briellelevi · 4 years
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A smile spread across Brielle’s face at the sight of one of her sister’s old friends, she had heard through the grapevine that Mercy was back in town but she had yet to see her until now. “Mercy!” Her cheeks turned red in embarrassment at the mention of her teenage antics, quickly shaking her head. “Oh my gosh, let’s not even talk about that. That’s so embarrassing.”
CLOSED STARTER FOR — @briellelevi
          “Do not tell me that I’m staring at the one and only Brielle Levi.” The lids of her eyes growing wide as she took in the female before her. Tonight was the one night where she was actually realizing the changes that came along with being away for five years.  Never really taking into account just how much time had passed by. “Seems like just yesterday you were crying because you couldn’t hang out in the big girl’s club,” Mercy remarked with a light chuckle.
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briellelevi · 4 years
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As happy as Brielle was for her father, the whole event made her nervous. She still didn’t quite understand why he had made the decision to invite the whole town, it was just odd. It made the event feel a lot less intimate. But, oh well, it wasn’t her wedding. If inviting the whole town made him happy, who was she to judge? She had managed to wrangle herself out of an incredibly boring conversation with one of the older residents of Mapleview just as her mother approached, a look of relief crossing her face. “Oh, Dad for sure.” Her answer was immediate, she didn’t even need to think about it. “I already caught him crying once today.”
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not long after she arrives at the venue, she immediately begins looking for her children. partially because they were a good distractionfrom her own thoughts and they always made her feel better no matter her mood. even today. the other part wanted to be sure that they were okay today. she doesn’t know how they feel about their father remarrying and she hadn’t really had it in her to ask, either. catching sight of her youngest, she had a smile in place for brielle as she made her way over. “who do you think is going to cry first, clara or your father?” ( @briellelevi )  
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briellelevi · 4 years
Brielle wasn’t sure why she was so surprised to see Luca in attendance, her father had invited the whole town after all. Maybe she just assumed that he wouldn’t attend because of her, which in hindsight was a pretty self-centered way of thinking. Oh well, being a little self-centered seemed to be what she was best at. She was quickly brought of her thoughts when someone bumped her into, about to apologize herself when she heard the familiar voice.
She could swear her heart stopped when she looked up to see the man she had just been thinking about, how did she not see him coming towards her? She quickly composed herself, forcing a nervous smile across her face. “Oh my gosh, Luca! It’s been so long!” She exclaimed as if she hadn’t been avoiding him for the past year. “I didn’t know you’d be here. Is your dad here too? How is he?”
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closed starter for -  @briellelevi​
Luca was a bit worried about being at the reception, given pretty much everyone in town would be there. Considering it was her father’s wedding, that also meant that there was room for a particularly tense encounter.  His plan was to stay on the opposite side of the room, if she was going to bar, he would go in the opposite direction. If she was chatting with people he wanted to chat with, he’d wait till she’d walk away. Childish and a bit extreme? Yes, but he didn’t know what to say, especially since they had been avoiding each other for about a year now. 
Luca was very observant, looking around the room at the detail in the decoration. Before he knew it, he ended up closer to Brielle than he had planned to be. Almost walking right into her, he steadied himself, “I’m sorry, I should’ve been paying —” he paused a moment, taking in her presence for a moment. “better attention,” he finished. 
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briellelevi · 4 years
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Brielle had been bouncing around the venue for most of the night, talking to everyone. It was always her favorite part of events like these, getting to catch up with people she hadn’t seen in a while. She had about enough though after an old schoolteacher of hers asked loudly if she was doing okay. She was standing alone in the corner, watching everyone on the dance floor when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. A smile forming on her face as she glanced over at her sister. “Right? I feel like one!” She ran her hands over her dress. “I just wish I had gotten the memo that you and mom were going to be wearing red, I feel a little out of place.” She peered around her sister to look at all of the people on the dance floor. “I will, I’m just taking a little break from socializing. There are a lot of people here.” It did make her a little nervous that the whole town was there. “Plus, I figure if I stand here long enough looking pretty and lonely, someone will ask me to dance.” She joked.
LOCATION: la belle vie restaurant TIME: during the reception AVAILABILITY: closed, @briellelevi
Rory had just finished her rounds to make sure she had greeted mostly every guest (would never want to give people reasons to trash talk her family even more) when she spots her sister standing by herself. She sneaks behind the younger girl and wraps her arms around her waist. “I don’t know if I told you that already, but you look like a princess today.” She places a kiss on Brielle’s cheek before chuckling and walking around to stand in front of her.  “What are you doing here by yourself? Shouldn’t you be out there dancing?”
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briellelevi · 4 years
what was it like growing up with mayor levi as your dad?
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“lots of shenanigans, being forced to go to all of his events, and knowing that everyone in town is judging you and your family. okay, that last one is a pretty universal experience for mapleview but still.”
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briellelevi · 4 years
who's your favorite parent? and favorite sibling?
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“i can’t believe you would ask me that. i don’t have favorites. dad and rory.”
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briellelevi · 4 years
are you excited about seeing anyone in special this night?
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“no, not really. i don’t have anyone special right now.”
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briellelevi · 4 years
do you regret moving to new york with a guy who was not worth it?
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“yes.. but also no. he sucked but new york was nice. and i think getting away from mapleview for a while was really good for me, even if it ultimately resulted in heartbreak.”
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briellelevi · 4 years
what's your honest opinion on clara?
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“like i said, she’s nice. i was a little on the fence before i met her but she really is like... perfect for my dad. and we have some interests in common, it was nice to talk to her about flowers.”
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briellelevi · 4 years
are you looking forward to seeing anyone at the wedding?
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“i guess. i mean, most of the people who are going to be there are people i see every day. but it’ll be nice to celebrate with them... i guess.”
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briellelevi · 4 years
how do you feel about the wedding so far?
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“it’s... nice. i don’t really like the color scheme. my original plan was to get a dress that matched it but all of the dresses that i could find just looked like they were meant for old ladies. no offense to old ladies. they just weren’t me.”
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briellelevi · 4 years
are you excited to have a stepmom? why or why not?
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“i don’t know if i’d say i’m excited... but clara is really nice. if my dad had to get remarried, i’m glad it’s her. i’m just hoping she doesn’t try to like mother me, you know? i already have a mom.”
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briellelevi · 4 years
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briellelevi · 4 years
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gabrielle levi at mayor levi’s wedding 2020.
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briellelevi · 4 years
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           RILEY HAD ALWAYS PICTURED HIS FIRST TRUCK AS BLACK, MAYBE SILVER BUT, DARK BLUE WAS THE CLOSEST THE DEALERSHIP HAD IN STOCK AND RILEY WASN’T TOO PICKY. “i wanted black or silver but, dark blue is all they had and honestly i’m just happy i own it at all.” he’s always enjoyed having nice things but never been materialistic. “it just feels good to know i won’t have to use my grandpa’s to go back and forth through town.”
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Brielle nodded as he spoke to show that she was listening. “Oh, I’m sure. Having your own mode of transportation is great. It’s nice to not have to depend on other people.” Not that she was really free from that herself, her bike was nice but there were still times that she needed to hitch a ride with someone else. “Just.. go wherever you want, whenever you want.”
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briellelevi · 4 years
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“honestly...” brielle paused to think it over before shrugging. “no, not really.” she gave the other girl a sympathetic look, a small smile appearing on her face. “does your friend want to talk about it? i may not relate but i can try to give some advice?” she offered.
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          ❝   𝙙𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧  feel like you’re doing something just because you’ve been ᴛᴏʟᴅ you enjoy it, not because you actually enjoy it  ?   ❞   a heavy sigh escapes the girl’s lips.   ❝   asking for a friend.   ❞           //          @mapleviewstarters​
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briellelevi · 4 years
"Oh, of course!” Maybe Brielle should have been a little deterred by his own admission that he didn’t know how to cook but the food on the spoon looked fine to her. Not that she was really a professional chef by any means. “And you know, if it tastes bad I can try to give you some pointers. I’m not a pro or anything but I like to consider myself a good cook.”
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“can you do me the world’s biggest favor and give this a try for me?” desperation was evident on the pianist lips as he held up a spoonful of veggie stew, “i’m trying to surprise my mother with a surprise dinner…problem is…i don’t really know how to cook.”
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