Okay but why would you have a truck full of millions of killer bees. Honeybees, sure. But killer bees? Like, just in case? For research? Do you need millions? Also? These look fuzzy. Fuzzy bees are friends.
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Protect yourselves.
Just an FYI there's another disgusting fic that was posted in the Buck and Tommy tag on AO3
Saw it only a few seconds before that ask
I hoped yesterday incident in the comments would have them rethink it but oh well…
PSA PEOPLE : the anonymous fic is still ongoing
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“Look who showed up” is honestly so funny because it means either:
Buck thinks everyone in the room was expecting Tommy the way he was, even though half of them don’t know who he is and the other half don’t know who he is to Buck.
Buck has spent the time between 705 and 706 telling everyone that Tommy is coming to the wedding but apparently neglected to mention that it was as his date from the way Hen and Karen reacted.
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ao3 was created so fans would be legally safe from creators trying to sue them for writing fic and from platforms being able to suddenly start banning and deleting creations that we had worked hard on without any notice or warning when they decided to “crack down” on “adult” material. the reason you can post what you want with no limitations as long as it’s warned for is to keep everyone safe from unnecessary censorship because once you start banning things it’s a slippery slope of ‘but what about this’ until suddenly none of us are safe. i watched it happen in real time. i was there when ao3 was created after lj decided to do just that.
it is so fucking frustrating to see people using ao3’s policies like this. we need a place like ao3 that isn’t for profit, that allows people the creative freedom to explore whatever topics they want without the fear of censorship but where people who don’t want to see that content can avoid it. ao3 is a good thing and i never want to see it change.
i hate this for our fandom. i hate this for fandom in general. its a bad look, and i can’t believe people are just writing csa and graphic murder fic for funsies and laughs to MOCK people.
i am a firm believer in ao3’s policies. i think people should write what they want and read what they want and it doesn’t dictate who you are as a person because none of this is real.
but to write this shit and post it untagged (or in some cases mistagged so people open a fic that is tagged as fluff to see things that could trigger them) is severely fucked up. its not cute. its not funny. you are actively harming people and abusing a website that is meant to be a safe haven for everyone in fandom.
the fact that it’s not even just in the bucktommy tag and they’re tagging other pairings now makes me feel like this is just other people piggybacking off of the original one. or maybe they’ve decided to branch out. who knows. but this is clearly a fandom problem and it’s really frustrating and sad to see.
anyway. i typed all of this on my phone. its not even 5am. i don’t know what i even said. it’s probably all nonsense but im just frustrated.
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there's new bait fic in the bucktommy tag. Don't engage with it. Just block/mute/etc. user Alice_is_failing.
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bet he wants to find out (tags from this reblog)
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Picture, if you will, Buck and Tommy's pre-teen daughter sitting Tommy down and asking how he knew he was gay. And he takes a deep breath, because the answer is complicated, and he walks her through an age-appropriate but frank version of his story: the toxic environment he grew up in, the first crush he couldn't ignore, the ways he tried to lie to everyone, to himself, the toll that took -- watching her carefully to see why she's asking, because he knows the world has changed a lot, but a part of him never stopped being paranoid, and he'll be damned if he's going to let anyone hurt his little girl or make her think for an instant that she's anything less than perfect.
Then she asks Buck how he knew he was bi, and he says, "Your father kissed me 😃👍🌈"
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I had the cutest thought omg
Buck has on one of his many (adorable) Did You Know This Random Fact days been talking about the different courtship strategies in the animal kingdom. One he finds particularly sweet was the fact that penguins would look for the perfect pebble to gift to their partner when building their nest. If the partner likes the pebble, they'll use it for the nest.
At the end of the day, Tommy hands him a very beautiful, smooth, patterned pebble and tells him that he looked for the perfect pebble for Buck – for two reasons: One, he loves Buck's adorable antics and his fascination with the world. Two, because some species of penguins mate for life and he wants that with Buck.
After that, Buck finds a way to turn the pebble into a pendant and wears it around his neck at all times and because he's is adorable, he keeps looking at the pendant with the biggest heart eyes.
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Tommy and Jee are sitting in a pile of couch pillows on the floor at the Madney house reading the fourth? fifth? picture book while Buck is in the kitchen cooking Bobby's marinara.
Buck walks in with a spoon, "Taste. Too much basil? I used fresh and it never seems like enough." Tommy tastes.
"Babe, it's great. Let it simmer, come and read with us, we're getting to the good part."
"Princess Elizabeth is about to save Ronald!" Tommy winces a little as Jee's voice hits a pitch that threatens to break glass. But god, she's almost as adorable as her uncle.
"Okay fine, but that Ronald is a punk." Buck heads back to return the spoon and turn down the sauce.
"Unca Buck has yong yegs." Jee whispers as she watches him.
"Yep. Yong yegs."
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HAPPY PRIDE HEN WILSON ↳ This kid Ricardo Sanchez was my first kiss. Sixth grade. Someone dared us to make out under the bleachers. I was not aware there was gonna be tongue involved, so essentially he just licked my lips for, like, five seconds, and then I ran away. That sounds traumatizing. Illuminating. I realized I was kissing the wrong Suarez. His sister Martina was more my speed.
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yeah buck is completely normal on twitter
911 social media series 🚨
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okay so a fan asked whether through this movie he learned any thing from this movie and how to romance/seduce women (apparently it’s a thing with the woman who owns this company that the leading men learn things about seducing women from her movies??? i don’t get it but ok) and then lou was like if you want to get to know a woman then there are two steps: shut your mouth and listen.
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Babe or baby? Strand-Reyes or Reyes-Strand? Catan gang hangs or private date night? Season 3 or season 4? Monster Inside (1x08) or Push (3x04)? Dancing at the honky tonk or dancing at the wedding? Season 1 sexy times or season 2 sexy times? Casual clothes or uniforms? Strand extended family or Reyes extended family? Soulmate scene or proposal? Double date with Grace/Judd or Nancy/Mateo? Bad Call (2x08) or Abandoned (4x04)? AUs or canon compliant fics? Loft or townhouse? TK and Nancy or Carlos and Iris? Lou 1 or Lou 2? They should have kids or they shouldn’t have kids? They should decide this “HEY! I love you too” or “I love you”/“I know”? Riddle of the Sphynx (3x13) or A House Divided (4x16)? Little spoon TK or little spoon Carlos? "Whoever needs it" - Rafa
This or that Tarlos edition
Babe or baby? Strand-Reyes or Reyes-Strand? Catan gang hangs or private date night? Season 3 or season 4? Monster Inside (1x08) or Push (3x04)? Dancing at the honky tonk or dancing at the wedding? Season 1 sexy times or season 2 sexy times? Casual clothes or uniforms? Strand extended family or Reyes extended family? Soulmate scene or proposal? Double date with Grace/Judd or Nancy/Mateo? Bad Call (2x08) or Abandoned (4x04)? AUs or canon compliant fics? Loft or townhouse? TK and Nancy or Carlos and Iris? Lou 1 or Lou 2? They should have kids or they shouldn’t have kids? “HEY! I love you too” or “I love you”/“I know”? Riddle of the Sphynx (3x13) or A House Divided (4x16)? Little spoon TK or little spoon Carlos?
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idk if you've been asked this before but is there any scenario where you would be happy/ok with a bucktommy breakup? your gifset made me think he's already pre-approved by the most important people in buck's life and they (accidentally or not) made it work so well lol what on earth could they have planned IF they're not supposed to be longterm anyway
mm i do get some form of this question every once in a while, but you know, things change, people's opinions change, so i don't mind going into a bit again
to be very real, regardless of where this and any future relationship of Buck's goes, it won't really have a bearing on my enjoyment of the show, so let's start there.
i have my opinions and ideas about where the show might be headed, but you know, this could be the very last season or there could be 10 more and the writers have to kinda work with that in mind too, so whatever happens and when that happens have to work for either scenarios which is not an easy place to be in
but ngl a bucktommy breakup would definitely break my heart (shatter it to teeny tiny smithereens more like) however amicable it'd be and i absolutely wish that if that's something coming our way they stretch out their time together before, so we can see them bloom as partners and get to know more about their dynamic, maybe let us see some milestone moments (yes, i am very aware that it'd just hurt more, but if it's gonna hurt anyway, at least give me this!!)
more on the perspective of the show though... yeah, Tommy has everyone's approval and he's clearly a great match for Buck in many ways that we already saw and possibly in other ways we haven't yet seen. but that's not a guarantee of anything, good relationships can hit just one roadbump that's too big to overcome, people deeply in love can break up due to wanting fundamentally different things, life is a bitch and that applies universally, even in fiction.
i do think they will be longterm though, whatever that'll actually mean in the terms of the actual episodes. i also think Tim might be a bit more cautious this time around to take the fan's reactions into account and that he might have a general idea of where he wants to go with them, but the man writes episodes 2 days before the first day of shooting, so i think there's a lot of wiggle room either way
in any case, they accidentally turned this relationship into a narrative goldmine, so they'd be real stupid not to exploit it as much as they can (and give us a beautiful love story in the process, final outcome notwithstanding)
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