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“A sky full of stars, yet he was looking at her.”
— Unknown
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Dating Bellamy Blake would include :
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requested by : intergalactic-queen 
counting the freckles on his face
he’s the most protective teddy bear ever
being one of the only people who can get a rare smile out of him
lots of PDA bcs you’re obviously ALL his
lingering touches because every touch could be your last
always hating saying goodbye
everyone getting adorable-overload when you guys are together
being great friends with Octavia
you having to remind him that he’s NOT a monster
going on most missions with him because he doesn’t trust anyone else with your safety
people using you to get through him
so. many. hugs
kisses too
he always gazes at you when you’re not looking because he’s completely head over heels for you
getting EXTREMELY jealous when you talk with someone else 
always saying he doesn’t deserve you and you having to tell him he does
you being the only one who can mend his wounds
him basically R.A.G.I.N.G when he sees you hurt
you leading the camp when both him and Clarke are out
him always telling you how lucky he is to have you
That’s it for my first request ya’ll ;))
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opinion on 6x01
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Okay so first let’s start with how FREAKING HOT Raven looks like with her hair down, i mean yeah her ponytail is iconic but holy shit. 
Now entering the show plot, i personally think that they tried too hard to make people hate bellarke this season. like the writers are trying to make us ship becho more by repressing bellarke’s chemistry but i mean...
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DID ANYONE NOTICE THAT HE’S LOOKING AT HER LIPS,,, while Echo’s in the back like “tell me when you finish flirting”. No but really, i feel like we’re going to have out favorite couple lead again and i am so in on that. Really i have a feeling that the show is gonna mostly be Bellamy and Clarke realizing their feelings for each other (with the help of Madi and Octavia ofc) 
Also, i hate how everyone thinks that insulting Clarke and saying that she’s the bad guy is okay. I mean wake up Spacekru, you are alive bcause of her. She saved everyone countless times, had to witness her lovers (Lexa and Finn) die, took the flame even tho it could’ve killed her, injected herself with Nightblood to save Emori, stayed on earth so her friends could stay alive and put her child’s live in danger by giving her the flame to stop her people from going on a massacre. WHERE IS THE BAD GUY MATERIAL IN THAT?
Now can we please talk about this scene? --///
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WHY IS EVERYONE TREATING HER LIKE THAT? i mean yeah Blodreina did some shit while she took charge of Wonkru but i mean she did keep most of her people alive in that bunker. Just like Clarke, she did all the decisions that no one else wanted to do. I mean, cut her some slack,,, she lost the love of her life, her brother (she thought her was dead) and yet, they see her as a monster for saving her people despite everything she’s been though? HELL NO. In this house, we love and appreciate Octavia Blake.
AND WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING WITH THE ECLIPSES? I mean it looks like everyone is turning on everyone and i know that’s the goal of the eclipse plot but i mean,,, they almost killed each other?
Oh and yeah just saying that Murphy’s sarcasm is back and i’m 102% here for it. Like especially the lake scene (such a good parallel to s1 btw) where he was HOT and also so sassy, i loved it. 
So this is it for my opinions on the first episodes and i really hope they get what they deserv in this season. 
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Imagine : Murphy and Bellamy fighting over you
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You passed by the young boys, giving them each a soft smile. The second they noticed you, they stopped what they were doing, watching leave the drop ship. Little did you know that both the delinquents were madly in love with you.  Bellamy stood up to follow you, but Murphy grabbed his arm, pulling him down with a smirk. 
     “She’s mine, don’t even think about trying anything, Blake.” Murphy said threateningly. Bellamy laughed loudly and sarcastically before giving him a death stare.
     “[Y/N] doesn’t seem to know it yet.” Bellamy hissed, yanking Murphy’s arm away. They looked at each others with daggers in their eyes.”Which means that you should make your move quickly.”
They both shut up, looking at you spar with Octavia. They have both never sen someone as beautiful as you. 
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a little bit about me
hey guys,,,
so i’m new here and i just want ya’ll to know that i’m doing every request and opinion when i get the time (cause i’m still in school and finals just started so :( yeah) if i don’t get enough request i’ll probably delete my account but we’ll se when we get there.
also, if you want to know more about me, you can asks me questions or whatever (like i said i answer to all) 
thanks ;))
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