brhiohialue4 · 11 months
Should we as a fandom collectively decide to step away from Vat7K and push for something completely different? Now don’t run off to grab your torches and pitchforks just yet. This isn’t a hate post. I just think it would be kinda fun to have a big discussion on the subject.
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brhiohialue4 · 1 year
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BurnYumi Week Prompts
July 11: After a Long Day
July 12: Honeymoon
July 13: Pushed to Her Limits
July 14: Training
July 15: Life or Death
July 16: After the War
July 17: Free Day
Fanfics, edits, AMVs, etc are allowed. NSFW material will be labelled as such.
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brhiohialue4 · 2 years
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I just want Norman to be happy.
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brhiohialue4 · 2 years
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I don’t know what I’m doing with my life anymore 😆 😆 😆
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brhiohialue4 · 2 years
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TPN ship dynamics in a nutshell
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brhiohialue4 · 2 years
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Another Dr Stone modern AU mostly related to ChromexRuri and Ginro is wingman.
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brhiohialue4 · 2 years
My chibi Dr Stone!!
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brhiohialue4 · 2 years
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Ruri x Chrome (Modern AU) Confess Feeling. My OTP😍❤ in Dr STONE!!
I'm still busy as fucc with my commissions and another proj. But I able finish this not-so-clean comic in a day.
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brhiohialue4 · 2 years
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Flowers for boys.
Inspired from second opening Dr. STONE.
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brhiohialue4 · 2 years
Lost Prince and trapped Princess - Senku x Ruri
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Today I would like to talk about a very special relationship which includes Senku and Ruri. Can we for a tiny bit of time forget about Senku x Gen, Senku x Kohaku and Chrome x Ruri? I will go back to that but can we forget about surroundings and focus on moments with Ruri and Senku? I think I found few interesting things about their relationship.
First of all - Ruri is REALLY romantic lady and she is only person who can points out with 100% accuracy ALL moments when Senku was being soft and nice to other people. Of course she isn’t only person who can notice that Senku is actually nice but many times people can mistake him being nice for having nasty hidden motive behind it.
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First time Ruri heard about Senku was in 100th Tale. She thought it was very powerful and very kind story. That pretty much tells all about Senku because he is incredibly skilled while also very kind. Maybe not everyone noticed but Ruri was blushing while listening to this Tale. I’m willing to bet it is her favorite Tale. The fact that it was secret Tale only for priestess made it more special for her. Ruri also knew Senku isn’t fictional character but real person. He was presented in Tale like Prince which granted wishes and will come back in the future to save people. It was so many years ago and I don’t know if she believed Senku will come back during her lifetime but she probably believed he will come back someday. We all remember having crushes in princes and other fictional characters. (haha and it continues for me) What if Ruri actually had that type of crush in Senku? Girls really wish to meet their princes in real life. We know that Chrome in some ways is similar to Senku. What if one of reasons Ruri fall for Chrome was him fitting her image of Senku?
But going back to Ruri and Senku relationship after they met. Let me show you few moments when Ruri knew Senku is being soft or there is potential that Senku might get soft and Ruri knew how to organized space for that.
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Ruri shared 100th story with most of the people after Senku showed up but she didn’t share all of it. She took Senku away from everyone knowing rest of the story is really personal. She thought only Senku should hear this private part. Ruri already knew Senku wouldn’t feel comfortable hearing this while standing in big group.
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Ruri is really good in reading situation. Even if Senku created little lie she was able to read that he actually needed some alone time. She respected that and went back to the village. Ruri probably just felt in how much pain Senku is. After turning back there are already tears gathering in her eyes. Ruri is really empathic. This night both of them felt really vulnerable. 
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Cotton Candy given to Homura was situation which not everyone was able to read Senku’s true reason. Even Gen who is mentalist sadly failed in noticing Senku being soft. Almost all the people took Senku’s joke as truth beside one person - Ruri.
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Ruri saw right thorugh Senku being soft and just wanting to be nice to Homura because she was ordered to hang out in the forest alone so he wanted to give her reason to feel better. Ruri was also watching the moon probably remembering 100th Tale.
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Ruri also gathered people to help with building observatory for Senku. He pretty much saved her life so of course she would be onboard in any plan about doing something nice for Senku.
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Ruri wasn’t excited about heaing voices of founders of the village. She was more moved by idea of Senku getting chance to talk to his father even if he is no longer part of this world. She felt really happy for Senku.
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To sum some things up about Ruri and Senku relationship I would like to share some ideas that could happen if some events were changed. We know Senku is too much of a Best Bro to let Chrome watch him being husband of love of his life so he divorced Ruri really fast. But I actually would like idea of Senku being Ruri’s husband for a bit longer time. Maybe to create some drama since it wouldn’t be nice for Chrome and Kohaku watch them be together while them having crushes on them. There could have been some awkward moments and possible wholesome moments between Senku and Ruri. They could have take divorce after long private talk about their true feelings. 
I believe Senku would take role of husband in serious and responsible way. He would be able to guarantee comfortable life for Ruri but the problem is that he would be honest about being unable to love her back in romantic way. He would act more like husband friend to her - hugs and sleeping in one bed would be fine but no kisses and sexual contact. He wouldn’t force her on him or himself on her. They would keep some distance.
But what if Ruri never fall for Chrome and kept her crush on Senku from 100th Tale? Would she fall for Senku? That’s very possible. She understands how nice person Senku is. Senku winning Ground Bout in that situation and saving her life? Ohh I think she would fall hard for Senku and she would be actually really happy to marry him. Of course Senku would still be this husband friend type even if Chrome wasn’t in love with Ruri. He still is interested in Science more and Ruri would respect that. I could see her spending time with Senku to bond with him over Science and 100 Tales and what they knew about the world. Maybe after some time Senku would actually develop feelings for her and they would become loving husband and wife. Senku isn’t mushy type but he was his ways of showing that he cares about other person and Ruri being really romantic lady would cherish every moment of that.
Of course my favorite Senku ship with girl is Senku x Kohaku because they spend more time together and they have really good dynamic and it’s possible that this ship will be canon by the end of story but if I could pick second best choice with saying big sorry to Chrome I would pick Senku x Ruri ship because of how special their relationship is and potential for this ship. Senku and Ruri would be story about lost Prince arriving to kingdom to save Princess stuck in one place because of bad spell slowly killing Princess.
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brhiohialue4 · 3 years
Fandom : Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
Título : Hasta el final
Shipp : NaoPthalia - Iwatani Naofumi / Raphtalia
Audiencia : Adolescente / Apto para todo público
Otras etiquetas : Drabble , Sweet
Fragmento :
Ella lo seguiría hasta el final , incluso hasta su último momento en este otro mundo .
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Créditos de imagen a quien corresponda
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brhiohialue4 · 3 years
Fandom : Dr. STONE
Título : Iniciativa
Shipp : StanXeno - Stanley Snyder / Xeno Houston Wingfield
Audiencia : Adolescente / Apto para todo público
Fragmento :
Stan definitivamente estaba un poco molesto , por qué Xeno nunca intentaba dar el primer paso .
Por eso mismo , dejaría que el albino , diera la primera intención de acercamiento .
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La imagen de la portada no es nuestra , créditos al autor correspondiente .
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brhiohialue4 · 3 years
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the last chapter gave me Thoughts and one of them led to this
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brhiohialue4 · 3 years
Título : La dama de la noche
Shipp : KiAne - King | Harlequin / Diane
Audiencia : Apto para todo público
Fragmento : Adentrarse en ese bosque fue en parte demasiado extraño , conocerla a ella una salvación .
Pero irse de ahí y luego no saber por qué quería regresar , fue aterrador .
Mientras vagaba en el bosque en medio de la noche .
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brhiohialue4 · 3 years
Demasiado Cannon , deberían confirmarlo ya que siempre se lanzan miradas
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“looking when the other isn’t looking” senku edition
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brhiohialue4 · 3 years
Título - Mafia
Anime - Dr. STONE
Pareja - HyoKyo (Hyouga×Ukyo)
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