breadcrumbstrail · 9 years
A man goes from one woman to another, goes on changing. People think he is a great lover—he is not a lover at all. He is avoiding, he is trying to avoid any deep involvement because with deep involvement, problems have to be faced, much pain has to be gone through. So one simply plays safe; one makes it a point never to go too deeply into somebody. If you go too deep you may not be able to come back easily. And if you go deeply into somebody, somebody else will go deeply into you also—it is always proportionate. If I go very deep in you the only way is to allow you also to go that deep in me. It is a give and take, it is a sharing. Then one may get entangled too much, and it will be difficult to escape and the pain may be much. So people learn how to play safe: just let surfaces meet—hit-and-run love affairs. Before you are caught, run. This is what is happening in the modern world. People have become so juvenile, so childish; they are losing all maturity. Maturity comes only when you are ready to face the pain of your being; maturity comes only when you are ready to take the challenge. And there is no greater challenge than love. To live happily with another person is the greatest challenge in the world. It is very easy to live peacefully alone, it is very difficult to live peacefully with somebody else, because two worlds collide, two worlds meet—totally different worlds. How are they attracted to each other? Because they are totally different, almost opposite, polar opposites. It is very difficult to be peaceful in a relationship, but that is the challenge. If you escape from that, you escape from maturity. If you go into it with all the pain, and still continue going into it, then by and by the pain becomes a blessing, the curse becomes a blessing. By and by, through the conflict, the friction, crystallization arises. Through the struggle you become more alert, more aware. The other becomes like a mirror to you. You can see your ugliness in the other. The other provokes your unconscious, brings it to the surface. You will have to know all hidden parts of your being and the easiest way is to be mirrored, reflected, in a relationship.
Osho (via alittlebitoftruthcan)
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breadcrumbstrail · 9 years
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The way he looks at her..
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breadcrumbstrail · 9 years
I can't live with people continuously lurking behind my back, waiting to pinpoint what I've been doing.
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breadcrumbstrail · 9 years
Waiting for him is like waiting for the wrong bus at the terminal. People come and go, and all the bus in the world shows up, but never really that bus. Not with that particular number that is supposed to bring you home. 
The only thing that would make it arrive is miracle, coincidence, or luck, whichever comes first.
And I happen to be the unluckiest girl in the world. 
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breadcrumbstrail · 9 years
When I took that one last pull, I pulled it hard. And strong. 
I thought, “Sure enough he’ll pull back. He has hurt me so I’m giving it back. He always goes and saves the best for last.”
Then, 2 missed calls from him and then nothing.
Nothing. I ended up a relationship by not answering the call twice. This must be a world record.
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
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Confidence level = Oh Ri Jin. 
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
Mr. Ji Grey lol
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Seven Shades of Mr.Cha
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
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the feels of having a crush. 
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
Can’t decide. I love them all T__T
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VOTE: Who is your favorite personality in Kill Me Heal Me?
Ji Sung did a wonderful job in bringing out every character so naturally. But just for fun, which character leaves the best impression for you? 
You can pick two characters max. VOTE below if you’re on the website view or click here if you’re on Tumblr dashboard view.
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
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relationship goal.
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
You got it! *insert Ri Jin’s voice*
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
You should read this if you have finished watching. If you haven’t and hate spoilers, you’d better skip it.
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Basically Kill Me Heal Me tells a story about overcoming Dissociative identity Disorder (DID or also known as multiple personality disorder) through the power of love and acceptance....
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breadcrumbstrail · 10 years
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