Top 4 Advantages of Relying on a Professional VAT Consultancy
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Irrespective of an established company or a startup, you need to hire a top-notch VAT consultancy to take care of your VAT obligations. UAE is one of the economies that pay extra attention to proper VAT records.
Latest advancements in the business sector have also increased the need for keeping a proper record of financial matters to pay taxes on time. However, many companies don’t have familiarity with the rules and regulations of calculating tax and process of payment. Therefore, it is imperative for companies to hire a third party VAT consultancy in Dubai.
Some of the advantages that a VAT consultancy can offer are as follows:
1.   Save money: Discrepancies in VAT filing can lead to the loss of a huge amount of money. It is better to reduce that risk by outsourcing your VAT filing to a third party. Also, hiring a VAT consultancy in Dubai can minimize the cost incurred by an in-house accountant.
2.   Save Time: VAT and legal obligations require analysis, assessments and measurement of the risks associated with the company’s revenues and tax payments, which is a time-consuming process. A business can save hours of that precious time by delegating the work to a VAT consultation.
Save time and money by hiring a professional VAT consultant
3.   Knowledge: VAT Consultants in Dubai have a more comprehensive understanding of what goes and doesn’t. Their advice can go a long way in reducing all the other risks associated with taxes and records.
4.   Audit ready books: The experienced consultants can assist you in creating files and maintaining proper records, so that you are prepared for tax audits. Their suggestions can significantly help in saving your back from significant tax penalties and fines.
Get the best VAT consultants to guide you through your VAT obligations
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Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Tax Consultant for Your Tax Returns
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Filing tax return can be done by oneself. However, it takes a lot of time and extensive data extraction work, which can be quite frustrating. People who file their own tax return go on for 8-10 hours of continuous work. This is the reason why businessmen and entrepreneurs hire professional tax consultancies in Dubai to file their returns.
Let’s take a look at some of the top reasons why you should hire a tax consultant:
1.   To Save Time: Tax filing involves a long process of compiling receipts as well as double checking them properly, which can go well over 8 hours. This time you can actually spend with your family, or learning something new by delegating the work to tax consultants in Dubai.
2.   To Get Higher Returns: There is a sea of existing and updated tax regulations and policies that you may not be aware of. To claim the maximum possible deductions is therefore not possible for you. A tax consultant will be able to ensure maximum returns for you.
File your tax returns efficiently. Hire the best tax consultants in Dubai.
3.   For Expert Scrutiny: The advantage of a tax consultant is that they have an in-depth knowledge of tax laws and procedures. With their expert perspective, you can rest assured that there would not be any mistakes in your returns.
4.   Updated Info: One of the jobs of a tax consultant is to keep you posted about the various changes in tax laws and regulations, thereby guiding you towards the best course of action.
5.   Future Filing: Filing tax returns through a tax consultant gives you exposure to the more intricate details of the process. So the next time you want to file tax returns yourself, you are better acquainted with the right procedures and techniques.
Blog Source URL: https://www.brainintadvocates.com/top-5-reasons-to-hire-a-tax-consultant-for-your-tax-returns/
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Things You Should Know Before Hiring a Criminal Lawyer in the UAE
If you happen to be travelling in the UAE, it’s not just your itinerary that you have to worry about. The mesmerizing landscape in Dubai also follows a strict code of conduct and adherence of rules, to which visitors and non natives are not exceptions to. While in Dubai, you need to be extra vigilant of your etiquettes and manners, especially in public.
If in case you are ever charged with a crime in the UAE, regardless of whether you are innocent or not, find a good criminal defense lawyer immediately. You can try to explain to the authorities your situation, but do not rely on their goodwill or understanding to deal with the mess.
When you hire a criminal lawyer in Dubai, do not try to cheap out in the situation as it’s a very serious and fragile matter that requires a seasoned pro. Try and find a good attorney with full fledged legal experience, as such a person will have a better chance of having acquaintance with all district attorneys and judges, and will have a better idea of how to represent you in front of them.
In case you are finding the best lawyers in Abu Dhabi or Dubai, look for professionals with an entourage. The legal procedure is a complex mechanism that involves countless little formalities to be completed.Any good established lawyer will have a team for petty works like research and document filing etc. Having a team raises the chances of success of a lawyer, which eventually means, success for you.
The Police in the UAE is very intolerant and do not care for complete verification of facts before arresting a person. It is a real possibility that you be put behind bars for a trivial thing, without so much as a chance for explanation. Therefore, you need an efficient and smart lawyer.
If you decide to hire a criminal lawyer in Dubai, the first thing you need to do is discuss the payment. Many people get apprehensive of hefty lawyer fees, many a times avoiding hiring a lawyer because of that. But people in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are usually kind and considerate. Often times they make an economic payment plan that won’t strain your budget too much. It is advisable to do the negotiations beforehand to avoid problems and stress later.
If the attorney that you have finally hired is in fact a good one, then you should always listen to every instruction they give. Their knowledge of the legalities as well as the judge and the prosecutor gives them the skill to devise a good strategy for your defense. Therefore, it is important to pay heed to your lawyer and do as he says.
About the Author: Aya is the author of this article and is associated with SAEED AL MUHARRAMI ADVOCATES & LEGAL CONSULTANTS. She has an in-depth knowledge about various fields tax consultancy services and provides expert advice on corporate and personal legal concerns like property settlements, financial and accounting services.
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Cut Corners Easily In Costly Divorce Cases
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Getting a divorce in the UAE can be an expensive affair. In many instances, divorce lawyers in UAE have become infamous for having sucked up a lot of money of the clients, leaving their financial disposition in turmoil. This kind of situation is inevitable in cases where there is some kind of conflict between the parties, or property, or child custody is involved. But in amicable divorce cases with no complications, one can easily reduce their divorce costs. Of course, that requires a combination of proper research, smart thinking and cutting corners.
·   Dig around for the right attorney
To find a good and reasonably priced divorce lawyer in UAE is not impossible. All you have to do is search thoroughly for a divorce lawyer who falls within your price range.
·   Be creative to cut your lawyer fees
Many a times divorce lawyers are willing to cut costs themselves considering the affordability of clients. They may have payment plans which enable reduction of overall fees or distribution of the payment of fees over a period of time.
Some attorneys also agree to work in a limited scope for a certain client. For example, a divorce lawyer may help out a client by representing his case for a limited time, such as representing them in one case and then end it. In other case, they may only help the client by way of consultation, or assistance in case filing and other processes, without appearing in court.
You have to fish out flexible lawyers like these, and find out their scope of easing financial burden.
·    Reduce your filing fees
Another avenue of cutting corners in divorce cases is the filing fees. If you’re the one filing the case in court, and it does not involve a large amount of property or children, you can get the filing fee waived off. By submitting a written affidavit in the court explaining your financial condition, a judge reviews the petition and your filing fee can be waived off. It is better to consult your local courthouse for this. For simple divorces, without children or a large amount of property, you can usually fill out the petition yourself. This can save you from paying attorney fees.
·    Keep things amicable
The longer and complicated a divorce case is, the more expensive it becomes. Usually divorce cases that are ugly and long drawn are the ones that tend to stretch unnecessarily. But if you end the marriage on peaceful terms, without a lot of fights, the case would not incur a lot of cost.
It’s best to work out the details of your divorce as amicably as possible with your spouse. This will not only help out in lowering the costs of your divorce, but will also ensure your own peace of mind.
Blog Source URL: https://www.brainintadvocates.com/cut-corners-easily-in-costly-divorce-cases/
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A Step By Step Guide for Company Setup in Dubai
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To set up a company in Dubai, businesses need to get a ‘trade’ license, which is procured from various agencies and government ministries depending on the category of business.
Business Licensing in Dubai has 3 categories: Commercial, Industrial and Professional.
·   Commercial License is issued to a company that engages in any kind of trading activity.
·   Industrial License is issued to a company that dabbles in any manufacturing or industrial activity.
·   Professional License is issued to service providers, professionals, artisans, and craftsmen.
If the business is financial in nature, such as a Bank or financial institutions, then it must obtain the approval of the UAE Central Bank. Manufacturing companies need to obtain the approval of the Finance and Industry Ministry. For insurance and other relevant sectors, firms must have the approval of the Economy and Commerce Ministry. Medical and pharmaceutical products have to get approvedby the Health Ministry.For companies engaged in gas or oil production, additional endorsements and approvals from other government agencies may be needed.
Also, for company setup in Dubai,entrepreneurs must also have the approval of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
In UAE, the law is that all new companiessetting up in Dubai or elsewhere in the UAE, except those that require professional license, are required to have minimum fifty-one percent (51%) shareholding by UAE nationals. However, a business does not need to fulfill the above condition, if it satisfies any of the following conditions:
·   The company is established at any of the Free Zones in Dubai.
·   In cases where the law requires 100% local ownership.
·   Where a company wholly owned by the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) enters into a partnership with another company wholly owned by UAE nationals.
·   In artisan or professional companies in which total foreign ownership is          allowed.
·   In the case of a foreign entity registering a representative or branch office in the UAE.
·   In the case where a professional license is being applied for such professions such as architect, doctor, artist etc. The foreign ownership can be 100%. However a local national must be taken as ‘service agent’.
Setting up a company in UAE is much easier than before, thanks to both government simplifying the procedure to attract foreign investment and companies providing the same services so that new companies don’t have to go through the whole process.
Blog Source URL: 
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Saeed Al Muharrami Advocates & Legal Consultants is one of the leading tax consultants in Dubai and offer expert solutions for VAT consultancy service, accounting and bookkeeping services.
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Saeed Al Muharrami Advocates & Legal Consultants have built and maintained strong relationships with specialized law firms in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, United States of America and the United Kingdom, which has given us the resources to take on clients and cases that require unique expertise.  
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Saeed Al Muharrami Advocates & Legal Consultants offer solutions to share your vision more than sound of legal advice. Our aim is to provide legal services at the highest professional level within reach, capable in rendering potent solutions in various areas.
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Saeed Al Muharrami Advocates & Legal Consultants is a leading full-service international law firm based in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai, with branches in Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. For more details, visit: https://www.brainintadvocates.com/
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Tax Consultant in Dubai - Saeed Al Muharrami Advocates & Legal Consultants
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Saeed Al Muharrami Advocates & Legal Consultants is one of the leading tax consultants in Dubai and offer expert solutions for VAT consultancy service, accounting and bookkeeping services. For more details, Visit us now!
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Saeed Al Muharrami Advocates & Legal Consultants are committed to offering the highest level of professional legal advice to their clients in Dubai. They have a dynamically developed team that can provide effective and holistic solutions to all your legal requirements. Visit their website to explore more about them.
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Whether you are looking for real estate or financial advisory, Saeed Al Muharrami Advocates & Legal Consultants provide the best legal services in the UAE. Their legal and corporate lawyers expertise in various fields including real estate, financial sector, employment, pensions, and much more. To know more about their services, visit now!
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Saeed Al Muharrami Advocates & Legal Consultants is one of the leading lawyers in Abu Dhabi and have years of experience in practicing law in several jurisdictions. They have an experienced team of 15 prominent senior lawyers that are specialized in various fields. Visit them now to know more!
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Saeed Al Muharrami Advocates & Legal Consultants offers professional legal services in Dubai. With years of experience in practicing law in several jurisdictions, our lawyers provide tailored solutions that meet our client requirements. Visit the website to know more.
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