brainbuilding · 11 years
Compassionate listening is to help the other side suffer less. If we realize that other people are the same people as we are, we are no longer angry at them.
Thich Nhat Hanh (via continuousinitiation) I find that Thich Nhat Hanh has a way of phrasing things which clicks deeply into the heart, as calmly joyous as the warm embrace of the mother, compassion, of the wrathful baby, anger, which he often metaphors.
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brainbuilding · 11 years
Omega Children; Using Omega-3,6,9 to Enhance Cognitive Growth
While supplement research with children is rare, a number of studies have already been done on children with "behavioral and learning disabilities" such as ADHD and Autism, given Omega Fatty Acids. These studies consistently urge for more in depth research, however they also consistently show significant improvements in the children given Omega Fatty Acids. Some of the aforementioned studies are here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Unfortunately, one study showed Omega Fatty Acids were not found to improve cases of childhood unipolar depression. Another longer term study showed that despite this, Omega Fatty Acids may alleviate some of the symptoms of childhood depression. If your child is at high-risk for type-1 diabetes, a high omega diet may trigger diabetic autoimmune disease (however this is unseen outside of high-risk type-1 diabetes children.)
Given that Omega Fatty Acids provide a great deal of neuroprotection and BLAH in adults, while displaying an excellent safety profile at all age levels (as long as from a source not containing mercury,)  increasing childhood Omega-3,6,9 consumption looks promising.
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brainbuilding · 11 years
Update: July 12 2013
I found this in my drafts, unpublished, so I'm deciding to publish it in it's less than polished form because the information encoded in this post is relevant and editing/expanding it would put my current spin on past toughts: I decided that it would be a good idea to keep updates here of my self-improvements. So here it goes!
About a month ago I started to conclude (or more accurately pause, as change never stops thus progress is necessity) the expansion of what I call in my head my "Purification and Toxin reduction." I've noticed a drastic improvement in mental clarity when eliminating High Fructose Corn Syrup (which contains mercury) And continued noticing leaps and bounds in well-being as I eliminated MSG, pesticides, and other common food toxins. I am now focusing my research and habit adaptation more on avenues outside of the realm of food toxins. The food journal continues, as the habit has been adapted and it serves a useful purpose. As of late I have begun the metabolism boosting hot/cold/hot shower trick. I heard about this originally from Tim Ferris in his video lecture version of 4 hour body. Basically for this, when you're taking a shower you're going to want to do the first bit in normal hot water. Then you're going to turn the handle to cold. And the kicker? You're going to leave it there for 2-5minutes. You will start hyper ventilating. This is good as it means you have kick-started your metabolism with a hormone flush activated by the cold. You will also have an intense want to turn the water back to hot for the first half a minute and at intervals within the cold period. This is normal and I highly recommend intense music coupled with a meditative equanimity to help with bearing it. But you can do it. Use the intensity to build your sense of what you can endure for your goals. Intense experiences has been shown to be a powerful enforcer. As a timing tip, the length of one song for most bands is long enough to indicate how long you have in the cold. Once the timing is up,
I also was given some a set of small 3&5lbs weights and so I have set them with my computer in the hopes that it will create the opportunity for me to use them when I'm reading something online or with my non-mouse hand when I want to mess around with things.
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brainbuilding · 11 years
New Blog Description
I'm Caleb DeLeeuw, and I'm on a mission to push the frontiers of human mental potential. I see modern technology moving from augmenting our environment to augmenting our potential, and this dawn of heightened possibility brings with it more opportunities than ever before. But just as every improvement has, this new frontier requires a higher gradient of effort, focus, and motivation than ever before. The swarm of information before us will require a keen mind, but the rewards will span from vastly accelerated acquisition of knowledge, to states of well-being that we have yet to even fathom. This is my blog about this quest. In this quest I've been experimenting with a large number of nootropics (cognitive nutrition supplements,) eliminated common food toxins (such as HFCS, and Aspartame,), and vastly reduced my intake of GMOs and plastic toxins. I'm enthralled with investigating memory/NLP tricks, mental hacks, and mindfulness practices. Sense early 2013, I've been keeping a self-quantification journal which includes everything i intake, all excretion, a variety of established cognitive ability and mental tests, sleep and mood logs, blood pressure tests, chemical and drug exposure, and subjective mental state labels (such as "energetic" on a scale of 1-10.) I've also participated in small-scale Float Tank research (see floathq.com), Superlearning research, and am currently in the process of founding Nervolve Nootropics LLC. The more that I enhance myself the better I feel and the better I become. And the better I become, the more I feel the imperative to share it with the rest of the world. I hope you'll join me on this quest to personal transformation, and help us to radically rethink thinking.
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brainbuilding · 11 years
Interesting Study into the Potential for Doodling to improve memory
What Does Doodling Do? "SUMMARY
Doodling is a way of passing the time when bored by a lecture or telephone call. Does it improve or hinder attention to the primary task? To answer this question, 40 participants monitored a monotonous mock telephone message for the names of people coming to a party. Half of the group was randomly assigned to a ‘doodling’ condition where they shaded printed shapes while listening to the telephone call. The doodling group performed better on the monitoring task and recalled 29% more information on a surprise memory test. Unlike many dual task situations, doodling while working can be beneficial. Future research could test whether doodling aids cognitive performance by reducing daydreaming."
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brainbuilding · 11 years
Supplementing The Youth; Advanced Cognitive Nutrition for a New Generation
We, as humans in the modern world, face the complex and often overwhelming reality of a culture that runs at the speed of digital information. We have immersed ourselves in an environment build on exponentially improving technology, accelerating our lives and demanding an ever faster mind. Our children will face an even higher level of cognitive demand. While this technological world generates dazzling new frontiers in efficiency, innovation, and creation, these opportunities come increasingly often at a speed and complexity which the human mind has not yet evolved to. There are many attempt to bring the human mind up to speed via the traditional methods of education and organization (two very helpful tools indeed,) however the neurology that creates the mind has barely begun to be addressed. Forming the real basis for cognitive improvement, enhancing the physical circuitry of our brains, and our children's brains, offers a faster and more universal avenue to a new frontier in mental capability, and ability the thrive in a complex world.
Imagine a world where the raw mental capacity within the average human mind rivaled that of Da Vinci, Dr. King, or Carl Sagan. Imagine the innovations and creations that would be unleashed if the commonplace human neurology was elevated to the level that we currently think of as genius. When we look at the unprecedented challenges and opportunities within our modern world, it becomes imperative that we as a species take the next step in our mental evolution.
Nootropics already offer a safe and reliable opportunity for gradually upgrading adult cognitive abilities. Research into the plethora of well-studied nootropic supplements shows a remarkable capacity for positive neurological development throughout adult lifetime (see any of my posts tagged #Nootropics.) However, in the established circuitry of the adult brain improvement often comes slow and is diminished by repairs and behavioral habits. This calls for a push to study the safest nootropics in groups of prepubescent children, and help them unlock the mental tools they'll need in the complex world they will face. I call this Project Evolutus, named for the projected next phase in human evolution; Homo Evolutus.
I urge any who are involved in supplement research or research with children to look into designing studies focused on supplementing children, as well as prepartum women, and discussing the potential that different nootropics hold for helping them achieve greatness and well-being. I feel urgently that we must act now to find the best way to prepare our children's brains, along with their minds, for the complex and challenging world they will live in. The potential that our modern world holds is truly unprecedented, and we as a species must be ready to accept and contribute to this new frontier. By aiding our children now in their cognitive well-being, we are not only enhancing their lives, but also bettering the species as a whole.
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brainbuilding · 11 years
I was astounded a little over a year ago when they healed minor paraplegia using stem-cells. I was even more impressed when they used stem cells to 3D print a functioning lung. Now, in virtually no time sense those discoveries, we have figured out how to create and implant functioning neurons into a functioning rat brain. Most amazing about this is the fact that it not only integrated with the rat's neurology, but it actually augmented the circuit (albeit a damaged circuits) in a way that improved function. Given the short timetables modern neuroscience consistently takes to move an innovation from rat to human, I can't wait to see how quickly we'll be repairing the devastated circuitry in the sufferers of neurodegenerative dementia, specifically Alzheimer and Parkinson disease. Once this occurs, I eagerly foresee the use of stem-cell neurons for augmenting an undamaged human brain, ultimately upgrading it's function.
For the first time, human embryonic stem cells have been transformed into nerve cells that helped mice regain the ability to learn and remember.
A study at UW-Madison is the first to show that human stem cells can successfully implant themselves in the brain and then heal neurological deficits,...
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brainbuilding · 11 years
Nerve Growth Factor Eye Drops; Expensive yet potentially very Effective.
I have recently been looking into trying Neural Growth Factor (NGF) Supplements. Specifically eye drops, due to my suspicion that the NGF would either get destroyed in the stomach or it would only effect the entric brain. Pure NGF is expensive, but it may be worth it to experiment with this powerful endogenous nootropic in a semi-novel delivery method. It all started when I stumbled upon an article in The Independent, published in 2009. This article definitely strays off topic, but the fact that a Centenarian, (Rita Levi-Montalcini) who is also a Nobel Prize winner, and a brilliant scientist " puts her undiminished mental vigour down to regular doses of nerve growth factor " got me extremely interested. She has sense passed away, but her discovery seems to be just beginning it's life as a viable brain supplement (if only they could synthesize it and the price went down.) So I spent the vast majority of my free-time a few weeks ago researching Nerve Growth Factor. 
The online information on NGF is very interesting and promising. 
Nerve growth factor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nerve growth factor - Google Scholar
Nerve Growth Factors (NGF, BDNF) Enhance Axonal Regeneration but Are not Required for Survival of Adult Sensory Neurons
Nerve Growth Factor and Longevity - LONGECITY
Nerve Growth Factor Is a Potential Therapeutic Target in Breast Cancer
Can you help me find Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) eye drops? at IMshopping
I wish there was more information available from Levi-Montalcini on her use of NGF eye drops. I was unable to find the method that Levi-Montalcini used, however looking at standard DIY eye drops I drafted up a rough idea of a way to make NGF eye drops.
1. Boil a cup of distilled water with a teaspoon salt. I don't see how the saline could react with the NGF, so I'm assuming it's safe, however this may be a bad assumption. Apparently green tea using distilled water is widely used in place of plain distilled water (making me curious as to the small amount of L-theanine and polyphenols that would deliver intra-ocularly.)
2. According to a patent for the use of NGF eyedrops in cases of cognitive impairment, "between 1 and 1000 μg/ml of NGF. If the product is in the form of an aqueous solution (eye-drops), the NGF concentration may preferably be in the range 10-500 μg/ml, and still more preferably in the range 200-250 μg/ml. A specific formulation for eye-drops may contain, for example, 200 μg/ml of NGF in a 0.9% sodium chloride physiological solution, or in a balanced saline solution (BSS®): in both cases, the solution is isotonic with tear fluid and thus well tolerated by the eye." I reckon a single dose would ideally be two drops per eye (giving even dosage to both eyes and the ability to experiment around with varying dosage. Four drops total per dose.) I was unable to locate the per-drop dosage in the patent.
Let's aim for 250IU/ml. To your cup saline water, once cooled, mix in 59.147mg NGF recumbent.
3.Divide into dropper bottles, and store in the fridge or freezer (it is currently unknown if NGF breaks down under intense cold, but like all hormones it appears to be heat sensitive.)
These could potentially have uses from post-stroke neuroregeneration, to experimenting into fixing vision without the use of glasses. Because the optic nerve's blood supply system cascades throughout the brain as the nerve works it's way back to the ocipital cortex, administering NGF this route would be highly effective and theoretically would evenly disperse throughout the brain. Higher doses of NGF also stimulate the higher release of Brain Derived nootrophin factors, which appear to perhaps somewhat of an up-regulation loop.
Here's a juicy quote from the aforementioned patent: "More specifically, the effects of the NGF administered as eye-drops in Parkinson's Disease are the following: 1) a decrease in the number of apoptotic neurons in the substantia nigra compacta (SNc); 2) an increase in the number of dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons in the SNc; 3) a decrease in the number of Lewy bodies (including the cytoplasmic types typical of Parkinson's Disease and which are considered a marker); 4) an increase in the number of neurons in other brain regions including the locus coeruleus, hypothalamus, the cerebral cortex and basal nucleus; 5) a decrease in the circular movement behaviour of rats (spatial disorientation with circular movement, another typical symptom of the disease). The effects of NGF administered in the form of eye-drops in Alzheimer's Disease are the following: 1) a decrease in the number of apoptotic neurons in the hippocampus and cortical region; 2) an increase in the number of cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain, hippocampus and cortical region; 3) a decrease in the number of amyloid plaques; 4) a decrease in Aβ42 peptide levels (a marker of Alzheimer's Disease, where Aβ represents amyloid protein); 5) a decrease in inflammation; 6) an increase in acetylcholine levels."
If anyone wants to make and try these eye drops, or has already done so, please let me know as I am extremely interested by the opportunities this presents. Here and Here are the links to the only companies I could find which offer the sale of pure Nerve Growth Factor, and like I said it's spendy. Consideration would also be needed in regard to how long it stays good for. But hey, it's an interesting thought and someday if affordable could yield astonishing results. Someday I'll probably try this and post results. UPDATE: Nerve Growth Factor eye drops currently in development for corneal ulcers. and Apprently there was a study using NGF applied to the eye of mice, showing it protected choline acetyl transferase levels and a correction of visual accuity. --Perhaps my vision correction idea isn't so novel.
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brainbuilding · 12 years
"A glimpse into the future.
Imagine a creativity cap.  A device that would free you, if only momentarily, from your mindsets, from your prejudices, from the mental blocks to creativity.
Imagine a creativity cap that would turn on the mind's hidden skills.  
Is this a possibility?  
Groundbreaking research reveals that the brain deliberately conceals much information from our conscious awareness.  Instead, we are aware only of the "big picture", a story that is filtered by what we expect. 
Is there nonetheless some ways to escape the tricks our minds impose on us?"
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brainbuilding · 12 years
Here's a very decent list of some of the most promising studies on Piracetam, brought to my attention by continuousinitiation's blog. The link at the top is where it first was posted on Reddit and who posted it.
  http://www.reddit.com/r/skeptic/comments/18x364/nootropics/  - MisterYouAreSoDumb
Ohh, you want studies? I got studies!
Piracetam affects membrane fluidity in the frontal cortex, the hippocampus, and the striatum. It also sensitizes NMDA receptors in the hippocampus
Ohh, you want studies? I got studies!
Piracetam affects membrane fluidity in the frontal cortex, the hippocampus, and the striatum. It also sensitizes NMDA receptors in the hippocampus
Piracetam’s effects on the NMDA receptors.
Piracetam stimulates the metabolic glucose pathway.
Changes in the brain biogenic monoamines of rats, induced by piracetam and aniracetam.
Piracetam defines a new binding site for allosteric modulators of the AMPA receptors.
Modulation of AMPA receptors and the action of nootropic drugs.
Aniracetam enhances synaptic excitation by modulating AMPA receptors.
Receptor changes and LTP caused by administration of aniracetam.
Allosteric modulation of AMPA receptors by aniracetam.
Allosteric potentiation of quisqualate receptors by a nootropic drug aniracetam.
Modulation of the time course of fast EPSCs and glutamate channel kinetics by aniracetam.
Aniracetam reduces glutamate receptor desensitization and slows the decay of fast excitatory synaptic currents in the hippocampus.
Oxiracetam prevents the hippocampal cholinergic hypofunction induced by the NMDA receptor blocker AP7
Interactions between oxiracetam, aniracetam and scopolamine on behavior and brain acetylcholine
Putative cognition enhancers reverse kynurenic acid antagonism at hippocampal NMDA receptors
Effect of the nootropic drug oxiracetam on field potentials of rat hippocampal slices
Enhancement of hippocampally-mediated learning and protein kinase C activity by oxiracetam in learning-impaired DBA/2 mice
The role of non-NMDA glutamate receptors in the EEG effects of chronic administration of noopept GVS-111 in awake rats
The effect of the synthetic neuroprotective dipeptide noopept on glutamate release from rat brain cortex slices
Anti-inflammatory properties of noopept
Noopept stimulates the expression of NGF and BDNF in rat hippocampus
You just want studies in healthy humans?
Pharmacodynamics of piracetam and piracetam-like drugs.
EEG of healthy individuals after piracetam.
Activation of ERP segments strongly correlated to cognitive functions in healthy subjects after using piracetam.
Piracetam prevents hypoxia in healthy individuals.
Piracetam effects on blood flow and vasodilation in normal individuals.
Piracetam attenuated decreases in vigilance in healthy individuals.
  Aniracetam prevents hypoxia in healthy individuals
Multiple dose aniracetam plasma pharmacodynamics in healthy volunteers.
Single dose pharmacodynamics in healthy Chinese males.
Pharmacokinetics of oxiracetam following intravenous and oral administration in healthy volunteers.
Acute doses of oxiracetam in scolpamine induced amnesia in healthy individuals.
Pramiracetam’s effects on scolpamine induced amnesia in healthy volunteers.
Pharmacokinetics of pramiracetam in healthy volunteers.
Meteoadaptogenic properties of peptide (noopept) drugs in healthy volunteers.
Neuroprotective function of noopept.
Noopept prevents oxidative damage in normal individuals.
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brainbuilding · 12 years
Pregnenolone: The Queen of Neurohormones
Hey guys! Sorry for the delay in posts. In the the craziness of setting up for the founding of Nervolve, getting ready for the final phase testing of our first blend, and moving to another town, I seem to have left a rather deplorable gap in my posting.
As for this post's subject, I have to admit I've been thinking a lot about how to best portray Pregnenolone. The literature is stuffed with accounts and studies on the nootropic, neuro-regenerative, and neuro-protective effects of Pregnenolone, often referring to it as the primary neuro-steroid. This is no wonder, because while Pregnenolone has numerous nootropic abilities itself (most notably the increased myelination and neuro-steroidal impact,) it is also able to be easily bio-synthesized into a whole host of other wonderful chemicals. These include the famous memory enhancer DHEA, Progesterone, Glucocorticoids (which have been shown to have a whole host of beneficial abilities, leading Dr. Robert Sapolsky of Stanford University to say they are his favorite neuro-hormone class.), and the sex-specific hormone precursor Androstenedione. Here's the more simplified diagram of how the bio-products of Pregnenolone (for those less chemistry interested.) 
The research into Pregnenolone is wonderfully abundant. This allows us to be sure of its efficacy as well as its safety. One of the big unanswered questions about Pregnenolone is source of many of it's beneficial effects. Given that Pregnenolone turns into such a plethora of other chemicals it really could be any of these, and I suspect when it comes down to it, we will find that many of the effects are derived from synergy between the different derivatives. Here's a few of the studies into Pregnenolone which interest me the most. Let me know in the comments if you'd like me to write up a post explaining any of these. Neuroprotection by the steroids pregnenolone and dehydroepiandrosterone is mediated by the enzyme aromatase
Steroid Hormone Signaling between Schwann Cells and Neurons Regulates the Rate of Myelin Synthesis
Pregnenolone Protects Mouse Hippocampal (HT-22) Cells against Glutamate and Amyloid Beta Protein Toxicity
Neuropsychopharmacological properties of neuroactive steroids
Neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate enhances glutamatergic synaptic transmission by facilitating presynaptic calcium currents at the calyx of Held of immature rats
Inhibition of the NMDA response by pregnenolone sulphate reveals subtype selective modulation of NMDA receptors by sulphated steroids
The neurosteroid pregnenolone sulphate increases dopamine release and the dopaminergic response to morphine in the rat nucleus accumbens
Pregnenolone sulfate enhances long-term potentiation in CA1 in rat hippocampus slices through the modulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors
The Neurosteroid Pregnenolone Sulfate Increases Cortical Acetylcholine Release: A Microdialysis Study in Freely Moving Rats
Local Neurosteroid production in the Hippocampus: Influence in Synaptic Plasticity of Memory
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brainbuilding · 12 years
L-Theanine seems to induce both focus and relaxation, Neurogenesis, and Neuroprotection.
A study done October 31st 2011 at the University of Shizuoka, Japan, showed that "Theanine intake may be of benefit to the postnatal development of hippocampal function." This study only adds to the list of studies showing Theanine's Nootropic effects.
The Hippocampus is largely in charge of episodic memory, spatial navigation, and the production of new Neurons. The increase in hippocampal neurogenesis will therefor not only increase memory, and navigational abilities. It will also increase the number of neurons output from the Hippocampus to the rest of the brain.
L-theanine can be found in small concentrations in green tea. I have recently been trying out L-Theanine, and so have several people I know, We've all found it has mild anxiolytic (anti-stress) properties. This is supported by the literature on L-Theanine and stress reduction. We also have noticed that we feel slightly sharper perceptually while taking this Nootropic. Having sharper perception makes sense when you consider L-theanine has shown to have slightly similar pharmacology to caffiene (although less-so, plus the GABAnergic & glutimanergic activity.) Another effect which I especially noticed was that impulsivity is easier to control to a slight degree while on this Nootropic (which goes along with how it increases GABA levels.) All of us using it have also noticed a beautiful synergy of potentiation and balancing that occurs in combination of caffiene, and even more with caffiene and theobromine (found a study looking at this.)
Overall I can see why Chinese Philosophers drank so much tea!
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brainbuilding · 13 years
A very easily understood video about the neural basis of learning and memory. A lot of this may be old information for those of you who are well versed in neuroscience, but it's explained ridiculously detailed so I'm sure you'll enjoy watching it none-the-less (I know I did.) I love watching passionate Neuroscientists explain the brain. Enjoy!
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brainbuilding · 13 years
An interesting study on the change in receptor density change from Sulbutiamine use
I have been using Sulbutiamine on an average of three times a week for about 4 months, and I have nothing but good things to say about my experience with this Nootropic. I have also noticed a very positive increase in my long term memory in combination with Choline Bitartrate (Precursor to AcetylCholine) over the time I've been taking it. This is supported by studies suggesting Cholinergic and Glutimate activity increase during activity of Sulbutiamine. Now here's another interesting study on the neurological effects of both acute and chronic Sulbutiamine administration.
Here's the Abstract>>
Chronic treatment of rats by sulbutiamine induced no change in density of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and (+/-)-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid receptors in the cingular cortex, but a significant decrease of the kainate binding sites, as measured by quantitative autoradiography. In the same treated animals, an increase of D1 dopaminergic (DA) binding sites was measured both in the prefrontal and the cingular cortex, while no modification of the D2 binding sites was detected. Furthermore, an acute sulbutiamine administration induced a decrease of kainate binding sites but no change of the density of D1 and D2 DA receptors. Acute sulbutiamine injection led to a decrease of the DA levels in the prefrontal cortex and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid levels in both the cingular and the prefrontal cortex. These observations are discussed in terms of a modulatory effect of sulbutiamine on both dopaminergic and glutamatergic cortical transmissions."
So basically, in terms of oral ingestion, this is saying that Sulbutiamine increases the sensitivity to D1 type dopamine long term , without significantly effecting the sensitivity to other types of Dopamine. This is interesting because a major brain-activity dropping effect of chronic Cocaine use is the DEsensitization to Dopamine. This means that, theoretically, Sulbutiamine increases the overall activity of the brain, and possibly even help repair damage in recovering cocaine addicts' brains. The slight decrease in  Kainate Glutimate receptors can be attributed to down regulation due to Sulbuitiamine's Glutimatergic mode-of-action, meaning that the memory transcription boost of Sulbutiamine may be in part  from this Kainate Glutimate activity.
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brainbuilding · 13 years
Hello world, I am Caleb DeLeeuw, and all my life I've had an obsession with learning. The passion quickly lead me to Nootropics. Nootropics are substances, be they neurotransmitter precursors, vitamins, Stimulants, etc, which increase the functionality, growth, and/or health of your brain. To simplify, Nootropics are Brain Enhancing Supplements.
Over the last year I have been working with a company called Float On in Portland, Oregon. Over this time I have acted somewhat as a Research Coordinator, and also somewhat as an Intern on how the business is run. Recently at Float On we began offering a Nootropics Blend called Alpha Brain. This Blend sold surprisingly well in the shop, and I absolutely loved give people something to make their brains better. The only problem was that, despite Alpha Brain getting mostly good feedback, I heard from many people that it took about 6 days to start working, and that once it did the effects weren't quite as much as they'd expected. I blame this partially on the low dosage of ingredients in Alpha Brain, as well as Onnit's over-hyping. Another concerning comment we got from the majority of people was that if they took it within around half a day of going to sleep they would have night terrors. This is commonly reported on Huperzine, an active ingredient of Alpha Brain.
Because of this we decided to try and do better ourselves. On this decision I completely buried myself in nootropic Pharmacology studies for months. I focused on many types of cognitive enhancement. I have also studied Pharmacology, Neurobiology and Neurochemistry as my primary hobby and passion for quite a few years prior to this. Finally I used all of this knowledge to draft up some prototype blends for Memory Enhancement, Focus Increase, Mood enhancement, Enhanced Motor Neural Activity (sports,) and Deeper Float.
This Blog will chronicle my adventures creating this company on the Neuro-Chemical side of things. It will also serve as my soapbox to shout out the massive potential I see for nootropics and other technologies of neuroscience to enhance our lives. Thank you so much for stopping by. I hope you enjoy following me.
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