rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
hiii ! i wanted to ask a hc for hanzo's s/o who have to be considered dead for a mission. like they are from blackwatch and for this mission everyone must think they are dead, except reyes. what would he thinks and how he would react when they come back with bruises and scars
Ooh heck have some  e m o t i o n s  fam. 
(Sorry, I made these really long because uUUuHhh I’m terrible at consistency.)
The mission was brutal, but now it was finally done. Everything could go back to normal. Everyone back home thought the whole team was dead. It was necessary to throw off the enemy so you could surprise attack them.
You weren’t worried about what the other agents would think, you were just worried about what was going to happen when you got back home. Hanzo had to have been devastated when he heard, but you were going to have to explain everything. It would be a long talk, but you had to get through it.
When you all landed back at base, you engaged in the expected overjoyed reactions from your teammates before heading to the post-mission debriefing. It went rather quickly, because everyone was tired and wanted to get home. You had been gone for 3 weeks after all.
Since you lived off base with Hanzo, you had to make your way out of the base and down to your apartment. Not terribly long, but you just wanted to collapse from exhaustion the whole time.
You arrived and made your way to the front step, gently putting the key in the lock and opening the door. The house was dark and quiet. Hanzo was nowhere to be found. You called out to him, but got no response. You closed the door behind you and went further into the house, listening for any sounds from your boyfriend.
You went in the kitchen and turned on the light, pouring yourself a glass of water. It was so nice to be back in the house after those long weeks. Everything felt so familiar again. You weren’t prepared when you turned around to see Hanzo, bow drawn, aiming at you. You heard your glass shatter as it fell to the ground. The two of you remained in silence for a few seconds before you spoke.
“Hanzo? Hey, it’s me… Remember? I’m back now. I know I have a lot to explain, but-”
“Y/N is dead. They were killed on a mission a few weeks ago,” he says, drawing closer to you. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”
“Listen, I know that this is really weird. It’s strange to me too, but I can explain. Long story short, we had to report that the whole team had been eliminated in order to get a surprise attack on Talon. Everything went well and we were able to come home safe. I’m sorry, but Reyes made me and everyone else in my squad keep it strictly confidential.”
You tried to read him, but he was stone cold, trying to take in what you had just said. He remained unmoving, still suspicious.
“Han, please. It’s me. I missed you so much, and I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you, but I’m here now, right?”
He slowly lowered his bow and made eye contact with you, tears now filling his eyes.
“Is it really you?” he asks, stepping closer.
You nod and smile, reassuring him that it was in fact you. He set his weapon down and walked over to embrace you. The two of you sat there in each others arms for a while, relishing in the feeling of being with him again. Tears were shed from both of you, not from sadness, but from relief.
You explained everything to him, telling him all the details and why you needed to do what you did. He understood in time, and everything eventually went back to normal. You were just happy to have each other back again.
“I love you, Han.”
“I love you too.”
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
Sorry im that anon that asked for the rules and i just read them (im so sorry for bothering you!!) But can i request a scenario for hanzo/genji/mcree (all separate) where their f!s/o makes them super spicy food, thank you so much love❤❤❤
It’s ok! If you ever have any questions about the rules, I’m happy to explain them or at least point you in the right direction. Here you are! Sorry for the wait.
Growing up in Japan gave him a lot of experience with spicy food, so he’s pretty resistant to it nowadays.
You told him in advance that what you were making was going to have a lot of kick to it, but he assured you that he could handle it.
He thought maybe you were over exaggerating, and that he would find it less hot than you did.
“Do not worry, darling. Something like that could never hurt me. I’m certain that I can handle it.”
When the two of you started to eat, Hanzo seemed unbothered for the longest time.
He reached for his drink fairly often, but didn’t make a huge fuss over how hot it was.
He finished the meal without complaining at all, which surprised you, since most other people you make this for tend to dislike the spice in it.
“Well, that certainly did have a lot of heat, but I still found it to be enjoyable.”
Like his brother, Genji has had lots of experience with spicy food.
Although, when you tell him what you are making and warn him about the heat, he almost sounds like he takes it as a challenge.
“Ha! You don’t think I can handle it? Bring it on, then!”
You’re taken aback by his answer, but still decide to go on with the meal.
The two of you eat, and the whole time, Genji seems completely unphased.
He only took a sip of his drink once or twice during the entire meal, which shocked you.
You thought maybe he was just showing off, but he would never admit that to you.
“I told you I could handle it!”
Jesse grew up in the American South, so he was exposed to a fair share of spicy food in his life.
It was your turn for dinner, so you decided to cook one of your super spicy recipes that your family used to make.
When you told him it was going to be pretty hot, he kind of shrugged it off.
“I’ll be fine, sweetpea. Trust me, I’ve dealt with spice before, this’ll be nothin’ new.”
When he took a bite, you watched eagerly to see his reaction.
At first nothing happened, but then his eyes suddenly widened and he reached for his drink.
You laughed as he continued to try and cool himself off. His face was red as he drank almost his whole drink.
“Whew! That’s got a mighty fine kick to it! It’s good though.”
“Not gonna say I told you so…”
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
Thank you for 200 followers!
Thank you once again for following! It means much more to me than you think! I know I’ve been busy lately and haven’t been able to write much, but hopefully everything is starting to calm down now and I can get back to a regular schedule!
Thank you!
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(skeleton gif because it’s almost spooky season)
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
i hope your asks are still open dkdk but can i request an os w/ hanzo. its a bit specific but they met each other at a familly business thingy and the girl is wearing deep red lipstick and they're kinda forced to stay together so they began talking a bit and it got flirty and hanzo just goes like "does your lipstick let marks ?" and she's like "why don't you try ?" its messy sorry dldk but i got the idea and idk, ily
Here you are!
Word Count: 1490 words.
~Fic is under the cut~
Being involved in your parents business was never your favorite thing in the world, but sometimes it had its perks. Tonight, for example, your parents had been invited to a lavish party by none other than the infamous Shimada Clan to do some business. Neither one of them would let on to what was going to be involved, but they invited you to go as well if you wished. You took them up on their offer since you had heard that this party was incredibly high class and you were basically just given a free ticket. You thought you might as well go now in case you never got the chance again.
Donning a white dress, heels and your favorite red lipstick, you entered the venue and looked around. The building was beautiful and decorated eloquently for the occasion. The slow music from the band in the main hall danced around the room, filling the ears of the partygoers. Some people sat at tables with their group or wandered around the area, mingling with others. You followed your parents to a table and sat down. Their meeting wasn’t until later, so you all had some time to get settled in.
“So,” you began. “What’s this big meeting all about anyways?”
“Business. Things that are not your concern, Y/N,” your father says.
“Right, right. So why did you let me come again?”
“I thought it was something that would interest you, dear. Just stay out of trouble,” your mom chuckles.
You roll your eyes and return your focus to the party. Your parents often tried to keep their work from you. You weren’t sure if it was to protect you or if they just didn’t want you involved. Most days you didn’t mind, but sometimes it frustrated you with how little they trusted you with. You were their only child, after all. Why couldn’t they be a little more trusting?
After dinner had finished, you excused yourself from the table to let your parents have their little discussion. It really was a wonderful occasion. The hosts were some rich people that you didn’t know, and they sold tickets to this event to the highest bidders. How your parents managed to get them free, you had no idea. Whatever this meeting was about, it must’ve been pretty important if it warranted giving us free entry. These tickets never came cheap. Everybody here was dressed eloquently and spoke in a sophisticated voice. Being the daughter of two of the biggest crime bosses in the world, you felt a little out of place. Not to mention, it seemed that you were the only person in your age group who was attending this party. Everybody else you had seen was at least fifteen to twenty years older than you.
You made your way onto the balcony area and gazed up at the sky, taking in the beauty of the evening. The stars hung high in the sky above you, illuminating the dark void of the rest of the universe. The air of the cool spring evening surrounded you as you stargazed, no longer paying attention the the event. The music and commotion coming from inside eventually faded into background noise.
“You must be Y/N,” you hear, suddenly ripped from your daze.
You turn around and are met with a man, slightly taller than you, but looking similar to you in age. He is dressed elegantly for the event.
“Yes that’s me, and who might you be?” you question.
“Hanzo Shimada, I believe your parents are meeting with my father to discuss some business. I saw you with them earlier.”
“Oh, yes. I was with them earlier, but my parents like to do their work by themselves, so I figured I’d give them some privacy. What about you? Shouldn’t you be with your father?”
“I have no place in this discussion tonight, so I will wait for him to be finished. I saw you when I walked by and decided to introduce myself. I feel our families will be seeing each other more frequently after tonight.”
“Yes, it does seem that way. Whatever they are doing seemed very important.”
Your conversation is interrupted by a waiter approaching the two of you. He holds a platter with numerous filled glasses.
“Can I interest either of you in a drink?” he asks.
“Of course,” Hanzo replies. “This is a celebration, after all.”
He takes two glasses, one of which he offers to you. You take it out of his hand with a smile. The waiter moves on to other partygoers.
“A toast,” Hanzo says. “To a future of successful business between our families.”
You raise your glasses to each other before taking a sip of the beverage. You suddenly felt very official, being dressed up all nice at this fancy party and toasting to the future of your respective businesses. It made you hold your head a little higher and feel more daring than you usually would.
After talking for a while with Hanzo, the two of you decided to spend the remainder of the evening together as it was assured that both of your parents would be busy. You had both finished your drinks and wandered inside, continuing your conversation. Your ears picked up the sound of the band playing again, and your attention turned to the ballroom floor for a moment.
“Beautiful music, is it not?” Hanzo asks. “These musicians are very talented indeed.”
“I agree, and look at everyone dancing. It seems everyone is having a good time.”
“Yes, they do seem to be enjoying themselves.”
There are a few moments of silence as you and Hanzo take in the other guests dancing and enjoying the slow melody of the music. You found yourself swaying back and forth gently as you listened.
“Y/N, would you do me the pleasure of joining me for a dance?” he asks.
You turn to him, slightly taken aback.
“Me? Are you sure?”
“Of course. It would be a shame to come to such an occasion and not have even one dance, and, after all, I do have the perfect partner,” he says, smiling.
That comment makes warmth crawl onto your face. You stutter a bit, trying to figure out what to say. He just smirks and offers you his arm. You take it and he leads you out onto the dance floor. The two of you find a nice spot and turn to face each other. He takes your left hand in his right, and snakes his other around your lower back. You place your hand on his shoulder as the two of you start to sway gently back and forth to the music. He looks down at you and smiles.
“I must say, you are dresses very beautifully tonight,” Hanzo says, suddenly.
“Oh, well thank you. I really love this dress and I finally had an excuse to wear it again,” you reply, blushing.
“It pairs well with the lipstick you chose. I think they are an excellent pair.”
You give a slight chuckle and glance up into his eyes. He looked handsome as well, but you couldn’t really find the words for it at the moment. You were too starstruck to even think, let alone speak.
“I must ask,” he chuckles. “Does it stay on or does it leave marks? As far as I know, most girls who wear bold colors say it comes off.”
“Hmm, why don’t you find out?”
He looked down at you and raised an eyebrow. You felt daring when you thought of that, but hearing it come out of your mouth just drowned you in embarrassment. The flirty feelings you were experiencing only moments before suddenly turned to shame. You felt your face go from bright red to pale white in a matter of seconds.
“Uh, I mean…”
You scrambled to find a reasonable explanation for what you had just said, but nothing came to mind. You looked up to meet his gaze again when his lips suddenly met yours. It took you a second to realize what was happening, but when you did, you closed your eyes and relaxed into his arms. He let his your hand go and used his now free hand to pull you closer. You took your hands and put them gently on either side of his face. The two of you remained there for a few seconds, letting the gentle music float around you. He pulled away gently, and only then did you see how red his face was. Yours was probably the same way, but if it was, he didn’t comment on it.
“What was that for?” you ask, breathless.
“I wanted to find out,” he replies, smirking.
You giggle and press your head into his shoulder, embracing him. He pulls you closer into his arms as the two of you continue sharing a gentle dance on this now wonderful night.
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
Sorry everything is taking so long, I took what was supposed to be a 2 week slowing of progress and basically turned it into a 3 week total break. I didn’t mean to, I just got busy with band and getting ready for school which started Monday. Thank you for your patience! 
This isn’t the order I will be posting these in, but this is what I have left to do in my inbox as of right now. 
D.Va/Tracer Dealing with friend who has feelings for them but is afraid to act on them. (HC)
Junkrat trying to ask out introverted crush who treats him with genuine kindness. (Fic)
How Genji, McCree, Lucio, and Mercy would react/treat their S/O if they had Type 1 Diabetes. (HC)
Genji, Hanzo and Mccree if they had deaf S/O. (HC)
Hanzo's s/o who had to be assumed dead for a mission. (HC)
Hanzo Prompt- "Does your lipstick leave marks?" “Why don't you try?”. (Fic)
Hanzo, Genji and McCree where their f!s/o makes them super spicy food. (HC)
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
Requests are open! Yes!!! How about Blackwatch Gabe with a mermaid hc??? Love your writing btw!!
Here ya go! Sorry these took so long! Also, I don’t know a ton about this sort of thing, so sorry if these suck.
Blackwatch Gabriel
When he found out, he was taken aback a little, but he told himself and you that he would do his best to understand the way you are.
Even though it’s different for him, he thinks that it’s insanely cool. He will constantly be asking you questions about your lifestyle.
He thinks that you are so beautiful! He is mesmerized by the scales on your skin, the colors of them glittering under the sunlight.
He loves to gently run his fingers across your scales, comparing how they feel different to the rest of your body.
He loves seeing you in the water. The way that your hair floats gently around you as you swim gracefully around.
If he can find a way, Gabe will try to join you in the water. Spending time with you like that is incredibly valuable to him and he loves to make you feel included. 
Sometimes you feel insecure in comparison to him, but he always comforts you and lets you know that he loves you even though you may be different from him.
He embraces the way you are, and knows he’s incredibly lucky to be with such a unique person. 
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
I’m back!
Hello everyone! First of all, I’d like to thank all of you for being so patient with me while I was away for band camp. It was a hard two weeks, but now it’s over and I’m ready to write for you guys again!
I’m going to try and work my ass off to get through all of these requests over the next few days so that you guys will get lots of new content. In addition, I will also be finishing my masterlist and rule page soon! 
Thanks everyone!
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
Closing Requests
Hey guys! Thanks for all the cool requests lately! I’m super excited to show you guys what I’ve had in the works for the last few days!
Anyways, I’m going to close requests for two reasons:
I got a wee bit behind again because of my stupid laptop which I am this close to throwing out the window. (Cannot wait to get my school issued one in a few weeks...)
I have band camp these next two weeks and I don’t want requests to pile up while I’m away.
If any of you are wondering what that means, basically, I’m going to be gone every day from about 7am to 5pm and I’m going to have drastically less time to work on requests. I usually work throughout the day then finalize/edit and post whatever I have finished at night. Since I’m going to be gone during the day, I wont have as much time to write and will only be able to do so after I get home in the evening. I’ll try to get stuff done as fast as I can and play super catch up over next weekend, but expect progress on requests to be much slower until the 20th or so.
Thank you guys so much for understanding and happy reading!
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
How would Genji act around his transgender {FTM} boyfriend?
When you first told him, he was happy that you decided to trust him with such a big aspect of your life. He promised to try his best to make you feel comfortable.
In the early days, he screwed up sometimes. He isn’t perfect after all. Sometimes he would accidentally call you the wrong names or pronouns, but he would always apologize and correct himself if he caught himself doing it.
He’s always careful with you, some might say too careful. He always makes sure that you’re comfortable with your nicknames, pet names, etc that he refers to you by.
He’ll always be supportive of you and however you decide to present yourself. He understands that finding the way you prefer to express stuff like this is hard, but he’ll always be there for you if you need it.
If you’re feeling dysphoric or invalid or just generally down about this sort of stuff, he’ll do anything in his power to make you feel better again.
If anybody ever bullies you or goes after you about being trans, oh lord help them.
This man would look them in the eye and make sure they never ever come after you again, lest they find out what Genji can really do to them.
He likes to make you feel as masculine as possible when you’re with him. He will always be telling you how strong, handsome, etc you are in his eyes.
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
I just read the jack and Gabe’s s/o reacting to their deaths and I’m crying, it’s so emotional. I was wondering if you’d feel up to it/haven’t done it before, can you have the s/o finding out they’re actually alive?
a/n: I almost cried as I wrote it. I’m sorry it made you sad, but I’m glad I was able to portray the effect well. Hope you enjoy these! 
Jack/76: 915 words.
Gabriel/Reaper: 995 words.
WARNING: Some violent content ahead!
~Fics under the cut~
The sound of the locker door shutting echoed through the empty locker room. It was getting late, and you had just finished your evening workout. You pulled a pair of loose sweatpants on over your shorts, and switched your shoes out for snow boots before pulling your warm winter coat on and zipping it up. The gym you went to was only a few blocks away from your apartment , so you usually walked, even if the weather was bad. There was no point in driving though the traffic if it would take less time to walk. Plus, most days it made for a nice warm up. You had decided to walk even though it had been snowing on and off all day and a bitter chill hung over the area. Surprisingly, the streets were fairly quiet, but it was quite late. People were most likely inside by now. You weren’t really focused on where you were going since you had done this walk a million times before, you had just been letting your thoughts wander. However, you were pulled from your daze when you felt a firm hand take hold of your shoulder.
“Well, lookie what we have here,” the man says.
You turn around in an instant and make eye contact with him. Just then, you hear two sets of footsteps behind you. Two more men stand there, boxing you in.
“Overwatch, eh?” one of the men behind you says, noticing the logo on your backpack.
“Please, Overwatch was a joke,” the last man retorts. “They didn’t help anything, anyways.”
One of the men behind you gives you a firm shove, to which the man in front on you responds to and pushes back, making you stumble.
“Not gonna put up a fight?”
“Step off and leave me alone!” you growl, raising your voice significantly.
All three of the men laugh in response and give you a few more shoves. You cross your arms and look down at the sidewalk, not wanting any part of their shenanigans.
“Can’t you hear?” a voice from in front of you says. “Step off.”
The man in front of you turns around and faces whoever came up behind him.
“Do we have a problem here?” he asks.
It’s silent for a second, until you hear an audible sound of an impact, and see your attacker fall to the ground. He stumbles to his feet, now rubbing his face in pain. He motions to his friends to follow him as he runs down the street. All three of them take off in the opposite direction. Your arms fall from your chest and relax. You look up at the stranger, and get taken aback when you’re met with a glowing red visor and mask covering his entire face.
“Um… Thank you. I don’t know what those guys wanted, but you got them off me. I appreciate it.”
“Just doing my job,” he replies.
Listening to him speak now, you can’t help but realize how similar he sounds to Jack. It pulls at your heart a little, remembering him, but you don’t let it affect you too much.
“Who are you, anyway?” you ask, curious
“That’s not important right now. What is important is that you get home safe. Run home now, its getting quite late.”
“It’s not important that I know who saved me?”
“Not now, not here,” he responds.
“Why not now? Why not here? I’m not going to tell and it’s not like there’s anyone around!”
“Y/N…” he sighs.
Your eyes widen in shock. How did he know your name?
“How do you know that? Who are you? Tell me!” you say, your voice now angry.
The man sighs and removes his mask. Your feel your heart stop when you see the face of Jack Morrison. Tears well in your eyes as he makes eye contact with you and smiles a bit.
“J-J-Jack?” you whisper.
He doesn’t give a response. You shake your head in disbelief.
“B-but you’re supposed to be dead! What is this?” you ask, confused.
“They never did find the body. I managed to escape,” he chuckles.
“Jack, I-”
He steps forward, closing the gap between the two of you. He puts an arm around your waist and brings you in for a soft kiss. It filled your heart with joy and warmth. To be in the safe arms of your lover again felt nothing short of amazing. You couldn’t believe it. He had really been alive this whole time? All the grief and heartache you had felt the past few years had all been in vain. In the back of your mind, you were angry at him, but all that mattered to you right now was that he was here. You pull away from him and put a gentle hand on his face, looking into his eyes and smiling through the tears. He meets your hand with his and gives it a small squeeze.
“I have to go,” he says, solemnly. “But I promise, I’ll be in touch soon, okay?”
You sniffle and nod at him, giving a small laugh in the process. He pulls away from your figure and returns his mask to his face. As he turns and walks down the street, he glances back at you for a second.
“I love you, Y/N.”
The faucet squeaked as you turned off the shower and stepped out. The hot water had felt amazing on your tired body, but you couldn’t spend all night in there. After all, it was already quite late when you got home. You wrapped yourself in a towel as the slight chill of the bathroom hit you. You shivered slightly and dried your body off before stepping into some warm pajamas. You took a towel and used it to dry your hair so that it wouldn’t drip everywhere. It had been cold all day and nothing seemed better than curling up in the warm embrace of your bed. You hung the towels you used up to dry, then made your way back into your bedroom. The only light on was the lamp sitting on your bedside table. It gave the room a warm glow, while still keeping it mostly dim. You took a seat on the bed and reached for the TV remote sitting on the nightstand. Kicking your legs up onto the bed, you turned on the TV and started scrolling through the channels. You settled on watching part of a movie that was on that you enjoyed. Setting the remote down, you caught a glimpse of your holo-pad sitting on the table. It glowed blue with the words “Overwatch Recall Status: Active” on it.It wasn’t that you didn’t want to return to Overwatch, but rather you didn’t know if you were ready yet. Though Gabriel passed years ago, you knew it would be hard to return with those memories of him. It would bring back the feelings of loneliness and pain that you felt during the end of it all. You had been trying to move on with your life, but you weren't sure if going back was the right decision. Not to mention that anything to do with Overwatch was illegal, and you didn’t fancy the idea of jail. You told Winston about how you felt about the whole thing, and he told you to take your time. He only wanted you to come back if it was for sure what you wanted to do. It gave you comfort knowing that you didn’t have to make a decision right now. Yet, it still made you stressed sometimes.The sound of faint footsteps coming from somewhere in the house tore you from your thoughts. You grabbed the remote and muted the TV, to rule out the possibility of it being the movie. When the steps continued, you felt your heart drop a bit. Someone was in the house, or at least it sounded like it. You reached under the bed and grabbed the small handgun that you kept there for emergencies. The quiet steps continued. It sounded like whoever it was had moved from the living room to the kitchen, so you decided to check there first. You made your way down the stairs, being careful to remain undetected. You crept past the dining room and into the doorway of the kitchen. Being courageous, you stood up from your crouched position and turned on the lights.“Don’t move or I’ll shoot!” you exclaim, aiming at the man in the kitchen.The man, not turning around, puts his hands in the air slowly and remains facing the back wall.“Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my house?” you ask, anger coating your voice.“Don’t you recognize me?” the man asks. His voice deep and raspy.“Is that actually a question?”The man laughs and shakes his head, continuing to look at his feet.“I thought you’d be happier to see me, my love,” he says. The man turns around and makes eye contact with you. You feel your heart stop beating completely as you look upon the face of the man you once loved, Gabriel Reyes. Your eyes widen with shock as your breath catches in your chest. You stutter as you try to think of a response.“I-I must be dreaming. I must have fallen asleep while I was watching my show upstairs!” you say, trying to justify the situation.“I assure you, my dear, this is all very real,” he says, taking a step towards you. “But, that doesn’t make any sen-”“I know it looks weird. I know. I was found after the explosion and, long story short, I got patched up. I’m sorry I took so long to come see you, but I needed to let the dust settle first.”You feel your lip begin to quiver and tears roll down your face. Gabriel moves across the room to you and takes the gun from your hand. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in for a deep kiss. You feel so safe being in his arms again. It felt as if you went back in time and nothing bad ever happened. You wanted to remain in this moment forever, but sadly, Gabriel pulled away. He brought a hand up to your face and caressed it gently. “I’m sorry I can’t make this reunion longer, but I have some business I have to attend to.”You nod and bury your head in his shoulder. All you wanted right now was to spend every free moment with him, but he already had to leave you again. He wraps his arms around you and hugs you tight. He moves his arms down to your thighs and picks you up. Your arms around his shoulders and legs wrapped around his waist. He carries you all the way upstairs to your bed and puts you down, covering you in a blanket. He turns off the lights and begins to exit the room.“I love you, Y/N. I promise, I’ll explain everything soon.”With that, he was gone again. Leaving you alone, but happier than you had been in years.
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
Hey guys sorry for not being active the last few days. My laptop decided it wanted to just stop charging all the sudden so I had to have my dad fix it and I just got it back. Expect some new stuff tonight!!! :)
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
Who do u love and dislike the most from all the characters?
I really like the stories of all the characters and how they intertwine with each other, but I can’t say I have a favorite/least favorite out of all of them. I’ve been really into the lore ever since I first started playing the game and, personally, I think all the characters are really interesting.
From a gameplay standpoint: I love playing Sombra, Moira, D.Va, Pharah, Genji, Lucio, McCree and Ana. Those are who I consider to be my “mains” but in all honestly I can play pretty much every character. The only exceptions the this are Brigitte, Doomfist, Zarya and Winston. I cannot play those 4 to save my life. 
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
Yeah a masterlist would be great! It’s good organizing and it lets people know what’s been answered so asks are repeated!
Okay! I’ll try to get started on that this week then! It’ll probably take a little while to get set up and stuff, but I can start pulling that together soon. I have been meaning to update and change my rule page a bit, so I need to do that at the same time. Maybe I’ll dedicate next week purely to blog maintenance since I’ll be away most of the week (more on that later). Thanks for your feedback!
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
Maybe a small fic with Brig and her s/o argue about her safety with Reinhardt and joining OW, Brig is dead set on being an agent and whilst in the middle of arguing she says something she quickly regrets and her S/o leaves. It’s up to you if they ever make up and such. Thank you so much! I’m in the mood for some angsty Brig:)
a/n: I wrote this with the reader being an agent/in the military, just for some story purposes. It fit the idea I had for this request really well. I hope you enjoy! Also I accidentally made this kinda long oops.
Word Count: 943 words.
~Fic under the cut~
“I’ll be fine! Why are the two of you so worried about me?” Brigitte says.
“It’s dangerous!” Reinhardt replies. “There are so many situations where you could get hurt!”
“He’s right. If something happened to you, I could never forgive myself for letting you join. I would regret it for the rest of my life!” you say.
“Nothing’s going to happen to me! What, do you think I can’t protect myself?” Brigitte replies.
You and Reinhardt exchange a worried glance. Brigitte sighs and leans up against the wall behind her, crossing her arms. She was obviously frustrated, but she had to understand why the two of you were so concerned. You both wanted to see her safe and well. Letting her join Overwatch would put her in harm’s way more often than not, and neither of you wanted her to be in danger.
“Brigitte, darling. It’s not that I think you can’t protect yourself, but Overwatch could be incredibly dangerous. You’re talking Talon and omnic extremists among other things. They will try to stop anyone who gets in their way, no matter what they have to do,” you say.
“Well then why were the two of you in Overwatch if it was so dangerous?”
“I was doing what was asked of me. It was my duty to help keep the world safe,” Reinhardt replies.
“I was recruited. I started out in the military but I was moved into Overwatch when they needed more people.”
She shakes her head and breaks eye contact with both of you, now looking at the ground. You stand up from your seat and walk over to her. You attempt to put your hand on her shoulder but she shrugs you off.
“You two sound like such hypocrites sometimes. Sure, you’re allowed to be in Overwatch, but I can’t?”
“I just want you to be safe. What if you would get hurt, or worse?” you ask. “Brigitte, I would never be able to forgive myself.”
“Oh? What about you? I bet you get injured all the time!” she says, turning to look at you.
A heavy silence quickly falls upon the room. You withdraw your hand from her arm as your eyes widen at her. Ouch. Did she really just say that to you? You take a small step back from her and break eye contact. Suddenly, Brigitte’s expression of anger turns to one of surprise, almost as if she only just realized what she said.
“Wait, I didn’t mean-” she says.
“I’m.. gonna step outside for a bit. I need some air.”
You turn and walk out of the room and exit the house, now standing on the front porch. The cool air immediately greets your face, which is warm and red from arguing. It had been raining most of the morning and a thick fog now hung over the area. You take a seat on the cold surface of the porch and put your head in your hands. You knew Brigitte was upset, but you didn’t realize she was that upset. To go as far as to say that she thought you got injured a lot. Sure, it wasn’t the worst thing she could have said, but in the heat of the moment and coming from her, it stung. It awoke some of your secret insecurities about being with Overwatch. What if it was true? What if you did get hurt more than others and your whole team saw you as a liability? You take a deep breath and try not to think about it, as doing so would only make you more upset.
You loved Brigitte with all you heart. She was your everything and you only wanted her to be happy. You knew that she always admired you and the work you did, but you never thought that she would seriously consider joining. You wished that she could see how dangerous going into Overwatch would really be and why you were so concerned. Reinhardt had your back and was able to support your claims, but it seemed to be futile. She was dead set on joining.
You hear the slight creaking of the door, followed by quiet footsteps coming onto the porch and stopping next to you. Your head doesn’t move from your hands, even as she sits down beside you. There are a few moments of bitter silence between you.
“I’m sorry,” Brigitte says. “What I said back there was really rude and uncalled for. I let my temper get the better of me.”
You look up at her. She sits with her hands in her lap, looking down at the ground beside her. By the looks of it, her eyes are slightly reddened, almost as if she had been crying.
“It’s ok. You were just angry and upset. I know you didn’t mean it. We both got a little heated back there.”
She nods, but still doesn’t make eye contact with you.
“I’m sorry too,” you say. “I was treating you unfairly. I know this is what you really want, but I just can’t get over that fear of something happening to you. It made me go a bit out of line.”
“Well, maybe we both have some things we can work on then,” she smiles.
She leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek, before standing and holding her hand out to you.
“Lets go inside. It’s cold and damp out here, and you’re bound to get sick if you stay,” Brigitte says.
You take her hand and let her help you to your feet. She puts an arm around your waist and goes back inside the house with you.
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
i saw you say that you were applying to colleges and going on visits and stuff. if you don't mind talking about it, how is that going and what are your plans?
It’s going pretty well so far. I’ve finished 2 applications and started on my next 3. I’m applying to 5 colleges in total. I plan to finish those this weekend when I get time then get my transcripts and test scores sent out next week. I’ve started to talk with my parents about budgeting and saving up for college so I guess that’s good.
As for my plans, I want to get my degree in either biology, molecular/cellular biology, biochemistry or forensics. I plan to minor in either criminology or criminal justice. It depends on which college I end up going to since they all offer different programs. I want to work in forensics after I finish school. I graduate high school this spring and will be starting college the following fall. I’m pretty excited!
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
Will u make a masterlist?
I’ve thought about it before, but just never really started on it. If that’s something that you guys want then I’d be happy to make one! 
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rachwritesow-blog · 6 years
💯 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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