brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
finally a shitty intro?!?!
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Because i’m a garbage child who never even posted an intro post i’m thinking maybe this could be a half into half mention of a hiatus maybe???????. haha. Hi guys! I’m Admin H, the slacker and official garbage admin of the group. You’ll kinda see I slack off and Admin T kicks my ass for it 10/10 times.  basically, Brandi is my little sweet child. She’s very soft and loving. She’s definitely a people person. she’s big into the arts. Whether it’s physical art like painting, sculpting, things of that nature, as well as the performing arts. she grew up doing ballet, than singing lessons, and soon put both of her talents to the test through kindergarten until she graduated highschool by a goal to at least be one of the leads in every school play that happened after she got introduced to theater. Think of her like Rachael from Glee.-- best way I can put her haha. Um- this is shitty.
Now for the main reason of this post;; quick apology for my sack of shit activity. I’m kind of helping my best friend cope a lot right now. Over the past three years her mom had a very bad form of breast cancer and she finally beat it, and after a year of being cancer free she just found out she has cancer all over again, the same kind but a bit more aggressive. And her mom is refusing to fight anymore and just let the illness win.  So, they’re family being my second family, i’m spending a lot of time between work and class right now with her family helping out the best I can while figuring out how to push her mom and explain to her that her life is worth the fight.  So, basically i’m just asking for lots of prayers if you’re into that or just some kind thoughts and just kinda bare with my the next week or so on activity on the main and Brandi while we deal with some things.  love you all <333
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
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   Felix looked over to her when she laughed, brow raised as she leaned closer and assured them both of the show’s likelihood of succeeding. “Maybe. We are kinda a part of the series generation. Not to mention, with this hype…” Excessive hype. Way too much, really. Though he knew the importance of the shows and of the famous’s tendency to splurge, all the decor and grandeur didn’t settle right. Money wasted, honesty. Looked nice, but it was wasted. “If Gaga is here then I’m getting a picture. Paparazzi be damned. I haven’t exactly forgiven her for the Super Bowl, but she’s iconic.”  
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Brandi glanced over to the brunette boy, a smile crossing over her pink lips a bit. “With the hype, it better be all it’s cracked up to be or all of us might as well put a bag over our heads the next time we go out in public when the season ends.” She joked before looking around a bit at everyone in the party, the surroundings, the lifestyle that came with all of it. “I’ll kiss her, and I’m not even really into girls but I know kissing Gaga would be a blessing--” she stopped, “wait- forgiven her for the Super Bowl? You do realize she killed and brought that Super bowl back to life in one performance? it was the best thing i’ve ever witnessed.”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
“gold toilets?” her voice didn’t echo awe, as brandi’s had, but confusion. why on earth would you need gold toilets? weren’t there bounties of other possible uses for gold? but before she could question this vocally, she was being dragged in the direction of the bathroom, stumbling slightly, having to watch her feet to stop herself from tumbling to the ground. “okay, okay. bathroom roadtrip it is.” ( she sounded exasperated and shocked and entirely lost on what was happening. )
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“gold toilets,” she confirmed smiling as the girl had moved in the direction of Brandi’s small tug. “I promise it sounds way worse than it actually is.” Brandi chuckled before letting go of the girl more or less hoping she’d actually follow her. Opening the bathroom door a beat or two later, she pointed to the golden toilet and the tv that was pinned to the wall in the bathroom. “Tell me this isn’t the coolest bathroom ever.”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
“It’s actually not better because you didn’t end up on TV, did you? Nah. You just got yourself a spot on the unofficial list of ‘rejected loser actresses’. — I was already planning to keep bragging and I don’t really need your permission, sweetheart.”
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“Rejected Loser Actresses list? if I recall this show is for new talent, and i’m here just like you. You’re not more entitled or deserving of shit compared to anyone else who got a spot in the cast.”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
“Oh I’m sorry—” She mimicked in a higher pitched tone. “And what the fuck have you done other than audition for low budget movies that probably rejected your ass anyways?”
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Her eyes rolled harshly at the girls mimicking like she had no other way to bother Brandi. “Well, I think that’s better than only having a reality show because you make yourself look like an idiot on the daily. I mean, hey. if you call that an accomplishment by all means, keep bragging.”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
after she had reminisced about all of the flashing lights, benz turned to the girl that was approached her. when she inquired about tips for photos, the blonde quickly realized that they were going to get on very well. and that within itself was rare for benzie. “oh, boo, it’s all in the face,” she retorted before instructing, “c’mon, do it with me,” and forming a fierce pout. needless to say, benz had a knack for serving face. “it ain’t hard. lemme see you do it, ma.”
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Brandi had a gently face, one that a girl next door had. Not the face of a super model who could hit the runway in a matter of seconds like this girl clearly did. It was tough for her to give anything less or more than a flash of a smile. But listening intently- she watched the girls movements in her facial expression before attempting to mock it as instructed. “Okay how’s this,” she paused doing it. Before moving into a laugh, “okay. you can tell me that was horrible. I don’t even know what I was attempting to do.” She covered her face with her hands as she giggled before looking to the girl. “I’m Brandi, Brandi jacobs.”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
“’One of the stars of the show.’” Israel repeated, giggling. “You’ve got a great fuckin’ introduction, I’ll give you that.” she said, and reached to shake Brandi’s hand. “So what character did you get saddled with? All they’ve told me so far is that I’m the art hoe, wild child… Which is a problem, because I think I’m actually neither.”
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Brandi grasped the girls hand gently giving it a small shake before removing it. “I worked on it for like twelve days before I got here to be honest.” She giggled before looking around. “Listen- I can beat that. I got casted as a juvenile delinquent. Which i’m as far from tough as it gets.” pausing, “I’m totally a art hoe as a human being so I can help you channel your inner artist. Everyone can be one. it’s not hard.”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
“Winston definitely is living the dream.” The red locks shifted to behind her back as she made a circle to look around . Her head was spinning that someone could be so famous, so rich, so insane to buy a house this large and all the amenities. This house alone was worth more than her entire being and all she owned. “I mean,” she reached out grabbing the most nearby persons arm. “Come to the bathroom with me-- you need to see this. he had gold toilets. And tv’s in there!”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
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THE BASS of whatever top - 40 song currently playing is deafening ; drowning out all of the insipid conversations taking place in saintgnue’s mcmansion. xavier closes his eyes , savoring the dull thunder ; the way it blunts all other senses & halts all thoughts. it’s like FLOATING : nothing feels real. he’s sprawled out on a chaise - lounge — after somehow making it through the VULTURES. white - hot flashes are still imprinted on his irises , the smell of desperation clinging to his tux jacket , rank & unmistakable. 
it’s a shame that his first foray into “ stardom ” is so … boring. 
there’s movement beside him , a swish of fabric & footsteps on the marble floor. not bothering to look , xavier stretches out a hand to get their attention.
❝ YO , ❞ one syllable , drawn out & lazy. ❝ get me a drink , will ya ? ❞
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The redhead made her way through the lounging area attempting to find a seat among all the chaos. The big mansion was suddenly beginning to get overly crowded, random mixes between celebrities and nobodies were suddenly dancing all over each other. Hot breathe was on skin with every move she made and she was getting sick of it. Within her first couple steps into the lounging area she jumped feeling a hand suddenly reach out and touch her. Her attention turned quickly to the blonde laying across a couch.  “Not a server-” she paused. “But if you share your couch i’ll grab you one before I sit down.”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
already full of liquid courage and substances, benz strutted through the doors of the lavish home. sporting hazy, red orbs and a ditzy grin, she proclaimed, “out there was so crazy, dog,” before absentmindedly dropping her clutch by the door, and striking a pose. “i was like this, bam!” she hollered before strutting down the entry way. clearly, she was one for the dramatics. “and then i strolled through those flashing lights like this. no lie, your girl murdered it. beyonce should’ve wrote six inch about my bad ass.”
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Brandi’s attention was pulled from signing an autograph to the loud girl who entered the room, making a laugh escape the girls red lips. Walking a bit closer to the girl after finishing her signature she couldn’t help but grin, “listen- “ she started, “I’m going to need you to help my ass get better at posing and stuff. I did the basic hand on hip , hair flip, smile move.” she grinned, “you’re killing it at this whole celebrity thing.”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
“Don’t get it twisted, I’m used to the attention. I say that like I expect people to get the fuck outta my personal bubble when I don’t want them to be in it. Kinda like how I’m expecting you to watch how you speak to me.”
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“Oh I’m sorry,” Brandi said attempting to sound sincere as she placed a hand over her heart. “I forget that being on a stupid ass reality TV show where people just make themselves look like bigger dumb asses than they already are automatically makes someone entitled and better than someone else. Thanks for the reminder.”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
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   “Someone said Viola Davis was going to show up,” Felix said conversationally– to whom, though, he didn’t know. His eyes were locked onto his phone, where a nice little “make friends!!!! also tell chris evans i want his children” message from his sister had so gently reminded him that he was currently NOT doing the socialization thing. He clicked off his phone and took a drink from his glass of too expensive alcohol. Fucking surreal. “There’s a ninety percent chance of BS, but who knows. Pretty sure if she breathes in the general direction of this place, the show is going to be a hit.” 
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Brandi was sitting on the edge of a chair, herself indulged in the twitter drama that was going on already between some stars of the show as well as the tabloids. Interrupted when she heard a male’s voice her eyes moved up to make contact with the person talking. “Viola Davis huh?” she chuckled. Looking around she leaned up off the seat wandering over a bit more closer to the male as she sipped on her own drink. “This show will be a hit regardless, “ she paused. “But if she does show up I may kiss the floor she walks on. Or- what if lady gaga is here??” 
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
“I… gotta say, I’m a little overwhelmed.” Israel laughed, resisting the urge to look back at the cameras she’d just left. “I was expecting like, a cocktail and a few high fives. But that–” she jabbed her thumb over her shoulder, “that was a full on entrance interview.” Smoothing her hair down, Israel took a few steps farther into the residence, pushing an awestruck sigh passed her lips. “Wow I mean… God, hi. I’m Israel. – Are you like, a journalist or something?”
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Cocktail in hand, Brandi took sips as she just stood admiring the mansion. It was insanely huge, insanely full of people, and if she wasn’t around so many people she’d probably vomit from being so overwhelmed , but she loved it. Her eyes were almost sparkling. She could picture it now, Dave Franco showing up, asking her to marry her. Her daydream was soon brought to a sudden halt when she heard a voice.  “What? me? Journalist? no--” she stopped extending her hand a bit, “I’m Brandi Jacobs- One of the stars of the show.”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
“Ew… don’t you know what a personal bubble is? Touching me is what you’re not gonna do. Got it? Thanks.” With a roll of her eyes, the former reality tv star snapped at a cameraman who had gotten a bit too close for comfort. The petite brunette took a few more moments to pose for the paparazzi before walking away from the group, ignoring their pleas for her to stay and answer a few questions. “Ugh. They’re needy as fuck, aren’t they?” 
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Brandi was livid for the star light. All the questions, all the pictures, all the small autographs here and there were probably making her head twice it’s normal size. But on the outside, she was staying calm, acting like this was just another day in paradise. Turning, hearing the snap of a short brunette girl she couldn’t help but scoff a bit. “You say that like you didn’t know becoming a celebrity came with paparazzi.”
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
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stefanieterzo: Cuties!!
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brandijacobs-blog · 8 years
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