brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
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brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
❤️CHILDREN ❤️ The Innocent One's🕊️
My ❤️ is hurting and crying out for children who are being abused!
I want to help! I want them to be safe Papa!
They are in Papa's hands!
Children are treasures
Children are gems
Children are the promise
***"We can't let the children down.***
Sexual, physical, verbal, emotional, mental abuse HAS to Stop!!!
God hates bullying, perversion, and every toxic and abusive word and action done against His innocent Ones!!!
Stop the abuse!!!
Let's pray that the innocent Ones have a voice to speak up and tell a trusting soul, who will help!!!
That Jesus would come and heal them in every way and that they would see Him there with them!!!
Let's pray that Justice will have it's way!!
Let's pray that the abusers would encounter Jesus and turn from their evil ways!!!
Let's pray that the parents and guardians who's child was abused by another! That Jesus would come and heal their hearts and mend every part of their lives!!! That every bit of hopelessness and sorrow would be swallowed up by God's loving and ginormous arms!!! Bring peace and Justice Papa!!!🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽❤️
🔥🔥🔥 Burn away all the trauma these innocent Ones have experienced! Give them boldness and courage to speak one day so that awareness is spread!!!
Break off all word curses spoken over then! Break off all perverse and evil action curses done against them!! Break off all evil spirit's that have attached themselves to these innocent Ones from the abusers!!! Bring your light Jesus and your Love to fill them up and overflow!!! Spirit of the living Creator God, fill their hearts and let them feel Your Presence everyday and everywhere they go! Let them thrive in this life, so that the curse is broken, and their children and others may walk in freedom!!!
***Let us be aware and discerning Abba! And Help us to take action. Break our hearts for them enough for us to Move, Pray, Fast, and hear from heaven for these innocent Ones!!!❤️
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brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
A beautiful veiw of God's handiwork!❤️ And guess what!? He made it for you! He loves you beyond imagination!!! ❤️ Let His love crash into you like the waves of the ocean!
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brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
So and so did whaaaaa???
What is slander?
the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
"he is suing the TV network for slander"
Matthew 15: 19, 20 says, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
These are what make a man unclean; but eating with unwashed hands does not make a man unclean."
Slander is named among lots of huge sins. Slander is a serious thing and God is not pleased when it happens!
Many of us do it probably without even thinking twice about it.
We see a lot of things on the news, but how do we know if it's really true unless we were to sit down and talk with the individual about what was said about them?
There are so many worldly people with an agenda of Slander, which is sin! That's probably why we do it too, cause it seems so normal to call people out on what we think is true about them!
We tend to allow people to be our focus and have to state our opinions about our truth about them!
What ever happened to honor y'all!? Especially in the family of God!?
Think about all the people who slandered Jesus....
When we do that to our brothers and sisters in Christ, who are we really doing it to?
No one is perfect, and we are not here to please the world or side with them!
We are to build each other up with brotherly love, sing songs to each other, encourage each other!
Let us allow the Love of Jesus that has seeped into Not just our minds, but the deepest places of our hearts!
When His love encounters our hearts, we become clean, and we then desire to build the Kingdom of God through kindness!!!
Slander is not of our Father, so let's choose right here and now, to put it away, and to LOVE!
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brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
Shasta Lake
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brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
Heart Strings
Each of our hearts sing a song. It's a type of love song.
Sometimes the song may be sad, out of tune, hopeless. What song is your heart singing right now friend?
Sometimes our song is full of shame, bitterness or pain. Is there one of those songs in your heart?
When our hearts strings are plucked in hurtful ways, our hearts begin to convey that song to others in our lives, especially those closest to us. Without other people in our lives we may never discover this. If we continue to close people off from our hearts due to the hurt, we keep our hearts from truly healing!
There are still healthy, safe people that can help lead us into our healing!
Father God is beginning to heal hearts in this family and He is orchestrating His family to supernatural healing, growth, and exploits!
He is exposing the lies, the demonic, and the sad songs our hearts continue to sing.
Christ is beginning to convince us that Father truly loves us and that we don't have to operate in fear any longer!!! We are no longer orphans y'all!!!! Abba, our Heavenly Father has adopted us!!! We are fully loved and fully known by Him!!! When we open our hearts to Him, he plucks every heart string with His healing, truth, and identity!!! We are Royal sons and daughters of the Almighty Father!!!
Our heart song of true love will begin to resound on this Earth! Then others will join in the song of the redeemed and precious Children of our Father!!!
Our heart song will sing confidently of His love and powerful presence! Our praises will draw Him closer to Earth, so that others may know Him through His son, Jesus, who lives in us! Holy Spirit will also convey Father's wisdom and counsel so that we can make practical decisions for healthy living!
So ask the Father what song your heart is singing! He will answer you and show you things you never knew!!! He's the perfect Father!!! Let's let Him Father us!!!
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brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
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Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you. He will never let the righteous fall. PS. 55:22
Casting your care on Father God has to happen in order for Him to sustain you!
If you keep those cares, the weight of them will sustain you into a stressed/crazy state! (State of mind/mood/heart/actions)
Relinquishing control has to be done. Giving it all to Him has to be done.
Father God desires to father you, will you just let Him father you? Will you be God- dependantly sustained or independently stressed?
Will you let Him be the perfect Father He already is to you?
Open up your heart! Expose it to Abba! Pour out Your heart to Him and see how being undone before Him only allows you to become stronger and whole again(through Him)! ❤️ He will Never let the righteous fall! That's a promise! He will sustain You, as long as you keep an opened heart toward Him!
Your Dad wants to know your heart, and sustain you! His arms are always open to You!
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brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
"Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it."
Psalms 34:13‭-‬14 KJV
As a young growing teenager, I said what was on my mind a lot without a filter and also argued my point till it was heard!
Now as a growing adult, I'm not much like that anymore. I always try to be mindful about what I say. I do like to talk, but I noticed that I also am ok with not talking. At one point, the enemy tried to make me feel like there was something wrong with me because I didn't always want to talk and sometimes have quiet spells. I know that Father God approves of me and is showing me His ways! I'm still learning to let God have His way in me in words and deeds!
And there is a point in life where we must allow God to remove all ugliness and replace it with His beauty!
As I'm learning, I know He has given me a voice in His Kingdom! And I want to use this voice wisely for His glory!!!❤️ Let your voice be that of a confident, beloved Child of God! Not an illegitimate unloved orphan! Go to Him with your problems and overwhelming feelings! Go to Him as your everything!
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brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
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Falling Into Change
Fall is my favorite season, and it's so colorful here! It's beautiful! Oct 14 I turned 34! Old hag status...haha! Jk! I'm young at heart!
So not only did my hubby and I move across the country because God said Go, but He has already been fulfilling words spoken to us before we came! Bethel church in Redding CA is now our home church and it's amazing! Recent words given to me are: The prophetic in me will expand so much, a vision of the word Release on my hand, Holy Spirit loves being my best friend, what we feel we lost in SC will be restored and abounding even more than before (specifically in community/relationships), oh and my new sis friend had a vision of me pregnant in overalls cleaning in my kitchen! She also saw 3 women that seemed like midwives holding my belly!!😁🙌
Remember that Seasons change y'all, But our God never changes! And His promises for us remain! His ferocious love for you never changes!!!! I pray that in this season that we all will press deeper into Holy Spirit being our best friend!!!
We are planning on buying a home beginning of next year and it's been 13 years of being married, so we are so ready for our children to be here! We love you kiddos!
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brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
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brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
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You are chosen.
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brelynnwrites-blog · 5 years
I've always been mature for my age. I grew up in church and received Christ in my heart at age 10. I was the youngest of technically 5 (4 of us growing up in same home). I made some unwise choices, but I would say that they were minor compared to the "big sins" one can make as a teenager!
My sister and Mom convinced me that if a guy loved me, he would put a ring on my finger before asking me to have sex. So I saved my virginity for my husband whom I married at age 21! I didn't know I would meet my Mr. Right so soon!
At 18, I decided to just focus on Jesus and not date till I met The One! I'm so glad I made that decision! That's when I learned to simply be God's daughter and how to hear His voice! I moved to Cali, joined the Air Force, and was on my own! Well, then got married. Lol
I have some people to point out that helped me become so mature while growing up! My amazing parents who always lived lives fully devoted to Christ! My older siblings who I got to do life with while they were home and after they became devoted believers themselves! The church leaders I grew up knowing and gleaning from!
But I have to say, the Main and Only reason I matured so fast was my heart after the heart of Jesus!
I wanted Jesus more than anything! He became my all in all! He would speak to me! I read His word all the time and journaled my favorite scriptures! I wrote devotionals of what He was speaking to me! I also wrote down dreams I had, and prayers! He became my best friend! Being His best friend made me want to be a blessing to everyone I knew! I wanted to obey my parents (most of the time)! I felt bad when I disobeyed.
I wanted to please Father God in every way possible! I wanted to love others in such a real way!
So how does Maturity happen???
It can only happen through a true love relationship with Jesus! Encountering His love is what transformed my life and will transform Yours!
It is only after this that your whole purpose in life changes!!! It is then, when you begin to Know who you are, and begin to serve and lead others to Christ! It is then that you want Him and nothing less!
You then automatically become the biggest blessing to others!!!!
Maturity is such an amazing process and is so necessary in the Body of Christ!!!
We need maturity in order to rightly serve and lead in His Kingdom!!!
Let's walk into our destinies of simply being His Royal Mature Children! Let's grow up and stop being Petty!
Let's give Him our past, our emotions, and let Him speak identity and destiny into us!
After all, Father Knows Best!!!! ❤️🙏🏼😘
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