breathingliifc · 4 years
ooc; this is the moment when I say I’m sorry for what I’m about to do but before I left I had messed up my tags and mixed up threads ─ a thing I had forgotten until I came back ─ so when I tried re-reading to write my drafts :)… it was a mess. So I kinda fixed but… we’re going here:        same url from here → @breathingliife​ I’m bringing my lot of drafts here but if you don’t follow along I understand ;3
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breathingliifc · 4 years
ooc; this is the moment when I say I’m sorry for what I’m about to do but before I left I had messed up my tags and mixed up threads ─ a thing I had forgotten until I came back ─ so when I tried re-reading to write my drafts :)… it was a mess. So I kinda fixed but… we’re going here:        same url from here → @breathingliife​ I’m bringing my lot of drafts here but if you don’t follow along I understand ;3
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breathingliifc · 4 years
ooc; this is the moment when I say I’m sorry for what I’m about to do but before I left I had messed up my tags and mixed up threads ─ a thing I had forgotten until I came back ─ so when I tried re-reading to write my drafts :)… it was a mess. So I kinda fixed but… we’re going here:        same url from here → @breathingliife​ I’m bringing my lot of drafts here but if you don’t follow along I understand ;3
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breathingliifc · 4 years
we moved!!!!! @breathingliife <- same url!! this one is an archive!! SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE!!! -weeps-
ooc; this is the moment when I say I’m sorry for what I’m about to do but before I left I had messed up my tags and mixed up threads ─ a thing I had forgotten until I came back ─ so when I tried re-reading to write my drafts :)… it was a mess. So I kinda fixed but… we’re going here:        same url from here → @breathingliife​ I’m bringing my lot of drafts here but if you don’t follow along I understand ;3
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breathingliifc · 4 years
ooc; this is the moment when I say I’m sorry for what I’m about to do but before I left I had messed up my tags and mixed up threads ─ a thing I had forgotten until I came back ─ so when I tried re-reading to write my drafts :)... it was a mess. So I kinda fixed but... we’re going here:        same url from here → @breathingliife​ I’m bringing my lot of drafts here but if you don’t follow along I understand ;3
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breathingliifc · 4 years
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Mally & Hatter shenanigans for you.
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breathingliifc · 4 years
o.o halp. why is my text not small on the dash? I’m so looooooooost ;A; 
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breathingliifc · 4 years
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“So, I’ve been waiting for the week now, Prince Charming.” Pepper let herself fall onto the chair next to Drew. There was still a lot of time left but Pepper was beginning to grow impatient. “Are you finally going to ask me to be your prom date or do I have to ask you myself?” Frown appearing on her face, the girl crossed her arms over her chest, leaning back. “Or should I rather wait for someone else to ask me?”     …     @breathingliife​ ( drew !! )
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❛ ... ❜ Drew bit his tongue, turning to look at Pepper with a soon appearing apologetic scrunched nose. ❛ It hasn’t been a week though! Has it...? ❜ And it probably had been, the young man had been thinking, and planning and most likely overthinking for the best and perfect way to ask her but alas, he lost track of time. As always. ❛ I’m sorry Cinderella... I was going to ask you I swear, I was waiting for the perfect moment but I think I never found it. ❜ His hand soon found hers, eyes looking from it to her face. ❛ Would you be my prom date? I wouldn’t want to go with anyone else but you. ❜
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breathingliifc · 4 years
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Hi! I’m the ghost-owly I’m going to attempt replying to drafts that honestly I have a lot :P while I work on something <3 But also, if I post it and you’d like to drop it, I totes get it (I lasted looong to reply), so no worries :D and I’m sorry!
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breathingliifc · 4 years
-my icon was loading forever- Hi, I’m alive. Months have been tough and seasonal blues kick in on this month so hehe sorry I poofed. My internet is baaad right now but in these days it shall be fixed! :D  I hope you’re all good and safe. ;^; Missed you guys.
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breathingliifc · 4 years
Update: I'm getting my comp this Wednesday!!! So I'll be back then! ;W; so excited.
Hello rush of new people ajfjebdid where are you all coming from? But welcome!! Sorry you got here on a silent time. Have a good day :3
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breathingliifc · 4 years
I’m alive ;A; just my comp died a few days ago and I’m on the quest to get it working with my software and all (because also freelancing). Hence the silence .-. but will be back! This is not one of my Houdini moves I swear XD
edit: also o.o hello new peopleeeeeeeeee!! I’ll be baaaaaaaaaack!! ;w;
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breathingliifc · 4 years
noah fence but rpc should really get back to actually supporting each other ooc. people used to always like/reblog mutuals’ edits, respond to headcanon posts and ooc posts. engagement has gotten worse and worse and then people complain about feeling distant when they aren’t putting in effort to reach out to others. it takes a second to like someone’s headcanon (or respond to it with a comment if you’re worried about clogging likes). it feels so shitty to be trying to make lore posts and share ideas and get crickets back. it isn’t even like talking to an empty room. it’s like talking to a room filled with your friends but none of them even acknowledge that you’re talking to them. we all could put in a little more effort to make each other feel seen and supported ooc. there’s a certain stagnant feeling in the rpc and it really stems from how bad we’ve gotten at communicating and interacting out of character. 
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breathingliifc · 4 years
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    ORPHAN TIMES: After his mom passed away  and he was taken to the orphanage, they asked him where his dad was. Drew was in shock and sad, completely terrified of being alone from then on; so he didn’t reply.    He couldn’t (and didn’t) tell them yet  that Jonathan had left them behind and he didn’t know where he was. Instead he just kept silent and closed himself to anything and everyone for a good while. They asked him if he was gone as his mom, the kid just nodded instead of telling the truth. Further on…     They presumed he could be dead until further investigations showed otherwise, but they couldn’t find him. At the end Drew’s social worker thought that looking for Jonathan could be against the kid’s best interests. Drew grew up believing that they didn’t give him back to his dad because he told them he was dead. That’s a thought he carried on onto his adult years, a little regret maybe, a white lie so to speak but finding his father would have been hard, even more so when he moved to New York with Matthew. And there was no intention from him whatsoever to find him.
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breathingliifc · 4 years
“so— can i ask what you’re doin’ here instead of izak?” 
maybe it sounded a little rude, as though she was dismissing the other, but really she was just curious. so far, mo’s been much more tolerable to have around than izak. not to say she hated her… dream guardian. more that she didn’t love the idea of someone constantly on her case which he did a swell enough job of, which was followed up by the constant bickering. 
“ is he mad at me or somethin’?” 
@breathingliife // for mo !
Mo’s eyes widened at her question, mouth full of a big bite at the cookie she was holding with both hands up and near her lips, ( she was starving as always ). Gulping down, the corner of her lips twitched upwards in a bright smile, her attention going to the one beside her.  ❛ I’m keeping you company!! ❜ the dream-eater replied, holding out a new cookie towards Alessandra. 
    ❛ I don’t think he’s mad at you, just busy. Like a bee! Are you mad at him that he’s not here instead of me? ❜
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breathingliifc · 4 years
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this wasn’t  the type of argument she expected to have with izak . normally they were comfortably compatible as room mates , quite friendly all while keeping a nice distance from each other’s personal lives . perhaps it’s ronnie’s overly frantic demeanor that has overcome her since the phone call with her father that has him so … well , worried .
❛ i - i - i’m serious , i - izak , ❜ ronnie tries to assert firmly , ❛ you C - CAN’T come with m - m - me !  this i - is f - family business . i’ll fe b - bine – i mean , B - BE FINE !  ❜
her bag is already packed and in her hand , though still being shoved with a couple more items . it looks like it’s about to burst . she pauses to take a deep breath – she needs to show him she means her words … even if she doesn’t . ❛ l - look . m - my dad j - just needs s - some tech h - help with h - his clients . i - i’ll be ba - a - ck before you know i - it . ❜
&& @breathingliife​ / owed.
HE HAD DONE HIS BEST TO REMAIN ASIDE, to stay out of her business without being found out. Ronnie has been one the hardest dreamers he had had in his time as a Guardian so far, not because she has a hard personality though, but because she is a hunter for magical entities like him. But this time, the tone in her face when the call came, the hurried reaction... Triggered his worrisome attitude towards her, protectiveness settling upon his posture and expression.
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      ❛ You won’t even notice I’m there! Like, I’ll just accompany you and then be off your sight yeah? I mean, why is it so hard to say yes to that? I’m just trying to help! ❜ his tone is soaked with despair and despite him trying to conceal it, he failed with every word.  ❛ How are you sure you’ll be back so soon? ❜
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breathingliifc · 4 years
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He takes a glance around to see if he can spot him. He’s definitely seen him before, though he tends to stick around the bar. The food wasn’t his main priority when it comes to the bar. “ worried kinda guy? “ 
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    ❛  Mhm, attentive kinda guy. Haze’s like Larry’s little baby. I mean it’s mine too but he really loves it here. ❜ Tom smiles, his gaze looks towards his friend and the smile grows wider.  ❛ He’s a good boss. ❜
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