brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Read "A Mother's Love" by Brian James Freeman Today!
This was one of the original stories I wrote just for Walking With Ghosts, but I also ended up sending it to Lilja for his Shining in the Dark anthology because I couldn’t say “no” to being part of that line-up and I had nothing else ready. The story has now been translated into 6 or 7 languages for other markets thanks to Lilja’s anthology, and seeing your name and story in another language…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Walking With Ghosts reviewed by Hellnotes!
Walking With Ghosts, my first full-length short story collection recently published by the amazing folks at PS Publishing, has now been reviewed by Mario Guslandi over at Hellnotes. Here is a small preview of this very good review:
Brian James Freeman is a well respected author of short stories in the field of dark fiction. His specialty is what we used to call “quiet horror”(the master of which…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Read "The Temperament of An Artist" by Brian James Freeman Today!
Read "The Temperament of An Artist" by Brian James Freeman today!
“The Temperament of an Artist” is an extremely early story of mine, written in middle school and sent out on submission without any revisions because I was a young idiot who just couldn’t wait to mail a new story to the editors I found in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Sigh. I still owe a lot of them apology letters for sending them so many bad stories those summers when school was out.
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Walking With Ghosts -- First Copy From the UK Has Arrived!
Walking With Ghosts -- First Copy From the UK Has Arrived! First Photos!
Walking With Ghosts, my first full-length short story collection, is being published by the amazing folks at PS Publishing and my first copy arrived this past week. Here are a few  photos I took very quickly the other day of this beautiful book they’ve produced:
(Reminder: my  “Level 6” and “Level 7” supporters on Patreon will automatically receive botheditions of this book from my personal…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Follow Brian James Freeman on Instagram For Production Photos and More!
Just a reminder, for those of you on Instagram, you can find me here:
Brian James Freeman on Instagram
I’ll be posting shots from the Cemetery Dance Publications office from time to time (production materials, new books, scenes from the warehouse, etc) plus other photos from my day-to-day life of stuff I just happen to like (old abandoned things, my cats, my dogs, etc).
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Rejections SUCK! (Update on Cemetery Dance magazine submissions)
This is part meditation on the publishing business, part update for the authors who currently have stories under consideration for Cemetery Dance magazine, and at the end is a mea culpa.
We received 1,750 submissions this summer to fill 20 or maybe 25 slots in upcoming issues of Cemetery Dance magazine.
Approximately 50% of the stories have been read once, 25% have been read twice, and 25% have…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
VERY LAST CHANCE for exclusive SIGNED Book that will never be reprinted!
LAST CHANCE! Patreon Stories: Volume One will be shipping in late August to qualifying supporters on Patreon and today is your VERY LAST CHANCE to sign-up at a qualifying level to receive either edition (or BOTH!) of this very special edition with an extremely low print run!
PLEASE NOTE:There will be no trade editions, no eBooks, no audiobooks, and no foreign editions ever published for this…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Your Support Really Is Important To Me!
Your Support Really Is Important To Me! PLEASE READ THIS!
As promised when I launched my page on Patreon one year ago this week, I’ll never be super pushy to try to convince you to sign-up. That’s just not my style. And besides, I think we’ll both be happier if my supporters really want to be there in the first place.
That said, my first year on Patreon has truly opened my eyes to how much I can accomplish and how much further I can take my work with…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Walking With Ghosts BOOK TRAILER has gone live!
Walking With Ghosts, my first full-length short story collection, will be published later this summer by the amazing folks at PS Publishing!
The incredible team at PS Publishing has created a book trailer for the collection, which you can view here on YouTube:
(Reminder: my  “Level 6” and “Level 7” supporters on Patreon will automatically receive botheditions of this book from my personal…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
ON SALE NOW! The Zombie Who Cried Human AUDIOBOOK!
Greg Nibler and Sarah X Dylan at Funemployment Radio have produced an incredible audiobook for The Zombie Who Cried Human, and because they’re absolutely awesome to work with, this one audiobook actually contains two different readings of the story!
You can download this audiobook for a crazy low price, so please check it out and let us know what you think!
Purchase the audiobook: Amazon.com * Aud…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Time is running out to qualify for exclusive SIGNED Book that will never be reprinted!
Time is running out to qualify for Exclusive SIGNED Book that will never be reprinted!
Reminder! Patreon Stories: Volume One will be shipping in late August to qualifying supporters on Patreon!
In future years, you’ll need to have been a supporter at a qualifying level for at least six consecutive months to receive the exclusive books, but I’m waiving that requirement this year since folks are still learning about the different rewards and what they entail.
That means you just need…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Reminder: Walking With Ghosts, a new short story collection, is coming soon!
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Walking With Ghosts, my first full-length short story collection, will be published later this summer by the amazing folks at PS Publishing!
Walking With Ghostswill be available as both a signed & slipcased Limited Edition hardcover (limited to just 100 copies) and also as a beautiful trade hardcover. Vincent Chong created the incredible artwork for the cover, slipcase, and endpapers. It’s going…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Read "The Gorman Gig" and "One Way Flight" by Brian James Freeman today!
Patreon Supporters Can Read "The Gorman Gig" and "One Way Flight" by Brian James Freeman!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a reminder about my short stories on Patreon, but since the last update I’ve posted “The Gorman Gig”  and “One Way Flight” for my supporters to read!
As a special bonus, I’m also including the first draft of my “Story Notes” that will appear in Walking With Ghosts.
Patrons can read these stories immediately — and so can you for a pledge of just $1 or more.
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Walking With Ghosts Now Available On CemeteryDance.com!
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As I mentioned last week, my first full-length short story collection, which has been more than 20 years in the making, will be published later this summer by the amazing team at PS Publishing.
Vincent Chong created the incredible artwork, and thanks to his efforts and the hard work of PS Publishing designer Michael Smith, Walking With Ghosts will be a truly beautiful book. I really cannot wait…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
JUST ANNOUNCED! Walking With Ghosts, a new short story collection!
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I’m thrilled to report my first full-length short story collection, which has been more than 20 years in the making, will be published later this summer by the amazing folks at PS Publishing!
Walking With Ghosts will be available as both a signed & slipcased Limited Edition hardcover (limited to just 100 copies) and also as a beautiful trade hardcover.
(Reminder: my “Level Five” supporters on…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
Three Short Stories by Brian James Freeman Available To Read Today!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a reminder about my short stories on Patreon, but since the last update I’ve posted “What They Left Behind,” “Among Us,”  and “The Final Lesson.”
As a special bonus, I’m also including the first draft of my “Story Notes” that will appear in my first full-length collection later this year.
Patrons can read these stories immediately — and so can you for a pledge…
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brianjamesfreeman · 6 years
I’m thrilled to announce that Greg Nibler and Sarah X Dylan at Funemployment Radio have produced an audiobook for The Zombie Who Cried Human!
The audiobook contains two reading of the story and is available for immediate download. The retail price is just $3.95, but Amazon and Audible have discounted the price to even less than that right now, so please check it out and let us know what you think!
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