brazenbabes · 6 years
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What do you do for exercise? I lift weights. What do you do for cardio? I lift weights faster. Linda's just pressing into the weekend like... 💪 Happy Friday Amigos - Be Epic. #trainbrazen #trainanywhere #spreadthehealth
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brazenbabes · 6 years
Make sweating FUN again 😎 #WCW going out to you, Linda. You're a Brazen Babe sistah and I hope this gets you and anyone viewing this to smile and shake some tailfeather on this lovely humpday! @alves1982linda Song Credit: I like it - Cardi B #trainbrazen #trainanywhere #spreadthehealth
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brazenbabes · 6 years
Make sweating FUN again 😎 #WCW going out to you, Linda. You're a Brazen Babe sistah and I hope this gets you and anyone viewing this to smile and shake some tailfeather on this lovely humpday! @alves1982linda Song Credit: I like it - Cardi B #trainbrazen #trainanywhere #spreadthehealth
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brazenbabes · 6 years
Make sweating FUN again 😎 #WCW going out to you, Linda. You're a Brazen Babe sistah and I hope this gets you and anyone viewing this to smile and shake some tailfeather on this lovely humpday! @alves1982linda Song Credit: I like it - Cardi B #trainbrazen #trainanywhere #spreadthehealth
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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"Same same but different" "A lot can happen in a year" "Same world, different you" "Bro a lot can happen in an hour never mind 365" Yo it's Monday, if youre reading this get up & grab the day with the dawn. Embrace yourself. Choose a mindset and get your shit together, start your week like the motha f'n boss human you are. I could say so much about the years we've been friends, the incredible and beautiful experiences we've shared or had to conquer. However IG has a written limit (with good reason haha). Beavs I love you and am so grateful for our brief reunion. Saucy, SSBD - 143. #trainbrazen #family #beavers #samesamebutdifferent
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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"Same same but different" "A lot can happen in a year" "Same world, different you" "Bro a lot can happen in an hour never mind 365" Yo it's Monday, if youre reading this get up & grab the day with the dawn. Embrace yourself. Choose a mindset and get your shit together, start your week like the motha f'n boss human you are. I could say so much about the years we've been friends, the incredible and beautiful experiences we've shared or had to conquer. However IG has a written limit (with good reason haha). Beavs I love you and am so grateful for our brief reunion. Saucy, SSBD - 143. #trainbrazen #spreadthehealth #family #beavers #boss #samesamebutdifferent
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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"Surround yourself with people who act on their big ideas, who take action on making positive change in the world and who see nothing as out of their reach." - J. Sincero Take a look around. If what's around you isn't growing you, babe move on. In my experience a big part of balancing health is making time for yourself, adventures and incredible company. Love yourself enough to cut and keep what is and isn't working. Your f*ing worth it. Happy Fridand dudes! #trainbrazen #trainanywhere #spreadthehealth #getyourshittogether
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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"Surround yourself with people who act on their big ideas, who take action on making positive change in the world and who see nothing as out of their reach." - J. Sincero Take a look around. If what's around you isn't growing you, babe move on. In my experience a big part of balancing health is making time for yourself, adventures and incredible company. Love yourself enough to cut and keep what is and isn't working. Your f*ing worth it. Happy Friday Dudes. #trainbrazen #trainanywhere #spreadthehealth #getyourshittogether
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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Do you brah. Go outside. #trainbrazen #professionaleverythang
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result." -maybe A. Einstein, maybe not. It's been a few minutes, life and business has been busy - new clients😍, new partberships, programs and plans... so much is coming and there is still so much to, but I promise to share soon! Alright enough rambling, it's FRIYAY so, cheers to you, the weekend and all things in the pursuit of happiness. #trainbrazen #spreadthehealth #trainanywhere
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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"If I could give one tip for people - it's not an exercise or nutrition regimen. It's to walk your talk and believe in yourself, because at the end of the day, the dumbbell and diet don't get you in shape. It's your accountability to your word." -Brett Hoebel Be consistent and dedicated with any and every promise you make with yourself. You're worth it. I promise. Happy Monday & much love to you on this beautiful, warm and sun kissed day. #trainbrazen #spreadthehealth #donttalkaboutitbeaboutit
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brazenbabes · 6 years
W O M E N We are so damn strong. We are wildly driven. We are equal. We are Brazen Women. A little extra love to all of those rocking a V today cause your energy keeps us connected. As for those rocking da P love to you too cause without you, we can't make more of us 😂🤣 #truestory Be Brazen You Amazing Lady Humans. Happy International Women's Day! Song credit: Tash Sultana - Jungle #women #internationalwomensday #trainbrazen #trainanywhere #hiit90
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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"One day it just clicks. You realize what's important and what isn't. You learn to care less about what other people thinkg of you and more about what you think of yourself. You realize how FAR you've come and you remember when you thought things were such a mess that you would never recover. And yet, you smile. You smile because you are truly proud of yourself and the person you have fought to become." - Tiny Buddah My long distance darling, you...just... wow. Stacey we are both bullheaded, proud and can argue like married siblings... however to me, your greatest friends are the ones who can withstand the tides... my girl, you have withstood a tsunami... And lived to tell the tale... I am sure many of us recognize how grateful we are that's how it all unfolded. You set high goals and push like no other to obtain them - this quality within you is nothing short of remarkable. Thank you for loving yourself enough to chase your dreams and reminding the rest of us to do the same. Oh did i mention my appreciation for your amazing contributions to HIIT90? Hahah girl I love you.I love you even when I could kill ya hahahah. To always having each other's backs and best interests. Xoxo @visionmeanslight #trainbrazen #hiit90
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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S E L F First lets be honest, this holiday is dumb. I love love as much as the next mushy moo but this holiday adds pressure on everyone and its silly. So fuck it. BE YOUR OWN VALENTINE. YOU deserve to be happy, healthy and surrounded by love and for the record you don’t need a signicant other for any of that. You need to know you are a magnicent being who can take on the world. You need to know someone (me) thinks you’re a fucking boss in all you do and all you’re going to do. My friend all you need to be happy and health today is YOU. TREAT’YO’SELF Today from 6am to 9pm im taking $25 off the HIIT90 program. And remember there is no better gift than you feeling healthy andddd lovin yourself extra when you’re naked ❤❤❤❤ Post on TB page and here cause - TREAT'YO'SELF baby😘 #TRAINBRAZEN #hiit90 #trainanywhere #sale
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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"You can love her with everything you have and she still wont belong to you. She will run wild with you, beside you with everystep but let me tell you something about women who run with wolves, their fierce hearts dont settle between walls and their instinct is stronger than upbringing. Love her wild or leave her there." - Nikki Rowe T O N I You impress me. The way you love the family you've chosen is a beautiful thing. You're capacity for love, acceptance and forgiveness astounds me. I love you and the soul your eyes cannot hide. Thank you for pushing me, talking me through many frustrating moments, sneaking to sunsets, embracing HIIT90 and me. I am grateful to you and for you. Much love Real Estate and happy day of earth entrance! #trainbrazen
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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"Wild moon woman you were not made to be tame. You are an earthquake shaking loose everything that is not soul" - Elyse Morgan ♡ From I don’t fucking workout to I do what I want – Kudos to you my sistah. #tb to 1159 our roots and 1073 time well spent before you left to BC. Your free spirit, smirk and kind heart is the reason you will be surrounded by wondrous energy, especially, your sister. Speaking of, without you being you, I would of never assumed I would just naturally adore her. Thank you for you, thank you for her and thank you trying something I KNOW you would never normally do and then owning it with such modest conviction. I adore you sistah. ☆ 🔮Kass…. The under the radar dedicated vixen. Please go ahead and just pat yourself on the back because here we are three months later and you…holy jeeeebs…. You sweated and survived December germs, which was basically a hostile health take over for all You incorporate your babies whenever they demand your attention, they either become extra weight or we teach them how to do the move with us You BUSTED your ass and never missed a single planned workout day - I cant even say the same..... Okay moonchild, go light some sage and bring on the next phase of HIIT90.... Right?! Cause now your hooked??? 🤔🤗🤣 @knresendes #trainbrazen #HIIT90 #trainanywhere #spreadthehealth
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brazenbabes · 6 years
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"Dance like no one's watching" B A L A N C E I want to spend the next month trying to create some new habits. I really want to get my shit in order. I realize as a trainer that sounds shadey as fuck but - don't kid yourself no one has everything on lock... no one. So first goal is health, trainer'est thing to say right? Anyways, I want to try a few things from sleep patterns, nutrition, mind, and of course exercise. I need a new system because the one I have doesn't support consistency. With this idea out there in the ig unverise I believe it will force a level of accountability I am motivated by... so there it is. See you tomorrow with some useful shit. Happy Monday🖖😚 Thanks @meehowsnow - DP4L hahah love yours face! #trainbrazen
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