brendynbanner · 4 years
CH. 14 Fieldwork
State: Delaware
-Delaware makes sure that all restaurants and food establishments have the proper licensing to serve food.
-Most restaurants that I go to do not have labels on their food, even fast food restaurants that wrap their food. Most fresh foods in grocery stores have expiration dates on their food though.
-When it comes to eating out, Delaware has a capacity of 30% of the original to make it a safe eating area during this pandemic and they make sure that all employees wear mask.
-I personally wear a uniform at my job (Skyzone). Most retail companies do not force their employees to wear a uniform. Big companies, like Target and Walmart, require uniforms.
-These people that work at this companies are actually very important to shoppers like myself. If it was not for them, we would not have these everyday necessities.
-If you actually think about it, there are TONS of public employees everywhere you look, a lot more than I ever would have thought.
-While driving, you mainly see stop, yield, and speed limit signs. I have just recently started seeing signs that warn drivers that fees are doubled if you are driving over the speed limit.
-Delaware has done a lot of investing on roads recently. Mainly on Pulaski Highway, there is a lot of night work being done to make the roads smoother.
-School recently has been virtually. Many Elementary, Middle, and High Schools have been doing hybrid where students can come to school once a week with lots of restrictions.
-For me personally, the state has nothing to do with how I pay for school since I am an out-of-state student and go to school in Maryland and not Delaware.
-For Delaware colleges, there is lots of funding every day and week that go into these schools for classrooms, housing, and food, among many other things.
-When it comes to all this such as air quality and sewage, the EPA regulates all of that.
-The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control regulates Delaware’s water.
-Delmarva is who deals with most of Delaware’s power and electrical issues.
-The Department's Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Section deals with the transportation of trash and waste.
Public Agencies: 
-The government overlooks everything we do, especially on electronics like our phones and laptops.
Social Life:
-You cannot get a license until you are 16 and cannot drive by yourself until you have had your license or blue slip for 6 months.
-Just like many other states, you can not legally drink until the age of 21.
-Delaware is the only state I know that does not sell alcohol in grocery stores, making it harder for adolescents to get it.
-Marriage is fairly simple in Delaware, you just have to be 18 years of age.
-It is illegal for an adult to have sex with a minor in Delaware.
-News is mainly spread through all media nowadays, such as election news and news regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. They do it through media because everyone is on it, literally everyone.
-I feel like ever since states have lifted restrictions of COVID-19, it has been a lot more chaotic is if the pandemic went away but it is only getting worse and they are not putting the restrictions back in place. I believe restrictions need to be back in place until it is gone because it got better but then it got worse once the restrictions went away.
-In cities like Wilmington, there is lots of violence and I think the state should step up to help prevent it.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
Chapter 13 Fieldwork
I don’t have anyone in my family that is an immigrant, so I had to improvise. My Mom-Mom has a friend that immigrated from Africa so she told me her story. Her friend emigrated from Libya. The reason she left Libya was for better job opportunities and to escape poverty, which makes her a labor immigrant. My Mom-Mom explained to me that her friend strongly struggled with learning English and obtaining a Visa prior to arriving to America. Luckily for her, she was already friends with my Mom-Mom and she was able to help her find work when she first arrived to America. Aside from that, she also had family that already emigrated to America that helped her out, which is known as chain migration. I asked my Mom-Mom if her friend was in the guest worker program, and it turned out she was. I wish I could have actually spoke to her to actually learn more, but I am glad my Mom-Mom provided me with this information. It is interesting that my Mom-Mom brought up a lot of things that we learned in this chapter.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
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Chapter 11 Fieldwork
Hershey Bar: The main ingredient of a Hershey Bar is milk chocolate. Milk chocolate consists of sugar, milk, chocolate, cocoa butter, lactose, milk fat, soy lecithin, pgpr, emulsifier, vanillin, and artificial flavor. The cocoa that Hershey uses in their candy bars comes from farms in Ghana and the Ivory Coast. Hershey’s chocolate mainly comes from cacao beans. Cacao tries consist of fruit and those fruits have seeds. The seeds are removed by farmers and are left to ferment before they are roasted for the flavor, which is fairly similar to coffee beans. Based off a lot of research, it appears that Hershey factory workers work with poor working conditions and have actually walked out and went on strike a few summers back. Besides that, it is also said that the safety regulations were often violated. Cocoa beans are bought from farmers by small traders and they sell to wholesalers. Price on cocoa beans mainly depend on the supply and demand of it at a given time. Prices of Hershey bars, on the other hand, are set by retailers. For example, my job, skyline, sells candy bars for $2 as Walmart will sell them for $1.29. Hershey is one of the many international corporations that dominate the chocolate trade, along with Mars, Mondelez, Nestle, and Ferrero Group. The chocolate trade is regulated by the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA). Chocolate is mainly marketed through its weight. The price of the chocolate surprisingly depends on the weight. I bought my Hershey Bar from Rite Aid but was not able to get a picture of it prior to throwing it away. Store owners that carry Hershey products (or any chocolate bar) tend to profit 55-75% of how much they paid for it. Based off a lot of research, it was really hard to find any hidden cost. However, the farmers that provide the cocoa should be compensated more as they tend to struggle along with their children.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
Chapter 10 Fieldwork
I personally could not live off of $2 dollars day. I couldn’t do it for a day, a week, or a month because the cost of living is very high in 2020 and 42 a day is not enough to take care of ones self.
Karl Marx’s Theory of Social Class:
     Karl Marx’s theory consists of 2 parts: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat. Bourgeoisie (According to Marx’s Theory) is considered the class that owns most of society’s wealth. Proletariat (According to Marx’s Theory) is the working class. The article I found on Industry Week compares Blue Collar Workers to White Collar Workers and how many Blue Collar Workers are losing their jobs due to improved technology. The White Collar Workers are the main ones that work to better our technology and they don’t even realize that their work puts these people out of business.
Max Weber’s Theory of Social Class:
     Max Weber’s Theory is that your reputation can improve your life chances. An example of this is James Wiseman’s Memphis story. Wiseman, a top basketball prospect, was allegedly accepting money that he wasn’t supposed to from the school and was later suspended for that. Many college sports players get away with this and are able to accept money so they can keep playing for that specific school. College athletes can easily get away with this because of how known they are and the amount of money they bring into the school, as opposed to just a regular academic student.
Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory of Social Class:
     Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory is education is the key to improved social mobility. You’ll come to see that many successful actors started by getting an education and graduating. Such actors include Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, and Morgan Freeman. This article shows how many very successful people not only graduated college, but from community college. They worried about their education first and then went on with their life and they made it pretty big. Tom Hanks talks about how his school turned him into the successful actor he is today.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
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In my kinship chart, I have shown myself and my sister, my parents, their siblings, and their siblings’ children. It all starts around me and my sister, whose mom and dad were together but are now separated (parents never married). My dad has 1 sibling, a brother, who sadly passed away. He and my aunt (who were separated) have a daughter who is one of my parallel cousins. My mom has a sister and a brother. Both her siblings are married with 3 kids, each with 1 boy and 2 girls. My mom’s sister’s children are my parallel cousins as my mom’s brother’s children are my cross cousins. Before this fieldwork assignment, my family never brought up anything about a family tree. So with that being said, it sounds like I am the one that is pruning the tree and I plan on expanding it even farther and researching more about my family.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
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Chapter 7 Fieldwork
Out of the 18 commercials I watched during the cartoon I was watching, Santiago At Sea”, 0 were aimed at males, 4 were aimed at females, and 14 were not aimed at either gender. Of the 4 commercials aimed at females, the techniques used were things that most people would find “feminine” like the color pink, dolls, and unicorns. When it comes to gendered behavior, these commercials give females the perception that they have to play with dolls and like colors like pink. Although there were absolutely no commercials aimed towards males, most commercials like that show toys like superheroes, dinosaurs, and action figures, among many other things. These commercials give boys the perception that they have to like action-packed toys and activities.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
Chapter 6 Fieldwork
To prepare for this weeks fieldwork, I had a conversation with both of my grandmothers, my grand mother on my mom’s side and my grandmother on my dad’s side. According to both sides, my family has lived in America as long as they can remember, as both of my grandmothers were born and raised in America, Delaware to be exact. There parents were also born and raised in Delaware as well. My whole family, dating back to my great grandparents, have been born and raised in Delaware based off of both my grandmothers. When it comes to embracing American nationalism, both sides of my family embrace it considering they were all born and raised in the country. They also practice American cultures as well. Although no one in my family has migrated from other countries, I still think of our family as unique. (I was having trouble uploading photos of my family, please forgive me)
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brendynbanner · 4 years
Chapter 5 Fieldwork
White Supremacy- The belief that whites are far more superior than other races. An example of this is the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The KKK is an American white supremacist hate group whose hate mainly targets African Americans as well as Jews, immigrants, and homosexuals.
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Institutional Racism- When institutions or policies practice racial inequality. An example of this is Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE). ICE arrest and imprisons immigrants and it is said that they are treated very badly.
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Individual Racism- Prejudice and discrimination based off race from a single person. An example of this is former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling who was caught on tape berating his ex-girlfriend for associating with black people and taking a picture with NBA Hall of Fame Magic Johnson. This led to him being forced to sell the team.
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Hypodescent- When the race of a mixed race child of 2 parents is assigned to the subordinate category. An example of this is me. My mother is White and my father is African American. I consider myself mixed with both races but there are some people that only consider me African American because if my skin tone and there are also others that consider me White just because.
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Jim Crow Laws- Laws implanted after the Civil War that legally enforced segregation. It was more typical in the south after the end of slavery. An example of this was restaurants that only served Whites and no other race.
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Miscegenation- A derogatory term for interracial marriage. There were many anti-miscegenation laws in North America all the way until 1967. The laws did not allow interracial couples to get married. 
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brendynbanner · 4 years
Chapter 4 Fieldwork
1. Record how many men and women are in the class. Keep a tally of how many times men speak (or post comments) and how many times women speak or post comments. Who speaks more often?
-There were 27 male students and 10 female students in my Health 101 classroom. Based off what I heard, males spoke more than females as when the teacher was asking for interaction, males responded 9 times and females responded 3 times.
2. Record the average of how long people speak or the average length of their comments. Record the average of the number of words they use. If they are written comments, you can copy and paste them into a document and count them after class.
-When males spoke, they spoke on average for about 6-7 seconds. When females spoke, it was on average about 12-14 seconds. I believe men spoke around 30 words each time they spoke and women spoke about 65-70 words each time.
3. What are differences in body language, eye contact, and style of speaking between the men and women?
-When males spoke, the seemed to always look lower down when speaking and it didn’t really seem like they were making eye contact with the instructor. When females spoke they seemed to keep eye contact with the instructor. Both genders seemed to be sitting up straight and had good posture. They both also seemed to speak very proper towards the instructor.
4. Do the men or the women keep their cameras on more?
-I feel like both men and women had their cameras on when speaking but when they were done speaking they would turn it off.
5. Is the instructor a man or woman? How do they encourage or discourage communication? Consider their body language and gaze.
-The instructor is a woman. She does a great job with interacting with the class and tries to relate the lessons toward real world scenarios to keep people engaged and interactive. She is very expressive when speaking and sits up with good posture.
6. Does the instructor’s gender seem to influence the way they interact with the class? If so, how?
-I feel like the instructor’s gender doesn’t really change the way they interact. I say this because all my instructors, both male and female, are very interactive with the students and make sure that all students engage. I think gender doesn’t really play a role when it comes to instructors because they all have the same purpose which is teaching students and making sure they understand the lesson.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
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1. What location did you choose? What drew you to it? Describe what you found.
-I chose the intersection of Salem Church Road and Pulaski Highway. I chose this because I am on this intersection a lot because I use it to go get food and go to and from the mall and work. While making this map, I found that there are many vacancies when it comes to business buildings around the intersection. I also found that this intersection is the only area on Salem Church Road that has businesses.
2. What did you notice in your observations that you’ve never noticed before?
-Some things I noticed that I never noticed before is the Law Office. I never noticed that until now I always thought it was a Federal Loan Office. I also noticed that there are many trees surrounding the shopping centers. They are basically separating the shopping centers from the neighborhoods that go farther down Salem Church Road.
3. What is absent that you might have expected to find?
- I expected there to be more parking by the car wash but there is not really much of it. I also expected there to be less traffic but there tends to be a decent amount of it.
4. Can you determine anyways in which this space has been impacted by COVID-19?
-The businesses off the intersection have been impacted by COVID-19. When quarantine first started, many of the businesses were closed or only offered takeout. As of today, they all require masks to enter and the have made restrictions due to COVID-19 like smaller capacities. The 76-Eleven is actually temporally closed which is something I was unaware of.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
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Based off this chart, I learned that most of my needs revolve around clothing and schoolwork. My wants are mainly for entertainment purposes. My biggest want that I learned is sneakers. I have spent thousands of dollars on sneakers and although footwear is a need, 45 pairs are not a need but they are a want. My wants mainly revolve around my hobbies, video games and sneaker culture.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
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Sneakers date all the way back to the 18th century. The first sneaker was rubber soled and was called a plimsolls. They are called sneakers because when they were first made, they were very quiet in a way where you can sneak up on someone. The specific sneaker pictured is an Air Jordan 1. It is Michael Jordan’s first signature shoe and it was released in 1985. This specific color way is the Court Purple 2.0 and it was released April 11th, 2020. Nike produces and manufactures Air Jordans in China. Sneakers have a very important impact on my life. They are more than just footwear to me. I’ve been interested in sneakers since I was 10 years old and my love has only grown. I enjoy the different shapes of each shoe and different color ways that they provide. Factory workers are the people that physically manufacture Nike sneakers. They usually work long hours in factories only manufacturing shoes as that is their only task within their job.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
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This is a map showing human migration in the early years.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
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This is Cuba and this is an example of uneven development because they do not have Internet access unlike us.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
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Apple is an example of flexible accumulation because they are always finding new strategies to use when it comes to phone design and technology.
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brendynbanner · 4 years
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An iPhone is an example of time space compression because it makes communication way easier.
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