briangoodwinca · 5 years
5 Drugs that Dramatically Change Your Face
5 Drugs that Dramatically Change Your Face
Substance abuse can cost you everything. Your job, money, home, friends, family and self. But, the most noticeable impact of addiction, is how it changes a person’s face.
The tragic result of substance abuse ranges from decayed teeth, skin scabs, and more.  These, along with other body changes, will be etched into their bodies for years.
Here’s how different drugs can change the look of a person with an addiction.
Meth is one of the most visibly destructive drugs, along with one of Canada’s deadliest drugs. People who use the drug are prone to facial sores, teeth decay, weight loss and accelerated aging. Methamphetamine also causes itching due to drying skin.
The most significant effects of cocaine abuse are an inflamed nose. It’s common to see cocaine users with reddish noses that are inflamed all the time. On top of that, cocaine abuse leads to significant loss of appetite, malnutrition and weight loss. Users will tend to have runny nose, septum erosion and look quite week and frail.
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Heroin causes flushing and rashing of red bumps all over a user’s body. Overtime, it causes weight loss, skin abscesses, cellulite and scabs. The scabs are caused by constantly picking dry skin. Heroin addicts lose the radiance in their skin as well, which causes them to look dull and wasted. This is because the drug lowers a user’s blood pressure and heart rate. When the blood supply is reduced, skin and nails become bluish and flushed. Heroin addicts also will have saggy skin.
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Oxycodone mainly causes bloodshot eyes which makes users look tired and drowsy all the time. The drug makes the skin look flushed and causes weight gain because users tend to form an inconsistent appetite. Addicts often start aging quickly.
Alcoholics tend to have dry looking skin because alcohol dehydrates the body leaving the skin looking dry. Over time, this causes a condition called rosacea, a skin disorder that induces frequent blushing and flushing. As alcohol is consumed, it opens blood vessels, which causes bloating and redness. This will disfigure a user’s face over time.
Substance abuse causes unwanted bodily changes. No matter how often a drug is considered harmless, there are always side effects.
If you or a loved one are showing any of these symptoms, call us today for treatment.
Photos and Gif: Rehabs.com
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
6 Items to Avoid in a Recovering Addict’s Home
Items to Avoid in a Recovering Addicts Home
There are plenty of items in the house that can be used to get high that many people don’t know about. For people in early recovery, getting back to a normal life can be difficult and challenging, which may result in a relapse. But there are ways to minimize urges and triggers around your home.
Family Support at Home
Having drugs, alcohol, or a bar/wine cabinet in your house may not be a good idea for someone early in recovery. It’s best to replace a bar with other furniture and/or lock up alcohol.
It may feel that this sends a message of mistrust to a recovering addict, but you’re helping them succeed.
Bath Salts
Most people use bath salts to relax in a nice hot bath after a long day. Which is fine, however, bath salts contain mephedrone or methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV). MDPV is an ingredient that can cause a high like that of meth.
Consider other products for your baths such as bubble bath, fragrant soaps/lotions.
Prescription Drugs
Prescriptions can easily substitute a person’s drug of choice to get high. Common anti-anxiety medications such as Xanax and Valium and pain medications like Vicodin can be dangerous for a recovering addict.
Invest a small safe or lock to keep your medication out of sight. This is not to shame an addict, but to protect their sobriety.
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Over the Counter Medications
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are inexpensive, easy to buy, and are found frequently in everyone’s home. But they can be threatening to someone’s sobriety.
Take cough syrup for example. Most syrups contain Dextromethorphan, which in small doses is fine, but large quantities can cause a disorienting and potentially dangerous highs like phencyclidine (PCP).
Anti-Allergy Medications
Diphenhydramine is a common active ingredient in OTC antihistamines.
One common side effect for people using them is drowsiness. A recovering addict may use the drug excessively as a sleep aid or to calm down.
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  Kitchen Seasoning
There are many dangerous foods lurking in your spice cabinet.
For example, vanilla contains ethanol, which is like alcohol. In fact, vanilla contains 35% ethanol, which is enough to cause terrible stomach pain and respiratory distress when consumed.
Nutmeg is another dangerous ingredient. If someone eats five teaspoons of nutmeg, they can be high for up to two days.
After a few hours of consuming the warm, woodsy spice, people experience auditory hallucinations. Since it takes hours to kick in, people often overdose as well.
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Items such as rubber cement, nail polish remover, paint thinner, aerosol cans, canned air for computer cleaning, hair spray and cooking spray are used daily. However, these inhalants are dangerous.
Inhalants interfere with the cardiovascular system causing Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome.
Sniffing substances gives users a rush of adrenaline that can cause cardiac arrest and die.
There’s no doubt that vitamins and herbs are a great part of a recovery regimen, good nutrition, and overall heal, but herbal supplements are entirely a different matter. Some herbs have stimulant or sedative properties.
For example, the herb Valerian is used for sleep and anxiety disorders can cause people feeling sluggish and unable to operate machinery.
Always read the label to the products you buy to ensure they are safe for you and your loved ones. Keeping potentially problematic products out of your home and the home of a recovering addict will allow for them to maintain their sobriety, stay healthy, and happy.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
How to Help Someone on Crystal Meth
How to Help Someone on Crystal Meth
Crystal meth (methamphetamine) is a highly addictive drug that speeds up parts of the brain and the body’s functions. People who use meth usually smoke or inject it to get high faster than if they snorted or swallowed it.
A high from crystal meth can last over 10 hours but coming down can take days or weeks. Each user has a variety of different reactions while being on and off the drug, that’s why medical detox is so vital for their safety.
Here are some tips on how to help someone calm down from crystal meth.
Stay Calm
A person on crystal meth often experiences paranoia, hallucinations and confusion. They also can be short-tempered, aggressive, irritable, and panicky, which makes them very unpredictable.
If they are high and having a bad reaction, keep your voice calm and steady, give them space and move bystanders such as children away from them.
Give them water and food
Meth causes a lot of sweating, which can lead to dehydration. Encourage the user to drink water, slowly and in small sips. Water also keeps a user’s lips moist and reduces cracks, blisters and risk of infection.
Eating a bit of food will also help them sleep better as they come down.
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Be supportive
While someone is coming down on meth, make sure they remain and calm. This will allow them to feel safe and minimize any panic they have. Tell your loved one that they will be okay and what they’re experiencing will pass.
You will want to also take them to a quiet place to rest while coming down.
It may be a difficult, heart-breaking, and shocking time, but it’s not a time to argue. You need to ensure the safety of everyone around you.
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Have a calm two-way conversation
With that in mind, you will want to choose a time to talk to a crystal meth addict when they aren’t using. If the user wants to talk about their addiction, try to listen to them without interrupting, judging or becoming upset.
Once they are done, repeat what they said in a calm voice, this helps to see that you’ve understood them.
Don’t ask too many questions
Meth seriously damages the brain, which can result in users feeling very confused, irritable, aggressive, depressed and even suicidal. While talking to someone on or coming down from meth, it’s vital to not ask many questions to keep them calm and focused.
Use the person’s name and constantly reassure them that they are safe and being listened to.
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You may feel hopeless or desperate for an immediate solution, however becoming sober and long-term change takes time.
It’s important to keep everyone around the user to stay safe. Finding support through family and therapy will help everyone start to heal. If your loved one is thinking of treatment, contact us today.
    As always, in the case of an emergency, call 911 if your loved one is having any breathing issues, passes out, experiences a seizure, racing heartbeat and chest pain.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/uncategorized/how-to-help-someone-on-meth/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/184229911039
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
Adult Child of Addicts: The Effects on Them Growing Up
Adult Child of Addicts: The Effects on Them Growing Up
Even though it may have been a long time ago; what you had to do, in order to survive growing up with a parent struggling with an addiction, could be affecting your ability to lead a full and rich life now.
Emotional Withdrawal
Parents who are addicted to drugs or alcohol go through emotional withdrawal. As the addiction sets in, people don’t see the real world clearly and begin to focus more on their substance of choice.
A result in classic addiction patterns are patterns of narcissism and manipulation. But, with a dependent, they draw away because the person can’t experience emotions as deeply. This impacts a child’s development, especially if they are very young. Children often withdraw, are unable to talk about their emotions, and become quite stressed.
Psychological Damage
Parents with addictions are more likely to adopt harsher parenting styles, are prone to physical and emotional abuse, even accidental, and tend to not be present.
This creates an environment where the child takes care of themselves, adapts parenting-like roles, and experience trauma and stress, which can cause lifelong psychological damage and disorders such as depression, inhibition problems, higher risk of addiction and social behavioral problems.
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Children of addicts usually face trauma including instability, car accidents, violence, domestic abuse, parental mood swings, parents overdosing, breaking the law and so forth. Even in households with high-functioning addicts, children still will suffer from trauma.
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Changing Family Hierarchy and Roles
Several changes inside a family dynamic occur due to addictions. For example, addiction causes less parental attention, even if one parent isn’t using because they must take care of the addicted parent. As a result, children are left upset, without guidance, and are likely to act out.
Family roles become more damaged when both parents struggle with addiction. The children are forced to take on responsibilities for themselves, caring for their parents, doing housework and cooking/cleaning, and taking care of their other siblings.
Higher Risk of Addiction
A child who grows up in a household with an addict is more likely to form an addiction and suffer from trauma. This is a crucial and important factor in addiction. Children of addicts are frequently exposed to a drug or alcohol, seeing it used, having access to it, which makes them more likely to try the substance on their own.
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    Break the Cycle
If you or your partner is an addict, you are actively hurting your children. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Contact us for treatment for yourself, your partner, and family.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
5 Tips on Talking to Your Kids about Addictions
Tips on Talking to Your Kids about Addictions
Young people are surrounded by alcohol and drugs through social media, their day-to-day activities and from the entertainment industry. It’s hard to filter it out, that’s why many parents and caregivers worry about what their children’s teen years will bring.
There are many things that can make your kids more vulnerable to problems caused by substance use.
Here are some tips to help you keep your children informed.
You’re the influencer
You’re the top dog and main influencer in your child’s life. Most teens report their behavior is influenced by how they were raised. So even though you may see eyes rolling, the message you give your children sticks with them. It’s important to model your behavior for your teenager. Children take cues from the choices you make about substance use. So, it’s safe to say, not to use excessively in front of them.
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Don’t forget to listen
As a parent, it’s easy to swing into lecture mode when talking to your teens about important subjects. However, your children are more likely to come to you for support if you listen to them in a non-judgmental way. Let your children know that even though you may not agree with them, you understand their opinion.
Trust your Instincts
You know your children the best. If you suspect they are using drugs or alcohol, confront your concern with them. Focus on talking about a change in behavior, hobbies, overall health that you’ve noticed. Do this in a respectful, caring, and calm way. It most likely will be an uncomfortable conversation, but it could be the best intervention.
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  You need to keep informed
Since ‘fake news,’ there has been a lot of misinformation about many things, including alcohol and drugs. Use trustworthy sources to sort out the myths from the facts. Remember, you don’t have to have all the answers to your children’s questions, but you can do some research together. This also can have more of an impact on how your teen absorbs information.
You’ll need to find a way to talk about it
It can be difficult to talk about alcohol and drugs use with your children. What makes it easier is using other influences in their lives as a starting point. Relate to the movies, music, news stories, and ads to start the conversation. Ask your child what their thoughts are and share your own. Be open and listen to your teen’s questions.
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If you need suspect your child is having mental health issues or problems with alcohol or drugs, you can call our 24/7 helpline.
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  Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/uncategorized/5-tips-on-talking-to-your-kids-about-addictions/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/184063801089
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
Global News Winnipeg: How Aurora Recovery Centre Changes Lives
Global News Winnipeg: How Aurora Recovery Centre Changes Lives
Ian Rabb (Director of Business Development) and Aurora Recovery Centre Alumni Jonny share their stories of recovery on Global News Morning in Winnipeg. Ian touches on how Aurora Recovery Centre (ARC) has been addressing addictions and mental health with a holistic approach, along with how Aurora helps those who use meth. Jonny shares his experience on getting clean and sober at Aurora and how it helped give him direction and the ability to give back to his community.
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from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/blog/global-news-how-aurora-recovery-centre-can-change-lives-around-2/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183944319369
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
Global News: How Aurora Recovery Centre can change lives around
Global News Winnipeg: How Aurora Recovery Centre can change lives around
Ian Rabb and Aurora Alumni Jonny share their stories of recovery on Global News Morning in Winnipeg. Rabb touches on how Aurora Recovery Centre (ARC) has been addressing addictions and mental health with a holistic approach, along with how we treat people who use meth. Jonny shares his experience getting clean and sober at ARC and how it helped give him direction and the ability to give back to his community.
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from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/blog/global-news-how-aurora-recovery-centre-can-change-lives-around/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183942580424
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
5 Benefits of Acupuncture for People in Addiction Recovery
5 Benefits of Acupuncture for People in Addiction Recovery
At Aurora Recovery Centre (ARC) and ARC Counselling we offer acupuncture along with other alternative therapies to help people in recovery. Now, acupuncture is not a cure for addiction, but it is a tool many people can use in their recovery.
Here are five benefits of using acupuncture in your holistic relapse prevention plan.
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5-point Ear Acupuncture for Addiction Recovery
The 5-point treatment involves placing five needles into different points in each outer ear and leaving them in place for about 30 minutes.
The points calm the nervous system, aids relaxation, reduces anxiety and nervousness. They also support the healing of your organs, along with helping detox and purify the blood.
One point, the lung point, allows people to let go of grief and increases air circulation.
Helps with detoxification, blood purification and managing aggression.
Here are five benefits of using acupuncture in your holistic relapse prevention plan.
Manages chronic or acute pain without medication
People in recovery need to be careful of taking certain medication to manage pain so they don’t relapse. This makes it difficult to effectively relieve their chronic or acute pain. Acupuncture is widely used to help people with their pain because it naturally stimulates the body’s pain-killing centers.
Improves sleep
Studies have proven that acupuncture treats insomnia without using potentially addictive medications. For people in recovery, sleeping problems are quite common, but it’s vital to take care of your body and mind to minimize the risk of relapse.
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Sleeping Better in Recovery
Grounding Techniques that Reduce Stress
Reduces stress
In the early stages of recovery, managing cravings is challenging.  Using the different points above help reduce and manage those cravings.
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  Overcome depression
Recent research shows that acupuncture can be used as an alternative medicine to treat depression. Substance abuse and co-occurring mental health issues often go together. By managing the underlying mental health disorders, you can have more chance at a successful recovery.
Stress and anxiety relief
People in recovery need to find healthy ways to manage and relieve stress. Acupuncture can be integrated with an overall stress management plan, allowing someone to stay calm and grounded.
    The benefits of acupuncture help maintain a well-rounded recovery. However, it is not a be all, end all. If you or a loved one is suffering with an addiction, contact Aurora Recovery Centre or ARC Counselling today.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/uncategorized/5-benefits-of-acupuncture-for-people-in-recovery/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183919684374
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
5 Simple Tips for Managing Triggers in Recovery
5 Simple Tips for Managing Triggers in Recovery
Completing treatment for an addiction is a triumph, but the real work starts as soon as you walk out the door. Recovery is a life-long commitment to living free from drugs and alcohol.
During your recovery, you will experience cravings, the need to numb out or escape, and perhaps even to feel something else than you are currently feeling.
Triggers come in many different forms: people, events, emotions. So, what can you do in these situations?
Here are some tips for tackling triggers during recovery.
Identify your personal triggers
Everyone is different; thus, their triggers will be too. Some triggers can be seeing someone else drunk or high, getting paid, the end of a long day or work week, arguments, or plain boredom. Make a list to highlight your triggers, it’ll help realize what’s happening if you start to feel triggered or have an urge to slip out of your recovery.
Know what works for you
Don’t think that triggers and cravings are not a real part of recovery. Instead, realize what your triggers are, and stay open to anything that may surprise you. Create a plan for when you feel yourself being triggered.
Practice your plan
The old saying of “practice makes perfect” goes together with overcoming your triggers. To save yourself from a rough day, temporary lapse, or full relapse back to substance abuse, try role-playing. Even if it’s just with yourself in the mirror. Practicing what you will do when you feel like using again will help to ensure for a successful life in recovery
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Take care of yourself
Eating well and sleeping well will help you handle triggers more easily. Having a balanced diet, work-life, and enough rest will also help you be aware of your emotions. Taking action but not reacting to your triggers gets you back into the driver’s seat. Remember H.A.L.T. Tired? Rest. Hungry? Eat. Upset? Talk to a loved one. Lonely? Reach out.
Don’t test yourself
There’s no need to test yourself. If you know walking by a bar will trigger you, for example, don’t walk by a bar to see if your recovery is as strong as you believe it to be. When you pinpoint your current triggers, are aware of what you are working with, practice a plan, and take care of yourself, you are managing your triggers.
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Recovery is a long road, but it is a chance to form new relationships, new hobbies, and a new life. If you need any assistance during your recovery, call our 24/7 hotline.
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  Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/uncategorized/5-tips-for-managing-triggers/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183892240529
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
The Benefits of Meditation for Veterans and People with PTSD
The Benefits of Meditation for Veterans and People with PTSD
New research proves regular meditation helped improve the wellbeing of military members (active and those who previously served).
Based on spirituality, meditation affects a person’s wellness in a specific way. But, there are other health benefits attached to it as well.
Some research says regular meditation increases the quality of life for someone suffering from chronic pain and manages stress to help cancer patients cope with their illness.
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What is Mindfulness meditation?
Mindfulness meditation trains the mind to focus on the present. There are multiple meditative techniques which can be used to achieve this. It also helps with pain management.
Alleviating Stress
The Globe and Mail reported: “According to a RAND Corporation analysis, more than 18 percent of soldiers returning from Iraq received a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or depression at a VA health care center. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is just as common.”
Research also says that veterans may have chronic memory disturbances, avoid things related to the traumatic event, hyperarousal and negative emotions.
If untreated, people will have other psychological conditions that will affect their daily life.
Meditation Increases Recovery Time
In a 2011 study, conducted by UC San Diego School of Medicine and the Naval Health Research Centre, marine units completed operational challenges in close-quarters combat situations. Half of the participants received mindfulness training for 8 weeks. They demonstrated a more potent response to stress followed by a quicker recovery compared to those who didn’t.
Increases the Quality of Life
In a 2013 study conducted by Carolyn McManus of the VA Puget Sound and the Swedish Cancer Institute with veterans to see if her loving kindness program helps improve people’s perception of themselves.  The program makes someone picture themselves sending positive thoughts of themselves and others.
Her study lasted 12 weeks with 42 participants and consisted of multiple questionnaires. It found that there was a dramatic decrease in depression and stress, along with an increase in self-compassion and mindfulness.
A follow-up study shows veterans who meditate had high levels of pleasant emotions and self-acceptance, which resulted in an increase of their quality of life.
Carolyn McManus has been teaching mindfulness and loving kindness meditation at VA Puget Sound and the Swedish Cancer Institute in Seattle for over a decade. In loving kindness, “you picture yourself sending thoughts of positive intention to yourself, your loved ones, strangers, and even those who may have done harm,” says McManus. “You forgive and wish others well.”
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    Last year, Aurora Recovery Centre (ARC) treated 21 military/veterans.
At ARC, we treat military personal, veterans, and people who suffer from PTSD. We use a variety of different therapies, including meditation to help people cope with their mental and health issues. If you need help, contact us today.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/uncategorized/meditation-and-the-military/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183750609799
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
Everything to know about Spiritual Bypassing: What It Is, Why It’s Harmful, And What to Do About It
Everything to know about Spiritual Bypassing: What It Is, Why It’s Harmful, And What to Do About It
What do you think about when you hear the word ‘spirituality’? For some, they picture golden Buddhas, blooming gardens, blissful nature scenes, breathtaking temples, stunning sunsets and other relaxing images.
But what is it?
We tend to believe spirituality is linked to transcendence, heightened states of being, deep levels of joy and happiness, and deep inner peace.
Even though all of this is true, many of us become distracted and trapped by these attractive images, avoiding the more painful and exhausting side.
Spirituality isn’t all about love and light as many people may think.
To find your light and live enlightened is also about dealing with hardships such as false beliefs. It’s about surrendering to the destruction of anything limiting your every thought and feelings.
In short, it’s not always pretty. In fact, it’s can be shattering and testing, but you will emerge with a new pure, clear life.
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What do you do if you find yourself Spiritually Bypassing?
We all avoid, disavow or project on others throughout our lives when dealing with any kind of negativity. It’s human nature, but we must remember that we are continuously aiming for goals in our lives.
It’s our nature to aim for progress and perfection. However, we tend to rush to meet our goals instead of tackling them slowly.
Is it bad to have a bad feeling?
There is no such thing as a “bad” emotion. Throughout our lives, we will have strong feelings of anger, greed, jealously, pain, anxiety, and so forth. None of which are bad.
Any feeling we have contains key information for us to learn how to express they are only telling us that something need to be looked at, and tolerate things in life. We must accept these feelings, analyze them, and use our findings to move forward with our lives. Doing so, will allow us to get closer to a spiritual awakening.
What is it?
Spiritual bypassing is a form of avoidance that rewards us with a false feeling of security and happiness. It undermines our deeper path of self-growth and transformation.
Happy is not about what the world gives you, happiness is what you think about what the world gives you. Happiness is equal to, or greater than the difference between the way you see the events of your life and your expectation of how life should behave. So if life meets your expectation, you’re happy.
We mix two states, one of them is happiness and the other fun. Happiness is that peaceful. Contentment feeling of, I like the world as it is right now; Fun is the modern world’s replacement of happiness.
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Can you find your process?
To become aware of your spiritual bypassing, you must address the patterns around it. Ideally, tracking when you feel you are doing it in the moment will help in the long run.
You must be curious and ask yourself what feels hard about acknowledging the anger, rage, fear or jealous in certain situations.
Once you can answer this, you can start the process of avoiding spiritual bypassing.
“Spiritual bypassing is a very persistent shadow of spirituality, manifesting in many forms, often without being acknowledged.” – R. Augustus
  How can you embody yourself?
Working on yourself to feel more in your daily life will allow you to skip spiritual bypassing. Focus on what you’ve denied yourself of spiritually and emotionally. If something really irritates you, ask why it bothers you.
Uncovering and understanding yourself is a lifelong journey. It may be easy to say be yourself, but it’s different to know who you truly are.
Going forward, ask yourself, “how can you be yourself if you don’t know that self?” This will allow you to start the process of avoiding spiritual bypassing.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/uncategorized/everything-to-know-about-spiritual-bypassing/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183702637689
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
5 of the Deadliest Drugs in Canada During Opioid Crisis
5 of the Deadliest Drugs in Canada During Opioid Crisis
Increasing crime rates, overwhelmed health care, overdoses and death are still skyrocketing due to the opioid crisis. While the deaths are either typically linked to it, there are other drugs that can be as deadly. Some even legal.
Despite being legal, alcohol can still be very dangerous. In Canada, nearly 80,000 people were hospitalized for alcohol-linked conditions from 2016 to 2017 compared to 77,000 who were admitted for heart attacks.
Long-term excessive drinking causes major damage to the heart, liver, pancreas, and stomach.
Alcohol also can be very addictive leading to fatal poisoning after binge drinking. Alcohol poisoning causes confusion, vomiting, seizures, slow and irregular breathing, and unconsciousness.
While young adults are known to party and binge drink more often, most deaths from alcohol poisoning deaths happen to middle-aged men.
In a 2017 report, alcohol remains to be the most used substance in Canada.
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Crystal Meth
With the rise of the crystal meth crisis, there has been a noticeable increase in the crime rate, especially where the drug is produced or commonly used.
Since the beginning of 2018 over 2 million needles have been given out in Manitoba, according to the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA).
Meth causes infections such as HIV, Hepatitis C and B, and syphilis. Using the drug can induce psychosis which can lead people into unsafe places and situations. Last year there was an unprecedent 1,200% increase in meth users going to the hospitals, according to the WRHA.
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The list of what kind of opioids there are seems endless including prescriptions and street drugs. Some people start with a prescription after surgery, chronic pain or broken bones. However, if they are prone to addictive tendencies, they can develop dependence. Once prescription users find it too difficult or expensive to feed their addiction, they tend to turn to street drugs.
Between January and June of 2018, 2,066 people died due to opioids in Canada. Ninety four percent of that was accidental.
Since the crisis started, over 9,000 people have died. Meth, fentanyl, and heroin are the top drugs driving recent overdose data.
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As part of the opioid crisis, more than 4,000 people died from using fentanyl in 2017.
Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more powerful than morphine and is often taken with other recreational drugs.
The main danger of the drug is that people usually don’t know exactly how much they are taking or if they are taking it at all, resulting to accidental overdose.
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Drug and Alcohol Addiction: Choice or Disease?
Despite having a generally low usage rate in Canada, it is responsible for the highest costs to the country’s criminal justice system following alcohol.
Over time, the drug causes high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, strokes and heart attack. Many users mix it with other substances such as alcohol, sedatives and heroin.
Get Help
There is no easy fix to resolving the opioid crisis or to curb the impact of addiction has on our country and its citizens.
Substances effect everyone in their daily lives: crime, health care, friends, family, education, public safety, policy making, government funding.
If you know anyone struggling, get them the help they need today! Contact Aurora Recovery Centre.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/uncategorized/5-of-the-deadliest-drugs-in-canada-during-opioid-crisis/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183570745504
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
5 Signs Your Loved One May Need Rehab
5 Signs Your Loved One May Need Rehab
At Aurora Recovery Centre, we understand that everyone is different. We have a different past, needs and goals. People with addictions and co-occuring mental health disorders need custom treatment plans to help them heal and connect with others to experience the gift of recovery for life.
However, many people living with addictions avoid the formal care that rehab provides and try to get better on their own. Which, can be extremely difficult.
Here are some telltale signs to look for with someone you know that needs help.
Your loved one’s drug of choice is their main priority
As addiction progresses, people’s true selves starts to fade away along with their interests, hobbies and daily activities. If the substance use consumes their thoughts throughout the day, and they increase the amount of time, effort and resources to acquire their drug of choice, they may be an addict.
If you notice that someone you know is starting to isolate themselves from their friends and family, this is a telltale sign of addiction. Addiction doesn’t just stem from habitual substance abuse either. There are psychological symptoms and side effects as well.
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Their health is crumbling
Depending on someone’s drug of choice, there are specific side effects both mentally and physically.
Physical health consequences can be mild or fatal, depending on how long someone has been using, the amount of time they’ve been taking the drug, and what the drug is.
Most drugs alter a user’s mental state. People with addictions may form anxiety, depression, and even experience symptoms of psychosis. If you notice a drastic change in someone’s behaviour or physical health, it’s vital you get them help as soon as possible.
Aurora Recovery Centre is one of the only facilities in Canada that has 24/7 detox, with doctors, nurses, therapists, and counsellors on site at all times and continuously monitors and treats our members’ mental, physical and spiritual health.
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Their tolerance makes them use excessive amounts
When someone begins taking a drug, they aren’t used to the effects, so they may feel at their “best,” leading to repetitive use to maintain that feeling.
Over time, the body becomes immune to the drug resulting in the body needing more to feel the high it desires. This causes someone to have a higher risk of overdosing.
For example, opioids and drugs such as heroine slow a person down physically and numb them out. The more someone takes can put them at a greater risk of dramatically and dangerously slowing down their breathing and pulse. When this occurs, it can lead to death.
No drug is worth losing a life over.
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Your loved one has a co-occurring mental illness
There are numerous reasons why people abuse substances. One main cause is self-medicating for a mental illness which causes them to use. Most drugs alter the mind and are commonly use to cope. They alter the way they think, behave and feel.
However, long-term use can trigger or worsen their mental health symptoms. Treating a co-occurring condition is far more complex than masking it with a substance. Not addressing these conditions, while trying to seek treatment, can result in relapse.
If you know someone experiencing the above signs, speak with one our addictions specialists today.
Related Links
9 Tips to Help Family Members of Addicts Cope
4 Ways for Talking to Someone Struggling with Addiction
Drug and Alcohol Addiction: Choice or Disease?
They tried to quit unsuccessfully on their own
In recent years, addiction has been recognized as a chronic condition with periods of relapse and recovery. Each day, people try to end their use with different plans, usually with self-help groups, but that’s not nearly enough for some. These groups lack the intensity required to properly address and treat an individual’s need.
At Aurora Recovery Centre, we take a holistic approach that treats each of our members’ specific needs and conditions. We address the mental, physical, and spiritual issues they need to overcome through our residential and outpatient programs. These options provide a safe, structured, medical, and therapeutic approach.
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You can also call our 24/7 helpline 1-888-806-7132 or our addictions specialists directly 1-888-544-5023. 
For more information via email contact: [email protected]
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/questions-answers/5-signs-your-loved-one-may-need-rehab-2/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183452369119
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
5 Healthy Eating Tips to Cut Out Boring Meals 
5 Healthy Eating Tips to Cut Out Boring Meals
The phrase, “healthy eating” may be unappetizing to some, because the thought of plain dishes come to mind, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Whole foods can be a blank canvas for trying out new flavours and textures while maintaining a balanced diet.
Small tweaks to your food routine can break the boredom without extra work.
Here are a few tips to elevate your healthy eating habits.
Try a new cooking technique
Terms such as baked chicken, broiled fish, and hard-boiled eggs are commonly used in healthy eating diets but can become stale and repetitive over time. Switch things up by experimenting with new cooking techniques.
For example; instead of nuking your broccoli in the microwave, or steaming it on the stove, try roasting it. Tired of broiled fish? You can try baking it or oven-poach it to keep the fish moist and flavourful.
By altering how you cook your food, you will enhance the taste of it which will drive your curiosity to try new things every day.
Zest up your salads and meats
If you are looking to zest up your dishes without a lot of salt, pepper, or vinegar, squirt some lemon or lime juice into your dishes.
Not only will it add flavour to your dish, but lemons are rich with vitamin C, citric acid, and fiber.
They also help protect people from anemia by ensuring your body can absorb as much iron as possible from your diet. Lemons also improve digestive systems, reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.
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Switch up your snacks
Before you are at the grocery store or prepping your meals and snacks for the week, take inventory of how much food you actually eat while snacking. This will allow you to expand what you have daily, which will all you to gain more essential nutrients without much hassle.
For example, if every day you munch on some baby carrots, replace them with radishes or skip raw vegetables altogether and try steaming your snacks instead.
You can play with flavour and texture to make your favourite comfort foods too. You can always switch out your tater tots with low carb broccoli tots or ditch the Ranch dressing with a Greek yogurt dipping sauce.
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Explore your pantry
Use herbs and spices beyond salt and pepper to enhance your meals.
Turn your plain chicken breast into a simple Italian one by putting a dash of rosemary and oregano on it.
Other simple, yet flavourful and healthy spices that make your dishes savoury are chili power curry powder, thyme, paprika, or cayenne pepper.
Spices also are known to curb health aliments. For example oregano is a great spice to boost your immune system, where as paprika is rich in antioxidants that can fight off diseases and inflammation.
If you have a sweet tooth try cinnamon nutmeg vanilla extract, or coca powder. Cinnamon is one of the most delicious and healthiest spices because it can lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Break your breakfast routine
Your healthy breakfast doesn’t have to consist of plain oatmeal and fruit every day. There are many ways you can shake it up.
For example, you can get the same nutrients from swapping out your oats with quinoa or barely. 
Or if you are tired of the same ole yogurt everyday substitute it with ricotta cheese or cottage cheese. Ricotta can also be used as a condiment by topping it on a slice of high fiber toast with a bit of nut butter.
If you love eggs but hate making sunny side up every day, try a variety of recipes such as egg muffins overnight. That way you can just grab them and go.
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When it comes to eating healthy, patience is key. At the end of the day, you know your body best and what will work for you. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be redundant or unsustainable. Try these tips to see what makes you your taste buds happy while achieving your dietary goals.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/questions-answers/5-healthy-eating-tips-to-cut-out-boring-meals/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183411964274
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
9 Tips to Help Family Members of Addicts Cope
9 Tips to Help Family Members of Addicts Cope
Families are a huge part in the recovery of an addict. But as much as they are rooting for the addict, the loved ones also need to take time for themselves.
Many questions arise for the loved ones of someone struggling with an addiction. How to you deal with the addict? How can I find support groups of families of addicts?  Can I help the parents?
These questions allow some resolution for family members and friends. But they still need to take care of their own health.
Here are nine tips that can help families cope with an addict.
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Learn about addiction
Every day, research teams learn more about how different substances interact with the cells inside the brain. They use that knowledge to develop new treatments that may treat or prevent actions.
Knowing that boosts a family’s sense of hope. With each fact families learn and become more confident that the addiction can be treated and conquered.
Education also decreases the chances of the family playing the blame game. Instead of thinking that the person’s addiction is a result of being weak, stubborn, or unwilful, they may learn how addictions stem from deeper mental, physical, and emotional issues.
Connect with others
An addiction in a close relative can be a stressful life situation that persists for years. This long-term dysfunction makes it hard for families to communicate clearly. On top of that, there is a lot of mistrust between each member touched by addiction.
Connecting with other people who have gone through a similar situation helps. Treatment programs such as our Group Family workshops provide a safe, nonjudgmental space for people to use in order to learn, discuss, and overcome an addiction.
Go to Family Therapy
Spouses, siblings, and parents of addicts often absorb many of the consequences of a life altering addiction. Most times families become distant and are unable to talk openly about the issue harming them, resulting in them not talking about much of anything. Family members start to blame themselves because the addiction is still active, even though they want it to stop.
Usually, families don’t have the tools to assist someone in active recovery, nor do they have the energy to help themselves.
Family therapy breaks down distrust, guilt, and stress. The anger and addiction that fueled the family transform into close, well-equipped units of support.  Family therapy takes time; however, the work is vital to everyone’s health. Learn more about our group family therapy sessions here.
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Exercise reduces stress and depression. Stretching prompts the brain to release pleasure chemicals, while more intense exercises help families vent since their energy is shifted from being angry at each other to focusing on staying fit.
Schedule private therapy sessions
Addictions cause deep rifts and wounds in everyone that can only be healed by therapy. Meeting with a counselor individually allows people to overcome and understand their personal issues or struggles.
Private therapy typically follows a skills-based format where caregivers learn more about how to deal with destructive thoughts and habits develops over the duration of addictive behavior, which results in a family member being able to help themselves and others.
Educate and advocate
Stress and depression stems from many different sources. Family members feel attacked by friends, coworkers, and distant relatives due to the stigma surrounding addictions. It’s hard to stay positive with terms and gossip that is demeaning but advocating on behalf of addiction is brave and health-affirming. Rather than staying silent and fuming, families who speak up are doing something to make things better, change conversations, and create a strong bond.
If you are in need of some counselling, contact us today.
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Cook and eat together
While schedules can get tight and chaotic when families are dealing with addiction-related appointments, a family meal gets the family reconnected at the end of the day. The ritual of eating together is soothing and builds upon the work done in family therapy.
Manage expectations
Once an addict is in treatment and the family begins to heal themselves, the sense of hope becomes overwhelming. However, it takes time for changes and patterns linked to addiction to really change. The slow shift causes disappointment.
For example, holidays can be full of fights because a family may not be ready to accept an addict back into a celebration with open arms.
Recovery is a lifetime long process and it can come with pitfalls.
Stay in touch with personal joy
Every member of a recovering family needs to take time to do something relaxing and fulfilling. They should participate in actives that make them feel happy. Hobbies preserve a sense of efficacy and worth, all while boosting mental health.
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Related Links
4 Ways for Talking to Someone Struggling with Addiction
How-To Guide: The Steps of Getting into an Addiction Treatment Program
4 Things That Parents with Addicted Kids Need to Know
5 Tips for Mothers of Adult Addicts
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/questions-answers/9-tips-to-help-family-members-of-addicts-cope/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183296613149
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
7 Tools for Overcoming Anxiety in Recovery
7 Tools for Overcoming Anxiety in Recovery
Dealing with any type of anxiety can be challenging, but it’s more so if you’re in recovery.  It affects people physically, emotionally, and mentally. Some people experience a feeling of being paralyzed by it with stiff shoulders, headaches and a constant feeling of being dead.  When people are in early recovery, they may feel it is difficult to change their routines, social habits and circles and lives.
Recovery is also about how to deal with a variety of emotions that someone may have been suppressing for years due to their addiction. You learn to navigate to challenging times, which is very similar when dealing with anxiety.
To help dealing with anxiety, here are some tools to ground yourself
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Try yoga
A great way to manage anxiety is being able to focus on your breathing. Breathing connects you to your body. Often people who anxious forget to breathe or breathe shallowly. Yoga helps your body get the oxygen it needs by recalibrating your body.
Talk with your doctor
Your doctor can assist with an action plan for you to tackle your anxiety by either having regular check-ups to look after your mental health or prescribing medication. Your doctor can also refer you to a specialist, therapist, counsellor, or an alternative approach such as acupuncture.
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The only way out is going through it
Our bodies are constantly reacting and adapting to our feelings and emotions. To get through an anxious moment, observe your feelings and emotions, make a list of what you’re fearful of, ask yourself why that may be. Then see how you can change those fears so you can diminish those fears
Write about what’s on your mind
While the fog clears for many people in recovery, they begin to start thinking and feeling more than ever before. Since this is a new feeling many people turn to journaling or writing notes to themselves in order to understand their state of mind and thoughts. The same goes for dealing with anxiety. Writing out a plan to your deal will calm your anxiety, give you a sense of order and control, and allow you to prepare for any moments that may make you anxious.
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Related Links
How to Start a Pleasing Journal for Sobriety
7 Critical Skills to Learn from Behavioral Therapy
Grounding Techniques that Reduce Stress
Herbal Tea
Originally used in Ayurveda and Siddha practices, Holy Basil (also known as Tulsi) has been proven in studies to treat diseases. The sacred plant is known to have calming properties to help the nervous system.
Spend time with animals
While the most common therapy animal is dogs, the use of other animals in therapy is on the rise. Whether trained or not, owning and caring for pets provides a certain amount of therapy such as calming and soothing people who suffer from anxiety. But you don’t have to have a pet to feel the same affects. Researchers found that petting an animal reduced anxiety.
However, you choose to deal with your anxiety, remember that you are not alone. Try these tools and learn more simple self-care strategies to improve your symptoms. If you wish to get professional help and support to make life more manageable, contact us today.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
Learn more about our program by talking to an addiction specialists.
Fill out the form below and one of our specialists will be in touch soon, or call 1.888.544.5023 for immediate assistance.
from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/uncategorized/7-tools-for-overcoming-anxiety-in-recovery/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183249449109
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briangoodwinca · 5 years
7 Critical Skills to Learn from Behavioral Therapy
7 Critical Skills to Learn from Behavioral Therapy
In the 1970s, an explosion of different approaches to traditional psychotherapy began. By the end of the decade, about 200 different types of therapy. As of 2010 that number has skyrocketed to be about 500 types, one being cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
What is it?
CBT is an intensive, short-term, problem-oriented approach that’s designed to be quick, practical and goal-oriented. It provides people with long-term skills to keep them healthy by providing skills and tools on how to deal with their emotions and in different situations.
In finding a solution to patterns in one’s attitude, therapists believe that every behavior is learned and can be unlearned.
The focus of CBT is on the here-and-now, helping people look at how they interoperate and evaluate what is happening around them and the effects these perceptions have on their emotional experience.
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What happens in CBT?
In CBT, you learn to identify, analyze, and change the thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and assumptions related to a problematic emotional and behavioral reaction to different situations.
By motioning your thoughts daily, that lead to your being upset, you learn that the way you think contributes to emotional problems such as depression and anxiety.
You also learn many different skills through it. Here are the top seven.
Related Links
4 Ways for Talking to Someone Struggling with Addiction
Treating Mental Illness Like the Flu
What is EMDR Treatment?
This is a simple but supportive way of helping someone express their feelings and track their thoughts and progress daily. By journaling, people create detailed reports of their thoughts that guide them towards changing different habits.
Cognitive Restructuring
If you don’t understand the core reason of how you perceive a life situation, you may feel trapped in that perception because it affects your behavior. For instance, if you believe maintaining good health is only possible by exercising and for some reason you are in a situation where you no longer can exercise. Unless you change that belief, your health will start to diminish because you think only exercise can help. You will have to find an alternative way to stay healthy to get the same benefits of exercise.
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You must examine your imperfections and mistakes. You need to talk to yourself with kindness and seek the right way to make a deserving and appropriate change. By doing this, you are not only able to make better choices, but will be able to build on your self-motivation.
If you don’t know something, it’s your responsibility to learn and understand it. Therapists understand the importance of self-improvement that’s why they put conscious gradual steps for people to improve their skills. For instance, journaling is an essential skill to come out of an unhealthy habit.
Mindfulness skill
To address behavioral change, you must be patient and mindful. Being mindful will allow you to make better choices and more focused on things that are important to your life and wellbeing. Practicing mindfulness also helps reduce avoidance coping.
Critical Evaluation of Events
The ability to evaluate events and make decisions helps you make more sound life-changing decisions. When you understand critical thinking and evaluation then apply it to your everyday life, your life will improve drastically.
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Genuine Interest in Others
This skill is best achieved by a therapist because they go through a person’s troubles to heal them. They never give up on their patients, because they genuinely care for them. Anyone in need of a change behaviorally needs to build these skills to have an honest interest in the efforts of everyone who wants them to succeed. It brings joy to the therapist, a person’s family and friends, to see someone come around.
If you are interested in trying out CBT or behavioural therapy. Contact us today.
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Aurora Recovery Centre’s philosophies are consistently reflected in the way we value our members and staff. Everything we do is in the interest of our members’ recovery for life.
Why Aurora
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Aurora’s treatment process is built upon a member-first culture and stands on three pillars that reflect our philosophy toward our members’ recovery: Heal, Connect and Recover.
Treatment Process
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Our modern world-class facilities are located on the serene western shore of Lake Winnipeg, accompanied by miles of wooded trails and breathtaking sunrises, with amenities that support healing.
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from Aurora Recovery Centre https://www.aurorarecoverycentre.com/uncategorized/7-critical-skills-to-learn-from-behavioral-therapy/ source https://aurorarecoverycentre1.tumblr.com/post/183054488784
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