brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
hi, y’all! my anxiety is so weird and horrible that i had to delete my re-do of my starter BUT i’m working on replying to the replies to it, regardless! don’t worry. i’m doing them slowly. however, i’m probably gonna post a new starter so that i can still get new interactions. if you want to plot with eric, please shoot me a message or something! i need new stuff for him, i think.
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
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Roy was leaned against his car, sipping his coffee and watching the town begin to come to life. It was always his favorite part of the day before heading down to the inn. The man passing by caught Roy’s eye– he’d seen this guy before and it took him a minute, but he was on TV whenever Roy went to see his parents. He must’ve spent too long looking at him to figure it out, when the man called him out. “Well, my mom’s a big fan but I don’t think she’s the kind of lady who’d want me to pay for someone’s name on some paper.” he shook his head.
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“Well, I respect that. I don’t know why you would.” Drawling, he informed the other male, “Though, believe me, there are people who would. It’s actually fun sometimes to get extra cash from it, but I just need some coffee and peace right now.” He shut his eyes and set the back of his hand on the lids. “Fucking sunlight,” he muttered. He was more grouchy than impolite; still, he figured, the stranger was probably thinking he was less cordial than expected of a fairly successful (by town standards) actor.
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
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MIRA  WAS  CHARMED  BY  THE  GIRL’S  ANSWER ,  and  she  joined  her  brother  in  the  light  round  of  applause .  “ well ,  i  suppose  you’re  right  about  that , ”  she  indulged ,  “ don’t  bite  the  hand  that  feeds  you ,  and  all  of  that . ”  mira  propped  a  hand  up  on  her  cocked  hip ,  shooting  him  with  an  over-exaggerated  glare .  “ you  ever  hear  that  saying  –  ‘ time  you  enjoy  wasting  is  not  wasted  time ’ ?  i  like  to  think  of  money  like  that . ”
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he couldn’t help pausing to give his two cents, ignoring the impatient glares of teenage eyes upon him as he did so. “money isn’t really the same as time, though, is it? i mean, it’s a concrete, tangible thing; so the effects of wasting it would be different from wasting an abstract notion such as time. though, i am humouring my 13-year-old sister by getting her a not-very-practical gift... so i don’t know if i’ve got the room to talk.” 
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
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“oh –,” gio falters, thoughtfully jingling the quarters in her hand. “actually i just thought you were a meter maid.” she gestures to the unpaid meter behind him, and her car beyond. she offers a winning smile and her fistful of change in lieu of recognition and ten bucks. “that’s about all i’ve got, if you need it. sorry – you are?”
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eric is taken aback, silent for a few moments. then, a smile almost overtakes his face, one he could barely constrain. “actually, you’re right about my profession. but we like to be called parking enforcement officers. and you know us millennials: anyone can be a celebrity. apparently, a video of me singing on my work station garnered some attention. but, now i know you don’t know me from that; have a good day, ma’am.” his grip tightened on the coins bestowed upon him. god, peace and quiet.
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
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TARON EGERTON for Vanity Fair Italy, May 2019
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
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                  “  i  don’t  carry  cash,  ”  she  returns  blithely,  with  a  quick  shrug  of  her  shoulders.   and  even  though  she  recognizes  eric  donoghue,  she  hadn’t  been  about  to  ask  for  an  autograph.   or  a  selfie,  which  she  supposed  would  be  a  more  modern  equivalent.   “  i  was  only  gonna  say  that  you  look  like  you  could  use  a  little  concealer  and  about  half  a  bottle  of  ibuprofen.   —   fun night ? ”
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he releases a small sigh of relief. “yeah, had an excellent night.” rubbing his eyelid lightly, he replies, “i probably could.” his masculinity is far from fragile, and he concedes to basic tenets of skincare and stuff like that. “but it’s not like i walk around carrying either. do you have some?” 
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
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      facial   features   quickly   deflate   into   a   frown,      ❝    i’m   reminiscing   here,   okay  ?    let   me   have   my   moment   .   ❞      throwing   rocks   at   the   lake,   he   says,   belittling   the   rare   free   time   he’s   managed   to   spend   relaxing .      to   chris,   it’s   more   than   that    – -    it’s   a   test   of   skill,   for   starters,   it   isn’t   as   easy   as   it   probably   appears   .     ❝   hey,   ❞       head   tips   back   slightly,   green   hues   lingering   on   the  male,        ❝   aren’t   you   the   guy   who’s   dating   meiying  ?   ❞
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“yeah,” responds eric. “why?” it’s not as though he’s worried about the fortitude of his relationship with mei, and he isn’t the type who would jeopardise her rapport with a possible colleague just to puff his chest in possessive jealousy. he has nothing to be insecure about, whether or not this other dude is interested in her. but he feels like “why do you care?” is a fair question to ask. “no one’s stopping you from having your moment, man. i’m just here to fish.”
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
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MIRA’S  EYEBROWS  QUIRKED  UP  IN  AMUSEMENT  at  the  stranger’s  bluntness .  unfazed ,  she  turned  around  to  look  for  the  object  he  had  pointed  out .  her  eyes  landed  on  it  quickly ,  and  she  took  it  off  the  shelf  before  turning  and  handing  it  carefully  to  the  younger  girl .  “ there  you  go ,  darlin’ , ”  she  said  with  a  smile ,  her  muted  louisiana  twang  peeking  out  a  little  more  with  the  term  of  endearment .  “what  do  you  think ,  hm ?  should  i  get  it ? ”  mira  asked  her  as  she  ran  a  hand  down  her  torso  to  straighten  the  lines  of  the  shirt .  she  looked  over  at  the  girl’s  brother  when  she  said ,  her  voice  teasing ,  “ i  think  i’d  trust  your  opinion  over  his  any  day . ”
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eric listened to his younger sister’s sesquipedalian reply —— words like pulchritudinous abounding —— before giving her a little round of applause. “she’s expanding her vocabulary,” he explained. “but i’m reasonably certain she’s trying to say she can’t really disagree with me, considering that i’m buying her that music box.” he laughed lightly. “money talks, unfortunately. she says it’s pretty, though. and thanks for this. feel free to waste your cash as you’d like.” he smiled, sincerely happy his sister was happy, and hoping that his last sentence didn’t strike the woman as rude, but rather a convivial jab.
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
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“uh, alright.” he doesn’t want to seem like he thinks the other male is kind of weird —— but he does think that. “have you just been throwing rocks at the lake by yourself?” it just sounds like a strange, unproductive way of spending one’s time to eric. at least when you’re fishing you get something to eat, which is precisely what he’s here for, fishing rod in hand and all.
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       for   the   moment   he’s   gone   back   in   time,   green   hues   had   fallen   into   a   contemplative   stare   on   calm   water’s   surface   .     old   sprigg   lake    …    keeper   of   countless   memories   .     like   his   very   first   kiss,   unexpected   and   awkward,   had   them   both   laughing   after   .     or   when   he   was    fishing   with   his   father,   and   there   was   aggressive   tugging    on    his   line    – -    reeled   in   the   first   one   he’d   ever   caught   .     thumb   absentmindedly   rolls   over   stone’s   perfectly   smooth   texture   before   blinking   out   of   his   thoughts   and   with   precision   his   grip   on   it   finally   releases,   sends   it   flying   toward   liquid   body   .     it   skips   across   the   top   not   once,   not   twice,   but   four   times   and   then   sinks   into   the   depths   .        ❝    still   got   it   .   ❞      proud   smirk   accompanies   words,   passing   a   satisfied   glance   to   his   company   .
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
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“dunno where your companion’s skipped off to, but i’m just hoping to take that old music box for my little sister.” eric gestured to a row of items that the blonde was obstructing, then to one of his siblings by his side. “i think you look great. but i also think you should save the money for something better. and also move out of the way, thanks.”
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MIRA  WAS  CONSTANTLY  ON  THE  VERGE  of  a  shopping  spree .  the  only  things  holding  her  back  at  any  given  time  were  the  sliver  of  restraint  she  had  half-heartedly  taught  herself  over  the  past  few  years ,  and  the  certainty  that  she  would  beat  herself  up  about  her  spending  as  soon  as  she  was  finished .  however ,  there  were  some  glorious  days  –  like  this  one  –  when  dates  would  line  up  and  she  would  receive  a  paycheck  from  more  than  one  of  her  students ,  forcing  her  resolve  to  slip .  she  stood  in  front  of  a  mirror  at  primrose’s  finds ,  angling  her  body  every  which  way  in  an  effort  to  decide  whether  or  not  she  liked  the  top  she  was  wearing  enough  to  buy  it .  torn ,  she  turned  to  the  person  nearest  to  her  and  asked ,  “ would  you  mind  telling  me  what  you  think  of  this ?  and ,  by  all  means ,  be  brutally  honest .  you  might  be  saving  me  some  money . ”
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
☾ ▹ ° ⋅ taron egerton / thirty / cis male ; have you had the chance to meet eric donoghue ? he has lived in old sprigg for thirty years, gaining a reputation for being quite pragmatic, solicitous, curmudgeonly & abrasive. this heterosexual pisces can be found around bullfrog brewery and he works as a soap opera actor. most people tend to associate him with treating his younger siblings to ice cream and wearing dumb backwards snapback caps.
hi, everyone ! i don’t know why making this intro post took me forever ( that executive dysfunction feel ig ) but information about this spiritual Grumpy Old Man eric is under the cut !!!! note: i’m really sleep-deprived & tired rn so this will be all over the place and i don’t have a gif right now for the same reasons lol
he’s from a pretty big family. he’s a middle child. they grew up in this town. he’s been in old sprigg for all his life.
creating films/tv shows has been a dream of his for a long time. he probably did some sort of film course in university, although i’m still unsure.
he’s a creative sort of person, yet at the same time thoroughly practical. it’s both a nature and nurture thing: he was blessed enough to be a grounded, down-to-earth man by nature, but growing up with financial problems within the family certainly helped mould him into the pragmatist that he is.
that said, his solution for his family’s financial problems was rather unorthodox: he grabbed the chance to get into local soap operas, audition for them. he was successful. i mean, he’s smart, but he’s not boring. it may be an unusual solution, but it was one that presented itself to him. he would’ve just been stupid if he didn’t take it.
he’s just turned thirty, but you could liken his personality a bit like to a senior citizen’s lmao
it’s not even that he’s an old soul, he’s just surly. i know pisces have a repute for being very emotional but this man (a pisces) honestly strikes some people as Stone-Cold a lot of the time
he is, however, in fact a deeply caring guy. he always buys his siblings ice cream and toys and stuff. (his love for his family def is a factor in why he wants kids so badly wnjfnjnd HE’S DAD MATERIAL OK)
his temperament is largely the opposite of the melodramatic stuff in the tv series he stars in. they’re exaggerated af and eric is really chill. he’s like the most normal person in the acting industry and i mean that in the sense that he’s candid, is fairly phlegmatic, doesn’t put on airs, and is dependable. stable. his vibe is more or less the vibe of this song if it makes any sense lmao
that said, he loves a good beer and the dancefloor (even if he’s not v good at the dancing) which is why you can find him hanging out with his friends (and gf?) at the bullfrog brewery a lot.
ending this w/ some Amazing pics of his fc for reference that are literally just eric’s irl aesthetic. (pray 4 him bc his snapback/baseball cap collection grows exponentially by the second)
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brghtglcw-blog · 5 years
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TARON EGERTON photographed by Lorenzo Agius (2018)
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