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Eventually it typed out: The Matrix has you . Neo was sleeping when the words showed up on one of his computer screens. Follow the white rabbit. His computer didnt respond. Now the message read: Knock, knock, Neo. He tried "ctrl-x" again but a new message printed itself on the screen. Except for the words, the screen had gone black.
When he opened them his screen was still blacked out. Neo almost jumped out of his chair. " Neo kept inputting commands. Someone was banging on the door. A young Asian man stood on his doorstep with a few friends. He hit "ctrl-x" a few times but new letters began appearing. This took a while, and he left the chain on. His girlfriend smiled. Someone was still knocking on his door. He checked if his keyboard was connected. "Youre two hours late," "I know," Choi said. He looked back at the screen but it was showing the news articles hed fallen asleep to. He closed the door behind him and reached for a book. "Two grand," Choi said. There was cum drying on her lips. " Neo unlocked his door. The book was hollow: inside was a wad of cash, some flash drives, and a rock hammer. My own personal Jesus Christ. He added the two grand to the wad and took out a flash drive. Neo gripped the doorframe. " Choi said, when he got the drive. He handed an envelope through the crack in the door. "You look a little paler than usual. " "If you get caught using that—" "I know, I know," Choi said. You ever have the feeling where youre not sure if youre awake or still dreaming. "What do you think, should we take him with us? Its called mescaline and its the only way to fly. Sounds to me like you need to unplug, man. "Something wrong, man? " She was wearing a trench coat and nothing else. " Chois girlfriend licked her lips and showed her teeth. As she moved, the coat fell open and Neo got a look between her legs. " He turned to his girlfriend. " The apartment was large, but the ceilings were low enough to touch. The room tilted again. "I have work tomorrow. " The world seemed to tilt. Neo couldnt see through the smoke but hed bet there were handprints everywhere. Chois clique had gathered around a couch, where the man himself held court. " "Come on," she said. People came by for a word or a smile and he greeted everybody. "You are my savior, man! Neo didnt, which is why he was leaning against a wall and sipping a beer. Not that either of these things was uncommon in that room, but it was enough for Neo to look twice. "Go right ahead," Neo said. One of his fellow wallflowers turned to him. Like Chois girl she had a beehive hairdo and a rubber top. She nibbled the sides of his shaft and licked it from its base to its tip. Neo pulled open his button-fly and eased his cock out. She sank to her knees and opened her mouth. She looked up at him, once, and then got to work. Thats what people did as they leaped to the music—they reached up and touched the ceiling. Shed stepped out of the wall of bodies and he hadnt noticed. "I know a lot about you," Trinity said. A blowjob was a blowjob but he felt like they shouldve introduced each other first. "Ive been wanting to meet you for some time. "How do you know my name? "Hello, Neo," Trinity said. "Im sorry, did you want . One hand on her right breast, another hand on her thigh. A third woman, a redhead, was looking over her shoulder. Tattooed over her cleft was a small white rabbit. The one that cracked the IRC Kansas City d-base? Neo took a sip of beer. This girl pouted, pointed at her lips, and with the other hand pointed at Neos crotch. " "That was a long time ago. If you have any thoughts pertaining to where by and how to use nakedaustralians, you can get in touch with us at our webpage. This happened sometimes, when someone was popular. " "Glurk," the girl said. She indicated he should play with them. " "My name is Trinity. The girl on his cock made a mmmmph sound, like she was tired of being ignored. "You want I should do something? " Trinity was still grabbing handfuls of herself through her catsuit. But he was still holding the beer, and there wasnt a table . " She pulled up her rubber top and showed him her dark little nipples. He inserted the bottle in her hairdo and cupped her breasts. " She was rubbing herself through her plastic catsuit. " Neo felt himself blush. He looked Assuie Porn down at the sexy australian girl giving him oral. The other hand was wrapped around his cock. "That was a long time ago," she said. "So youre the Trinity? " "Jee-zus," Neo said. "Its safe here and I dont have much time. " "Right now, all I can tell you is that youre in danger," Trinity said. "That was you on my computer? She stood to one side to keep from straddling the girls head. " She took his hand and placed it over her pussy. The girl on his cock only had eyes for his crotch. She had hiked up her skirt and was fingering herself with one hand. "Do you want to go somewhere and talk? I know why you left your family and your friends, why you left home to come to this city. "I brought you here to warn you. "Theyre watching you, Neo. "Please, just listen," she said. He rubbed Trinitys pussy through the plastic and she sighed. Her lips were at his ear. I was looking for an answer. "I know why youre here, Neo. Youre looking for him. The other girl dragged her tongue along the underside of his shaft, dragged it back and forth, his bottle sloshing in her hair. "You know the question just as I did. " "What is the Matrix? "I know because I came looking for the same thing, but when he found me, he told me I wasnt really looking for him. " Neo felt the words seeping into him. Another girl was on her knees, her head in Neos crotch. She crossed and uncrossed her arms in impatience. The hacker dude was leaning against the wall, making out with a chick in a catsuit. As Choi watched, she also got down on her knees and started servicing Neo. A line of women had formed behind her. A redhead stood in front of them, shifting from one leg to another. The alarm clock pulled Neo out of his sleep. " She held her body against him. " said his girlfriend. "Its the question that brought you here," Trinity said. "Sure is popular tonight," Choi said. " Shed taken a step so they could whisper into each others ears. One of them squeegeed a line down the glass, giving Neo a view of her bush. He didnt look up from his computer. " He glanced up at Neo, who barely managed to look away from the window. The girls only wore hats, shoes, and sunscreen, and they hung from an arrangement of straps that kept their legs spread. "You have a problem with authority, Mister Anderson," his boss said. "You believe that you are special, that somehow the rules do not apply to you. Thus, if an employee has a problem, the company has a problem. " The window-cleaner sexy australian girl pressed herself up to the window, flattening her tits against the soapy glass. Her pussy reminded Neo of an aquarium catfish. Choi looked over at Neo. He squinted at the clock. "This company is one of the top software companies in the world because every single employee understands that they are part of a whole. Do I make myself clear? "Obviously, you are mistaken," said Neos boss. " It was hard not to look at the window cleaners. " Neo risked a glance out the window. Rhineheart," Neo said. " Neo slumped in his chair, which squeaked. Either you choose to be at your desk on time from this day forth, or you choose to find yourself another job. It always did that, but that wasnt the worse part about work. No, the worse part of work was his workstation, which had a single bulky monitor and less computing power than one of his laptops. "The time has come to make a choice, Mr. "I said, do I make myself clear? It wasnt the size of his cubicle either, although it was cramped. But it was against the rules. "Have a nice day," the man said. The girl had stuck a suction dildo at crotch-height and another at head-height. " The FedEx man handed him a package. Neo opened the package. Once again he wished he could use his own equipment. It looked and ran like something out of the 80s. Suddenly Neo had a tentpole in his pants. Inside was a cellphone, one of those old feature phones. His boss turned again. "Ive been looking for you, Neo. "Do you know who this is? I dont know if youre ready to see what I want to show you—" She giggled. He picked it up and it rang. There was a chuckle on the other end, as if the woman could see his erection. There was a FedEx man in front of his cubicle. " It wasnt a voice so much as a sound. Theyre coming for you, Neo. "—but unfortunately we have run out of time. Half a dozen cops, two women in plainclothes, and a coworker who was pointing in his direction. And Im not sure what theyre going to do. What the fiddle do they want with me? But if you dont want to find out, you better get out of there. " Neo could hear footsteps. I can guide you, but you have to do exactly what I say. It promised you things. " Neo dove into the other cubicle just as the cops turned into his row. "The cubicle across from you is empty," Oneira said. The hacker crammed himself into a corner, the phone clamped to his ear. The two women entered Neos cubicle. " Neo peeked over the partition. When I tell you, go to the end of the row to the first office on the left. "Stay there for a moment," Oneira whispered. The cops were almost there. " "Whos coming for me? Stay as low as you can. One of them sent a cop to search the bathroom. " "Im not sure," Oneira said. " "How do you know all this? "Now there is a window. " Neo crouch-walked out of the cubicle, right behind a cop who had just turned away. Still keeping his head under the partitions, Neo crept away, then jumped into the first office on the left. " There were beads of sweat on Neos forehead. " Neo leaned out of the window. "Stand up and see for yourself. "Outside, theres a scaffold. You can use it to get to the roof. "No way, no way, this is crazy. " "There are only two ways out of this building. The scaffold was several offices away. "The answer is coming, Neo. The other is in their custody. Neo looked at the door, then back at the scaffold. It was like staring into a bottomless trench. He could feel them start to trickle together. You take a chance either way. The one in the skirt sat across from him. The one in slacks took a position behind him. The folder had his name on it. " "Theres a small ledge. He was alone, but the security camera on the ceiling was pointed straight at him. Papers rattled girls get fuck in the pussy as she flipped them. " He opened the window and the air howled into the room. " She opened the file. In one life, you are Thomas men fucking pussies A. She slapped an overstuffed Girlsoutwest members folder onto the angela white galleries aussie porn girls table. "As you can see, weve had our eye on you for some time now, Mr. "It seems that you have been living two lives. She still had her sunglasses on, so Neo couldnt tell if she was looking at the file or at him. help your landlady carry out her garbage. The door opened and the two women walked in. You have a social security number, you pay your taxes and you . " She closed the file. Anderson, program writer for a respectable software company. "One of them does not. " Neo felt himself sinking. She continued to turn the pages. Im Agent Smith, by the way. "The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias Neo, and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for. Her eyes were a hard, bright green. " Smith removed her sunglasses. My colleague over there is Agent Brown. "One of these lives has a future," she said. She never broke eye contact. Whatever you think you know about her is irrelevant to the fact that she is wanted for acts of terrorism in more countries than any other person in the world. She is considered by many authorities to be the most dangerous woman alive. It is obvious that you are an intelligent man, Mr. "My colleagues believe that I am wasting my time with you, but I believe you want to do the right thing. Anderson, and that you are interested in the future. "We are willing to wipe the slate clean, to give you a fresh start and all we are asking in return is your . " Neo stared back at her. A woman who calls herself Oneira. "We know that you have been contacted by a certain individual. "Im going to be as forthcoming as I can be, Mr. How about I give you the finger—" He gave her the finger. That sounds like a real good deal. That is why I believe you are ready to put your past mistakes behind you and get on with your life. " "You cant scare me with this Gestapo stuff," he said. "You disappoint me, Mr. " Agent Smith put her glasses back on. " The muscles in his jaw tightened. "—and you can cram that file up your sphincter. Anderson, what good is a phone call if you are unable to . But I think I have a better one. You are here because we need your help. He tried to say something, but couldnt. " Agent Brown giggled. They sealed shut, melding together until his mouth disappeared. He tried again but his lips were stuck together. He lunged for the door, but the agents grabbed him and slammed him face-down on the table. "Whether you want to or not. in bringing a known terrorist to justice. It was another smiled that confined itself to her mouth. all girl porno Now there was just skin. She finished with his right wrist and nodded at Brown. female pussy fucking Neo felt his lips grow soft and sticky. Smith reached into her suit coat and pulled out something phallic and black. " She took out several pairs of handcuffs and started chaining him down. Anderson," Agent Smith said. "Youre lucky," Agent Brown said. "She doesnt always lubricate it. Smith cuffed his legs to the table and his wrists to the far corners. He struggled, but Agent Brown twisted his arm. Neos eyes widened and he struggled in his bonds but he could only watch as the female agent slipped the device inside her mouth. " Smith popped it out of her mouth, saliva trailing from the black metallic thing. He bucked on the table but it was no use, the device burrowed and slithered deeper inside his rectum. Neo felt something cold, and then she was pushing the device inside of him. The agent walked around behind him. The agent used the same shocking strength shed demonstrated to rip his pants off his body. Another hand pressed him into the table. The probe pushed deeper and thats when he orgasmed. A hand gripped his erection. It felt fleshy and warm, like a disembodied cock. Screaming, Neo sat up in his bed. Then the thing started squirming. "You are going to help us, Mr. He turned and saw Agent Smith smiling. She smacked her lips and Neo found himself rock-hard. Had it only been a dream? If they knew what I know, you would probably be dead. "You are the One, Neo. He was about to take a deep breath when the phone rang. You see, you may have spent the last few years looking for me, but Ive spent most of my life looking for you. "This line is tapped so I must be brief," Oneira said. He touched his mouth—it was right there. "Go to the Adams Street bridge. He rocked on his butt. "They got to you first, but theyve underestimated how important you are. "Do you still want to meet? He answers it, saying nothing.
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