew what Gareth's fledgling was like, albeit Bradley knew he was safe from any of the vampire's torment by being Gareth's partner. "Ah. Hunter," he murmured, looking at the injury before meeting Taliesin's gaze again. "He's as hot as they come, but his personality negates any points he may get for his looks. My partner is actually his sire, but I promise you're safe with me," Bradley explained before getting to his feet, holding a hand out for Taliesin to take.
"You're fine, I'm allowed," the faerie said softly with a smile. "Plus, I'm a faerie. I can't lie, so you know I'm telling the truth." He offered the guy a grin. "C'mon, let's get you fixed up, washed and fed."
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Taliesin regarded Bradley with suspicion. He didn't carry himself the way the other slaves did, nor had Taliesin seen him around the Undercroft, but the collar indicated he was one nonetheless. Did he have authority over Taliesin? He wasn't sure. He also wasn't sure about hearing partner and suite in the same sentence. The geography of the language didn't quite make sense to someone who wasn't used to Krovs' nuances yet.
"...Hunter," Taliesin conceded with a soft sigh. He gathered he was supposed to have received a little more treatment than he had. Why that wasn't the case... Maybe Hunter had left the clock running for a couple of days to torment Taliesin, or maybe it was just that the nurse he'd seen didn't like Taliesin. He'd been rude to him on his first day, and consequently he'd called Taliesin a brat, told him he deserved what he'd got while bandaging him. "I'm Taliesin. I think I upset one of the nurses."
He pulled himself up into a sitting position, rather awkwardly. "Are you allowed to take me out of here? I don't want to get in any more trouble..."
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bradleyxharper · 15 days
Watching the unclaimed slave carefully, Bradley was a tad unsure what the other was going to do. He had come across hostile slaves in this kind of situation before, but he'd always managed to make peace with them. The faerie raised an eyebrow when he felt the other's arm around his shoulders, glancing at him as they sat.
"Flex? No, I'm here to see if anyone needs anything," Bradley muttered, noticing just how close the other was to him. No concept of personal space, clearly. His eyes fell to the other's boxers, noticing that's all he was wearing, before he met the slave's gaze again. He was hot, there was no doubt about that. "Do you always walk around here with barely any clothes on?"
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Raven hated the rot in undercroft. Being unclaimed meant it was up to the mercy of the masters if he could go out or not. He hated that place and was bored to death. He walked the place only on his boxers. It was basically his home and he was free to be as comfortable as he could. After messing around with another slave, he headed towards the common room and smirked when he found an unfamiliar slave.
“Someone seems lost.” He spoke as he approached the slave. The muscular male wrapped an arm around his shoulder and sat next to him, invading his personal space. “A claimed slave returns to Undercroft. Are you here to flex?”
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bradleyxharper · 15 days
"I've brought it up before but I don't think he's keen on it. Imagine I get to see them, and then they don't want me to leave again? Hell, I probably wouldn't want to leave. I'm guessing that's a headache Gareth doesn't want," Bradley explained, knowing for a fact that the only way he'd get to go back to his family is if he escaped Gareth, but even the thought of doing that wasn't something he wanted. He wanted both. "You're probably right, I'm just a pessimist. Either way, I miss 'em. Do you have any family anywhere? Other than Charlie?"
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"I get it," Finn said after a moment. It was a little shocking to hear this coming from Bradley who he'd thought long swallowed and enjoyed whatever Kool-Aid they were pouring around here. Apparently not if the fae still had desires to not live here permanently. "You happen to have that advantage with Bradbury though –– why not ask 'im to take you to see your family?" Would Gareth allow it? Probably, probably not, but Finn expected the worst Bradley would get is hearing no from their shared master. He smiled small. "Just because they haven't wound up 'ere doesn't automatically mean something terrible's happened to them. They could be livin' their lives unless you were a family of notorious criminals or some shit that placed a target on all your backs."
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bradleyxharper · 15 days
The faerie sighed softly, figuring he couldn't shit on Silver's dreams of getting out of there. He had them too, and he'd managed to experience a little more freedom recently thanks to Gareth purchasing him.. but that didn't mean he wasn't still a tad bitter over the suite situation. Maybe he was just taking his frustrations out on Silver because he could. "We're just all fed up, Silver. I'm fed up of the suite being.. a tad overcrowded. I'm fed up of feeling jealous and like I'm having to compete with everyone for my own boyfriend's attention, and I'm fed up of this fucking castle."
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"I know. But I can dream right? I mean it will probably never happen and you're right he doesn't do things on the whim. But you've been out of here. You've seen things. You can't tell me any of it isn't worth dreaming for." There was a huge chance it would never happen. But he had a long life to live now so he could wait. Chuckling as Bradley told him no the demon put his hands up in a playful manner. "Alright alright. Thought it would bring some cheer into the suite. You and Finn look miserable all the time. Figured it was worth a try."
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bradleyxharper · 15 days
Bradley knew that in their world practically anything was possible, but getting Seth back hadn't felt like something that would ever be a reality. He was so glad they'd managed to pull it off, but he had to wonder at what cost. There was no way there wasn't going to be any consequences. "Oh, yeah, he did. We've been away from the castle for a couple weeks so far, nothing huge. Just a well-needed holiday. Not sure when my next escape from the castle will be, but I do get to escape to the town house in the village when I need to."
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"That's valid. I'm just as shocked as you are," Seth admitted cause frankly he'd had no idea if Rhys would've been able to successfully pull that shit off. He was grateful his mentor had though because ten years was more than enough down in Hell for a lifetime. "Oh shit, Bradbury finally purchased you, huh? Congrats, I guess. Take it he's not letting you leave the castle anytime soon, is he?"
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bradleyxharper · 15 days
Giving Merek a grin as he felt the other's arm hooking through his own, Bradley took a moment to think about it. Gareth's suite was already crowded as it was. He imagined Merek's suite was going to give them far more privacy. "Let's go to yours. There're three slaves, including me, and a master in mine," he explained, giving a little chuckle. "It gets a tad cramped sometimes, depending on how many people are over."
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"It's understandable. These sometimes make it hard to tell the difference." Merek gestured vaguely to the collar around his neck. There were subtle differences when it came to the ones that staff wore, but someone wouldn't notice that if they weren't really looking. "I would love the company." He stepped closer, casually hooking his arm through Bradley's. "A pleasure to meet you, I'm Merek. Now." The older man smiled. "Would you like to go to my place or yours?" Bradley was clearly claimed, but Merek never knew what masters were possessive over their suites.
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bradleyxharper · 15 days
It was always interesting to meet the different personalities down in the undercroft. Some slaves were sweet, some very indifferent, and others a little hostile. Bradley was still trying to figure out which category the guy in front of him was, but he'd started things off a little hostile. "You want some cigarettes?" Bradley asked, arching his eyebrow but giving him a smirk. "Those things'll kill you," he joked. "I'm sure I could get my hands on some. You wanna come back to my master's suite? Get out of here for a bit?" Bradley offered, arching an eyebrow slightly as he waited for the other's response. "I'm Bradley, by the way."
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It didn't matter. Masters came and went all the time so it didn't fucking matter that Quin had up and gone. Sure, he'd given him a bunch of clothes and some nice watches before he left, which didn't really make any sense especially since he was leaving, but he'd still left. It was stupid to have any feelings about it at all since Quin had only rented him a few times anyway and it didn't mean anything even if they'd done weird things like just kiss and Quin had looked after him when he got that stupid spring mischief cold. It didn't matter and he was fucking gone now anyway so....so that was that.
Noah was sprawled on a cot in the dorms glaring at the ceiling as those thoughts went through his head. Someone approached and Noah glanced over, willing to change his expression and mood if it was a master but it wasn't so he didn't try to lighten up much. He was about to tell the other guy to fuck off, like he'd said, but people didn't usually just dole out kindness. "I could use a fuckin' smoke or seven." Noah sat up and swung his legs off the bad so he was sitting facing Bradley. "That somethin' you could swing? I'll pay you back, obviously." Nothing was free down here (except those clothes? what the fuck?) so he tacked that on almost annoyed like he knew it was just part of the deal. It wouldn't be the first time he'd traded sexual favours, which was pretty much all he had to trade, for cigarettes.
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