brcdsweston · 6 months
{ private }
Mine - I just got out a shower and it would save me from having to put clothes on if they were gonna end off anyway.
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( private )
We'll have to see if you're still capable of of that. Your place or mine?
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brcdsweston · 6 months
That is true. I like the idea of loosening you up more though.
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@brcdsweston replied: {{ private message }} Why do you think I messaged in the first place?
( private mssg ) bc you like pissing me off.
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brcdsweston · 6 months
Op. I think I just did. I'm more than happy for you to try and convince me on why it's artistic though. Shoot.
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'Horrible shade of-'....you did not just insult Catherine Hardwicke's artistic vision like that! Or Rob's acting!
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brcdsweston · 6 months
I reciprocate energy so.. must mean you're a real one too, Brettsoki. I always have cash, c'mon. As fun as stimulants do sound I might save it for the weekend. I do need a top up, however. Coach got me doing double the work ahead of the game and I need a little.. de-stresser.
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You're a real one, Brody. I mean, if you're down and got the cash... I could. But as someone who has tried everything once, I'd stay away from most stimulants if I were you.
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brcdsweston · 6 months
Are you sure? Because we have been on fiiiiiiiiiire recently. It's okay to admit if you're feeling.. nervous.
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Excessive is not in coach's vocabulary. But I'm glad you get it. And you're right, good thing I never or that would have been such an ego hit. TikTok would not have been on my side. Are you on TikTok? You seem like the type to post Come Spend A Day With Me's and such.
And I appreciate your misguided optimism. I can assure you, you won't be needing to go easy on us.
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I'd say that feels a little excessive, but sometimes ballet can feel comparable. A silver lining is that you didn't buckle, though. As I'm unfortunately aware, in this age of social media it could've been on TikTok before you even realized what was happening.
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brcdsweston · 6 months
What’s the best part about being a Warbler?
It's an outlet for my musically inclined side, obviously. Plus I was asked to pick up something additional in my free time rather than just being in the gym or.. to keep me out trouble, let's say.
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Plus x2 I see you, One Direction. I know the impact of a boy band.
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brcdsweston · 6 months
I would argue that we don't rap enough. You can. Surprised me at first but I respect it. Not the dreaded council. Kiddin on, before I get banished by it.
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If I take away the threat of me dictating what we next perform would you tell me? I'm genuinely curious.
I mean, it's not like we haven't rapped before. I can rap. It's just not always what the judges wish to see at Sectionals. Plus, the Warblers council is here for a reason.
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I guess I... plead the fifth?
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brcdsweston · 6 months
I'd be more than happy to oblige. You all good though?
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No. I have been a little more uptight than usual and you were always good at... loosening me up.
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brcdsweston · 6 months
Is this a trick question?
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What if I was interested in something for old time sake, would it still be hypothetical?
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brcdsweston · 6 months
Relationship or situationship?
There's just something about situationships that are so sexually exciting.
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My PR team would never allow for a relationship. Something about damaging the reputation that I need for overall increased engagement - for the team, and for myself and my income.
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brcdsweston · 6 months
You ever heard of taking risks, Blainey-Bro. A little less lalala, a little more whackawhacka - if you know what I mean. This is a hard one. You could either be bluffing and it's not exactly that long, or it's a little too long for anyone to gladly admit to. I'm gonna say.. 35 minutes on a good day, but if there's a curl that wont stop popalocking I'm gonna say 50 minutes on a bad day.
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I don't know, man. Those are some pretty huge stakes. But, since I'm curious how highly or lowly you think of me and my morning routine, by all means, feel free to take the first guess and I'll gladly get back to you.
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brcdsweston · 6 months
askbree replied to this answer. No thank you.
Good thing it was only hypothetical. It wasn't an invitation, don't worry.
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brcdsweston · 6 months
FMK: Brittany, Quinn, Bree
F - Bree. For old times sake. M - Brittany. She is a ray of sunshine, and I adore her greatly. K - Quinn. Mostly because I wouldn't really need to lift a finger for this. The Cheerios seem to be enough of a death trap.
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brcdsweston · 6 months
I'll be waiting patiently for Lady T's special delivery service. Another gang? He sure gets about, doesn't he? So glad I got him on my side. With all that gangster experience and Ariesness. But I'm not too sure with star signs so wanna elaborate on the last part?
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You drive a hard bargain, sir. But deal. I'll have Lady T draw up the papers today. I would say we'd wipe the floor with you two, but Lord Tubbington joined another gang so I feel like you two have an unfair advantage. Not to mention the fact that you're a Virgo and he's an Aries, it's like who can even go up against that and live?
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brcdsweston · 6 months
The post suggests that a cheerleader has previously been dropped. If so. One - is there any videos of it? I could use a good laugh this fine Tuesday. Two - I'm truly not at all surprised that the McKinley Cheerios had such an incident. Still great to hear about though.
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Is it possible to ever get sick at a convenient time? I have 2 tests I need to study for, a paper due on Wednesday, plus working on a new Cheerios routine where no teammates will be dropped. This isn't amateur hour. If you need me I'll be in bed, chugging Emergen-C.
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brcdsweston · 6 months
This would all make total sense if I ever watched Twilight - that's the movie that's a horrible shade of blue? Also with the guy that always looks like he's just stubbed his big toe and trying to hide that he's in pain, right?
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Attention, normies. Tis I, your Acid Bath Princess of the Darkness; Tina. Just letting everyone know my latest update for 'You Shine Brighter (Than Anyone Does)', my Bella Swan and Alice Cullen fanfiction, is official posted. However, I have put my account on private because apparently someone on campus found my fics and left some really mean comments. So, if you want the link then I'll send it your way. But, yeah, just so people know, I'm not insulted by being called 'a goth vampire bitch' and 'cringe', I embrace it.
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brcdsweston · 6 months
I'm totally into disturbed things. Makes life a little more interesting. Horrors are my favourite - although, older kind of horrors. I feel like everything made these days don't really have the scare factor. Oh, God. Yes, I pinkity, seriously #foreverandpromise. No take backs. I'll use it, don't worry. I'm sure you'll see the glisten off forehead before you see mefrom now on.
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Interesting. I should probably start doing that. I need to produce a thirty second song before the end of this year as a contribution to my overall mark, and I need to source a singer. So maybe that's something I should taken on board. Mr Weston has a nice way about it, makes me feel somewhat sexier. That sounds.. great. I'd rather not do the Rent part but, for you and your little secrets, I'd watch it twice.
Of course you would say that! Although I do imagine that starting your day disturbed would have many benefits - for one, you could totally disturb your competition and make sure their day is as gory and gruesome as possible. And horror films just so happen to be my third favorite genre of films, too! Do you pinkity, seriously, #foreverandever promise to use it? You realise I'll definitely be able to notice whether your skin has improved or not, so you totes can't try to lie to me!
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I analyse everyone's voices, especially those that are close to me. Calling me Miss Pearce is an interesting development, though! I like it. Mr Weston, if I was flirting with you, you'd definitely know about it. There wouldn't even be a doubt in your mind. I'll make a lucrative deal with you - I'll meet you after cheerleading practice one evening, you can watch Rent (the 2005 adaptation, of course!) with me, and I will totally share my life secrets with you under the condition that you keep them locked in your soul forever. How does that sound?
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