Communication with Client
Ronnie was pretty quick to respond to our emails. Unfortunately he was unable to find people for our focus group.
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Leaf Pattern
I chose to make a simple pattern that can be incorporated into branding, you can see this example used in my style scape
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Self Reflection
Overall I really enjoyed working on this project, I felt like our group was really engaged and motivated for this project. Our client was really passionate about his company and responsive to our emails which was really helpful.
A couple of things in the course felt rushed, although I attended most classes some subjects and critique sessions weren’t as structured as I had hoped.
We didn’t complete our focus group because of confusion over our participants but we had extra critique from our tutors and workmates.
We didn’t complete our focus group, because of confusion over our participants.
I’m happy with the work I have produced but the lockdown somewhat affected my productivity.
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Final Logo
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Mock Photos
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I  like the colours in these photos and I think they work really well with the logo
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Black & white logos
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Feedback Style Scape Changes
After feedback for my Style Scape I made a few changes.
I added more pictures of children to the Style Scape
I added a pattern that can be used in the branding
I made the logo bigger so its the centre piece of the style scape
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Tutor Feedback & outcomes
Wednesday 25 August Meeting
Wider gap between leaf 
Strength of green to match colour
Do you need the stem on the logo
Tidy up logo form 
Move logo so users will see the logo first
Why did you choose the apple
Eating children to add / eating lunches 
Show casing healthy food
Emphasise lunch boxes / interactions 
Add the shape of leaf into other elements
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Trial Style Scape
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This was my first style scape, I’d never made a style scape before so I wasn’t sure of what content I needed to add. In my final style scape is improved and shows more content.
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Feedback response
After out critique sessions, the audience preferred my apple logo as opposed to my apron logo. My apple logo needed some work. In response to my feedback I've changed 
Critique feedback 1
The “Lunch” doesn’t stand out much, “The” in the logo is too bold.
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Outcome: As you can see here, I tried playing around with the “for” in the logo, this was harder than I had thought, the balance of the apple looks off. After playing around with the “for” I decided instead of re positioning the for, I would try make the lunch for bold. This is my outcome 
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As you can see the lunch is more prominent, the “for” is still bold but the changes in the “lunch” help.
The background colour is too bold and hard to look at
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(logo before “lunch” had been changed)
When I presented my logo I used this background colour as I wanted the red to pop. The feedback was the colour was too strong and hard to look at. The white background was preferred. 
Outcome: I removed the background and decided to just stick with white. My only concern with my colour palette is that the logo won’t look good on all colours.
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After I received my feedback, I decided to alter my Style Scape to make it more interesting. I have since altered my logo.
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Style Scape 1
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Crit Feedback réponse
For my apple logo I removed the green background 
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Crit feedback
The second critical session was really useful. I got some great critical feedback on my two logo designs. I often design using colours that I think go well together but I need to dig deeper so the colours have a true meaning.
A few suggestions I got for my “apple logo” were:
- What if you kept the logo flat but gave it block shading with the red
- I worry about the blue/red pairing, its quite harsh on the eye. Try find a more tonal contrast
- I think the apple logo is the most dynamic. If you worked Abit more on the shape of the words it could be good. (Maybe changing the lunch word)
- I really like the dynamic shape on this one
-I really like the apple, I think its fun but not childish 
-I think getting rid of the blue background could help, having it on the white looks best, cook book mock up looks so cool.
-”for” needs less focus
-Good concept but you should draw the letters yourself, more organic, lunch is getting lost.
APRON feedback
- Try a more organic form for the apron - you could do an experiment  actually put the apron on the ground and trace the forms, the strings are too perfect.
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First logo concept
This was the first logo I digitalised. 
I really like the concept of using a apron as our client wants to teach kids and their families how to cook. I think the text is lost within the apron design
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Second Logo Concept
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