natalyadolohova · 6 months
"You know... I've been awfully good at not distracting you whilst you are working for the longest time but I'm bored and it's so hard to behave when I'm bored." Natalya couldn't resist playfully commenting as she let her chin rest on her hands, eyes following him.
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silcszcbini · 7 months
"How would you fancy giving the women a taste of their own medicine?" Silas spoke after a moment as he took a gulp of the beer he'd been drinking sat at the bar. "We should take one of our days off and go and do something." He said with a laugh, both of them knowing how close their girlfriends were.
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doricntorrcs · 9 months
"So..." Dorian began, collapsing into the booth beside Gabriel. "Tell me about your evening so I can focus on something other than my own." He encouraged with a sigh of resolution. "Do you ever get yourself into a situation you can't quite get yourself out of? Like ignoring your brain when it tells you something is a bad decision and you know you should take heed and instead you still purposely do the opposite." Because that felt keenly similar to what he'd done, especially given the evening. Laurel was quite literally a beautiful nightmare.
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hcrperleeclcrk · 1 year
closed starter - harper & gabe ( @gabelarkin​ )
Harper was exhausted and sore, and all she wanted to do was just curl up in bed and sleep, or cry, or do both if that was possible at the same time. She had stayed a bit at Aryana’s before determining she should head home, check on not only if the flat was in any damage (though she was sure that Gabe would’ve told her if so) and also check on Gabe. Harper entered the flat, putting her keys on the counter. “Gabe? Are you home?”
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roguexpogue · 4 months
@theweredrifter liked for a starter
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It had been weeks since he stopped back at his house. "Dad?" There were empty beer cans thrown astray with cigarette butts inside a used up ashtray. The house was empty. JJ assumed his old man got arrested again. That was until he head footsteps coming from his bedroom. He slowly removed the stolen gun off it's safety lock from his backpack. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?"
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mackenziepctter · 4 months
closed starter - kenzie & gabe ( @gabelarkin )
Mackenzie looked down the bar. "I don't mean to be a bitch, but how do you deal with those types of people. He's being horrible," she said. "I don't think I'd be able to get through that often."
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touchofsomething · 1 year
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Jose lifted his sunglasses as the familiar face came into view and after his eyesight adjusted to the light he chuckled softly.
“Cousin” he smirked before sitting up “I was starting to worry that little cocktail my men gave you to get you here worked a little to well. He looked Gabriel up and down “I feel like I should grab my autograph book and have you sign it” he teased “not everyday I have an actual superhero at my place”
He looked back at his security “You see this men, we have a power ranger in our midst, aren’t we lucky?”
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ezrabroadmoor · 2 years
🍾- our muses share a glass/bottle of champagne
“Can you believe that I actually brought this from my own stores because I figure you’d probably appreciate the good stuff more than most people I know.” Ezra stated as he set down the bottle along with two glasses that he’d procured. “I mean, I’d love a good reason to toast like you finally deciding to come and work at my place but I guess I’ll settle for seeing off this year and welcoming the new year.” He couldn’t help but joke.
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gabrieldxe · 2 years
Open Starter 
“Hey, is this yours?” Gabriel asked the nearest patron, plucking the pendant off the floor. Leaning the broom against the counter and holding it up so they could see it under the florescent lighting of Geeks and Freaks, the archangel cocked his head, trying to figure out exactly what it was supposed to be. It looked like a mix between a cat, a bird, and a star - though he was just kinda guessed haphazardly as the tiny piece of jewelry spun slowly on the chain by which he held it. “It was right under your table.”
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chase-stephens · 4 years
Chase took a shower after practice and then headed over to Gabrielle’s house with his backpack. Skirting her parents with ease, he made it upstairs. He opened the door and put his backpack on the ground by her bed and hopped on the mattress, the girl doing her homework at her desk. “Practice was so tiring, especially because all people could talk about was the pregnancy” said Chase kicking his shoes off and laying on the bed, just looking up at her. She was so pretty, Chase liked knowing she was always here when he got home. 
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phoebextaylor · 4 years
Phoebe had to admit, she was still getting used to the fact that she had a girlfriend. But it was nice. Having someone to talk to before she went to bed, someone to text when she woke up. Nicer still to wake up next to her.  Looking over at Gabrielle as she slept, she smiled softly, leaning in to kiss her forehead. “I should go to the church. I’m sure my dad is looking for me.”
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natalyadolohova · 2 years
🤏 - one of our muses pinches the other for not wearing green
There was only one place that Natalya was likely to pinch when an opportunity like this arose and she wasn’t going to let it pass her by. He hadn’t need her yet and so she silently reached to give his ass a solid pinch, a smirk playing over her features as she settled into place beside him, clearly amused by her own antics. “I hope you got me something in, Gabe.” She motioned with her head towards his drink.
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silcszcbini · 9 months
"Bloody hell that woman is making me go crazy." Silas huffed as he ordered two more drinks, sliding one over to Gabriel the moment they appeared in front of him. Two whiskeys of course. He swallowed back several fingers worth immediately, letting it warm his insides. "I can't remember the last time I lost my composure and nearly fought over a woman." In fact, he actually could and it wasn't what he would call a pleasant memory given the woman in question.
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hcrperleeclcrk · 10 months
closed starter - harper & gabe ( @gabelarkin )
Harper was looked at the Christmas decorations, tilting her head lightly at the one hung on the wall. "Do you think we should move this one?" she asked.
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thegraysonrhodes · 4 years
closed starter for @the-gabrielle-hayward​
“Red or black?” Grayson asked the woman next to him at the roulette table. With a drink in hand and a few more in his system already, Gray was feeling much friendlier than he had been when first entering Casino Fleur that night. “I’m newly back in the city and I don’t think my natural Vegas luck has leeched back into me.” He explained, eyeing the wheel for a moment before looking over at the woman with an expectant look. “So what will it be, babe?”
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eric-rush · 5 years
Workaholics Anonymous | Gabrielle & Eric
8pm, White House | @gvcoleman
Eric let out a breath as he dropped the last batch of documents he needed to go over. The report wasn’t needed for another two weeks but, as always, he found himself digging down into the depths of work until there was nothing else to do but stare at the walls and swivel on his chair. Or in the cases such as today, when the sun was setting and the birds sound asleep, he would actually deign to head to the apartment he claimed to be home. 
But the curse of overworking wasn’t just one inflicted on him. As he drew himself up and travelled the eerily quiet halls of the White House (the Secret Service guards were a very mute lot it had to be said), he picked up the sound of rapid keyboard typing. His steps faltered and the lawyer found himself smiling absently as he noted the name card on the door. Gabrielle Coleman.
They were both the old guard from Wright’s time, and she was often the only person he noted would leave sometimes even later than him. Eric wondered, to himself only, if she did it for the same reason he did. The image of Theresa on the screen, being helicoptered out...
Only reams of legal documents and jargon could keep it away properly.  If there was anyone even closer to the moment and to Theresa, it would have been Gabrielle and she perhaps was one of the few around that Eric would ever bestow the title of friend to. So, in the name of friendship, he gently pushed open her door with a quiet rap of his knuckles against the wood and a tender smile.
Not often people got to see Eric smile, really smile, not the kind you put on for clients, but it seemed today was a lucky day. “Hey, busy bee...”
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“I was about to head out, want to join me for some drinks?”
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